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Thursday, September 1, 2016

How did August play out?

So, August 2016 is a wrap. And I'm quite content with what went down.

Here's a look at the top five:

Mileage in the running shoes came in at 75 miles. Yikes, how did that happen? It didn't seem like I was doing anything different or special, and (technically) I was still in recovery mode from my mid-July ultra. Believe me, I'm not bragging about 75 miles. Although it's substantial for me, it's nothing special to the bulk of my comrades who knock out triple digit mileage months consistently.

Planking had me at 159 minutes. Typically, I don't log my planking minutes because I do them daily. Most of my planks are on my forearms and toes. Some are facing forward, some are sideways, but most of them are low to the ground. I'm gonna host a planking challenge for September...so stay tuned (and join us!).
Care to plank with me in September? 

Push-ups topped off at 775! Although that number looks crazy, keep in mind I had 31 days to get it done. My goal was to do 25 push-ups every day... 25 "real" push-ups. I routinely do 'knee" push-ups, but I wanted this challenge to be a true challenge...so I kept them on the toes. There were a couple days when I slacked off (my bad), but I made them up on the following day.

I climbed 440 flights of stairs. Well, truth be told, I climbed much more than 440, but these 440 flights were done at a faster-than-casual pace. It's no secret I like stair-climbing. It's a cheap (and convenient) means of exercise for cardio, core, legs, and glutes. I simply take the steps "by-2's" and continue going up (and down) until I reach my designated goal (usually in sets of 20). My goal was to have 100 flights of stair-training each week.

Total 1,493 cumulative minutes of (documented) activity. This includes running, biking, strength-training, speed walking, and stair-climbing. It does not include planking, dog-walking, nor the numerous random trips up the stairway for forgotten items. My goal was to have at least 20 minutes of cardio (or fitness-related activity) daily, especially on non-running days.

How did your August play out? Do you ever take on monthly challenges or set monthly goals? Care to join me for the September planking challenge? #GoAhead #MakeMyPlank

I'm linking up with the DC gals ( Mar , Courtney , Cynthia ) for the Friday Five, and also with Holly and Tricia for their awesome Weekly Wrap! I invite you to follow the links to their blogs, and checkout all the other blogs on the link-up!


  1. Wow, you keep pretty good track of your activity. The only think I track are my runs. You had a good month Kim!

    1. Ha, I typically do not track all of my activity like that. I log the running miles, but that's usually it. I plank all the time (daily), so I don't bother keeping track of it unless it's special challenge or something.

  2. I'm exhausted just reading this! I'll be planking with you...

  3. I'm impressed with all of this tracking! I don't even know how many miles I ran. I guess I could go add it up but I don't care. HAha! Yes. bring those planks!

    1. Don't be too impressed, I'm not usually that anal. I log the running, but all else usually does not get documented (but I will be tracking my planking minutes again this month...you know...there's that challenge going on LOL)

  4. Impressive! Do you know how many minutes it took you to calculate all of those statistics?? Hahaha!! Just kidding.. I'm planking with you this month AND doing my own squat challenge as well...my butt and tummy better look fabulous by the end of September!!

    1. I had to write it down daily...the few times I waited a day or so later, it was a serious struggle to remember what I did LOL I did some squats Saturday in the hotel...and holy crap, after almost 18 hours in the renter truck today, I'm walking like a penguin. I must have squatted with vigor.

  5. You had a great month ! I still do 95% of my push ups on my knees. I can often do 5 or 10 on my toes, depending. I have also been doing forearm push ups. I hate them but they add some variety. And those are always on my toes.
    August was pretty good generally, I felt I was very active, despite some Achilles niggles. I am glad to be back into a routine now that September is here.

    1. It's hard to believe September is here! I can do 25-30 push-ups at a time, but the last 5 or so get a little questionable. I'd rather do a few quality ones at a time than a huge number of "weak" ones.The knee push-ups are great! You probably get a much greater range of motion with those ;-)

  6. I don't track anything. I rely on my Garmin to remember my runs and did add my longer hotel TM runs to the app - but only after forgetting to a few times! My August only had 50ish miles of running. It just wasn't a priority with cycling and OTF added to my schedule.

    1. I track all of my miles (old school..hand written on a calender) because technology (and my lack of tech knowledge skills) has me paranoid it'll get lost at some point.I don't trust myself to rely on tech gadgets LOL

  7. Wow! I'm am impressed! I only track my mileage, but since I haven't checked I have no idea how many miles I ran. Probably 60ish. (So I decided to actually check. I ran 79.35! I'm impressed with myself! :-) ).

