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Saturday, March 16, 2024

Running on the Pi

Talk about your action-packed weeks...

This one had a lot going on with the almost daily Pi running, weather stalking, and miscellaneous comings and goings. It's a mighty good thing we all have our fitness fixes to keep us (somewhat) sane, am I right?

Before I delve into the Pi-driven deets, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week in terms of workouts and whatnot:

Spring-ahead Sunday
Amazingly, even with the time change, I still woke up at my usual time (it's like my body just knows what the clock is saying, LOL). After a 10-mile warm-up on the bike, I headed out for a very sunny 3.14-mile run. The wind played nice, so that was quite a treat!

Never Miss a Monday
The morning was chilly (and dark, due to the time change), so I hit the stairs upon wakeup. Nothing grandiose (at this point in my training, that is)...three circuits of 20 flights of double-stepping and 10 flights of singles (netting me 90 total flights, and a whole lotta of sweat equity). I also snuck in a 1.5-mile windy power walk over my lunch break. 

After work, I met Barb for a run (she appeased me with running 3.14 miles) and there was money to be found. After parting ways, she continued on running and I walked back home (about a mile in distance). Although it was crazy windy, the temps were so nice that I simply had to walk a couple more miles after changing my shoes (wouldn't you do the same?). 

Tuesday - Taking it easy TLC
Full disclosure...there have been a lot of late nights in recent weeks, and I was physically and emotionally exhausted come Tuesday morning. It's a rare occasion when I take a pass on early morning fitness, after all. I had planned on hitting the bike or the elliptical, but opted for some stretching  and core work instead. 

The day stayed pretty warm, but the wind was kind of beastly again. Keeping the morning low-key served me well. We got our two 1-mile walks done at work, and my Day-5 Pi run, after work, felt great.

Wednesday - How about a Pi at 5?
Instead of my usual #5at5 with Barb and Allison, we altered the route a bit (aren't running friends simply the best!). I split off, they continued on, and we all got our allotted miles done. Since I got back home earlier than usual, I cued-up a few Peloton strength workouts (full body, upper-body and core). Also, a mid-morning 1-mile walk at work and I was good for the day.

Thursday's Grand Pi Finale
Most know I do this Week of Pi Challenge every year in celebration of my Pi Day birthday. It's one of those quirky things that I look forward to every year, but am glad when the final run is done. Thursday's weather forecast had been looking dreadfully wet, all week. I got lucky, though, with a short rain reprieve in the wee hours. Only, the joke was on me because we didn't have hardly any rain all day. It was damp, and there was a lot of moisture in the air, and a few light sprinkles intermittently...but the day-long heavy rain was a no-show. Oh well. First World Probs, anyone?

Friday's fitness - low-key for the win!
With seven consecutive days of Pi running in the rear window, I was ready for an easy-peasy, "no big whoop" kind of day. After a slight sleep-in, I got out for a 2-mile sunrise walk and that was all she wrote. 

Long Run Saturday (sort of)
Did I mention that there's been a bit of a fatigue thing going on? Late nights (almost on the daily), daily runs (most of which being against double-digit mph wind), and the ongoing stress of the upcoming relocation (and all the requisite packing and logistics), have left my energy levels near empty. But, getting out for a sunny and bright 5-mile run with Barb gave my body "battery" a significant re-charge. There also was a feel-good 12-mile bike ride (indoor, obviously LOL)  to flush out the legs. I also got out for a mid-afternoon very windy (and very chilly) 2-mile walk. Brrr.

...and what's on deck for Sunday?
The day is looking cold and windy, but sunny. I'll probably start the morning indoors (on the stairs, with some bonus time on the bike or elliptical). There will also be some late-morning and/or afternoon walking outdoors. And, let's not forget the additional cross-training involved with packing, squatting, lifting and carrying the moving boxes back and forth. Fun times!  

So, overall, it was a week with a huge focus on running. Although I do six weeks of run streaking every winter, those runs are varying distances (and many are just a mere mile). Doing seven consecutive days of 5K's is a different ball game. Even though I don't do these daily Pi runs at a race pace, it's more "daily" running than my body is accustomed to. That said, it is a fun quest doing this gig every year. So, with this week's five days of Pi runs and Saturday's 5-miler, this week saw just under 21 miles in the running shoes...which is my highest weekly mileage in awhile. Walking wasn't too stellar (I blame the intermittent rainy days); 13 miles. And biking took a hit with only 22 miles in the saddle.  

In case you missed out, all that happened on the blog this week was last week's WRD:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. Have I ever mentioned how much I love NCAA basketball? 'Tis the season for tournaments! Unfortunately, my Iowa Hawks bowed to the Ohio State Buckeyes on Thursday evening. The Michigan State Spartans beat Minnesota Thursday afternoon (YAY!!!), but succumbed to Purdue Friday afternoon (sigh...). Even my Spartan sweatshirt couldn't work its magic, but it remains a wardrobe favorite. I got this sweatshirt while living in the East Lansing area, after the Spartans won the NCAA championship in 2000. 

