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Saturday, February 24, 2024

I See The LIGHT!

This time of year can be tricky and temperamental.

The temps are all over the map (currently, they're flirting with spring in Iowa), the wind is unrelenting, and the threat of snow is far from over. But, the daylight is increasing! My early morning outdoor antics are seeing signs of the sunrise and my post-workday activities are not shrouded in darkness anymore.

In a nut shell, things are looking brighter as we work our way through the final weeks of winter.

Before I dive into the deets of the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week, in my little corner of the universe:

Sunny Sunday...
The day started with a quick 2-mile run in the (still) sub-freezing temps, but the bright sunshine was all that (and more). Next, there was a 2.5-hour drive to an 89th birthday party for my dear aunt (actually, my godmother). It was great seeing her and so much of my extended family. Then, there was another 2.5-hour drive back home. After all that car time, my legs were craving some movement, so I got out for a 2-mile walk after returning home.

Never miss a Monday...
Since there hadn't been time for a stair workout on Sunday, I made it happen on Monday instead (wouldn't you have done the same?). I'm keeping these workouts ever-changing, for variety and for fitness' sake. 

This week's edition:
**10 flights single-stepped (somewhat fast)
**20 flights double-stepped (moderate pace)
***repeat twice***
**finish with 10 more flights of singles

All told, that was 100 flights of varying intensity and speed. Afterwards, I added in a quick glutes/legs workout and some light weights/high reps for the arms and shoulders. Lots of muscle movement and burning, and the glistening and glowing was on-point.

After work, I met up with Barb for four miles of fun in the late afternoon sun. The weather was nice, and our splits were pretty even!

TLC for Tuesday...
Monday's "triple threat" (stair workout, full-body strength and 4-mile run) left me feeling a bit rundown (no pun intended) come Tuesday. The DOMS were clear and present, so the elliptical (3-ish miles) and "foaming & rolling" were my low-impact go-to's for the rest/recovery win! Walking also served me well, with three total miles logged.

What a Wednesday...
The day began with a fun #5at5, under a clear sky, with Barb and Allison. The weather was beautiful, so Michele and I got out for two different 1-mile walks on our work breaks. And, I logged another 3-mile walk in the evening, while phone chatting with a friend. After an almost 18-hour day, and 10 total miles on foot, I was beat.

Another Thankful Thursday...
Despite my fatigue from Wednesday, sleep did not come easy. Don't ask me how, but I still awoke before my 4:30 alarm. It's like my body just knows to wake-up regardless of how much (or how little) shuteye happens, LOL. Anyways, although I was fully alert mentally, my body was still entertaining some residual DOMS (from Monday's lower-body stuff), so I thought the bike would serve me best for the weekly virtual meet-up with Deb. After 14 miles of pedaling, I decided to head out for a quick 1-mile walk for a cool-down. Ironically, it was a tiny bit warmer in Iowa than Virginia!

After we parted (virtual) ways, I returned to the basement. I'm still dealing with what feels like tendonitis on my right arm (just below my biceps), so I'm keeping the arm workouts fairly light (but doing high reps). I also did some core work, and two 1-mile walks at work. And, thankfully, a much better night of sleep!

Low-key Friday...
I summoned the elliptical for some low-impact fasted cardio upon wake-up. Since Peloton doesn't offer elliptical workouts, I often times sub-in a cardio workout for my listening entertainment. Well, it wasn't until I was halfway through the workout when I remembered this was my 1,500th Peloton workout...and I wasn't really doing the actual workout itself. Oh well, I did 5-ish miles on the elliptical, and I went slightly past the 30-minute timespan of the Peloton workout. I have ZERO guilt, but #oops.

Non-stop Saturday...
Even with a decent night of sleep (or because of it?), I was woke up around 4:30. After almost an hour of deep breathing and relaxation fails, I got up. I wasn't meeting Barb until 7:00, so I hopped on the bike for five miles of pedaling. Holy brrr, did it get cold overnight! My app said 20F, with a feels-like of 15F. Thankfully the wind was MIA and the sun was bright for our 5-mile run. Both of us were joking how much harder it felt to run in the sudden winter-rebound conditions...but we finished with an average pace of 9:58. Whodda thunk. After showering and cleaning-up, I was off to some out-of town errands and shenanigans for most of the day. 

...and what's on deck for Sunday?
The morning is looking sunny and much warmer (mid-40F's), so I plan on getting out for some walking (after I spend some quality time on the stairs). As for the evening, I have a date with Allison and Barb, for our monthly full moon run. Granted, it'll be a day late, but the moon will still be full-looking. 

So, a decent week with plenty of action; I'll take it. It feels great to be back in a consistent walking routine again...this week saw 15 miles! Running had a respectable showing with 16 miles. Biking  was very minimal this week with only 19 miles, and that's alright. Truth be told, I'm getting bored on the spin bike. This next week is promising some warm temps on Monday (hello, upper 60F temps are in the forecast), so maybe I can go for a real ride outside. 

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:
Friday Fashion Flair. Don't ya just love it when you find a forgotten scarf, hidden in the depths of your closet? When that hidden scarf pulls together two different-colored items into an coordinated outfit, all the better! Things that make you go hmmm.

This little meme caught my attention. I think it speaks volumes.