    1. Impressive mileage! It's always a nice surprise when it's much higher than you think ;-)

  8. Umm...those are some BIG numbers! Inspiring! August was great until I got injured but September is a new month!

    1. Yes, it's a new month. A perfect time to recharge, reassess, and move on ;-)

  9. Umm...those are some BIG numbers! Inspiring! August was great until I got injured but September is a new month!

  10. Wow, you had an incredible August. I can't wait to see what your September numbers look like!

    1. Well, I won't be tracking so many different fitness things in September. These are all things I do (pretty consistently), it was fun to actually see the numbers and stats.

  11. You got in a lot of miles this month! Loving the motivation for all the planks. I am trying to do them daily too!

    1. I think I forgot to tag you on my plank this morning...there are so many #plankerpals I'm forgetting some of them when I'm tagging people. (oops) You have been doing great...it's fun to see all the planks and pics!

  12. Way to go! I'm up for a plank challenge, but not sure how it works.

    1. It's basically just a challenge to plank every day. You can do short planks throughout the day, or do a "long" plank with the goal of (maybe) building up to a longer time. Or you can just do a simple plank every day. Just get down on the floor and #assumetheposition ;-) If you want me to tag you (on Instagram) let me know your IG name, and I'll tag you whenever I post a plank-related pic ;-)

  13. Love the hashtag but nope, not much of a challenge person (not to mention the craziness of my life right now).

    Every time I thought I was getting back on track this summer something happened to derail it. I'm just hoping things finally improve! But no matter what, I think the next few months are gonna be crazy -- we have some fun things planned & I'm just hoping we get to do them.

    Good job on being active this month!

  14. Replies
    1. thanks! The number sounds a lot more impressive than it actually was on a day-by-day basis LOL

  15. I love tracking my workouts. It's really starting to bother me that i don't have a HRM so I can log some of my spin and weights classes too.

    Great work for you this month!

    1. After all of this OCD (anal tracking), I'm feeling weird NOT writing everything down....crazy!

  16. What an awesome month for you! I think it is too hot to hit 75 miles in one month here :) I am in for the plank and will try my best to keep up! Great pics and inspiration!

    1. you have been doing an awesome job "on the floor!" Keep up the great work!

  17. I'm so impressed by your log of activities! 75 miles is super impressive :)

    1. Thank you! 75 miles is a lot for me considering I was not "training" for anything. I typically do not do high-mileage (paranoid about injury)

  18. Great job on all fronts! Love all that stair climbing and planking. I am already behind on your challenge but I have bumped up my planks to 1.5 minutes vs. 1 minute...still a struggle!

    1. Hey, your planking has improved a lot! Just do what you can ;-)

  19. 440 flights! Wow! I thought my 72 was a lot -- haha! Great job!!!

    1. Ha ha ....well, those 440 flights were over the course of an entire month ;-)

  20. There you go! What a month full of activity! I'm trying to get back into it myself...

    1. I have found I do better staying active. If I slack off, it's difficult to get going again. There are times I scale back on the activity (if I'm recovering from a tough race or injury), but I seldom let myself "do nothing" for an extended period.

  21. I am loving all the awesome filtered pictures! Man just when I step up my game the bar is raised, lol I know I need too but I never track mileage on shoes, I have several I rotate out but how do you keep track of yours? I fell off and didn't plank yesterday :( Thanks for linking up lady!

    1. Sadly I don't track my miles in accordance to my shoes (but I should). I just write the numbers of miles of each run on my "old school" calendar. I remember when the approximate dates when I get the shoes, and with my monthly mileage I can estimate the number of miles on the shoes. Granted, I rotate some of my older shoes (for short runs) and use the newer shoes for long runs...but I have an idea when it's time to replace the shoes (usually I'll start noticing more aches and pains).

  22. Keeping your monthly totals is a great idea! Plus you can feel accomplished looking back on all you did this month.great work! Tracking mileage on my shoes has been a goal of mine but I forget to keep track and complicate things by rotating two pairs.

  23. What a fantastic month! I'm tired from reading this. I miss my Fitbit as it did track routine flights of stairs and I live in a tri-level house with lots of those things. Participating in different activities is such a smart way to stay in top athletic shape while staying injury free! Thanks for linking, Kim.

  24. I love tracking my workouts. It's really starting to bother me that i don't have a HRM so I can log some of my spin and weights classes too.
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