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Saturday, June 24, 2023

Recovery rewind

...and, just like that, I'm back in recovery mode!

The fact that this time it's due to a freak accident, rather than a legit sports-related injury, is a bit of a buzzkill. Honestly, I don't know which situation is worse, LOL. 

Alas, a bit of a running sabbatical was forced upon me. No sense in crying into my Gatorade; I sought refuge elsewhere. We all know I'm not good at sitting still anyways

Before I reveal all the recovery fun, welcome to the Weekly Run Down

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week, as I embraced my situation:

A so-so Sunday
As most know, I hit gravel and took a nasty spill on Saturday's 56-mile bike ride. By the time Sunday morning rolled around, I was feeling pretty beat-up and drained. Although my shoulder was feeling better, more bruises were appearing on my left arm and leg, and my ribs were feeling super grumpy. I got out for a 2-mile walk in the (somewhat) early morning and walked another 2-miler after dinner. And that was it.

A modified never miss a Monday
The Never Miss a Monday running streak came to an end. This wasn't the first time (knee surgery in 2017 and stress fracture in 2020). Lucky for me, I have an arsenal of other options. Thus, I got back on the bike and greeted the new morning with a 13-mile sunrise ride. What's more, I not only walked a mile during my morning break at work, but I also saddled-up and rode another 12 miles after getting home for the day.

A not-so-typical Tuesday
Admittedly, I have been slacking on focused lower-body strength work recently. Well, with my aching rib cage, this was the perfect opportunity to remedy that situation...so, a 20-minute glutes/legs workout seemed like a great option. I also added an arm workout (light weights/high reps). And, I upped the walking, with 5.5 cumulative miles for the day (some before, some during, and some after work).

A "not-too-wild" Wednesday
No #5at5 happening in my current condition. Instead, Barb was willing to meet for a #17at530 (that would be 17 miles at 5:30a.m.), via the bikes. Aren't fitness friends the best! It was cool in the early morning, but turned out to be a warm day. We only did one 1-miler at work, but I did a 2-mile walk in the evening.

A very, very Thankful Thursday
This wound up being a very action-packed day! First-off, there was a thumbs-up sunrise 4-mile walk for me (in Iowa) with Deb's thumbs-down rainy 4-mile run in Virginia.

Next, there was another short lower-body strength sesh and another light weights/high reps arm workout (via Peloton). Let's not forget a morning 1-mile walk at work (it was too hot to walk in the afternoon).

Then, after five days of recovery, I was ready to test the waters on the hilly bike path after work. I met Amy for our weekly ride, and all went well. I was worried it would be difficult to breathe on the intense hills, but I had ZERO issues and ZERO rib pain for the entire 16 miles. Afterwards, I knocked-out another walk, this one being two miles...ending the day with seven total miles walked! 

A fitness "rest fest" for Friday
I kept things easy-peasy for Friday...a 2-mile sunrise walk and a 1-mile walk at work.

A spontaneous Saturday 
After a very late night, I allowed myself a slight sleep-in for Saturday morning. The forecast was showing a myriad of intermittent rain and high heat and humidity. I got out for a "balmy" 2-mile walk, and then Barb and I decided to head east, to do some riding on the Iowa City trails (the weather that way was looking a bit "drier," LOL). We did get a few sprinkles, at the 16-mile mark, and decided to wait it out for a few minutes. The rain was very light, and it passed within 15-20 minutes, so we were able to ride another nine miles before calling it a day.

and what about Sunday? 
Sunday's weather forecast is looking much like Saturday's, so I'm hoping to maybe (?) snag some biking miles in the morning before the rain arrives. Worst case scenario, I can walk (with an umbrella). I don't plan to spend the entire day inside, that's a given.

So, yeah. No running this week. My ribs are feeling better, overall, but I think running would be too strenuous and jarring. Kind of a bummer, but not a big one. As I said, I have plenty of other fitness options to keep me active and happy while the ribs rally-back to a more comfortable state. Biking was dominant this week, with 83 miles. Walking had a respectable 29 miles. I kept the strength training pretty conservative, but worthwhile nonetheless. Although I was able to continue with my daily forearm planks, my 2+ year push-up streak came to an end...no way was my wonky shoulder allowing those to take place, LOL.  

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog:

in other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. I'm a huge fan of easy-breezy dressing in the heat of summer. I found this little number at a local boutique. I love the ruffle detail around the collar and sleeve seams, and the bright color scheme totally spoke to me.

...and an update on the crash fall-out...
Overall, I'm feeling pretty good. My shoulder is probably 90% recovered. I have a plethora of bruises on my left arm and leg, and they have been entertaining (to say the least). The pic doesn't do justice to the ones up and down my leg. The bruises on my arm and shoulder keep changing colors, LOL, but most of the road rash is healed. My rib cage is giving me the most discomfort, which is no big surprise. Fortunately, I have not had to cough or sneeze much this week, LOL. Core work is temporarily on sabbatical, as is running, for a little while longer. Honestly, I am A-OK with that. I could have sustained much worse injuries than these (somewhat) minimal ones. I have a blog post in the works, with some post-crash reflections. Stay tuned.

