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Saturday, February 10, 2024

Going With The (off season) Flow

Ah, the off-season!

I totally embrace my off-season, and this one has been no exception...though it has been most unique. Let's just say all of January's "cross-training," via the snow shovel, has left me going "hmmm," LOL.

I've been staying active and keeping busy, but my strength-training has been a bit compromised in recent weeks. This has not been a game-changer, by any means, though I can't help feeling somewhat out of sorts... 

Before I share all the deets from the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down in my little world of fitness this week:

Simply Sunday...
After a very late night of rocking & rolling (rock concert with friends), I rose and shone on the stairs after a slight sleep-in. The Sunday morning stair workouts have been fitting well in my routine, so why not keep the momentum, right?

This week's edition:
**20 flights double-stepped
**20 flights single-stepped
**10 flights double-stepped
**10 flights single-stepped 

So, yes, 100 flights (up and down) and a whole lot of sweat equity, cardio and lower-body burning. That was followed by 10 easy-peasy miles on the bike, and a 3-mile walk (later, mid-afternoon).

Never miss a Monday...
The day started with a bang: snatches, and dead lifts and core, oh my (with a 5-mile warm-up on the bike)!

...then, after work, the still-shining sun and pleasant temps set the scene for a fabulous easy-peasy(ish) 3-miler (9:37 pace). This is my kind of February!

Typical (low-impact) Tuesday...
Nothing ground-breaking or earth-shattering, but some cardio action on the elliptical (3 "miles," or thereabouts) and two 10-minute core workouts (via Peloton) upon wake-up. Then, we were able to get out for two 1-mile walks (mid-morning and mid-afternoon) at work, and a bonus 2-mile walk after dinner.

A windy Wednesday...
Have I mentioned how good it feels to be back doing the #5at5 routine? Barb was still out of town, but Allison and I got it done under a clear sky. The early morning temps were nice for running, but that's where it ended. The wind picked up after daybreak, the air turned damp, and the sun went into hiding.

Thankful Thursday...
While I think there's plenty to be grateful for every day, I especially embrace all things thankful on Thursdays. Early morning workouts, my fitness friends, my strength, and all my exercise options...just to name a few. My day started with 15 miles on the bike while chatting with Deb (who had a much brighter and prettier outdoor setting at that hour).

Afterwards, I did some lower-body Barre, an arm workout and finished with some core work. Although it was crazy windy (22mph gusts), it was a bright and beautiful day (63F temps) so Michele and I got out for two different 1-mile walks during our work breaks.

A low-key fitness Friday...
The day started with an invigorating 2-mile greet-the-sunrise walk. WOW. It's been awhile since I've gotten out for such an endeavor, and seeing the start of the sunrise was nothing short of tranquility at its finest. I also snagged a 2-mile walk over my lunch hour. The evening featured some hip mobility, foam rolling and core work. Yadda yadda yadda.

A super-de-duper Saturday...
Barb and I elected to wait until we had some bright sunshine before meeting for a Saturday run, and that was a great idea. My Garmin showed a 16mph wind, but my weather app deceivingly showed 10mph. (Ha! Any guesses as to which was more accurate?) Thankfully, we had plenty of bright sunshine (and a hefty tailwind, courtesy of a few random changes in route). I ended with a 10K in total distance, and even sprinkled in some random Fartleks in the last 1.2-miles of the run. Despite the crazy wind, this run felt really strong (9:50 average pace) and our splits were surprisingly consistent (10:00/9:51/9:58/9:58/9:56/9:28). Oh, did I mention the 10-mile warm-up ride (before) and 5-mile cool-down ride (after)? Don't ever doubt the positive impact cycling adds to your running!

...and what about Sunday?
As this goes to press, the forecast is looking sunny, calm (almost no wind!) and mild temps. Hmmm, I might start the day on the stairs, but maybe I should sneak out for a short run mid/late morning? Stay tuned!

So, another "winter" week of fitness is in the books. My first race of 2024 is three weeks out, the Leprechaun Chase 10K (Omaha, NE). My distance and endurance is spot-on, but I'm trying to add a few speed drills here and there as well. This race is all about fun, so that's my main focus. This week's running saw just over 14 miles. Walking is staging a comeback, and had 13 miles this week. Biking is staying consistent, with 45 miles in the saddle. I think I either have tendonitis or a sprain (?) on my right arm, just below the biceps (no doubt a byproduct from all the January shoveling). It's not painful, but I am aware of it, LOL, so I'm keeping the arm strength work more conservative than "heavy" for the time being. I'm also keeping the lower-body strength work low-key since I'm doing focused stair training for these next couple months. Thursday's Barre workout, though, had me hosting some DOMS for a good 24 hours afterwards (#HolyOuch #MeButtGotBurned)

In case you missed out, there was only one post this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. Is there anything more comfy than an old standby (or several)? For me, it would be anything pink, cheetah-print, or denim. Throwing all three of the above together is a triple win.

On Saturday morning's warm-up ride, I happened to glance down at the control panel, and noticed I'd passed the 2,000-mile mark on the bike. It wasn't anything celebratory (no balloons, streamers or bicycle-shaped confetti), but it did make for a brief moment of contemplation. As much as I'd rather be outside, it IS nice to have this indoor option within reach. I got this bike (his name is Hawkeye) mid-December 2022, so we've been busy these past two winter seasons.

