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Thursday, November 24, 2016

'Fessing up and coming clean

Oh, is my heart, mind, and tummy full! And I have some things I need to share (and runfess to everyone).

It's been a crazy week of inactivity (hello? marathon recovery:101), and my thoughts and emotions have been all over the place since the Route 66 finish line.

We've all been there. You invest a lot (and I do mean A LOT) of time, energy, and training over the course of several months, all in anticipation of a successful day at your big race. You battle your way to the finish line, receive your medal, grab a small snack.....and then what?

Usually, I have another race lurking down the road....but not this year. Route 66 is the biggest race I have done this late in the season, and with the colder-than-cold weather headed my way, there's not much else for races in my part of the country for the next few months. And, that's all well and good.

It's good because my body (and my "running" mind) need some recovery and downtime. I had some unexpected hip/groin pain and strain for most of those 26.5 miles last Sunday (you read that correctly, there was a small .3-mile "optional detour" we could take, making our race distance actually that of Ultra status!). I spent several miles leading up to the marathon/half marathon split-off (around the 12-mile mark) contemplating the 13.1 finish line (instead of the 26.2, for which I'd trained)....then, I spent another 5-6 miles talking myself out of turning around and heading BACK to the 13.1 finish line (at mile 18, I reached an impasse...and continued on to the 26.5 finish line). The frustration of the hip/groin thing was a tough mental (and physical) battle...and there were several instances when I questioned my ability to finish the race at all (did I mention the route was constant hills? and there was lots of wind?).

So, what needs to be runfessed?

Runfession #1: The Route 66 race recap is STILL in the works.
In the midst of coming to terms with the less-than-desired outcome of my race, I have not been able to sort out all the pertinent details into a race recap (yet).  My thoughts have been all over the place (frustration from the tough course, pride in having the endurance to finish, disappointment with my finish time, in awe of the beauty of the course, irritation from the crazy wind that day, and acceptance for how the race played out).  Bear with me...and do stay tuned.

a necessary pic along the Route 66 course (near mile 12)
Runfession #2: I like the freedom of not having anything "big" on my immediate calendar.
Although I'm used to always being in motion, it's liberating to not be constantly worrying about the weather or thinking/planning the next workout or training run. Coach Suz advised me to take two complete weeks off, not just to let the hip/groin thing heal,but also to let my entire body recover. After all, I did just spend the past three months training for Route 66, and there were many miles logged and lots of wear and tear on my body. I even resorted to walking (instead of running) for my #nevermissaMonday obligation this week (which did fall on the day following the race).

Never miss a Monday, late afternoon.....complete with DOMS
Runfession #3: The planking is still going strong, though I'm not posting (daily) about it.
I can honestly say that I love planking. I do planks every day, no excuses. The difference (for this month) is that I'm challenging myself to do additional minutes "on the floor," in hopes of reaching 150 minutes for November. I'm currently at 118 minutes, so I'm well on track to reach (and probably surpass) that goal.

Runfession #4: I did a short, very easy-paced run on Thanksgiving Day.
There, I said it. Myself and a friend have organized a Turkey Trot in our small town. This was our fifth year doing it, and I just couldn't stay home on Thanksgiving morning. It's a free event, and we have 1-mile, 2-mile, and 5K options. We also encourage participants to bring non-perishable food items, which we donate to our local food pantry. This year, we had over 100 participants, collected over 200 pounds of food, and received over $100 in cash donations! I had every intention of just walking, but when I got to the race site, I decided to try to run a short distance...and stop immediately if anything felt weird, strained, or off. Well, everything felt great! I ran really slow, and chatted with some of the others runners and just enjoyed the experience of being in motion. After the past few days of soul-searching and reflection, this simple easy run was just what I needed for reassurance of my ability and a huge dose of mental clarity.....

ready for the Turkey Trot to begin
....which leads me to my final runfession....
Runfession #5: I am streaking (again)...but with extreme caution.
Now, let me explain. I am going into this with eyes wide-open and a very cautious approach. I have done the Runner's World Winter Run Streak for the past few years. Typically, I am NOT a daily runner (nor am I an advocate for streaking), but this has been a fun change-of-routine for me in years past. As I said, I have nothing on my calendar...so I'm at a loss as to what to be working towards. Obviously, my body needs recovery time from the marathon, and I plan to honor that. My streaking runs will be the 1-mile minimum (at least for these first couple weeks), and they will be very slow (like a controlled jog, if you will) and easy-paced. And, if I feel the slightest of any discomforts, I will stop. I promise.

