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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

A Quick Look Back

As 2016 winds down, I'm starting to reflect on some of the significant happenings in my running shoes. There's been a lot of good, some bad, and few down-right ugly experiences....but everything has made me stronger. Here's just a sampling...

My Best Race Experience:
The Christmas in July 12-Hour (overnight) Ultra. Oh my gosh, this was a tough challenge and such a surreal experience. Having done the Christmas in July 6-Hour Ultra in 2015, I had an idea of what was in store for me, but then again...not so much. The race began at 11:00PM, and concluded at 11:00AM the next morning. It's crazy to look back and comprehend how I was able to stay awake, alert, and in (almost) constant motion for 12 continuous hours. This was (yet) another race where I had an unexpected (dormant) injury flare up a few days prior to the race, so I had to take things somewhat slow and cautious. The course was a 1-mile loop, and we had to see how many laps we could run over the course of the 12-hour time limit. My goal was to do a 50K (31 miles) with my wonky glute/hamstring and recovering plantar fasciitis-ridden foot, but I was actually able to finish almost 37 total miles!  And I was on such major dose of runner's high, that I remained awake and giddy for a good 12 hours post-finish line. 

My Best Run:
Hands down, my best race "performance" was a total surprise. It happened at my first half marathon of the year, the Red Shoe Half Marathon on May 1st. This race had all the makings of a tough experience...cold and damp temps, projected storms, early in the season, and a few drinks the evening prior (at a party honoring all the graduating seniors at the daughter's sorority). Did I mention the course was hilly?  Some how, all the stars, moons, and planets aligned in perfect order and the weather not only held out (and remained dry, though windy), but I pulled off my first sub-2:00 half marathon after a two-year plateau. 

My Best New Piece of Running Gear:
Arm warmers. Time and again, I have worn arm warmers and they are fabulous! They add just enough extra cover at the start line on a cold morning without adding any extra bulk. They are easy to pull off (but I usually just keep them on), and they look stylish and make me feel like a badazz runner chick.

The Best Running Advice I Received this Year:
Trust the plan. I ran the IMT Des Moines (half) Marathon as a training run. And, my couch wanted me to do an extra five miles that morning as well. After a 2-mile warm-up, I crossed the start line eager to see what would happen. My "plan" was to run the first eight miles of the race at a very easy pace (for me, that's anywhere between 10-10:30), and then run the remaining five miles progressively faster (and then run three more "bonus" miles after the finish line). Not only was it a struggle to hold back and not run those early miles like I usually do...but I also was worried I would have ZERO energy remaining to push through those final five miles to the finish line. Long story short....it all worked out! I didn't finish with a PR (and I was not supposed to even think of a PR that day), but I was able to run each of those final race miles faster than the previous ones (and still had some energy on reserve to run those three extra miles afterwards). 

My Favorite Picture from a Run or Race this Year: 
I was part of a relay team (for the Quad Cities Marathon in September) with three of my cousins. Running that final stretch to the finish line, as a team, was euphoric!

Approaching the finish line with Jessica, Kelly, and Rhonda

The Race Experience I Would Repeat in a Heartbeat:
The Christmas in July 12-Hour Ultra, not necessarily because of what I accomplished, but because of what all of us TOGETHER experienced. I met up with some of my running friends (most of whom also ran the 6-hour Ultra in 2015 with me). This was the longest distance run for all of us, and we persevered through the night (and most of the next morning). Although I ran a lot of this event by myself, I never felt alone. There was always someone just up ahead. We shared numerous high-5's, hugs, and genuine laughs for the 12+ hours we were in motion. 

Jamie, Penny, Maggie, myself, and Michelle...ready for the start line
If You Could Sum Up Your Year in a Couple of Words What Would They Be?
Not a racer. Nope. I may be serious runner, but I am not a racer. I have had several failed attempts at PR's this year, and I regret spending the better part of some of those races being a slave to my watch. Some runners thrive on constantly running faster and faster. I like a PR as much as the next person, but I have realized I don't need a faster-than-usual finish time to deem a race successful.

My recent experience at the Route 66 Marathon left me in a fog. I trained hard, but it just wasn't my day. I knew it was going to be a hilly course, and I anticipated some wind....but the unexpected hip/groin pain that plagued me that day left me in a frustrated state. Although I finished a good 30 minutes slower than I was hoping, it wasn't until several days after the finish line that I was able to appreciate what I had accomplished. Twenty six miles (and some change) is a major distance to conquer... doing it over the course of constant hills (and wind) in a compromised "injured" state was actually pretty heroic. Looking back, I am thankful for the battle I fought that day, and I'm especially glad I had the endurance and grit to make it to the finish line.

With my friend, Barb, shortly after the finish line
So, that's a quick preview of my "2016 Running Year in Review."  Stay tuned...more details are forth coming!

How was your 2016? Any big accomplishments? Tough races? Lessons learned?

I'm linking up with Courtney, who is hosting her annual Year of Running link-up. I invite you to head over, check out her blog, and take a look at what everyone else has been up to this past year!


  1. You had a really great year of running! You did so many races and finished the year streaking--not many people could do that!

    I think you are being so hard on yourself with Rt66--that is a tough race course on a good day. I'm looking forward to watching you get your redemption at Grandmas--nice and flat! <3

    1. Thanks, Wendy ;-) Route 66 really was a tough experience...I learned so much about myself that day with all the frustrations I had to do battle with LOL I certainly have a new perspective on running a race vs. racing a race, and I know where my strengths lie. I'm SO ready for Grandma's (well, figuratively...for now) ;-)

  2. I remember reading about your 12 hour Ultra and I love that it's your favorite race. The bonds you form and the memories you make with friends are what it's all about. Happy Holidays!!

    1. Thanks ;-) Yes, the friendships are really what's it all about ;-)

  3. There's a lot to be said for having fun! Congrats on the 12 hour race, especially with it being through the night. I think one of the best parts of running is finding out just how varied the races/experiences can be.

    1. I agree, it's all about enjoying the experience and not making it a battle ground for a PR (at least for me). And, it's true...every race has a different experience, even the races I have gone back and repeated. I've never run the same " race" twice.

  4. 2016 saw me with plenty of tough races AND big accomplishments. Go figure.

    I am a racer. I may be a slow racer, and I may not race as often as others, but when I do, I'm totally into it. And sometimes I race by feel, and sometimes I watch my pace -- and both methods can work for me; it's weird!

    I'm giggling at your type (couch wanted me to). And you're right, the best experiences involve friends. I wish I could race with my friends more often, and I cherish it when I do!

    1. As much as I hate the tough races when I'm in the middle of battling through them....I do appreciate what I learn from each one.

  5. Sounds like a really great year. You had some super high highs (sub 2 half - amazing) and battled through the tough times. And congrats! Super love that picture of you and your cousins - what a great experience for all of you!

    1. The race with my cousins was almost magical...it was the first marathon experience for two of them, and the longest distances they had ever run. We're hoping to do another marathon relay some time ;-)

  6. I so admire you ultra runners - kudos to you! What a fun year :)

  7. You had a great year! That Ultra is a special accomplishment for sure. Looking forward to see what you're planning for 2017!

    1. Well, there is (at least) another marathon on the calendar ;-)

  8. That Christmas in July race sounds very intriguing. Run a bunch of mile loops seems so much more do-able to me than, say, a 50k course. But I've never run either, so I may be totally wrong. LOL.
