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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Take The Leap! 30-Day Yoga Challenge

Take The Leap! 30-Day Yoga Challenge

When I think about yoga, the first thought that comes to mind is TRANQUILITY!  Yoga centers me and makes me feel strong.

That’s why I am SO thrilled to participate in prAna’s Take The Leap 30 days of Yoga Challenge with Sweat Pink. I plan to TRIANGLE my way to a more balanced and grounded 2015!

For me, the biggest challenge when it comes to yoga is FOCUSING on the present moment. Taking the Leap with prAna and Sweat Pink is a great way for me to UNWIND at the end of each day as well as  increase my flexibility and strength.

My favorite place to yoga is actually in a class because I don't have the distractions of my home or countless "to-do" lists invading my mind!

Here’s a photo of me in my very best meditative yoga pose. It requires complete concentration to maintain this balance pose (I jokingly say the my balance is my downfall #truth).

My successful attempt at Royal Dancer

I tag Fran @I Run Long_ and Tracy @RUN? Are you in?!I would love for these fabulous ladies to share their very best yoga pose photos, this fun madlib and of course, I challenge them to join me on this fun 30 day yoga journey.

Come on y’all, Take the Leap with me!

Join prAna’s & Sweat Pink’s #TakeTheLeap 30 Days of Yoga Challenge and be eligible for a chance to win $500 worth of new prAna gear from their latest collection as well as gift an additional $500 worth of prAna gear to the person of their choice… because isn’t giving as important as receiving? They just launched their new Spring Collection so you best get on it!


If I win I would gift the $500 to my best running buddy, Barb, because she is always willing to lace up and hit the road with me.

Join the Take the Leap with prAna and Sweat Pink Facebook group / event which we’ll use for updates, sharing,and inspiration: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1525412337742204/ and event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/423377431152799
And join the challenge on Instagram, Twitter, and your blog using the hashtags:
And of course, tag @prana @FitApproach
Want to play? Just copy/paste the above and fill in the blanks where I have bolded & italicized and make it your own. Or use this link for the template!


  1. You look so strong!!! Great job 3.14! Proud of you.:)

  2. Yey! So glad you jumped on the train!! Your dancer looks great!

  3. There are options available with a 30 DAYS YOGA CHALLENGE for trainees to learn Yoga so that they get to take up a stricter regime for healthier body and mind.