Bonus****Runfession #6: I consumed many more calories than I burned off at Thanksgiving.
Oh well, it happens. I am still sort of riding the 2600+ calorie deficit from Route 66, so there's that. I plan to get in some serious Black Friday walking as well.

Enough about me. How was your Thanksgiving? Did you do a turkey trot? Favorite Thanksgiving dish? Black Friday...yay or no way?

I'm linking up with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions.....I have a feeling I'm not the only one coming clean on some stuff. Also, I'm linking up with Meranda and Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0. Do head over and check out what everyone's been up to.


  1. Replies
    1. cautious streaking. Maybe it will last until New Years Day...maybe it'll last through the weekend. Nothing grandiose, but a daily dose my "thing."

  2. That is so cool that you and your friend organized a Turkey Trot!

    Enjoy the time off without being on a training plan!

  3. It takes me a while to sort out a big race. The fall in Chicago really did a number on me. I still don't think I have clarity about that one. I'd be all over a streak if I could just run one mile. I can't. I know I'd overdo it in my typical fashion. Congratulations on a successful Turkey Trot -- both in food donations and a pleasant run!

    1. I hear you there, I'd never be able to stop at one! And also, that Turkey Trot with the donations is the perfect Thanksgiving event. Definitely something to be thankful for!

  4. Every race, no matter how disappointing, teaches us something. And somewhere down the line, it helps us. It can still be soooooo frustrating, though, I know. Having had my very small spat with groin pain, I can't imaging doing an ultra with it (although mine didn't bother me while running, thankfully).

    Yes, I trotted yesterday. No, I'm not streaking. Zero desire to do so.

    1. Absolutely, every race teaches us something. Despite my less-than-ideal circumstances, I did enjoy the experience of Route 66 (in retrospect LOL). Although I finished a good 30 minutes later than I'd hoped, I did finish. I am thankful I have a good arsenal of endurance ;-)

  5. All these American Thanksgiving pictures of food and mentions of food is making this Canadian girl jealous! All the best with your streaking!

    1. Thank you! The streak will be a good test of my discipline....only 1-mile runs for the first couple weeks. My body needs low-maintenance exercise for now, and I know I will not lose much (if any) of the fitness gained from my recent training while I recover.

  6. Well this post kind of goes full-circle now doesn't it?! Glad I haven't missed the epic race report because you know I'm waiting for it. Rt 66 has intrigued me for awhile but honestly I don't think I'm up for that kind of course. LOVE your hoodie!

    1. As I said, my mind has been going full-circle LOL The Route 66 course is amazing, but tough (and I knew that when I registered). The unexpected hip/groin thing is what really took me by surprise.

  7. I fell off of the planking wagon again oops!! So impressed by how you stick to it. I am looking forward to reading your race recap. Happy Thanksgiving

    1. Well, jump back on that planking wagon ;-) I'm hoping to have the recap done this weekend...

  8. Sometimes it is nice to not have any big races looming on the calendar! It's fun to run just to run! Good luck with the streaking!

    1. I agree.....I try to treat the winter as an "offseason." I still run and do strength workouts, etc., but everything is scaled back....especially the mileage.

  9. I'm sorry you're struggling with your marathon results. <3 Take the time you need to process everything.

    Thanksgiving was great. I did a 6K race in the morning, then came home and cooked. I have so many favorites: stuffed mushrooms, spinach patties, homemade cranberry sauce and stuffing... and pie. I love pie. It's all so great.

