About Me

Sunday, February 3, 2013

10 Random Facts about Me

1. I run outside year-round.  That's right....in the snow, wind, rain, sunshine and extreme humidity.  Most races are run outside in the same elements.  I run outside to always have my body (and mind) well prepared for these conditions if they are present on race day. (I also have raced in all of these conditions, more than I care to remember)

2. I almost always run with sunglasses.  I have many allergies. Although 4 years of allergy shots have cured most of this problem,  I still have very sensitive eyes.  The bright sun and the cold wind make my eyes water frequently, so the sunglasses provide a little bit of a barrier against Mother Nature.

3.  I love bright colors and funky accessories.  "Blending in" is SO over-rated.  Notice the bright glow-in-the-dark shoe laces?  That is my way of making my shoes one-of-a-kind.  I also have been known to use a Sharpie to enhance the soles of my running shoes for the same reason.

4. I  wear lipstick when I run.  It's not much, but it gives me a little bit of a lift to know I don't look like a total running geek.  And, it also provides a little bit of moisture relief from all that heavy breathing, especially during the winter runs.

5.  I  wear shorts or a skort over my running tights.  Always.  This a heavily-debated issue on some of the women's running pages.  I would never wear regular "fashion" tights out in public without a skirt or something over them.....why is running any different?  Personally, it looks like "something is missing" if I don't have something covering my bum.  I am not a prude, but this is one topic I will not waiver from. (However, when I wear capri/knee-length leggings, this rule-of-thumb does not apply...oops...is that a waiver?)

6. I have become a t-shirt snob.  Maybe I have done too many 5K races, or charity events.  But, I seriously do not need any more cotton shirts piling up in my closet.  If I register for an event, and the shirt isn't a tech shirt....I am one of those who " forgets" her shirt at the registration table.....my bad. When my kids were younger, I would exchange my shirt for a child-size shirt...but my kids are almost as big as me now, and they don't want the shirts either.

7. I  wear jewelry when I run.  This is true for my training runs and for race events.  A pair of earrings, my wedding ring and a little necklace with a runner girl charm....I don't leave home without them.

8. I LOVE music.  It has always been an integral part of my running routine.  I have learned that the most efficient way to make this work is to feed the cord of the Ipod under my shirt, and clip the unit to my waist band or hem of my shirt. The top of the cord then comes out of the neckline and I don't have flapping cords blowing in the wind to distract me.

9. I have recently discovered the wonder of visors!  As a gal who is constantly cutting (then, a few months later, growing out) my bangs, a visor is an easy way to pull those babies back off the face and look a little stylish (and athletic) in the process.  The visor is also a great shield from sun and rain (sometimes all on the same run...refer back to item #1).

10. As much as runners need quality fitness apparel, I have a difficult time paying top-dollar for it.  (The one exception to this is my running shoes)  I seriously believe you can find great stuff at off-brand prices if you want it badly enough and don't have an obsession about name-brand logos. (But if any big name brand companies want to give me their stuff  to "sample," hit me up!)


  1. Awesome! This was really fun to read these things about you. Thanks for sharing, girl!


  2. Love this! I too always wear lip gloss of some sort, hehe! And jewelry too!!!