So, there you have it! The latest and greatest as I soldier through an unanticipated recovery. 

How did your week play out? Any workouts that need mention? Any racing? New training cycles? Ever been side-lined due to a freak accident, as opposed to muscle injury?

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  1. Well done on your gentle comeback. What I would say about ribs, which you probably already know but I didn't when I fractured mine falling over a dog in 2017, is that you need to do a few deep breaths every hour, to make sure you're cleaning them out and not letting anything linger in the depths that could turn into a chest infection. Obv look this up, but I found it on the NHS website. My comeback runs have been stymied this weekend by the lock on our front door failing yesterday, it's safe when someone is in the house as we have a big bolt but I'm unsure about leaving and my husband is away so I'm in the house for the weekend (I have a friend coming round with iced coffees later). But it's boiling hot and muggy anyway so I'm OK with that!

    1. I have been trying to do the deep breathing periodically. Thankfully, biking and walking don't require sustained deep breaths, but I know running would be a big no-no. This too shall pass ;-)

  2. Oh ouch, I hope the ribs heal up quickly! I'm so glad you didn't break any bones or have anything too too serious, but the bruised ribs and road rash aren't fun, that's for sure. Heal up Kim!

    1. Thanks, Jessie ;-) All things considered, my injuries were pretty minimal, given the circumstances (seven miles from the nearest town, and 14 more miles from our car!).

  3. Good for you, getting back on the horse! I definitely needed more time to get back on my bike after my crash. I hope you feel less sore this week and are able to get back to running!

    1. I figured the best thing would be to get back on the bike, but I really didn't have any fear in doing so. I was lucky I crashed on a pretty secluded trail and not on a city street with vehicular traffic.

  4. I'm happy to hear you're healing nicely and able to add more and more things back into your workout routine!

    I love the ruffle top in the fashion flair picture!

    1. My lungs were feeling a bit compromised yesterday (more so than in the previous days), but it was pretty humid outside. Today, things are feeling much better. Fingers crossed this continues!

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about the bike accident! Glad you're mostly ok and recuperating well.

    1. Knock wood, things seem to be healing pretty well so far.

  6. Glad your ribs are feeling better and you are on the way to recovery

    1. Those ribs can be pretty forgiving! I think sleeping is actually harder than being active, due to the awkward position and then having to pull myself upright.

  7. I’m sorry you had to cut back, but glad you did! Liz gave you very good advice on the deep breaths — you don’t want to end up with pneumonia!

    I love your fashion flare top!

    1. The deep breaths are tough (but I'm doing them). Cutting back is also tough, but oh well...it's not like I'm training to win any races anytime soon, LOL.

  8. Again I am sorry about the crash.and the bruised ribs. Good for you for getting back on the bike right away! May you continue your healing & be back to running soon.

    1. Thank you, Judy! It feels like things are moving in the right direction, so I'm hoping that continues.

  9. So sorry about your fall but you ae still keeping active as I knew you would... hope you can get back to running real soon.

    1. Although it feels weird to not be running, oddly I'm not really missing it (much). I'm glad I have my bikes!

  10. Everything is healing up! Once you're able to get back to your full fitness menu I think that you'll find that everything is recharged and fresh - and in the meantime thank goodness for walking and biking!!!!

    1. I had not thought of the "recharged and fresh" aspect! That will definitely be something to look forward to.

  11. Yay no rib pain and glad you had no long term issues. I'm giggling at the image of crying into Gatorade. The only way to make it saltier. Great Friday shirt!

    1. The rib discomfort comes and goes...mostly pretty mild, but it's tough getting up from a lying position.

  12. Way to go getting back on the bike so soon! Sounds like you are recovering well - hope you're back to running soon.

    1. I have a race on July 4th...so I'm hoping I'll be able to do that. I probably won't be able to "race" it properly, but that's not a concern.

  13. Ugh, I am so sorry you couldn't run, but I am glad you're overall ok... just some soreness and bruises. It could have been worse. I am glad you were still able to be active!

    My week was a little crazy because of a thrown off work schedule, so everything else had to be adjusted, but it was still a good week workoutwise!

  14. Ick. I'm sorry your running was sidelined, but like you said, you did have plenty of other options! I took on another night race (who am I???), and fought the rain all week.

  15. So glad that you are on the mend and feeling better!

  16. Well, for what it's worth, I would rather have a non-running related injury. If it's an injury from running, I'm trying to analyze what I did wrong, and it's more depressing because I feel like I "caused" it. But a bike crash can happen to anyone.
    I wonder if you fractured a rib? Not that it really matters- they don't do anything for it (it's not like you can put a cast on it.). Either way, it will heal. But I know how painful it can be in the meantime.
    I hope you have a good week and start to feel better!

  17. I've had injured ribs from a skiing accident and that is for sure no fun!! I'm glad you are feeling improved. It does put an end to a lot of exercises (well, temporarily)!

  18. I know I'm late commenting but I certainly hope by now you are feeling a bit more recovered. I have not ever injured my ribs thankfully. Just continue to modify until it feels better. And don't do that race if you are not recovered. Dr Pie's orders. Or if you do just be careful. x
