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Sunday, August 7, 2016

Back in the Running Shoes!

My first official week "back in the running shoes," so to speak. And I couldn't be happier!

After two lack-luster (though necessary) weeks of recovery, I finally allowed myself a little more action this week.

Monday started with the usual #nevermissaMonday ritual....an easy run to get the week off and running (see what I did there?). After missing 2-1/2 days of work (due to moving the daughter to Pennsylvania), I knew it would be a busy day at the office. Not only would I benefit from a little bit of post-run happiness & energy, I suspected my enthusiasm for a post-work-day run would be iffy at best (but I did go for a long walk with a friend in the evening).

#nevermissaMonday done in the sun
Tuesday, I decided (again) to rise and shine and log some miles to start my day. It was a smart move, because the temps got really hot and even more humid as the day progressed.

yes, I'm sparkling and glowing all over the place
Wednesday was my first non-running day since Saturday, but I kept busy doing my August Challenge stuff (see below, under the "In other news" heading). I also went for a bike ride (on pretty flat tires) to get a more accurate read on the actual mileage from Tuesday's run. I typically don't take my GPS watch (a pretty pink Timex Ironman) with me for short mid-week runs, and while running on Tuesday I got the urge to add a few extra turns. Imagine  my surprise to see the mileage was almost an entire mile longer than I thought I'd run. (oops)

a few miles on the Mongoose (Yikes, I still haven't named him!)
Thursday was gonna be another hot and humid day, so I did a few early morning miles (again) before work. Fortunately, it was pretty cloudy (so the temps weren't unbearable, but the sky was still a bit dark) when I headed out. Ahhh, tranquility.

By the light of my Knuckle Lights
Thursday night, though, the weather took a (brief) turn for the worse. The sky turned an eery shade of yellow (I kid you not) and a massive thunderstorm passed through town, It was over and done in 20 minutes, but left us without power (until 3:00AM)....

By the light of the emergency lantern....
...and lots of damage throughout town. I live right by a city park, and there was a big tree uprooted, another tree trunk split, and numerous downed branches everywhere.

some of the aftermath
Friday was a great day! Can you say,"new shoes?"

Aren't they just precious? Brooks Adrenalines GTS 16's...come to Momma!
Saturday also found me up early, dressed, and heading out by 6:00 for some miles in the new shoes. I met up with a friend, and we knocked out six miles at a decent pace (that felt much slower than it actually was). But that sunrise! It was so beautiful!

After returning back home, I did a quick shower and jumped in the car for a 3-1/2 hour car ride to a family reunion in southern Minnesota. That seems to be a common trend for me recently...doing a long run and then spending several hours in a car. Oh well, that's my schedule and I have to make it work. 

Sunday was a designated day of recovery. My weekly mileage had not been excessive, but I was ready for a day with minimal activity. I did a 20-minute walk before church, then spent some time squatting in the garden in the afternoon ... and maybe a few sets of stair climbs...like 40 (oops, hate it when that happens). 

Sunday's recovery walk...bonus points for matching shoes

So, that's a wrap on the fitness-activity.

 In other news:

I have some goals and challenges for August. Most of these are daily "obligations," but some are weekly and monthly as well. These are not big time commitments, but I anticipate I will see some great results (after doing 25 daily push-ups in July, my form was much-improved, and I have much greater range of motion!). Onward!

August goals... care to join me?

I have a strong Norwegian heritage, and a love for all foods Scandinavian! A friend brought me some lefse (a pastry-type of delicacy, made from potatoes none the less) from a Norwegian festival...and it was delicious! 

Lefse...what a delicious mess!
Isn't Max a cutie? I realize everyone thinks their dog is THE cutest canine on the planet...but our little Max is also an Iowa Hawkeye fan. So, he's not just cute, he's also smart...can you say that about your dog? (j/k)
Maxton McArthur
I just have to add that I am so glad I discovered the magic of strength-training. My arms have never been "soft," but there was a time when they were skinny with zero muscle tone. I don't want to have body builder arms, but I'm thankful to have some shape and definition now. Life is good.

I love what's happened to my arms
So tell me about your week! Lots of mileage, or recovery? Any Norwegian heritage in your gene pool,  or a love for lefse? Have you ever done an early morning run, only to have forgotten about it later that same day?

I'm linking up with Holly from HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their awesome Weekly Wrap! Head over and checkout their blogs, as well as all the many other linked blogs. 


  1. The best part about strength training (besides beautiful arms) is no batwings. Yikes.

    I thought of you yesterday--I forgot to turn on my Garmin for our bike ride! So I turned it on for the return trip. I just had to know how far we rode!

    1. Ha Ha!!! I appreciate having the stats, but I do better not having it at my immediate disposal. I fear I'd focus more on the numbers and less on the experience if I had my watch with me every time I laced up. #myprobs

  2. 100 flights of stairs - wow! I love a good sunrise! Too bad about the fallen tree. I need to try lefse!

    1. Well, the 100 flights is a weekly goal, so don't be too impressed LOL

  3. You know, quite often I'll have to ask myself in the evenings "did I run this morning?" I will forget! I thought I was the only one. I love new shoe day! I hate when storms take down the beautiful mature trees. I'm glad you didn't have any stormdamage. Nice arms! Thanks for linking, Kim.

    1. The days when the "run is done" bright and early, I feel like I have so much more free time! And, I have a lot more energy throughout the day ;-)

  4. Your arms are looking great! I am not Norweigian but I have had a lot of roommates that were and my mother in law makes great lefse. I love it.
    My week this week is a cutback week, long run of 12 miles...yay!