    We go out later on Black Friday - we see Santa, have lunch and do a little shopping. I'm not down for the crowds and the craziness in the wee hours of morning.

    1. The past couple years, we have gone out later on Friday morning as well. Not much has really caught my attention in the ads....and I hate the crowds in the wee hours, too!

  10. I agree, I'm glad not to have something big looming on my calendar for a while. It's good to take a rest sometimes! :)

    1. I think an off-season is a necessary evil...kind of like a taper LOL

  11. Okay I'm seriously considering the Route 66 Half Marathon next year. Seems like a really well put together race! I share with you the relief of not having anything major on my calendar right now. I'm not doing a Spring marathon and taking a season off is very appealing right now. Hang in there with the cold weather!!!

    1. Route 66 is very well done! It's a tough course, though...constant hills (but I knew that when I registered). Awesome crowd support for most of the route ;-)

  12. Having an open calendar can feel so freeing at times. Running can just be for the fun of it. Congrats on the Turkey Trot as well!

    1. I love an open calendar...but it's also a little intimidating not having a schedule and being accountable to myself.

  13. Happy Thanksgiving!

    I did a modified track workout with a chase the turkey theme yesterday.
    No streaking for me....just cant do it.
    Girl you and you planking....BOSS!!
    Sorry to hear about the Route 66 marathon..looking forward to the recap.
    I hope your hip feels better.

    1. Route 66 was tough! I knew the course was going to be hilly, and I anticipated some wind....but the hip/groin thing really blind-sided me. Humbled (again) LOL I'm glad I have endurance (and a strong mindset) ;-)

  14. Ah, it sounds like your recap will be a great one. You know we are proud of your determination and finishing despite the course and conditions. How cool that you organize a Turkey Trot!

    1. Thanks! The marathon was tough...but I am, indeed, very grateful for the strength and ability to endure the challenge ;-)

  15. How wonderful of you to organize the Thanksgiving day race in your town, with the donations it is a wonderful way to give back to the community. I worked all week, we don't get Thanksgiving off. However, the Black Friday marketing strategies have made their way to this side of the Atlantic. So I might just need to go check out some deals this weekend even though I HATE shopping.
    Looking forward to your recap.

    1. Thanks, Karen! Our Black Friday excursion involved about eight hours of time, from start to finish (including two hours of drive time). In years past, I have given in to the hoopla and started at midnight (of Thanksgiving), but the past couple years we have waited until the morning of Black Friday...and still found good deals with less of the crowds.

  16. I have run several marathons the weekend before Thanksgiving and then I am torn about running on Thanksgiving because I know I need some more time to recover! I have never been someone who can do a run streak- I definitely need days off from running otherwise I get injured! I will need to check out your race recap. I didnt do the detour last year but part of me wishes I did! But I was going for a PR so those extra few minutes would have added up.

    1. The detour was a given for me LOL....I knew there would be no PR happening (even before the race started), and I didn't want that unique opportunity to pass. I don't know if I will do the entire streak...I know I need some recovery time. I'm not running the streak runs fast at all...and am probably not gaining any "fitness" by doing them LOL

  17. That's awesome that you organizing a race on Thanksgiving for a good cause! I am always looking for a way to give back, that would be a great way to do it.

    1. Thanks! Organizing this turkey trot is not much work...it started with a discussion between my friend and myself.....he got the word out (via Facebook, etc.) and I wrote up the press release (and also helped spread the word). We don't have any formal start/finish lines, and the route is completely open. No registration fees...it's all in good fun. The food donations are a huge bonus for the community ;-)

  18. I'm sorry to hear Route 66 turned out to be a tough one...I hope that writing your recap will be a way to fully embrace the experience! I'm still unsure of how much running I should be doing since finishing the Philly Full...I've done 3 since the race, but I almost feel guilty for not running more often after seeing so many others jump back into it!

    Glad to hear the Turkey Trot went well, so cool that you put it together! I ate SO much food, my family thought I was crazy and I didn't even realize it haha! Hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving!
