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Monday, December 26, 2016

2016 Year in Review

It's been a busy year for this gal. Not only did I have a PR in terms of monthly mileage (several times), but I also set a new PR in terms of yearly mileage as well. Currently (as of Monday, December 26th), I'm at 956 for yearly miles! I expect I will come close to topping 970 in the final days of 2016..stay tuned.

What all went down? Here's a brief synopsis:
5 - 5K's
2 -10K's
3 - 8K/5-milers (one was on a trail)
6 Half Marathons
1 Marathon
1 12-hour Ultra
1 OCR event

All of my event bibs from 2016

Here's a month-by-month breakdown:

My first race of 2016 happened on New Year's Day in Huntington Beach,CA at the Run in the New Year 5K. I met up with a Facebook friend, Kristina (and her friend, Stephanie) and we ran, chatted, and laughed our way towards AG awards for all three of us!
New Years Day with Kristina

The only race this month was the Red Flannel Run (Recap) ...the temps were very cold and there was a lot of wind. The thing is, we were in downtown Des Moines, and many of the tall buildings blocked the majority of the wind. The problem? I was all layered up, expecting much colder "feels like" temps...and I was very much over-dressed for five miles. Oops.

In early March, the husband and I traveled to Fort Pierce, FL to support our son (and his swim team) at the NJCAA finals. While there, the husband and I ran the  Race the Runway 10K (Recap)...an actual race on an airport runway!
How many finish lines are surrounded by airplanes?
A week later, we also ran the Leprechaun Chase, a 10K in Des Moines (Recap).
With Eric, the hubby, Barb, (myself) and Dave
The Live Healthy Iowa 5K took place in my hometown.I didn't get a PR, but I managed a first place age group finish (in a relatively small field of racers).

The next day was my fourth time taking it to the stairs at the Fight for Air Climb (Des Moines). This event is a huge fundraiser for the American Lung Association, and this year the Des Moines venue had four buildings to climb...for a total of 86 flights of stairs (Recap)!

My first half marathon of 2016 happened on May 1st in Iowa City. The Red Shoe Run (Recap) was a new-to-me event, and the course was very hilly. The temps were cool and damp, but (thankfully) the forecast rain held off until after we finished. Low and behold, after a two year plateau, I was able to claim a sub-2 hour finish time!

Every year, my favorite race is Dam to Dam (another Des Moines half marathon). This was my ninth time running it (Recap). In the week leading up to the start lilne, I had a mild flare up of Plantar Fasciitis, so I gave my foot plenty of TLC and downtime. We had near-perfect weather, I made it through most of the race unscathed, though the final couple miles were a little uncomfortable.

With the hubby (his 5th D2D)
A week later, my hometown hosted the Grinnell Games, an entire weekend featuring numerous events for individuals and families. I ran the half marathon (Recap) and my PF was still a factor. Though not debilitating, it did cause me some discomfort in the final miles as well.  Fortunately, I was not going for a fast finish (or even a PR), but wanted to support the event. It turns out, the course was changed this year, and had a couple of extra hills...so my finish time was an automatic PR (I'll take it!).

It's not everyday your bib number matches your distance
This was my third time running in the Sully Freedom Fun Run 5K (Recap). I was rewarded with a 2nd place AG medal.

A week later, I ran the Grimes Farm 8K Trail Run (Recap). This was my fourth time running this, and it's usually a pretty wet and muddy mess because a large part of the course is on grass trails and through the shaded woods. I wore an older pair of shoes...which proved to be a dumb decision, throwing off my form on the (already compromised) rough terrain.

with Barb
Later that afternoon, Barb and I headed to Ames for the Midnight Madness Road Races. We met up with Chuck, and we were planning to run the 5K, and then the 10K a short while later that evening. Having worn the "wrong" shoes that morning, my dormant hamstring tendonitis was awakend, and it was not happy. The 5K was a constant struggle from the start line. I finished the race, and spent the next 20 minutes frantically trying to stretch out the angry hamstring/glute/piriformis area. The 10K began, and within the first half mile, I decided to pull out and call it quits. That's right, folks...my first-ever DNF. I had my 12-hour Ultra happening the following weekend, and I didn't want to risk making things worse.

