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Thursday, October 6, 2022

Coffee & Chai & Chatter and Whatnot

There's been a definite chill in the air these days.

Thankfully, most days (thus far) it's been mostly an early morning chill, which gives way to an afternoon warm-up. Rest assured, since I'm out and about on most of those chilly mornings, I'm relishing a warm beverage upon my return back home. Of course, this is my usual (year-round) routine,  but as my cold hands cradle the warm coffee cup, this morning ritual feels that much sweeter this time of year.

Speaking of which, it's that time of the month, already, for our virtual Ultimate Coffee Date. I have my mug in hand, how about you? What say we gather and chat for a bit...

Shall we get this party started?

Allow me to begin...

As we gather, I'll share my September stats. Most know my glute/hip (and vicinity) has had some attitude recently. Nothing debilitating (thank goodness!), but it has had me scaling-back the running mileage a bit. Obviously, I have been able to still run (some), and I have kept busy doing other equally fulfilling fitness things. No sympathy needed.

As we gather, I'll fitness-fess that I've started wearing the Garmin for walks. Honestly, it really was only a matter of time before I jumped on that bandwagon, LOL. Although I don't really need to know how many steps I take each day, I figure Mr. (or Ms.?) Garmin might as well be in the loop, and I might as well "get credit" for my movement. That said, I'm still not wearing the Garmin every day (yet) or my average "steps" would be substantially higher. Guess what? I'm totally alright with that. (An after-thought...maybe I should give my Garmin a name?)

As we gather, I'll tell you about my new pretty kicks. No, they're not running shoes (though I did acquire a new pair of Brooks Adrenalines very recently). As comfy as these funky shoes are to my feet, I don't think they did my hip any favors when I wore them to work this week. So I stand corrected: fashion before function is not always foolproof. Oh well....

As we gather, I'll tell you about Gustavas! Remember him, my mountain bike? Poor thing, he's been parked on the patio, most of the summer. He's been on a few rides, and even made it out to the lake a couple of times. But his tires had gone a bit flat, and I didn't feel like searching for the tire pump until this week. Well, he and I went for a short ride Wednesday evening, and it was pure bliss (though a bit chilly).

Finally, as we gather, I'll also tell you about my return to the stairs! I didn't realize how much I've truly missed the cardio-induced endorphin buzz (and lower-body burn) of a good stair workout! I even added in some push-ups (20 push-ups after each set of 20 flights), so my upper-body got in on the action as well. Reunited, and it felt oh-so-good! And, a bonus? Neither the glute, nor the hip flexor, complained one bit. Whodda thunk?!?

Whew! I guess I've been dominating the convo, so I'll leave it at that. Your turn...

What would you want to chat about, if we were gathered? 

Did September play-out favorably for you? Any favorite "old workouts" resurface recently? Do you wear your Garmin (or a tracking device) on the daily? What do you think - should I name my Garmin, like I've named most of my other fitness gear/accessories/equipment? 

 Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. Hmm...my huge red Garmin was Big Red and my old fitbit was Fitty, but none of the newer Garmins that I've had ever named themselves. Nothing sounds good...Gertie the Garmin? Garth the Garmin? It just doesn't roll off the tongue. So yes I think your Garmin should have a name, but I can't think of one.

    1. I'm thinking of Garmindy as a possibility for a name. It seems a bit contrived, though, so stay tuned ;-)

  2. Very cute shoes! A few of my booties have actually been out and about lately. It's been a while since I've been in heels though.

    Congrats on getting back on the stairs! Our next house will hopefully be a ranch -- while I will miss the up and down of the stairs, I'm just very mindful that eventually (hopefully decades) it's not such a great idea.

    You know I like my HR stats -- for me it's really good info -- and that is why I wear my Garmin 24/7. Easier than taking it on and off and looking for it, LOL!