Finally, I was so sad to hear of Toby Keith's passing this week. Admittedly, I am not much of a country music gal, but I dearly loved Toby and his quirky songs and his strong show of patriotism. We saw him at the Iowa State Fair (August 2019) and he gave an awesome show. Cancer sucks.

Anyways, that's my week. All is well that ends well, and I'm excited for what lies in store this next week. Gotta keep on keeping on!

Did your week play-out favorably? Any workouts conquered, goals met or milestones passed that need mention? Anyone else embracing an off-season at the moment?

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  1. It’s hard to think of you as having an off-season — you are always doing something.

    That’s cool to see the mileage on your bike. I don’t think my IC4 tracks that. Regardless, I doubt I’ve come close to 2000 miles!

    1. Well, by off-season I mean that I'm running less (fewer miles and usually only three days instead of 4-5), so it's not a huge difference. I'm also more lenient in passing (or scale-backing) on some of the strength workouts, if need be.

  2. You may be mixing it up more but you have not missed a step with your fitness! I bet all of that shoveling took a toll. Enjoy your warmer temps while they last!

    1. I am loving the temps! Anything warmer than "typical," feels wonderful to me!

  3. Ha, your off-season is my ON-season! That's what happens when you live in Florida. Sounds like you had a great week (except for the shoveling injury!) I'm glad for your sake that you're having nice weather, but that also means it's warming up here, which is not a good thing.
    Even though it's your off season it sounds like you're more than ready for your upcoming race!

    1. I do feel ready for the upcoming 10K. I know the race course will be hilly (and it's always windy that time of year, go figure!), so I'm not expecting (or even hoping for) a PR of any kind.

  4. Did you get new carpet on your infamous stairs? I'm sure all the stair climbing you do wore it out! Nice week of workouts.

    1. Yes, new carpet was installed last summer, and definitely was much needed.

  5. I hope your arm heals quickly and Momma N rewards you with minimal snow to shovel for the rest of the winter.

    Congrats on the 2,000! Wow, that's a lot for an indoor bike in that short of an amount of time, especially considering all of the other cardio stuff you do. And I'm happy to have kept you company on some of those miles. :-) I took my gravel bike in for service yesterday and checked the mileage on Strava for the guy at the shop and was surprised that I've put over 1,400 miles on it since I got it last year for Christmas.

    1. I was really surprised when the 2000 showed up! I honestly pay ZERO attention to the cumulative miles, so it was a much higher number than I would have imagined!

  6. Haha, my season is just starting - marathon/half training begins in a few weeks! But I guess I'm on off-season with my injury right now -- just trying to keep active without running, which is hard. Especially with the warm weather this week - I just wanted to get out and run!

  7. You had a good week! I love doing snatches, they make me feel great. I love walking or running with the sunrise! There is nothing quite like it. I am just finding out this week how much cycling helps my legs and hips which is helping my runs! Definitely going to incorporate more of it throughout my week. Love the sweater!

    1. The snatches are fun, but a bit dangerous for a tall gal with a not-too-high ceiling, LOL. I had to be careful and didn't really give them 'my all" for feat I'd knock a dent into the ceiling.

  8. Busy week of "off" for you! My half marathon training started, but it's been pretty sketchy for January. I'm looking forward to getting back on plan soon. Routine can be a good thing :). Hooray for 2,000 miles on the indoor bike! You are getting great use of it. Mine cries because it's lonely. haha!!

    1. I agree with routines being so golden. I'm craving a better routine with daily walking and more biking (outdoors), and taking some of my strength workouts back outside (which won't be happening for a few months yet, LOL).

  9. Happy 2k mile-versary to you and Hawkeye! And this is just the beginning!

    1. Ha ha...as much as I appreciate having Hawkeye nearby (and available), I much prefer Krystal (my hybrid) and Gustavas (my mountain bike). Call me picky ;-)

  10. Great week of workouts - and congrats on 2K on Hawkeye!

    1. Thanks, Michelle! I was really surprised to see that big milestone number pop up!

  11. I registered for 4 half marathons so not an off season but an injury did impact my running.

    2K - Congrats!!!!!

  12. My husband has done tons of cycling during the past year (after having IT band troubles) and OMG how strong his legs are now! He’ll no doubt be ready for his first marathon in June.
    I’m sorry to hear about your tendonitis. That effing snow!! Hope it gets better asap. You had a great week of workouts anyway and that pink looks lovely on you!
    I missed the news that Toby Keith died. I didn’t listen a lot to him but his name was everywhere when I became interested in country music in the early 90s.

    1. Toby Keith was only 62 years old, so his death really hit me hard. He was someone I always assumed would be around forever...

  13. Off-season, what is that? LOL I feel like I am constantly trying to do EVERYTHING (and yes I enjoy it but man, I should take your hing and incorporate an "off-season"... although you still also do a lot for off-season).

    Barre is sneaky, isn't it? It seems innocent enough but the soreness can be quite real ;)

    1. Oops, wasn't logged in apparently - that comment was from me.

  14. Seems to me like you're in stair-climbing season! Great week of workouts for you Kim!

  15. I'm having the hardest time commenting this week! Argh. This is Jessie. I don't know Toby's music, but he was so young, so tragic...

    I'm glad you had some fun and strong runs this week!

  16. Carl Weathers was the death that hit me hard this week. I hate when we lose the greats. We run opposite of most other places: this is the season for Florida racing, so we have a few more months of big events. My next one is Gate River Run 15K in early March. So glad that you have your indoor options!
