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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Hills. Heat. Humidity. UGH.

Well, another week with not a lot of (running) action, but all is good.

Seriously. I may be a runner, but there are other ways to stay fit, active, and in motion.This week's theme: Hills. Heat. Humidity. Ugh.

For example, Monday was a short day at the office for me. I worked until noon, and had the afternoon to myself. I mounted the Mongoose (I really need to give it a name...Mongy? Mongie? Goosie? ), and set out for a ride.  Mind you, the temps were pretty warm and there was a 'gentle" breeze, so I naively waited until mid-afternoon to begin this endeavor.

I have never used my GPS watch for anything other than running, but I wore it for this ride to track my mileage and splits. The first two miles were in the city limits, the third mile took me to the far edge of town, and miles 4-9 were on the open road. Things went well until right before my turn-around. A pickup passed me with a huge 2x4 (?) in the bed, flopping and bouncing...a short ways later (like a mere 100 feet!), the board flew out of the truck and landed in a heap on the shoulder. Ummmm....had that happened a mere 100 yards earlier, that board would have landed on me! The dude pulled over, and I passed him as he was retrieving his lost board. A minute later, he passed me again, with that same board flopping and bouncing....so I hastily made my turn-around and headed back to town. What an idiot (the dude, not me).

My ride all went downhill (NOT literally) from there. As soon as I turned around (and was then going west), I was met with a fierce NW wind that I would have to battle for the next several miles until I got back to the main road (and would be able to turn and go north). Ugh. This road has a few mild, rolling hills...but they feel pretty steep and wicked when coupled with that angry headwind in the heat of the day. Le's' just say there was no coasting permitted and it felt like I was pedaling in place.

I made it back to the main road, and made my turn.....only the wind felt even worse as I headed north (What the WHAT?). Once I made it back to the city limits, it got better....but not much. At least I had some shade for the final two miles, but I was beat. I truly felt like I had just finished a tough foot race. I got back to my house and promptly went inside and grabbed more water (I had drained my 20oz. water bottle from my bike holster). Then I realized it was Monday....and in keeping with my #nevermissaMonday I had that 1-miler looming over my head. Granted, the world would not have ended had I skipped the run, but a brief 1-mile run is not too much to do (even with tired legs from a tough bike ride). So, after a quick water break, I headed back out and ran my mile, slowly.

Don't mind the helmet-hair...the #nevermissaMonday run is done
And then I stopped, dropped, and knocked out some push-ups as well.

sweaty hands on a brick paver path = dirt and grit everywhere
Not much on Tuesday, except for some planking and push-ups. I was still feeling pretty worn-out from that crazy bike ride (and near-death experience).

starting the day with a few planks...
Wednesday,we were plagued (again) with hot and humid weather. Seriously, Momma N, can you cut us a break? Pretty please? Granted, I have chosen to live in a place that has extreme weather, but a periodic cool day would be appreciated. (rant over)

Anyways, I waited until the evening hours to go running. Although I have been honoring the Respect The Recovery thing, I still want (and need) to log a few miles. I headed out around 8:00PM, not sure how far I should go. I decided to do my usual 5K route and, depending on how I felt, I could call it good or run a few more miles. The temps were still very hot and humid. Ugh (have I said that before?).

The wonky heel held up fine, but the chic side-pony tail? Not so much. There was a bit of stiffness in the first mile, but that all was minimized shortly thereafter. I finished the three miles and decided to be done. My heel felt fine, and I didn't want to overdo it.

Thursday was a full day at the office, and the evening roster included moving the recent college graduate out of her apartment. Cross-training at it's finest! Dresser squats (check). Sofa lunges (done). Loveseat dips (ditto). Mattress/boxprings hoists (double ditto). And, let's not forget numerous stair climbs in between each set. There may have been a plank (or several) when we were all done.
Yes, I'm not too proud to plank in a parking lot
Friday was a true day of rest. My work day ended at noon, and I went with the oldest daughter to her followup appointment with the oral surgeon (wisdom teeth extraction a week prior). We also may have gotten pedicures. I'm pretty diligent about pampering my feet at home, but it's nice to sit back and have someone else do it for you once in awhile. On a funny note, the daughter was the one who got asked if she was a runner...not me LOL (apparently, I'm doing a good job on my own with the pedi-maintenance).

pretty in pink
Saturday, I had plans to do a somewhat long run. The problem is, all of my late nights caught up with me and bit my tired buttocks that morning. I over-snoozed, and didn't find my way out of the confines of my mattress until after 8:30. Yikes. After the requisite chai latte' (and morning plank), I was able to finally get myself out the door just before 10:00.