    1. I know I'd miss the stairway if I was in a ranch-style house. Maybe I'm just in denial of aging, LOL

  3. Sorry to hear the hip is still plaguing you--have you thought about getting it checked out? Or going to PT? Glad to hear the stairs aren't aggravating it. No ideas about a name for your Garmin--mine will be forever known as Garmin, lol

    1. My race is next weekend, so I'm just going to coast through next week and then assess the situation. Things are feeling better, but I don't think 13.1 distance is in the cards, so I may be doing the 5K...

  4. I really only wear my Garmin for running, and these days I don't even look at my stats. I definitely will not track my walks. Cute shoes! I wish they were kinder to your hip though!

    1. I just started tracking my walks, and I do feel like a dork in doing so, LOL. I scan the stats, but don't really analyze them or compare them from day-to-day. Not a priority with my limited free time.

  5. whenever I venture out of the running shoes for normal shoes especially any w heels, my feet are not so happy. I do wear my Garmin for walks and runs but not Peloton indoor stuff. Mine is a Fenix and it's Fanny as in get your fanny in gear. I am sorry your hip is annoying you as well. Might be time for an eval

    1. I have not worn the Garmin for anything indoors (other than Wednesday's stair workout...and that was a bit of a fail).

  6. I wear my garmin 24/7 but rarely look at the stats unless I’m actually running.

    Love those shoes!

    1. Yeah, the stats are interesting, but a little overwhelming. In other words, I don't pay much attention to them either.

  7. Great miles on the bike...that's why you can maintain fitness even if you don't run a zillion miles.

    I wear my Apple Watch 24/7 but only for the texting, phone and communication capabilities. I only use a Garmin for races. I'm not big into steps or HR. Too much to think about... no time!!!

    1. I agree...it IS too much to think about, and I don't have the time, either!

  8. I love those shoes, but I think my left foot would explode if I tried to wear them.
    I'm glad to hear the stair workouts are back! That's a good sign that it's not aggravating your hip. Maybe it will solve the problem? You never know.
    I can't wear my Garmin while I'm working, so I just don't wear it at all most days (other than my run.) Well, sometimes I'll be wearing it on a day off and it will suddenly alert me that I've reached my "goal"- wait, what goal??? Did I set some kind of steps goal? I have no idea what's going on.

    1. I wore it the other day, just because I was curious on my total steps...and it congratulated me on my "recovery" day. I def was NOT expecting that!

  9. I love those shoes! Sadly there's a price for fashion - I'm sorry you've joined the club of hip/glute issues :(

    I wear my Garmin all the time - I have the Venu Sq and I swap out the wristbands to work with what I'm wearing. I haven't named mine, but this should not surprise you since both my treadmill and Peloton bike have been around for a couple of years and still remain nameless lol!

    1. I have thought of getting a different (more pretty, LOL) wristband, but have not acted on that...yet.

  10. Not sure if my last comment went through.
    Your shoes are adorable! I love my Garmin but when I started tracking steps instead of miles, I bought myself a Fitbit which I now love too! Happy weekend!

    1. I might one of the last humans who has never owned a Fitbit. This Garmin is my first experience with a "tracker" of sorts (my other Garmin didn't have as many bells and whistles as this one). I like having access to the stats and info...but it is a bit much.

  11. I've been trying to increase my daily steps + have found that dogsitting deffffinitely helps with that, haha. I have my fitbit to track my steps -- haven't come up with a name for it yet but maybe I should too, hehe.

    Glad you were able to get on your mountain bike again! My friend and I are trying to go for weekly rides together! :]

  12. Cute shoes! My body would not be happy either if I wear them. 😀 Yes, name your Garmin. Now you gave me the idea to name mine too. Something to think about.

  13. Cute shoes. I could not walk in them but they're adorable.
    I wear my Apple watch all day. I came from the fitbit world, so that was an easy transition. But it depends on how it works with your outfits. For me? I do not care one bit but it's not everyone's "Look". Data can be fun for trends

  14. I sort of wish had an Apple watch, but my Garmin is my timepiece. It's just a habit;. I love those shoes! They are so cutet!
