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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Taking the Ride Inside

Sometimes, opting inside is not only the best option, it's the only option.

Such is my reality for the next several months, at least in regards to biking. I know, quite the first world problem. 

Not only am I thankful to have an indoor bike a mere 2-minute walk from my bedroom (on a slow-moving day, LOL), but I am even more grateful that I LOVE riding it. Of course, I'd much rather be outside, in the fresh air...but certainly not this time of year (in the limited daylight), and certainly not in the midst of an Iowa winter.

Have you ever taken your cycling indoors? Here's a few things to consider if the opportunity presents itself...

First off, even with a fan blowing on me, riding inside is a hot endeavor. Yeah, it ranks right up there with the treadmill in terms of "indoor" heat, due to the lack of fresh "outdoor" air. Thankfully, since I'm moving and grooving in the privacy of my basement, I have zero issue with losing the tank top and riding in just a sports bra. And, I can easily pause the bike if I need to run upstairs to refill my water bottle.

An interesting observation is how much "faster" I can go. Obviously, this is a direct correlation to the absence of real hills and wind. Essentially, the only resistance is within my control (via the resistance settings on the control panel). While I don't get the benefit of downhill coasting, on the indoor bike, I can easily lower the resistance if my legs need a break. A major benefit to riding "faster" is being able to also ride farther than if I were on a road bike (and on an actual road).

Oddly, I still find myself wearing biking-length shorts
Although I don't need the extra padding, I do need the extra length to help in preventing chafing. Thankfully, the seat is well padded, but it has an awkwardly rounded shape and my inner thighs don't appreciate the extra friction from the seat's bottom edge (especially in the later miles). Enough said.

My bike has a screen that shows my stats but I'm guilty of also wearing my Garmin.
Yes, I've become one of those people who wears the Garmin almost daily now. Although the Garmin doesn't track all the things the bike does (speed, resistance, and distance, for example), it does show my heart rate and elapsed time. I can simply edit the workout (via the Garmin Connect app) and input the distance after the workout has synced to the app. Also, I don't have access to the mile splits (if they are available, I haven't yet figured out how to access them), but that's definitely not a deal-breaker.

It's really easy (and entertaining) to cue up a cycling class if you're wanting some structure (Peloton, or any on-demand class from other sources). While my bike has only 10 resistance settings (instead of individual increments within each of those 10 settings), I can still vary the resistance for hill-training or intervals. Not ideal, but not a deal-breaker either. 

...and a few perks? Riding a stationary bike affords a lot of peace of mind in terms of balancing (no worries about crashing or tipping over), safety (no traffic or road debris to navigate), and there's no helmet hair to be had. Also, let's not forget about easy access to a bathroom...that's not always an option on the open road.

So, there you go! The indoor bike, who I affectionately call Sebbe (short for Sebastian, LOL), has really served me well in recent years. This will be my third winter with the option to #OptInside on a bike on my non-running days. It's also my second winter with Peloton, so the indoor fun will continue for the next several months (and not just in terms of biking). Onward!

A couple related posts:  

Your thoughts:
Do you have an indoor bike, or access to one? If so, do you use it year-round, or just in the colder months? Do you track your stats on it (mileage, distance, etc.)?

I'm linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
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  1. Team Indoor here! Actually I'm 100% Team Indoor with my current fitness routine, but back in my running days I didn't feel safe running in the dark or on slippery surfaces so I was All In on Inside. Just turn on the fan and go! Indoor workouts kept my fitness going until I could get back outside.

    1. Nothing wrong with indoor workouts, they certainly serve a valuable purpose! I just crave the fresh air and the great outdoors...even in the frigid cold of winter in Iowa.

  2. After a winter of Sebbe you are going to hit the road so much stronger when you can get out again! A beautiful way to cross-train - I have an indoor bike that I've never used but this post and all your cycling ones have me tempted to add it to my routine, at least 1x a week.

    1. This will be my third winter with Sebbe, and he has really enhanced my running in recent years. I'm glad I have him as an indoor option!

  3. I'm looking forward to spending more time on my indoor bike too as the winter weather rolls in. My bike is still nameless - I'll have to do something about that ;)

  4. I have really neglected my bike the past few months and for the first time ever, never rode my outdoor bike all summer. I look forward to getting back in some cycling miles this winter with the Peloton

    1. The indoor cycling miles really are a nice option, especially when the outdoor cycling isn't possible.

  5. You can really get a great workout riding indoors, and don't have to worry about cars or weather. Of course, having said that, I haven't put my bike on the trainer in a long time. But it's a good option to have.

    1. Agreed! I'm really glad I have access to an indoor bike. I love it MUCH more than I ever anticipated.

  6. It's always good to have options. I CAN go to the gym in my community if I need a treadmill or bike, but I hate it there. That being said, it's never so bad here that I can't get out for a little bit. At least now that hurricane season is over.

    1. I'm glad I have my own bike since I'm not into the gym scene. It also keeps me even more accountable.