It's certainly looking like Spring! This week, the crocus poked their way through the soil and bloomed. I have seen a few robins, as well, but all have flown away before I could snap any pics of them. 

With the upcoming move, it was decided to bid a fond farewell to Milly. After all, she was over 22 years old! She'd been losing her steam, in recent years, and wasn't up to speed anymore. Ironically, someone took the liberty to "adopt" her within a couple days. I will eventually be looking for a replacement, but it's not a priority at the moment since I seldom have need for a treadmill anyways.

So yeah! Lots going on, lots to keep me busy, and lots of stress at the moment...but all is well. Onward!

How are things in your world, in these final "official" days of Winter? Is it looking like Spring in your area? Did you make it through the time change unskathed?

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  1. Isn't it funny how people will pick up nearly anything on the curb? They had no idea if the treadmill even worked, but they didn't care, ha!

    Good luck with the rest of the move and hopefully some earlier nights in the future for you Kim!

    Happy birthday and congrats on a strong week!

    1. Thanks, Jessie! I'm trying to hit the "lights out" earlier than usual (still late, by most people's standards, LOL), and am also trying to sleep-in a bit (which is still early, LOL). It's tough! My body is so used to the late nights/early morning routine...

  2. Happy birthday! I love your Pi day/week tradition even though I can’t keep up with it. I was happy to be able to celebrate on 3-14 at least. :-)

    Planning and preparing for a move is exhausting, but it’s a good time to think of what stuff you want to bring with you to the next stage. <3

    1. Oh yes, there is a lot of stuff that's finally getting purged!

  3. Another successful PI week in the books! Happy birthday Kim. Looks like a successful week

    1. Thanks, Deborah! It was a good week, and it certainly was nice getting another Pi week wrapped up ;-).

  4. Happy Birthday! I love that you do the PI week of running. You had some great workouts this week despite your late nights!

    1. Thank you ;-) The Pi week is kind of quirky, but a fun thing to look forward to every year....but it's also a nice thing to finish, LOL.

  5. Well, I'm hoping that some of the late nights were because of birthday celebrations, and not all spent packing!
    It looks like you had a lot of sunshine this week- the only day that looked overcast was your actual birthday. I hope you enjoyed it! Another Pi Week in the books!

    1. There was a good amount of sunshine, but the wind ((ugh)) was a bit insane. I'm just thankful there wasn't any of the white stuff falling or blowing around.

  6. Happy birthday week!! :) I hope the moving logistics are smooth. That stuff can be stressful! Goodbye Milly! We have a "buy nothing" Facebook group in our area and I have been gifting a few things lately. You just never know what someone might need!

    1. It was nice to get Milly to the curb, LOL I had ZERO feelings of remorse in seeing her go...

  7. Happy belated Birthday! Sounds like you managed to celebrate--at least with running--in spite of all the packing. That has to be really stressful and I hope you are doing ok!

    1. The stress is pretty intense at the moment, but it's bearable. I just keep focusing on the finish line!

  8. Happy Pi week! Congrats on saying goodbye (officially) to Milly! You don't need me to tell you that moving is incredibly stressful. "There will be a time after this" as they say, but in the moment it's a lot. Thank goodness for fitness to take the edge off.

    1. Yes, the fitness really comes in handy at times such as these!

  9. Happy Pi day and week! And birthday! Love that spring is on its way and nearly here. We had snow and 60 degrees here so who knows when spring will arrive. Good luck with the move and BYE milly!

    1. I'm really thankful we haven't seen any snow in awhile...maybe since January? I can't even remember, LOL!

  10. I hope you had a good birthday! Moving can be so stressful but it's also a great opportunity to get rid of unnecessary stuff (or stuff that isn't working!). Looks like you had a good active week despite the exhaustion, and some good weather too (although windy). Here we've had signs of spring for a long time but the temperatures haven't come until this week. The St Patrick's day weather was glorious this year!

  11. So it's been feeling like summer, except we are supposed to be in the 40s again this week. What?

    Bye, Milly! Moving is tough, but it's really going to be so amazing for you. Fresh start, new energy, and on to the next chapter! I love that opportunity for you!

    I've had some fatigue this week, and it annoys me. I hate not feeling all the way on top of my game.

  12. not spring up here yet... in fact snow is coming!! Boo!

    Glad that my weather cooperated during my race weekend.

    Good luck with the move... a new environment will be great!!!!!

  13. I hope Millie was adopted by someone who can get her up and running again! She was a good girl while she lasted.