    1. Lefse is the bomb! Don't those "short" long runs feel great?!

  5. Glad to see you're back at it! Like the new shoes! I haven't worn Brooks in awhile but they are such a great brand. I can't say that I have any Norwegian blood, LOL! That power outage looks awful, hopefully no one was hurt.

    Your August goals are awesome. You keep inspiring me to do my 1-minute planks! Still, I'm wondering if they'll ever get easier??

    1. I bet the planks still feel challenging because you're (probably) utilizing more muscles....I bet you could hold it longer than one minute, too!

  6. Glad to hear you're back on the road and feeling good. I'm impressed with those stairs. I know I wouldn't make it half of that (or a quarter :-) _.

    1. I'm still kind of easing back into it...it's only been 3 weeks since my ultra, so I don't want to overdo it. My hammy is still a bit "off," so I'm trying to be cautious...

  7. My husband and I used to make lefse with his Mother every Christmas - his favorite way to eat it is with cottage cheese and sugar and cinnamon. I have been thinking about trying a g-f way to make it.

    You had a HOT and HUMID week! Sure glad you didn't suffer any damage in that storm.

    Love your new kicks!

    1. I've always had lefse with butter and sugar...never tried it with cottage cheese, I bet that gives it a creamy taste!

  8. My early morning run on Saturday before my roadtrip was done in the dark. It was a reminder of things to come. Things I just wish would not! I don't like running in the dark but I do it. I know your glad to be back in the running swing! Thanks for linking up Kim!

    1. I really like running in the wee hours.....it's really neat starting in the dark and finishing in full sunshine ;-)

  9. I'm loving my early morning runs but trying to figure out how I can keep them up when I'm back at work (vacation ends). It's still really hot here so it's either early morning or late night runs to avoid the heat!

    1. For some reason, I've only been embracing the early morning miles recently. Not sure why....probably because I've been doing mainly late afternoon/evening runs most of the summer because I don't mind the heat (much). The heat has been crazy!

  10. I am currently is PA. Where did you move your daughter too?

    1. She's living in Hanover, working in Gettysburg. We're headed back there Labor Day weekend...any suggestions on races? ;-)

  11. Yay for lacing up the running shoes again. Getting new shoes is a great way to celebrate.

  12. I sometimes count down all the things I did that day before I sleep so I remind myself. It gets harder the older I get! Your dog is the cutest by the way. :)

    1. That's a great idea...and a great way to reflect on the day. I have found that I just have to (sometimes) write everything down...or it's gone....

  13. 150 planking minutes!? Way to raise the bar girlfriend. Glad to hear you are back in your running shoes. Hope you have a great week

    1. Did we know each other back in November? I did a self-imposed planking challenge and broke 200 minutes for month...it's not that tough when you break it down and do a little each day...c'mon, join me!!

  14. Look at those guns! And new shoes - woohoo! I'm glad you stayed safe through the storm!

    1. We were very lucky with the storm. Other than a few stray small branches (and approximately 7 hours sans power), our house was safe from damage.

  15. I do like some lefse- my hubby brings it back from Wisconsin :) The planking minutes is unbelievable- you got the arms sister!!!!

  16. I love lefse! I haven't had it in ages.

    Nice job on all the workouts and your arms look awesome!

    1. Thanks!! My arms are my favorite "parts" to work (outside of my running parts). ;-)

  17. Love the arms, the shoes, the goals! I'm sure you feel glad to be back in the game again!

    We are Irish/Italian/German, so I really haven't had much opportunity to try Scandanavian food. I would love to try a pastry made of potatoes!

    Here's to another fabulous week!

  18. Hooray for new running shoes! I always feel faster the first time I run in them too :)

  19. I really like your weekly training goals...very doable and beneficial.

    1. Thanks!! They're fairly easy, not time-consuming, and (best of all) they're effective ;-)

  20. I have the same exact running shoes! Although not sure they are right for me, but they are really pretty! I love when my arms tone up, yoga has been doing that for me.

    1. I need to get back to a regular yoga routine! I'm always amazed how toned up I feel all-over when I'm doing yoga consistently

  21. Glad to read you are running again. The heat plus foot pain has kept me near the pool and away from the road unfortunately.
    Love your purple sneakers!

    1. I'm easing back....too paranoid about doing something stupid and getting injured LOL

  22. Yikes on that storm. It is so striking and sad to see a big tree destroyed like that. I take my Garmin on every run!

    1. I'm one of the rare runners who does not embrace technology (much) LOL I know myself...if I had my watch with me all the time, I'd be focused on my wrist and not the run itself (#mybad)

  23. I have never heard of lefse, and as you might guess, zero Scandinavian blood here.

    I am a big fan of strength training, but life just seems to be conspiring against me getting it done lately!

    1. I don't do hours of disciplined strength work...but I do try to do 10-15 minutes now and then, just to maintain what I've got ;-)

  24. YAY! Glad you're back. Missed your running posts. I wish I did any strength training. I know I should but I don't.

    1. It took me a long time to appreciate strength training. I did P90X several years ago...and that nearly killed me the first couple weeks because my muscle tone was pathetic. I'm thankful I stuck it out and finished the program...it's been very easy to maintain most of my strength from that (because I would never want to have to start over LOL)

  25. Thanks for ALL of your nice comments ;-) They're taking down a lot of our tall trees in the park ;-( Too much damage from the storm last week...

  26. I really like your weekly training goals...very doable and beneficial.
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