Ugh, it was hot and humid. My ultimate goal was eight miles, but I decided on a five-mile route, loop back to my house for a water break, and (depending on how I was feeling), I could do a few more miles or call it good. The heel felt a bit stiff, but that was only for a short while. I made it through the first few miles and felt good, despite the weather. I did pause a few times to wipe my face with my (already) saturated shirt.

By the time I was nearing the end of the fifth mile, I knew this would be it. I really should have gotten up and out the door at least three hours prior. I walked a few more times in that final mile, and decided to white flag it. I would not be doing myself any favors by pressing on in the heat with my already compromised form and gait. I was pleasantly surprised to see the stats for my splits...10:19, 10;41, 10;41, 10:45 and 11:23. Not bad for running easy and "simply" by feel.  (I also went for an hour-long bike ride later in the evening).

I'm thankful I had the sense to braid my hair...2-inch stumps are much easier to comb out than a full pony
I have been craving a "sunrise" run forever, so I had every intention to rise and shine early on Sunday morning. Except Momma N (again) decided to play with my plans (and my mind) and gave us some major rainfall and storms at 5:00AM. Seriously. When I finally got up, around 7:30, all was calm outside and I was able to get dressed and out the door by 8:15.

But, ugh. Even though the temps were a bit cooler, the humidity was still over the top. My plans were to only do a simple 5K, so it was not a big deal. My heel felt fine (I could really get used to this!), and I took it slow and easy and enjoyed the scenery. In my opinion, any run outside trumps a run inside on the 'mill. Although I was a major hot and sweaty mess (again!), I was happy and thankful to be outside, starting my day in my running shoes.

In other news:

My heel has been feeling good! I'm taping the arch/heel periodically, and wearing my "comfy" shoes more often than my "pretty sandals." I'm also treating the tape as a fashion accessory...why not?

The planking and push-up challenge continues. Although Max thinks he's my coach, he doesn't get the concept of the timer on my phone.

 And the first rose bloom of the season has graced my garden!

What do you think...should I give my bike a name? Any suggestions? How's your weather? Pedicures...do you do them yourself or let someone else pamper you?

As always, I'm linking up with my gals Holly from HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin  for the Weekly Wrap. Do head over, check out their blogs as well as all the other blogs there. You will not be disappointed!


  1. Wow! That was crazy with the 2x4 flying out, I would have turned around too. Sound like you had an overall good week.

    1. Yes, it was one thing to see the truck pass me (at a fast speed) and see the board flopping...but quite another thing to see the board fly OUT of the bed of the truck. YIKES!

  2. We do what we can we this extreme weather. But I agree -- I'd rather be outside any old hot day. My previous bike was Bettha. She was big, worn out and school bus yellow. My new one is Sanity. That's what she brought into my life at the time. How does your bike make you feel? How about Windy? LOL. That's is scary about the 2x4! I had to brake very hard today. I didn't see a car until last minute. Thanks for linking Kim!

    1. I didn't get too many suggestions on naming the bike....I might have to do a blog post on that LOL

  3. The only thing worse than running into the wind is biking into the wind! I'm glad that 2x4 didn't take you off the bike. People...

    I fell off a rock in the lake last night and landed on my heel. The bad one. Today I can't walk on it. Sigh.

    1. Oh no....O.U.C.H!!!! Hope you didn't do any more damage ;-(

  4. Glad to hear your heel has been feeling better. I'd take hot a humid over cold any day. But the other day the weather actually got to me too which is very unusual. Cute toes! I finally got one the other wk. I was way overdue!

    1. Crossing the fingers...the heel is feeling good. I have a few races coming up before my ultra....so I'm hoping things stay pain-free

  5. The heat and humidity really is killer. I'm running so much slower, too, which is necessary but not very encouraging haha. Glad the heel is feeling better!

