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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Rocking the Early Mornings!

Another week back, and there have been lots of early morning shenanigans.

I'm slowly easing back to moderate mileage before the 26.2 training commences. I'm realizing how much I really like those early morning miles. I don't really know why I haven't done more of those EMR's (Early Morning Runs) this summer....but now that the days will be getting shorter, I'm realizing the need to take advantage of what remains.

My week began with a couple of early morning #nevermissaMonday miles at sunrise. Another hot and humid day was in the forecast, so I wanted to get it done before the temps got crazy.

Rise and shine!
I had the same idea for Tuesday morning, except my body had a different agenda. The temps were fairly mild, but the humidity already was pretty heavy. I had been up late watching the Olympics (#mybad). The angry hammy wasn't feeling great. My plan had been four easy miles, but after the first mile I decided three not-so-easy miles would suffice. And, that's all well and good. I've had some pretty great runs lately, it was only fitting a "bad run" was bound to make an appearance.
Definitely not my most enjoyable run, but I'm thankful for having gotten it done
Wednesday was a day of strength-training. I don't post daily pics of my planks (or every fitness-related activity I do....really, who would enjoy seeing EVERYTHING?). Most people know I"m active, I don't feel the need to overwhelm my phone with pictures documenting every time I break a sweat. But this pre-sunrise workout left me feeling like a beast, and ready to conquer the day.
Planking, push-up-ing, and pumping (iron)...Oh my!
It also was our 26th wedding anniversary. We had dinner with the two remaining kids at home...but (for once) I failed to document this moment in time (#another #mybad).

From last year, on our 25th anniversary
Thursday was another day that started in the running shoes before the sunrise. As much as I wanted some redemption for Tuesday's train wreck, I thought it best to keep it easy and steady. The hammy had been achy most of the week, so I didn't want to aggravate it further. Besides, I had a busy weekend on tap, and knew I'd be logging some miles on both Saturday and Sunday. No worries.

By the light of my Knuckle Lights and ViziBelt
Friday...not much happening. I did my August Challenge stuff (planking, push-ups, stairwork, etc.), and watched more of the Olympics. Did you see Mo's incredible 10K? Not only did he take an unfortunate tumble, but he spanked that race and won it! I am so much in awe of the talent these Olympians have!

Saturday, I was up and at 'em (again), and met up with my friend, Barb, for a (moderately) long run. We've had some extremely hot and humid weather this week, but Saturday's temps were beautiful. I had a few moments of "needing" to walk (just keeping it real...ultra runners need walk breaks, too), but overall the run felt great. We got seven miles done and were finished around 8:00AM.

Does anything feel better than stripping off the shoes and socks after a long run?
Sunday, was my first-ever obstacle course run (and we were up early...out of the house by 5:30AM to make the drive over). My husband is now retired from the military (31 years...Air Force active duty and Air National Guard reserve duty). Several years ago, he did an 18-month stint at Camp Dodge (Johnston, IA), and was invited to participate in their first-ever No Mans Land Trench Run...a 10K course on the grounds of Camp Dodge, which would include several army training maneuvers/obstacles, hills, trenches, etc.  This event really got me out of my comfort zone (hello? mud under my finger nails? #eewww), and it was a great testament to the value in doing other cross-training, and being more than "just a runner." The race recap is in the works, so stay tuned.

Yep, that's a 20-pound sand bag. Not heavy, but awkward to run with!

In other news.....

Last weekend was my mother's birthday. We had been living in Michigan for several years prior to the attacks on September 11, 2001. We decided to move back to Iowa, and are now a mere three blocks from my parents. It's nice having them close by, and I'm glad our kids were able to grow up with them playing an active role in their lives.

With my mommy dearest, Carol Jean

This gal, Simone, is simply amazing. I just cannot help being in awe (and ever-so-slightly jealous) of her awesome talent.

Even though the temps have been hot and humid, I refuse to let Momma N win this battle. I have a number of fun ways I'm dong my hair these days.....because flat and frumpy is just not a look I embrace. And I may have a thing for bright colors, too.....

Humid air, don't care!
Last of all, our groomer had a chance to fine-tune Max's hair. She had been on maternity leave for a few months. The husband and I did an OK job maintaining his course, wavy tangles, but it definitely was time for some professional attention. I never like his newly-cut hair for the first couple of weeks (because it just doesn't look like "Max"), but I know it's what is best for him. His fur is thick, and if we don't stay on top of (almost daily) brushing, it becomes a furry mess in a hurry.

Back from the groomer....probably three pounds lighter from all the hair that got trimmed
How was your week? Have you had some hot & humid weather? Does it affect how you wear your hair? Ever done an obstacle course event? If you have a dog, do you do the grooming on your own, or have a professional do it?

