About Me

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Let Me Say, "ThAnKs"----2014 edition


It's Thanksgiving! I love this holiday, and not just for the abundance of tasty food. It's a special time of year, a time for looking outside of myself. A time for reflecting on all the blessings around me. A time to give thanks.

Where do I start? There are far too many things for which I'm grateful, but I will name the big ones:

* My family.  I am so absolutely in love with my husband and three amazing kids.  They don't usually run with me, but they let me run.  And, they don't complain too much about the running shoes scattered throughout the house or the ickiness of my toes. We don't always get that perfect family photo on the first attempt, either.

*My faith.  I'm not gonna get all high and almighty on you, but my faith is my cornerstone. My humbleness, and my strength. It's my everything.

*My friends. I have an abundance of awesome people in my life.  I appreciate all their kind words, messages and hugs. They make me smile and feel warm & fuzzy.

*My Virtual Running Buddies.  There are so many wonderful people who have become dear friends, and all of them came to me via my running page, Running On The Fly.  There have been countless messages, well wishes, (virtual) high-5's, and many laughs shared through our computer screens.  I have met some of you in person, and look forward to meeting many more.

*The racing community.  I don't consider myself a racer, but I love the atmosphere on race day.  There's something about an entire bunch of strangers all running towards the same finish line that invigorates me. Nothing is better than the final 100 feet of a race...the finish line fanfare is intoxicating.

*The gift of running.  Having spent most of my life believing I was not an athlete, I am so humbled (and proud) to call myself not just a runner, but a marathoner! It's not my intention to impress others. Instead, I hope to inspire them to violate their comfort zones. If I can be an "athlete" (with my less-than-athletic body), anyone else can be one, too.

Happy Thanksgiving, FrIeNdS!


  1. You and I must have been on the same wavelength, because I did a gratitude post today too! And I'm grateful for all my VRBs who have supported me and cheered me on all year. I'm looking forward to another great year of running and hopefully meeting more of my VRBs, especially you...

    And I love that finish line pix of your husband photobombing you!!! LOL!

    1. Thanks, Wendy! I have SO enjoyed getting to know you ;-) YES, 2015 will be our year to claim a finish line...tOgEtHeR ;-)

  2. What a great post!!! Love you, Kim. Hoping 2015 brings us racing together.

    1. Thanks, Karen ;-) I'm hoping we can run together, too! Happy Holidays ;-)

  3. Happy thanksgiving! So nice to know someone running near me even if you are in Iowa and I am Kansas! Midwest represent!

  4. eyy, I envy you. I wish I can run together with my family as well,