With Barb and Chuck
A week later, I headed to the Chicago area (Lisle, IL) for the Christmas in July 12-Hour Ultra (Recap). Having run the 6-Hour Ultra in 2015, myself and some friends decided to return and take on the 12-hour event for 2016. Our event began at 11:00PM, and involved an approximate 1-mile looped course around a lake (all through the night...and most of the next morning). Coming off my PF scare from June, and the recent hamstring/glute/piriformis distress from the previous weekend, I knew to take things cautiously. My goal was to complete a 50K (31-mile) distance...but was able to surpass that and finish 37 miles instead!

With Jamie, Penny, Maggie, (myself) and Michelle
The only event on my calendar for August (in addition to recovering from the ultra) was my first-ever OCR event. The No Man's Land Trench Run (Recap) involved seven-plus miles of gravel roads, grass trails, and numerous obstacles.

That would be a 20-pound sand bag...not heavy but awkward to carry
Early September had me running the Park to Park half marathon (Recap) in Waterloo, IA. This was my sixth time running this race, and this year we were blessed with several flooded river crossings (due to recent rain).

A few weeks later, I returned to the Quad Cities (a cluster of four cities on the Iowa/Illinois border) for the Quad Cities Marathon weekend (Recap). This was the site of my very first marathon (2013) and I returned in 2015 as part of a marathon relay team. This year, I ran the half marathon and also rallied three of my cousins to run the marathon with me on a relay team. Totally a great day!

Myself with Rhonda, Jessica, and Kelly
The IMT Des Moines Marathon is one of my must-do events every year. This year, I ran the Mercy Live Up Loop 5-Mile on Saturday (Recap), and the Half Marathon (Recap) on Sunday.

In November, I road-tripped (again, with my gal pal, Barb) almost eight hours to Tulsa, OK for the Route 66 Marathon (Recap). We ran the 5K on Saturday (more as a shakeout run...but later learned we both placed fifth in our respective age groups). The marathon on Sunday was a great event, but I was plagued with some unexpected hip/groin pain for most of the race. The route is very hilly (which I knew it would be) and there was a lot of wind on race day (which I was anticipating), but the hip/groin stuff totally blind-sided me. Even though it proved to be the toughest race I've ever run, it was a beautiful course with a lot of awesome crowd support.

Barb and I at the 5K

pics from MarathonFOTO as I crossed the Marathon finish line

And finally, December. Not a lot has been happening other than the Runner's World Run Streak, which began on Thanksgiving morning (and will conclude on New Year's Day). My recovery from Route 66 has been my main priority over running, but I have been able to do 1-mile daily runs for most of the Streak. I am now 33 days into the Streak, and only have six more days to go. This past week, I started to add gradual mileage to some of the runs...nothing grandiose and certainly nothing fast.

So, that's a wrap on 2016. Although there have been some struggles and several elusive PR's (and a few minor injuries thrown in for good measure), I am pretty satisfied and at peace with how the year played out. As I have said many times, "running is a gift." I appreciate every single mile that my feet will carry me. And, I don't take any finish line for granted.

How did 2016 play out for you? Challenges? Conquests? Are you ready for 2017?

I'm linking up with Marcia and Erica and Patty for Tuesdays on the Run and also with Deb for the Wednesday Word (which, for this week, is Peace).


  1. You had an amazing year of running and races ! I enjoyed following you the entire way. So inspiring !

    1. Thank you, Karen! It's been great following you and your journey as well. Happy 2017!

  2. That is a #holotta running! I'm always surprised that people who race so much more than me don't have that much more mileage -- well, some, anyway. I haven't tallied mine yet; I'm behind on it, as usual. Definitely not over 900, but still, I ran far fewer races!

    Here's to a great 2017 with new adventures.

    1. Well, I pride myself on keeping my mileage more on the conservative side. When I'm not streaking, I totally embrace a few non-running days during my week...my body (and my mind) appreciate a little bit of downtime.

  3. Congrats on all your races. Who can't beat a race in January in Florida. A great excuse to get out of the cold and bring in the New Year. That finish on the runway looks pretty cool. Looks like you had a good lead on other runners.

    1. That race on the runway was fun, but a tad bit boring because there was ZERO crowd support. I don't realize how much the spectators really add to the race experience until they're absent from the scene.

  4. I love how you did your yearly recap by each month and included photos! You had a really busy year and I'm so glad I was able to find your blog this year!

