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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Runfessions...It's fun not being SO serious

Planking....watch ya got?

I take fitness seriously. And I pride myself on being a runner who isn't "just a runner."

That said, I have to confess that sometimes it's fun to shake things up a bit and make a game out of it. After all, life is too short to be serious ALL the time.

 In recent weeks, there's been a planking challenge among a few of us. I kind of joined the party a couple days late, and I don't know if the premise was to (1)work on building up endurance to increase total planking time, (2)experiment with different planking positions, or (3) to just simply add planks to your life. One thing's for sure....planking has taken on a whole new meaning in terms of comaraderie, friendship, support, and (maybe) a little bit of competition

I plank every day, without fail. At the minimum, I do a 2:30 forearm plank each morning while my chai is heating. I'm not usually looking too glamorous (bead head, pj's, and carpet slippers), so not many of those daily 2:30 planks are documented (you can thank me later).
Fresh outta bed, complete with the comfy carpet slippers
Often times, I throw in a longer plank (upwards of 5+ minutes), or several shorter planks (in challenging positions) just to mix it up. I much prefer planks over crunches for that constant battle to flatten/strengthen my abs (for the record, I do NOT have washboard abs).

Planks also work your entire core (more info HERE) and help to strengthen your back. Depending on the position, they also give your legs definition, and can help to strengthen your hips as well.  

This planking challenge kind of took on a life of its own, though.

I planked inside....
post-run plank

...and I planked outside...

In the grass, also after a run
 ...on the yoga mat with Max (who happens to think its HIS yoga mat)...

I'm just thankful he is willing to share the mat with me

...in my backyard, in a dress (when no one was looking)...

Yes! In a dress! On one leg!
I have planked in my front yard...in between numerous drive-bys...

in the muddy post-rain grass, with sunglasses and dress shoes, none-the-less
 ...in the sunshine...

Ahhhhh, in the glorious sun....
...alongside my bike (while volunteering for a local race)...

Have you ever planked with a cowbell?
...at a nearby indoor track, on a very rainy morning...

There also may have been some speed intervals involved...
...and, believe it or not, I have actually planked on my kitchen floor!

Again, on one leg....

What do you think about planking? Ever tried it? Back in November, I hosted a Planking on the Fly challenge (more info HERE). My goal was to meet (and/or surpass) 200 minutes of planking in the 30 days of November. Broken down, I had to average around seven minutes "on the floor" every day. I was able to make it to 210 minutes of planking in November!

So, there you have it. I'm linking up with Marcia (from Marcia's Healthy Slice ), for her Runfessions link-up. Marcia was the one "who started it!" (the planking challenge, that is). I invite you to head over and see what she's runfessing, as well as all the other bloggers who are 'fessing up.


  1. It is fund to mix things up and know that others are doing it too! I include planks in my strength routines but usually do several sets of 1 minute or so each.

    1. I am so glad I discovered planks! I hate crunches, but I don't mind planks, especially because they work more than just my abs ;-)

  2. Pretty sure Marcia wanted us to plank for time. But that's boring for me, so I threw down the creativity gauntlet. And as fate would have it, I've run out of ideas! LOL! It's been a fun challenge, tho, hasn't it?

    1. It has been a fun challenge...we need to find something for June ....;-)

  3. I love that this challenge has taken on a mind of its own! It's all good fun! Thanks for linking!

  4. My kitty cat always lays under me when I plank, just like your pup!! I usually plank at the end of a lifting session but by then my shoulders are already really tired so I only do a couple 30-60 second ones!

    1. I try to do my planks first thing in the morning (when I'm not sore from something else). ANy extra ones I do throughout the day are bonus planks ;-)

  5. I should really do this, too. A plank a day keeps the jiggle at bay! haha

    1. ha ha ha...and work the jiggles in more than one place!

  6. Mixing it up is awesome. And planks are by far one of the best exercises you can do for your total body. You're a rock star planker!

    1. Thank you! I agree, they are a great total-body strengthening move

  7. I have always hating planking but I am having fun with this little competition! I need to learn to take better pictures! :) Plank on!

    1. Planking is tough! But, it's really easy to see progress by adding 10 seconds each time, or trying some of the different positions ;-)

  8. Wow, Im impressed with all your planking! Great job! I like planks but I try to change them up alot. I used to be able to hold a plank for 5 minutes straight but I haven't tried in awhile!

    1. My longest plank was 6 minutes (and a few seconds)...and I was shaking like crazy the last 30 seconds or so. I know I can do the 5-minute planks, so I don't do them very often...it's fun doing the different positions and feeling the different "burns."

  9. Replies
    1. I do! They are like a multi-tasking activity...you can do them while browsing through social media (via a tablet or phone), and most planks work several groups of different muscles at once

  10. I got to the planking game late but have been having a lot of fun with it. I generally like planking anyway, and all your posts have been an inspiration. In my runfessions, I also talk about it... :)
    Have a great weekend !

    1. You have been doing great! I'm glad we have gone international on this challenge!

  11. I do plank often, but not every day. More often as part of whatever exercise I do, or my yoga routine. Sadly it has not gotten rid of the muffin top, and working on my core is a goal while my mileage is lower.

    1. Planks definitely will help you work your core! I feel the most "muffin top" burn from the side planks....holding that top hip up as high as possible is t.o.u.g.h.

  12. Go get 'em, Kimberly! I LOVE the diverse backgrounds you use to do your planks. Yoy have proven there is truly zero excuse for not getting it done everyday. My favorite is you with the cowbell!!!

    1. Confession...a lot of the "diverse background" planks are not held for very long, but are more to show the position. I do hold those positions (INSIDE the house) for varying lengths of time, depending on the difficulty. (the neighbors would really wonder about my sanity if they saw me planking in my front yard for several minutes LOL).

  13. I always love seeing your creative plank pics! Once you get into doing them it's fun to see your progress. Keep it up!

    1. I think it's easy to see your progress with planks...you don't have to hold them long, just keep increasing the time by 5-10 second increments ;-)

  14. You are a planking queen and have definitely proven you can plank anywhere wearing anything! My dogs won't lay underneath but they'll weave in and out and bump me with their cold noses. Plank on, Kim!

  15. You know you're a bad a$$ when you plank in a dress. :)

  16. I need to get my planking act together and join you guys! There are so many ways to do it and I would love to see if I could build up my time. Such a great workout!