So, there you have it...another week all wrapped up and tied with a pretty bow.

How was your week of fitness? Any fun workouts? Has it been warm enough to hit the streets in shorts yet? Did you get an abrupt Welcome-Back-To-Winter gift this weekend? Have you noticed the increasing daylight, both in the morning and evening?  

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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  1. Looks like you had a great week! I'm enjoying these mild temperatures too! Altho we did wake up to snow on Saturday morning. This week looks to be really wild, so buckle up!

    1. I think Wednesday is our only wild-looking day at the moment...but Iowa weather can change in a split second, LOL.

  2. the shorts just might come out this week! Looks like you had a great week all around!

    1. I'm hoping to be in shorts a few times this next week...fingers crossed!

  3. still cold here. 15 degrees now. I'm hoping that we warm up this week and loving the extra daylight for after work runs.

  4. We got your Saturday cold weather this morning — I went from running in shorts yesterday to needing all the layers to walk Scooby this morning!

    LOL on your milestone class. It’s like when I rolled through my 2500th strength without even noticing until a few days later.

    1. I did a long run (back in 2022, I think) and had a few different classes in a stack to listen to. One of those classes was a Def Leppard ride (awesome play list!), and after I finished I realized that was my Pelo "Century Ride." OOPS!

  5. Another great week, Kim! I almost always wake up before my alarm goes off, too. It drives me nuts on weekends when I'd love to sleep until 7, but no, I'm wide awake at 4:55.

    It's supposed to be warmer here this week, but with chances of rain. We'll have to see how it all works out.

    The moon kept trying to peak through the clouds here at the farm last night, but all we really got was a really bright spot among an otherwise dark sky.

    1. I crashed on the couch, last night around 8:30 and woke up after midnight. Of course, that meant I'd spend the next 45 minutes (or longer?) trying to fall back to sleep. AND I still woke up before 5:30. Makes no sense!

  6. Congrats on workout 1,500! I think it is ok you were not doing the actual workout you were playing, you were probably working harder! It always seems colder after we have had a warm up and then winter reminds us it isn’t over yet. Makes it hard for me to get used to it here in Tennessee!

    1. Totally agree with the extreme temps changes. We're supposedly getting another such temp plummet on Wednesday, but it's only for the day. That's gonna be a rude awakening!

  7. Yay for more daylight! Every minute counts.

    Grrr it's the worst when you have a really great workout and then for whatever reason you can't sleep. Ask me how I know;-) But the good news is that sometimes the next day's workout helps with the lack of sleep.

    1. There's been LOTS of non-fitness stuff on my plate lately, so my brain is in overdrive. UGH. But, last night I got some solid sleep, so all is well...

  8. Wow shorts! It has been cold here still but I have been mostly biking inside so it hasn't bothered me It did warm up on Wednesday and I saw a few people running in shorts while I took my walk. This week is looking like it might be warm finally and hopefully it stays+

    1. We have a nice-looking forecast (except for Wednesday), so I"m hoping the worst of winter is behind us!

  9. Looks like a fun and fit week Kim! Congrats on 1500 workouts!

    This time of year is always up and down in the midwest :) False spring and all that, haha. Enjoy!

  10. oof, those 4:30am wake ups! Sorry you can't sleep later than that. I am surprised that you don't wear yourself out with all of the workouts! You are very consistent with getting it done, no matter what the week throws at you. I keep thinking I might get my bike out.. and then think of how cold my hands will be. haha! Hopefully we will both get out there soon!

    1. Typically, temps in the 60F's are cold on the bike, so we shall see if the ride happens tomorrow or not. I'm just glad to be seeing signs of spring (even though I know we probably still have some winter temps ahead of us)

  11. Really, bored on the spin bike? I can't imagine ; ) That's funny about your "false" 1500th workout- but hey, a workout is a workout! Glad you're starting to see more daylight- sunshine just makes everything better. Hope you have a great week ahead, filled with sunrises and shorts running weather!

    1. Yes, really bored on the bike. My Pelo membership, at the moment, has limited access for rides, so I've been kind of my own for entertainment whilst on the spinner.

  12. Sounds like a good week as always! Congrats to your 1500 Peloton workouts, although the last one wasn't "real". I do see the daylight in your photo with Deb! Isn't it lovely when we finally see some improvement with daylight?
    I'm impressed with all your stair climbing - I'd die from boredom doing that!!
    We've had a week of the weather gods being undecided about what season it is, and I'm annoyed. But fitness-wise it's been a fantastic week with some good things going on in the gym, and good walks too.

    1. You had a fantastic week!!! I've been getting back outside for walks, in recent weeks, and it feels SO GOOD!

  13. Congrats on your 1500th Peloton workout. Don't feel bad about not "doing the actual workout"... I often play Peloton classes (esp on runs) and do my own thing ;)

    The weather has been capricious here, too. We don't get snow but it's been cold and rainy and the warm and spring like in a matter of days.

  14. I love that the days will be longer, but hate the warmer weather. Our big race is this weekend, and the temps just keep pushing up up up. Not what I wanted to see at all. But such is the cycle of the weather, right?

    Cute outfit. I don't really have too many scarves... it's just not a huge fashion staple here, because... Florida.

    Sorry about your sleep patterns. Insomnia and sleeplessness is the worst.
