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Thursday, April 4, 2024

Time for a Chatty Gathering

 So, shall we chat? 

It doesn’t need to be about running, or even fitness…but who am I kidding? There’s always plenty of that with which to chat. 

Shall we get this chatty gathering started? 

If we were having a chatty gathering, I’d start by discussing my stats from March. ((Gulp)). There wasn’t anything especially stellar happening, but plenty of maintenance. 

Next, if we were having a chatty gathering, I’d disclose how painful moving was, on a physical level. Not only was my hyper-sensitive skin a dry (and cracked) mess, but there were numerous mystery bruises appearing when least expected…like when I walked right into the dumpster “bar” while scrolling my phone (my bad). Yeah, that left a mark that’s still there, neatly two weeks later. Don’t worry, I’ll spare you a pick of my stubby finger nails, also victims of excessive dryness from all the packing paper, boxes & dust they were in contact with. BTW, how do people function with short, dry & peeling nails? Also, both of my thumbs, and my left index finger, had painful cracks that split-open…making it almost impossible to grip anything. Ouch!

Lovely, huh!
If we were having a chatty gathering, I’d share how excited I am to not only be closer to two of my kids, but also right off of the Chichaqua Valley Trail! I’ve ridden this rail trail numerous times in recent summers, and now it’s less than 1/4-mile from my driveway. I’m really excited to explore it on foot!

If we were having a chatty gathering I’d gush for a quick moment at the surreal experience this entire “moving solo” ordeal has been. Dang, adulting is tough! My “buying” realtor surprised me with a goody bag, filled with “new home” essentials like paper towels, TP, cleaning wipes, and a sweet little bag of chocolate. 

Lastly, if we were having a chatty gathering, I’d tell you what’s on the horizon in terms of race bibs. Let’s not forget the Fight for Air Climb is happening on Sunday (my donation page is HERE). I also have the Drake Road Races later this month. I recently upped my registration to Bull Dog Double status by adding the Grand Blue Mile (on Tuesday evening, April 23rd). I’m already registered for the half marathon (on Sunday, April 21st). I gotta runfess that in lieu of all the relocation stress & exhaustion, I’m considering switching to the10K. I have until race day to decide…stay tuned.

10K or 13.1?

Bull Dog Double 

Anyways, those are just a few (or five) things I’d bring to the table…if we were having a chatty gathering. How about you? What would want to discuss? 

 Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. That looks like a very cool trail! How nice that it is so close to your new place!
    I think you've had enough stress for over the last few weeks - I would go for the 10k instead of the half marathon. You get all the race vibes but it comes with less stress!

    1. Agreed on the 10K dilemma, Catrina! We definitely think alike ;-)

  2. Sounds like your new home is in a great location! How nice to be closer to the kids as well as that sweet trail. All the best with the upcoming races, whichever distance you choose!

    1. Thank you, Marcia ;-) I'm really my new location so much already!

  3. I googled the Chichaqua Valley Trail - 26 miles long!!! Perfect for long runs and the bike! And practically at your front door!!!

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: MOVING IS NO JOKE. I love your realtor for the new home survival pack. If I had to move today I might not remember where I packed the TP or paper towels.

    1. I though I was ahead of the game, and packed efficiently (labeling boxes, grouping similar items in "obvious" boxes, etc.), but there is still a lot of stuff that I'm not finding (yet).

  4. Yay for being close to your kids and that trail — 1/4 mile away is amazing!

    I always suffer from short and splitting nails. My best hope is to keep them protected with polish, but that doesn’t always work.

    Good luck with your climb!

    1. I always have a base coat of nail strengthener, at the minimum...but even that hasn't served me well with the excessive paper and dust. Oh well, I know this will pass...

  5. That is a great location that you loved to - closer to your kids and the trail!

    1. Yes, I'm grateful it worked out for me to relocate here ;-)

  6. Exciting times ahead for you! Moving is always stressful and so exhausting but always worth it. I am excited for you!

    1. Thanks, Deborah! ALL the stress was worth it, and things are going well. And, it's fun to have a clean slate to decorate!

  7. Ooh! You're right near a trail! Running and biking options galore! I know it takes a long time to get truly settled in a new place (but at least you have toilet paper and paper towels.). You've got a LOT going on, so switching the race to the 10K might be the best option. And you have your climb this weekend! You're definitely ready, with all those early morning stair climbing sessions. Good luck with it and I hope you're enjoying your new home!!!

    1. Yeah, the 10K is probably gonna happen, and there will be ZERO guilt in doing so ;-)

  8. How wonderful to be closer to your kids and to such a nice trail! Seems like the perfect spot Kim!

  9. After spending a year moving every 2-4 weeks, I'm really happy to be (hopefully) done moving for the foreseeable future! It's such a painful process. :[ I hope you heal up soon.

    That's nice that you're closer to two of your kids now + yay for that trail! :]

    1. I'm feeling probably 90% healed now...it's gonna take a few weeks for my poor finger nails to grow out, but that's a First World Prob, LOL.

  10. Being near a trail is great! You are one busy lady... and moving is so stressful. I'm not surprised that you want to downgrade. There will be plenty more longer races in the future.

    1. I'm just glad I have a 10K option with this race. I've done the 13..1 so many times (maybe 8-9 times?), but I did run the 10K many years ago.

  11. Moving is so challenging on so many levels. Your new location sounds fantastic! Wishing you lots of happiness in your new digs :)

    1. Thanks, Michelle! I think the worst of the stress is behind me, so now it's just a matter of getting the remaining unpacking done.

  12. How great that you're so close to that trail! I'm sure you'll enjoy countless hours running, walking, and cycling on it. Is it flat or hilly like the one near your previous home?

    1. This trail is pretty flat, since it's a rail trail. There are some gentle rolling inclines, but NOTHING in comparison to the trail back at my other place.

  13. Being closer to your kids AND having an incredible trail right there? Winning! Paper always wreaks havoc on my hands, and I am always walking into things. I hope you have a little time to rest and reset and then you'll be back to your usual adventures. <3

    1. My skin is already horribly dry and sensitive, so this excessive stuff was most unwelcome...but things are definitely improving daily!
