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Saturday, December 2, 2023

So, Here We Are...

Although I knew Winter would be arriving (eventually), it still wasn't a pleasant entrance.

What can I say? Momma N strung me along through most of November, teasing and taunting me with unseasonably mild temps...only to drop Winter upon me with a rather large thump. I have heard it may be a calmer-than-usual winter this year, though, so that does give me hope.

Nonetheless, that does not mean I have to love it...

Before I share all the chilly deets of the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down in my little world of fitness this week:

A chilly and snowy, but sunny, Sunday...
It was bound to happen, and I woke up to a 2-inch layer of the white stuff Sunday morning. I gotta admit it does look pretty, but that's where it ends, LOL. I had to tread with caution (it was slick under the fresh wet snow), but I remained vertical for my short 1-mile streak run. Most of the snow had melted on the streets by mid-morning, so I got out for a 2-mile walk. Later, I did a 10-mile (indoor) bike ride in the evening hours.

Never miss a Monday...
With the frigid morning temps (19F, with a 6F feels-like #UGH), I opted to stay inside and rode 12 miles on the bike and finished with some upper-body and core work.

Later, I met Barb and Allison for an early evening full moon run. Ironically, this was the warmest part of the day! The moon kept playing Hide & Seek, but we managed four nice miles.

A Low-key Tuesday...
It was another "January feels-like" morning, but with the promise of ample sunshine over the noon hour. I decided to hit up the elliptical upon wake-up (20 minutes, 3ish miles) and saved the 1-mile streak run for lunchtime. That evening, the wind had calmed down a bit, so I got our for a 2-mile walk in the hilly 'hood.

A Warm Wowzer of a Wednesday...
Allison and I met for a chilly (but somewhat calm) #5at5 in the early hours. The (still) full moon was so bright and beautiful! I didn't realize I forgotten to bring my Knuckle Lights until I got back home and I had to unlock the front door in the dark, LOL. Yes, it was that bright!  The temps warmed up substantially by mid-morning, so Michele and I resurrected our at-work walks...it was a balmy 46F in the afternoon! I got out for two bonus miles of walking that evening as well.

A triple threat Thursday...
This day had a lot going on: two bike rides (12 miles in the morning and 15 miles in the evening), strength work (glutes/legs/upper-body), and a 2-mile "runch" under the bright, sunny sky. I love days like that!

A fun fitness Friday...
How about a hefty arms/shoulders strength session in the morning, and a 1-mile streak run over the cold and windy noon hour? Sure, why not? 

A super-charged Saturday...
Let me just say that waking up to 33F temps with ZERO wind had me absolutely giddy! In all fairness, it also had me confused as to how many layers I'd need. After the cold week, with a couple warm days mixed in, these weather conditions were tricky. I knew I wanted to wear some Iowa gear, though, since the Big 10 Championship football game was happening that evening. I met Barb at 6:30 and we knocked out five very evenly-paced miles on this very "still" morning.

 ...and what's on Sunday's agenda?
The early morning is looking a bit snowy (and cold), so I might be on the bike. It's looking warm (40F) by noontime, though, so that may be when the streak run takes place, just saying. It may be a great day for some walking as well. Stay tuned!

So, how did this week play out? In a word (or two, LOL), very satisfactory. The running felt great, and the miles were decent (19). Biking had some good miles as well (49). Walking, meh (just eight "official" miles this week). It's been so cold, the at-work walks have taken a hit, and the motivation to go back out (after I've already done a streak run) is not too paramount. I know the extreme cold will not be happening every day, so I'm going to make a better effort to get outside for more walking this week. The daily wall sits and bonus side planks are still going strong, so there's that.  

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. There's something about the color black that is comforting and "warm," especially on a cold day. After a couple days of spring-like weather, winter returned with chilly temps and the requisite wind. Back in black for the win!

So, that's a wrap! Another week of fitness, another week of fun, and another week closer to the Winter Solstice (which means brighter days ahead, LOL). 

How did you finish-out November? Did your December start off well? Any favorite workouts this week? Any races? How's your weather?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Wait you had a day with NO WIND???? When is the last time that happened in Iowa???????

    Tell winter to do its worst and then get out of here to make way for spring. You've got your streak to keep you warm.

    1. And today we have mild temps (low 40's expected by mid-afternoon) with 1mph wind! I"m totally ON it ;-)

  2. Our snow last week came with a side of ice, but as is usual this time of year, it melted all by itself.

    Plenty of wind this week! And cold, too, but this weekend is warm ( for December and rainy).

    Did not get to see the full moon this month. :( Nice job catching it twice!

    1. Our wind was brutal earlier in the week. I'm not looking forward to more of that, but it's inevitable here...

  3. Snow, wind, rain, ice...we had it all this week! I did get to see the full moon and it was huge this month! I tried to get a photo, but it just didn't do it justice.

    Sorry about the Hawkeyes loss to Michigan. I think Michigan is unbeatable!

    1. It's amazing the Hawks made it to the championship game, given their nonexistent offense. The east division teams are such beasts!

  4. Great job on your workouts and running streak, Kim!

    "Another week closer to the Winter Solstice (which means brighter days ahead, LOL)"... funny you should mention it, I was just thinking the same thing this week. We need to come up with ideas for how we can "celebrate" it since it will be on a Thursday.

    1. YES!!! We have a few weeks to conspire on a celebration theme ;-)

  5. We had unseasonably cold temps for us that more like January but not snow. You sure made the most of it! Do they do a good job of icing and plowing your streets? that is always my biggest worry when trying to run in light snow

    1. Our town is pretty good about dealing with the snow and ice, thankfully. On really questionable mornings (later in the winter), I sometimes drive over to the college and run laps on their central campus sidewalks...lots of streetlamps, plenty of salt/sand and no vehicles to worry about.

  6. Well, brr! I'm loving Birchwood's comment- "You've got your streak to keep you warm." I think that should be your mantra from now till New Year's!
    Sounds like a nice week, and you got some good strength in there as well! Yes, the winter solstice is coming and then the days will start getting longer. You don't want to hear about our weather... let's just say I'll be wearing a tank top today.

    1. Yes, a big incentive of the Streak is that it gets me through the Solstice. Even though I don't see an immediate change in daylight, just knowing we're headed back in that direction is SO mentally delicious ;-)

  7. There’s nothing like a brisk winter run, but I’ll take the 30s over the 20s, thank you very much!

    Thought of you during the Iowa game yesterday!

    1. I agree, the 30's feel much better than the 20's, especially if the wind is playing nice (or not al all, LOL).

  8. Just miserable rain here... but the week was nice. (Judy lives in my area but I don't remember the cold temps or wind. LOL)

    I do hate to see those snow pics. And yes the moon was beautiful.

    My favorite was yesterday because it didn't rain and wasn't cold... no races until next weekend (in sunny Fla).

    1. Thankfully, we haven't had much for precip, so the rain hasn't been an issue. Yet, LOL!

  9. Aww, I wish we would have gotten all of that snow! I'm more than ready for it! We have had rain for several days now and I keep thinking, "if only it was colder this could be snow!". I did run a race this week. It went really well!

    1. We have been lucky in that there hasn't been really any rain, but we have had some damp misty days on occasion. Myself? I'm in no hurry, whatsoever, for snow, LOL!

  10. Beautiful snow pics.
    The last time we had snow here was in February 2018. I tried to run but, for me, with no experience on the icy streets, it was a nightmare!
    Now it's cold but the weather in this corner of Italy is (almost) always good.

  11. Oh man, look at all the snow. I guess it was bound to happen... but at least you did get some glorious sunshine with it (although it still looks cold). Time to bundle up!
