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Friday, November 27, 2015

Five Friday Confessions

 OK FrIeNdS, I'm fessing up. I'm human (shocker!) and I do not live a perfect life, nor do I have a perfect attitude every moment of every perfect day. I'm linking up with Marcia at Marcia's Healthy Slice  for the Runfessions linkup (go ahead, check out all the other runfessions being disclosed), and I'm airing a little of my own dirty laundry......just to keep it real.

Here's a mere five runfessions, just to whet your appettite....

1- I don't wash my hair everyday. Currently, my hair is at its longest length (since I was in 7th grade), and I'm really loving the many options I have for those days when I don't wish to spend 20 minutes (sometimes longer) blow-drying it. I have gotten pretty clever disguising the "day after" hair with clips, headbands, and messy up-do's. I don't want to be one of those who sports the exact same hairstyle 24/7 for several years at a time anyways.

2-I have a love/hate relationship with running tights. I love how toasty warm they make me feel...but I hate the self-imposed paradox I have on the appropriate way to wear them. I think it looks like something is missing when you wear them on their own. (Really, does anyone wear "street" tights alone, without a skirt -or something- covering their backside?) But, running tights also look awkward with shorts/skirts covering them...so both options leave me questioning my fashion sense. What's a gal to do? I have decided to just go with it, and usually wear them "as is." Maybe doing so makes me look more like a real athlete (a gal can hope)!

 3-There have been times when all of my clean exercise bras have been on the drying rack (down in the laundry room), and I have been too lazy (or in too much of a hurry) to go down the stairs, and traipse to the opposite side of my house...so I have grabbed one out of the (dirty) laundry basket. There. Ahhh, it feels so good to come clean on that (no pun intended).

4-I'm usually a pretty patient and tolerant person, but small town traffic drives me crazy. We have one McDonald's restaurant, and it's really annoying trying to get home at the end of the day and getting stuck on the one busy road in town, behind all the peeps trying to turn into the McDonald's parking lot. And, I try to not be judgemental, but the bulk of said peeps will wait in line for the drive-up (for several minutes) instead of getting out and WALKING into the restaurant......causing the traffic to back up because none of the other peeps can pull into the parking lot (to wait for their turn in the drive-up line) leaving the rest of us at a stand-still. I know, first world problems. I need to let this go.

5-Sometimes, during the first few miles of a race, I find  myself wishing for the race to just be over. As much as I enjoy racing, I don't consider myself a "racer." Quite honestly, sometimes I just don't feel like giving it "my all"  for fear I may not have a decent finish time that will reflect my efforts. Of course, when I run a difficult race, I always learn something from the experience.....but I always seem to forget that little piece of wisdom in the midst of struggle.
So, there you have it. I'm keeping it real and confessing some of my imperfections (please, don't judge).

How about YOU? Anything you'd like to add? Any dirty little secrets you need to get off your chest and share with the cyber world? (I'm listening.....)


  1. I can so relate to the dirty hair! My daughter's skating coach told me my hair looked nice the other day and it hadn't been washed in a couple of days. I was pacing it so I could wash it after my turkey trot and before Thanksgiving dinner. I think that's another runfession! Thanks so much for linking up!

    1. I had that EXACT same strategy for my turkey trot! My hair was pretty scary & icky on Wednesday, but I didn't want to waste a good shampoo/blowdry for just one day (we had major rain on the radar for our Trot). Thankfully, the rain held off until I was back home. ;-)

  2. I don't wash my hair every day either. :) I read somewhere that you're not supposed to and I'm just going with it because it is a convenient thing for me to believe. :)

    Traffic stuff really bothers me too! First world problems for sure... but it still annoys me!

    1. I have seen (and been told by my hair gal) that hair shouldn't be washed daily. Sold!! ;-)

  3. If my clothes don't smell that bad, I have been know to wear them twice. Especially my favorite stuff.

    1. Ha ha...yes, I have some favorites that get more than one use before hitting the washer (my Smartwool socks, for example).

  4. Bahahaha....I'm wearing a running bra I dug out of the bottom of the dirty laundry basket as we speak!!! I figured I was going to sweat up a stink anyway, so who cares! I do wash my hair every day, but am so lazy about drying it. It is so thick it takes WAY too much of my time. I've got better things to do.

    1. My hair is fine (I've been told numerous times it's NOT thin), and I seem to have a lot of it...it seriously takes forever (and several days, it seems) to get it dry. Certainly a task I do not wish to do daily.

  5. I hate to admit it but I only wash my hair once a week. It is very dry and think so it takes forever to dry.

    I do hate the why tights look (on less less perfect bodies like mine.) I always wear a skirt over them.

    I don't take my bras out of the hamper but I do wear them more than once especially now that it's cold out.

    1. I have seen the "tights with (or without) shorts" debate in several different places.....I don't think there's a "correct" answer LOL

  6. I hate the * way tights look on less *than....

  7. I don't wash my hair every day either! I hope for rain so I can "rinse and dry". How sad.

    I feel the same way at races...I'm sure tomorrow, I'll be cursing myself at mile 5. Grrr..

    1. Whoever invented dry shampoo must have been a runner.....just saying ;-)

  8. I go bald so I have no hair problems :--) but the struggle with running tights is real! I usually wear shorts over them because I like having pockets to keep my gloves or gels or whatever. Dorky I know but since I run after dark I don't worry about it much!

    As far as #5 goes, I used to be really hard on myself if I wasn't "happy" with a race i ran, but I discovered I was finding issue with almost ALL of my races, so I put my focus back to one thing...did I do my best? If I answer "yes" to that question I find myself able to live with the result, no matter what that result may be.

    1. I agree.....I have learned that every race is a victory if you do your best given whatever circumstances you're dealt. I need to have that tattooed on my forearm!

  9. Oh the dirty hair. Yes,can totally relate to that. I've gone upwards of 5 days without washing before!
