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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Stability...maintaining balance

Have you ever thought about what stability means?

It probably means different things to different people, but to me it means balance.

There are numerous ways I desperately try to maintain balance and stability in my life.

First and foremost, I try to keep balance with my attitude. I cannot control every situation I find myself in (or that finds me), but I can control my attitude. I've been around people who never seem to smile. Ever. It's a drag to even be in the same room with them. Some smile back, some do not. Either way, smiling helps me cope with awkward situations.

I try to keep balance with my abilities. I have gotten faster as a runner, and I can definitely run  much farther than I'd ever thought possible. But I am not an elilte, nor will I ever be. I will probably never be fast enough to win a race (unless it's a small event on a very cold day). And I am quite alright with that.

I think it's important to stay humble. There is nothing to be gained by being boastful and arrogant. I'm proud that I can run 26.2 miles (and farther), and I can do so without having to "zombie walk" the next day. I also know there are others who can run those same 26.2 miles twice as fast, and many others can run twice as far.

Most of all, it's crucial to maintain balance and stability with my life. I love running, and I love doing races. And even though I am blessed with a great support system of family and friends.....not all of them share in my love of running. It's not fair for me to eat, sleep, and live running 24/7 when others can't share it with me in the same capacity. There's a time and place for training, and a time and a place for other things social. I'm thankful to have figured out this little detail and found a balance that works for me.

How about you? Have you successfully found that balance?

Today, I'm liking up with Deb at  Deb Runs  for the Wednesday Word. Today's word is stability. I invite you to check out the linkup, and see what everyone's saying about stability.



  1. Do we ever really find that balance??

    It's hard to be satisfied with where we are. We want to be faster. I try to enjoy the runs but you never know when an injury could occur....

    Plus like you said, it's not all about me...my hubby & my friends do not get my love of running.

    That's why I have blogger friends!!

    1. Balance, figuratively & in reality, is tough and very subjective. Some here, a little more there..oops, put something back the other way, but not too much... ;-) I'm thankful for my blogger buddies, too!

  2. I love your comment about there is a time and a place for running, training and racing even blogging I'd add. I so needed this I think it was meant for me. I sometimes find myself glued behind my computer screen while my family is watching a movie. I need to be better about finding balance to enjoy them when I can too. Thanks for this friend, did you write it just for me???

    1. I should have added blogging into the mix. I do not know how some peeps blog every day! I wish I had a cleaning person, a personal grocery shopper, a chef and a clone to go to work for me...then maybe I'd be able to get more posts written LOL

    2. I have write a bunch and schedule them in advance - would never have time to write everyday.

  3. Ah so well said! Yes I have alot of friends that are not into running and thats totally cool too! There is totally a time and place for all of it and I love that staying humble is in there...so true!!

    1. staying humble is key (at least for me) ;-) If people get too boastful, I tend to tune out and avoid their company LOL

  4. Humility is such a good trait and really keeps a gal balanced! Running is a great humbler.

    1. Running keeps me so humble (as you know). It's almost like Karma herself steps in when I get a little too confident, and takes things into her own hands.....

  5. Balance and stability is a precarious thing. I feel like I'm constantly rebalancing. But yes, finding humor and making the most of even sub-optimal situations is a valuable skill.

    1. Oh gosh...what you said about re-balancing...#truth. Nothing stays in balance for long

  6. I love the "smiles are free" quote - so true! It is amazing how much better my days go when I just smile more. :)

    1. My day goes a little better when I actually am on the receiving end of a smile, too ;-)

  7. Great post! Balance is something I'm always working on. I think it will always be a work in progress :)

    1. It's always a work in progress for me, too, because my life is constantly evolving and changing. I refuse to be stagnant ;-)

  8. So agree about your comment about there being a time and place for everything. If we don't have balance it's way too easy to let one thing take over.

    1. absolutely! I don't know if we ever actually achieve true balance...but I'm at least striving towards it ;-)

  9. I strive every day for balance, have I found it??? Nope, but I keep hoping I will, absolutely. I hope you find the perfect balance and when you do, let me know.

    1. ha ha! I don't know if we ever find that "perfect" balance....and it's gonna be different for each of us ;-)

  10. I definitely try to strive for balance but there are some days that I miss the mark- tomorrow is a new day though and another day to try to improve!

    1. I definitely miss the mark some days, too. But you're right...each is a new opportunity to try again ;-)

  11. Great post, i've never thought about stability as life balance before. Life can't be running and running can't be life, good words!

    1. I think life and running have a lot of parallels, though ;-) But, yes, I think we need to keep a balance between the two of them

  12. When I hear "stability" I immediately think of shoes first, LOL! Once a runner, always a runner ;) But yes, I agree, balance in life can be a very difficult thing to try and achieve!

    1. My first thought of "stability" was about shoes, too. ;-) I am a horrid pronator, so stability running shoes are my life ;-)

  13. Love this!! I think incorporating humility into our daily life is crucial. It is so important to be humble and to lift others up - focus on them and less on ourselves.
    I am a constant work in progress re: finding balance!!! :)

    1. oh gosh...I'm a work-in-progress, too. Balance is difficult to find, but it's always something I"m working towards.

  14. Yes, I think I have found the balance between my running self and the rest of my life. Too much of anything is not a good thing I believe so having several pillars (work - relationships - fitness) that work together keep my life stable.

    1. I agree. I know people who sacrifice all their free time to just one thing...and I think they're kinda lonely (and definitely) unbalanced as a result.

  15. Finding a balance between running and life can be so challenging because running becomes so much a part of our lives! But we would be wise to remember that not everyone shares our love and obsession with running, like you said.

    1. Exactly ;-) And, unfortunately, too much of a "good" thing isn't always good for us

  16. Just when I think I find that balance, something pops up and knocks everything askew; however, I'd say I'm as stable as the next gal. I think life would be boring if we all had perfect stability in all aspects of our lives.

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. perfect stability would be kinda boring...nothing to strive for ;-)

  17. I struggle to find balance on a daily basis. I'll let you know if I find it ;)