    1. Thanks!! It's great to have another "Kim" in my arsenal of running gal pals. best wishes for a great 2017 ;-)

  5. You had a great year and ran so many miles even with those injuries. Plus all those stairs & planks!!!!

    Hope you have an even better 2017!!

    1. Thank you, Darlene ;-) This year was my highest mileage year ever...and I don't think it's a coincidence there were a few injuries along the way LOL

  6. Come on girl, you are so close to 1,000!!! Haha! You have some serious mileage under your belt for the year ...congratulations on a fabulous year! Best wishes for 2017!

    1. Ha ha ha, Thanks ;-) Yes, I'm close to 1,000...but I am NOT gonna attempt those extra 30 miles in the remaining four days just for bragging rights LOL

  7. Fantastic recap of your year! You ran so many awesome races!!

  8. It was such a pleasure working with you! I hope you are hella proud of you year!

    1. As I said, I am at peace with everything (I think LOL). All the struggles make the conquests that much sweeter ;-)

  9. Wow what an amazing year! Love the month by month approach and man that's a lot of medals and bibs! I think that a beach is the perfect location to start out the new year - well done you! :)

    1. Thank you! I'm usually in the "low 20's" with my race tally, so this year I raced a little less LOL

  10. Looks like you had a great year. Dam to Dam is on my list of "someday" races. And I need to go re-read your ultra recap as I'd really love to do a 12 hour race some time. Congrats on the RW Run Streak - I'm doing it as well.

    1. I have a few Dam to Dam race recaps in my archives (early June is when it usually happens), it's a great event! Happy Streaking!

  11. Oh wow, you ran a lot of races in 2016 - great job! I tend to wimp out during the winter and not pick up racing again until the weather turns nicer in the spring...

    Thanks, as always, for linking up!

    1. My "winter racing" is feeling kinda bleak this year in comparison to year's past...that's what happens when you run a late November marathon (and all the holiday races get cancelled). Oh well.....

  12. You've had a fantastic year. So close to 1000 miles!

    I'm looking forward to "our race" together in June!!!

    1. Yes, I'm close to 1,000 miles, and completely OK with not surpassing it ;-) I have a bit of OCD with some things, but mileage isn't one of them LOL

  13. What a year! Lots of accomplishments and fun events for you. And you have the most amazing and colorful running wardrobe too! Cheers to 2016!

  14. Congratulations on your awesome year! I do remember that race on the runway, what a cool experience! I always enjoy reading your posts and look forward to more fun in 2017! And getting a sub-2 half on a super hilly course? Badass!

    1. I hope we can have the opportunity to meet up someday when we're visiting our daughter in Pennsylvania. I'm hoping to find some races out that way ;-)

  15. That is a lot of racing! I have loved connecting with you this year and your zest for life is infectious :)

    1. Yes, and I have loved connecting with YOU! All of you gals "out east" need to road trip out this way ;-) Best wished for a great 2017!!!

  16. You've had a great year and lots of races. I'm jealous! :-D

    1. Well, I have had a lot of races, but YOU have a newborn ;-) I can't imagine running/racing with a baby to care for....I would have serious mommy guilt LOL

  17. You have had a fantastic year! It has been fun following you! I would have guessed you had run over 1000 miles this year- you are always on the move! Cheers to 2017!

    1. I keep a monthly log of my miles, and I saw it was going to be close...then Route 66 (and subsequent recovery) kinda messed with that. LOL As I have said, the "numbers" really don't mean much to me if I have compromise my health or wellness for them. Onward!!

  18. You had an absolutely incredible year of running! I can't wait to see what you have on tap for 2017!

  19. What an amazing year! I have really enjoyed following you this year, and I loved seeing what you have coming up next! You did a great job overcoming some pains and coming back better than ever! Here's to 2017!

    1. Yes, there were a few aches, pains, and annoyances along the journey.....makes it interesting!

  20. What a great year for running you!

    I saw this challenge to team up with others to total 2017 miles in the new year. :D Which I find a fun idea. I'm setting to do 207 myself which is a HUGE goal for myself! Definitely never taking for granted what my body CAN DO!

    1. I have seen that 2017 Challenge as well.....I'd certainly have to team up with at least one other person (possibly a second!) to make that happen.

  21. That runway race sounds so unique and fun! :)

    You had a great year of racing in 2016! All the best in 2017.

    1. Thanks!!!! Yes, that raceway run was fun and very unique!