So, that's a wrap. As usual, I'm linking up with Holly (from HoHo Runs) and Tricia (from MissSippiPiddlin) for their awesome Weekly Wrap. Head over and check out what's been happening!


  1. I don't know about you but I think we need to get Max and Cocoa together, for a photo shoot. She needs to socialize...

    1. As long as she's not bigger than him LOL (He tends to think he can take on the big guys) ;-)

  2. Aw, happy birthday to your mom! My mom lives close and is great at being involved with my kids - even now that they're adults. I am hooked on early morning exercise - best way to start the day!

    1. I agree, early morning exercise is the bomb! Plus, it gives you the option to do extra stuff (more exercise) in the evening if you have to cut the morning session short.

  3. That's great that you live close to your momma! Yes it has been horribly hot and humid here and it is totally affecting my runs!

    1. I don't embrace the heat/humidity, but I've learned to accept it. Even if my pace is slowed, I know my body is still working just as hard.

  4. The hot, humid weather has me not blow drying my hair. Sorry to hear about the ornery hammy. Those are no joke.

    1. Oh gosh...if I didn't blow dry my hair, it would be super-duper flat! No one needs to see that!!!

  5. Can't wait for the recap of your OCR...sounds fun! My runs were all very sluggish this past week, I'm a little bummed, but I know they were still good runs. I always think of you when I'm getting in my planks, not quite every day but about every other day!

    1. The sluggish runs are painful, but I think they're just as effective as the great runs...your body has to work twice as hard, after all. Keep on planking!!

  6. Happy anniversary to you and the hubs and happy birthday to your mom! Looking forward to that race recap!

  7. I'm so ready for this weather to be over!

    Happy Anniversary! You clean up good! :-)

  8. I am impressed by the obstacle course. That has absolutely no appeal to me. Not only do I hate being muddily / dirty, but I am also afraid of injury.
    Happy anniversary !
    And Simone just rocks. I love the Olympics just for the gymnastics. Team USA did pretty great too for the marathon !
    Have a great week.

    1. Injury was my biggest fear, too. I wanted to see how I did on the obstacles, though. Thankfully, this race was marketed as a "fun challenge" more than a "race," and it was a great experience.

  9. I really wish I could be an early morning runner like you but I just don't see it happening. Need coffee first!

    1. If I'm not doing a super long run, I'm OK without caffeine or fuel. The long runs (7+ miles), though, require some pre-run prep.

  10. We are so quick to snap pictures of our workouts and all but why is it harder for us to remember to capture memories that don't happen often? Those hamstrings sure take a while to jump back. Mine has been tender since skiing and it's been a week. I'm sure it would help if I rested it completely but I have been babying it....
    An obstacle race would get me out of my comfort zone. I"m not sure I"m ready to do one yet.

    1. The obstacles weren't really difficult, but I'm also pretty committed to cross-training so my body was ready for the challenge. It was mainly the dirt (and potential water) that had me a little freaked LOL

  11. I can't imagine running any other time than early mornings. I actually like the darkness. I find it very peaceful. I adore the juxtaposition of your pink fingernails against that sand bag your hefting around. It just makes it extra bada$$. I hope your hammy calms down before your marathon training starts. Thanks for linking, Kim!

    1. I agree...the early morning darkness is so tranquil.It's great starting in the dark and seeing the sun slowly emerge...

  12. It was a crazy busy week. I've been sporting a ponytail/messy bun for most of the summer. The humidity undoes any work I put into it, so I'm kind of at the "why bother?" point.

    Happy anniversary to you guys and happy birthday to your mom! My mom just moved closer to us a few years ago and it's been amazing having her and my stepdad so involved in little man's life.

    I can't wait to read about your OCR! I haven't had the courage to pull the trigger on that quite yet!

    1. I've had the courage to do one, just not the proximity (nor the schedule) to do so. I'm glad I finally had one kind of fall into my lap ;-)

  13. I did my first Spartan race a couple of months ago and I'm a huge fan of obstacle races now...looking forward to the recap of your race!

    1. I'd love to do a Spartan race, but there are not any in my area...and when one occasionally shows up, it's usually smack-dab in the middle of a training season when I'm avoiding injury LOL

  14. It's great having family nearby ;-) Ha ha...my flat hair gets even flatter (and straighter) in the heat, but I have learned to embrace the versatility it gives me. #glasshalffull

  15. Happy anniversary! Very impressive! You know I have to get it done early in the morning here! Whew and yes, crazy humid hair is the norm- way to work it!!! That obstacle course sounds a little scary- LOL! I am not a fan of mud anywhere! :)
