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Sunday, September 25, 2016

It's Been a Hot One

Stick a fork in me, 'cuz I'm done. Not tired, but definitely "over-cooked."

I hate to see (and feel) summer end, and apparently Momma N tried to appease me this week. That's right, summer came back with a vengeance...ironically, in the first week of fall.

Monday was pleasant, though.  I headed outside for four easy miles (by the light of the moon) in the early morning. Never miss a Monday. Ever.

Never miss a Monday....
Tuesday, I had some hill work on the agenda, and just did not feel like attempting those in the wee hours (and I may have been a bit sleepy when the alarm sounded at 4:58AM. I also had a busy day at work, so I didn't get home until near-dinner time and wanted to watch The Voice at 7:00PM. I changed clothes and headed outside, towards a nearby county road that has a couple of good hills. After running back and forth (several times), I  finished the workout with almost five total miles (including warm-up and cool-down). And I was a saturated mess, but felt great for what I'd accomplished.

sweatfest #1
Wednesday is typically a non-running day, so there's usually some strength work and moderate aerobic activity. And, of course, there's planking!

more side planking
Thursday arrived, and (again) I was not eager to do my assigned running in the early hours because I had timed ladders on the agenda, and those are a pain to do in the dark (for me) because I get annoyed by constantly needing to hit the "light" button on my watch. Instead, I waited to do those after work...in the heat of the day, none the less. I was a saturated mess after that workout as well, but felt great for the effort.

sweatfest #2 for the week
Friday was another day of easy-does-it activity.

Saturday. Ever have one of those moments of wonder when you read your training plan (again) and realize you had read it wrong several times prior? Well, I decided to double check a few details on the plan only to realize I had a short run on the roster. So, I got it done. An easy shakeout run is actually a good thing to consider if you have a race happening the next day.

three easy miles that almost didn't happen
Sunday was race day! I have a deep fondness for the Quad Cities Marathon, being it was my first marathon (2013). This year, I was part of a relay team with three of my cousins and I also ran the half marathon. Momma N seriously played with our minds in the days leading up to the race....threatening rain and storms. Low and behold, she waved her magic wand and blessed us with a dry morning, ample sunshine, and lots of heat (and humidity). Alas, it still was a great time. Stay tuned, the recap is coming!

Double bib = Double bling
And I also got in a plank after I finished the half marathon and had some down time (awaiting the relay team to finish).

yes, some of us plank in broad daylight at marathons
So there you have it. I think my weekly mileage came in around 29 (and some change), that's definitely my highest weekly mileage in awhile. Yikes, I'm currently sitting at 83 for September...so I'm gonna be close to another century mark for the month.

Has it continued to stay hot in your area?  What's the highest weekly mileage that you've done? Did you plank this week?

As usual, I'm linking with my gals Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap. I encourage you to swing over and take a peek at their blogs and all the others linked.


  1. Still hot and still planking! Congratulations on both a half and a relay...that's impressive! Hill repeats are my favorite...good job on squeezing those in before The Voice! :)

    1. I kinda like the hills, too, although slightly cooler temps would have been a bit more delightful.

  2. Glad that weather on race day ended up being nice. Yea, it's still summer like here too. My garmin said it was 90 degrees during my run last week and that was at 4pm. I think it plans to cool down to like 70's this week so that will be nice.

    1. Our temps took a major nose-dive overnight. YIKES! These temps would have been ideal for the race yesterday (isn't that always the way???)

  3. I can't help but think that in a couple of months, we'll be wishing for this weather! It was steamy here in Austin but we enjoyed it. Heading home today...

    1. I honestly do not mind the hot temps (much), but they were pretty extreme last week (especially on race day). I will gladly take the heat over extreme cold, though. Any day.

  4. Yes, hot and summer-like....util last night when all that changed. It won't hit 70 here today. It's gonna be heavenly for running! Can't wait for your race report!

    1. It got really chilly last night and this morning! I was in long sleeves and do not think I sweated at all when I ran...

  5. The only thing I ever miss about summer is being able to get up super early and run before the kids wake up. Otherwise...no thanks! I am not a heat person. Thankfully fall is in full swing here and I am loving it :) Great week

    1. I don't mind the summer heat (much),but it was pretty crazy last week. I run outside year-round, so I can take whatever Momma N throws at me ;-)

  6. So was your half marathon in addition to the relay or part of it? My poor mind is trying to figure out the logistics. In any case, good job for you and your cousins! Summer is back here too. It's about 100 outside, right now, so definitely no afternoon running for me. It's morning or nothing!

    1. My leg of the relay was part of the half marathon. I was the lead-off runner on the relay team, so I was able to run a couple miles with our second runner until the 13.1 course split off from the 26.2 course. I actually could have run the final leg (in addition to the 13.1) because of the timing, but the final legs were "shorter legs" and had been spoken for. Maybe next year LOL ;-)

  7. Way to go!! It's finally starting to feel like fall in NYC thank goodness! And yes- I feel like I miss-read my training plan all the time. I think I need to take a class in reading calendars haha

    1. We've had a few cool mornings here & there, but last week was HOT. Overnight, though, it feels like fall has returned...it's almost 30-degrees cooler today than it was at our race!

  8. Relay races with friends are the best! I saw your pics all weekend so fun

    1. Races with friends are awesome, especially when those friends are also family ;-) We had a great time doing the relay together!

  9. I'm with you, I always hate seeing summer come to an end. My list of reasons for why summer is my favorite season is quite long. I'll take heat and humidity over blustery and cold any day.

    1. Oh gosh, YES! I can handle the frigid Iowa winters, but I'll gladly sweat a little extra in summer than shiver so much in the winter.

  10. Amazing week for you! Well done!

    Yes, it's still summer. I don't think we've had much of a break in temperatures around here. Stinks, but it is what it is.

    I am really looking forward to winter.

  11. I definitely need to plank more! Looks like a great week for you! Congrats on your relay!

  12. It has finally cooled off here. I am so over running in the heat. Now I just need to get motivated to run again.

  13. Ha! I've gotten my training plan wrong so many times!!

  14. Sounds like a great week ! I admire you for running in the dark. I am too scared ! Summer is still hanging on here too. While I did run in long sleeves yesterday because the morning is cool, the day warms up quite nicely. I love it !

  15. Congrats on a high mileage week! Also, I'm coveting all your great outfits! :D

  16. Ha I'm glad summer temps came back around for you, they've never left us. I'm even more glad to see our upcoming forecast which is low's in the 50 and highs in the 80's. Finally fall like weather! I know 80's is still hot but it is nothing like 99! Trust me!
    Loved your planking picture at the race too!

  17. Don't get me started on the heat... I don't like pushing the light button on my watch either. I find myself checking it when I pass under a streetlight. I love The Voice during the blind auditions!! But then for some reason I lose interest after they pick the teams. Love that plank at the race!!! Thanks for linking, Kim.

  18. We've started to cool a little no longer triple digits, mid 90's it's been nice. I am looking forward to the 80's that we've had a few cooler days hit so far.
    Great job on the two races, so awesome!
    Also huge congrats on the weekly mileage!!!