    1. The heat slows me down some....mainly because the heavy air makes it so difficult to breathe. That said, I still have a hard time making myself go slower than what feels natural (not that I'm naturally fast LOL)

  6. I named my bike Francine :)

    The humidity is disgusting. There is no way I can start my runs later than 7:30 - otherwise, I think I would incinerate.

    So glad your heel is cooperating! It's always nice when pain and discomfort go away and you can get back to business.

    I will paint my toes, but that's about it. I don't have a pedi place I really like and I really just don't have the time for something that's going to get destroyed in my running shoes or in the pool.

    1. I agree....I always have my toes painted, but it's hard to drop a bunch of cash for something that is pretty short-lived. I do all the maintenance pretty well, but I do not massage my feet as often as I should...

  7. I always worry about things flying off of cars and trucks while I am biking too. How scary. Your planks have inspired me and I am up to 2m 15 sec woo hoo!

    1. You area doing so well with your planking!!!!! I hosted a planking challenge back in November, and am thinking of doing another similar one...

  8. I just wanted to be inside a walk in freezer all weekend!

    1. The temps were really hot & heavy this past weekend.... #sweatfest

  9. Great job with your workouts, and I was a little nervous that you weren't going to run on Monday but I see that you did :). This heat and humidity have really been killing me...I feel so sluggish on my runs, even when I run at the crack of dawn. But I'm glad to hear there's no more heel pain!

  10. I have never had a pedicure at all! I've done manis, but not pedis.

    What is it with wind coming in both directions? Doesn't that always seem to be the case?

    Glad you didn't get hit by that 2 x 4. I once had a ladder narrowly miss me from the truck in front. Talk about an adrenaline spike!

    Sounds like you're getting in plenty of activity despite the heat.

    1. The wind is terrible to bike against. Sometimes I"m not even sure what direction it's coming from because I feel it everywhere...

  11. I agree, the humidity is obscene! and that bike ride of course? I am still shaking my head! I admire the fact that you go out at 8pm and still get it done, amazing! Have a great week, and I love that yellow RUN shirt- nice!

    1. The humidity has been at an all-season high lately.....and my hair has been pretty droopy (straight hair probs)

  12. Exactly that should be my motto the past couple of weeks for me too. I may be a runner but I like variety!
    Ha funny about the pedi's I love a good foot massage and hey if my toes get some color that is great but I go for the massage :) In fact I'm over due!

    1. I think all runners need variety! We need all of our muscles to be strong, not just our legs ;-)

  13. So scary about that 2x4. Geez people are stupid. Yes hot and humid and hard to sneak the runs in here as well. But I dare not complain since summer is fleeting enough. I think I may head to the shaded trails for my next long run.

    1. Summer is fleeting most quickly....how is it almost July? Two of our kids have birthdays in July...and we blink and it's back to school.....

  14. The 2x4 incident sounds like it was scary. Glad you are okay. Sounds like it was a fun week and how cool that you got to get off at noon on certain days. Perfect for summertime activities!

    1. My job is part-time (approx. 30 hours/wk), so I have a lot of flexibility, which I really appreciate in the summer ;-)

  15. Our weather has been hotter than usual...with NO breaks in the heat streak. Not complaining (much), I'll gladly take this over being cooped up inside, but little less humidity now & then would be nice ;-)

  16. so glad to hear that the heel pain is subsiding a bit. Sometimes you have to go for comfort over fashion, even if that includes the ever lovely KT tape.

    1. I'm really getting some great use out of my tape! I only have hot pink and the royal blue....I need some color options!

  17. Wow, busy week !
    I do my own pedicures. That guy is a complete idiot. Glad your heel is feeling better. My downtime definitely helped my leg. You keep me motivated for planking and push ups. Didn't do many last week but I have started back faithfully this week. Thanks for the encouragement !

    Hope the humidity goes away. That is one thing I do not miss about the US !

    1. I love seeing all your plank/push-ups stuff!! Plank on, Sista!!

  18. You are absolutely amazing with your planks. I get manis all the time but do my own toes. Glad your heel is improving.

  19. omg that board on the truck sounds terrifying. some people.......
    I'm in NJ and today is gonna be REAL humid and I have a tempo run on my schedule :-O We'll see how that goes haha.

  20. Sounds like you had a pretty eventful week. I am so glad that board didn't fly off that truck any earlier. Glad you are ok!
