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Friday, May 20, 2016

My First 2016 Ride - 5 Favorite Things

Most of you know that running is my sport-of choice.

Honestly, I'm not too gifted with athletic talent or grace, and running doesn't require much of either. It does keep me moving and grooving, and I have learned that even without a lot of "natural" speed or finesse, you can still lace up and run far. Really far.

That said, I know the importance of variety and cross-training. I don't do a lot of cycling (in comparison to my biker friends), but it's a great change of regimen and a fantastic supplement to running.

I finally had the chance to venture out Thursday for my first ride of 2016 (kind of pathetic it took me so long to do so). And, guess what? It didn't totally suck! The saddle sores were minimal, the legs felt good, and even the headwind (on the return trip) was manageable.

Here's my Five Favorite Things from the experience:

The spontaneity of it (well, sort of).  Truth be told, I have been itching to saddle-up and ride for several weeks, but my bike was buried in the shed. And, realistically, I have had plenty of other weekend activities going on so fitting in a ride has not been a priority. I went home a little early for lunch (slow morning at the office), and didn't need to report back until after 2:00.  I had a good chunk of time, a beautiful sunshiny day, and ideal temps. Why not?

No on-the-road emergencies. When it comes to biking, I am very much a "seasoned beginner." I know some of the (minimal) basics, but that's it. I have never even put air in my tires, and would have no clue what to do if a tire blew or a chain derailed while on the road. Typically, the husband (and/or friends) have accompanied me on this trail before. It's an approximate 15-mile round trip to a state park west of town, and it's very hilly.  I've never ventured that far away from home (on two wheels) on my own, so I had my phone with me in case I needed to call for assistance. The husband was out of town on business, so my parents were on stand-by.

A mid-day ride was a welcome break from my usual routine. Most of my lunch breaks involve running home, taking the dog for a quick walk, grabbing some food and browsing the internet (Facebook, Instagram, and blogging). I seldom have time for anything physical (except for an occasional plank LOL).

 I was able to remain "saddled-up" the entire ride. In other words, I never had to dismount and walk the bike up any of the hills, though there were a couple times the thought crossed my mind. I just kept focusing on the utility poles along the road...and encouraged myself to just keep pedaling to the next pole...and the next one...then the one after that.

Just keep pedaling...just keep pedaling....pedaling....pedaling....
The satisfaction in feeling (and seeing) my leg muscles flexing. As I made my way up the hills, it was pretty fulfilling looking down at my thighs and watching them in action. Although I could feel my heart pumping, my legs never felt like quitting. In fact, I only paused twice...for a minute at the turn-around (to check my phone), and then briefly before the final hill (to take a picture).

A quick selfie before the final hill
How do I feel about biking? I like it, but do not (yet) love it. Running, hands-down, is my go-to sport of choice, but I love and respect the value (and necessity) of cross-training. Plain and simple, I'm just not ready to make the commitment to dive in and get a pricey bike and all the gear. I have a mountain bike, which is great for tooling around town, but an actual road bike would be ideal for the longer rides, especially on the hilly trails. Nor do I have gloves (are they really necessary?), rear-view mirror, or clip-in shoes. And, let's be honest, the padded shorts really gross me out. Honestly, I'm completely fine being a newbie (and probably looking like one, too).

My trusty Mongoose...should I give him (her?) a name? 
I have done one duathlon (August 2015, recap HERE ), and it was so much fun! I do plan on doing another du (or several). I would like to do a triathlon someday....but that will not be happening any time soon (I'm not a fan of water, and have I a small vanity problem...not too crazy about wearing a swim cap #eeew).

How about you? Do you have a bike? Ever done a duathlon or triathlon?

I'm linking up with the DC Trifecta, also known as Courtney (from Eat Pray Run, DC), Cynthia (from You Signed Up for WHAT?!), and Mar (from Mar on the Run). Head over to see what's happening for the Friday Five! 


  1. Running is my sport of choice as well but it is always nice to switch things up. I am not a big biker. I teach spin classes but never ride on road bikes. I just took up hot yoga and really enjoy it.

    1. I have never tried hot yoga....I like regular yoga, don't know if I'd hate the extra heat or if it would be (surprisingly) awesome (?)

  2. Running is mine. But I used to really love mountain biking, geesh just reading this made me realize it's been far too many years since I have been into it. I really need to break the bike out.
    A tri would be fun, my sister does them and does quite well with them, she says they are highly competitive and lots of fun. Maybe one day I'll try one out!

    1. yes, if wasn't for that little event called the swimming, I'd be a lot more motivated to do a tri sooner LOL I will need some serious swim training, I can swim good enough (I think) to save myself, but I need a lot of instruction on stroke and technique (and those ugly caps are not helping)....

  3. I'm a runner through and through but we all know how much I love my bike. I need to get back on the horse. However, I'm really enjoying just running right now.

    1. Well, Wendy, it's not like you don't have other fitness things to keep you busy... ;-)

  4. I don't mind biking but can not say I like it. I have bike but only use it a couple times a year. A lot of people in France bike but its not for me ... yet. Maybe one day.

    1. It's kind of a tough sport to "love" (at least it is for me). There's a lot of pricey gear involved....

  5. I'd like to try a duathlon someday. I like to bike, but it's hard to find the time in addition to the miles I like to run. This week I did fit in one ride, though!

    1. I know....riding goes pretty quickly, but finding the time (when I'd rather be running) is tough!
