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Sunday, December 4, 2016

...And the Streak Goes on....

What a week....

Here's what happened.....streaking (and not much else). Well, I guess that's not all....

What I can tell you is that the streaking is still "on," but the jury is still "out" on the verdict of how long it will last. Remember that hip/groin issue that accompanied me through the majority of the Route 66 Marathon course? Well, it has not gotten any worse, but it has not packed up and vacated either. 

I'm not worried, but realize I cannot ignore it. Truth is, I don't feel much from it when I'm running. It's when I'm NOT running that I notice it....like when I step up or bend over. It's more in the "lower" groin region than in my hip (I'll spare you any pics). My streak runs have been easy 1-milers on level terrain, and actually feel pretty good.

As I said, I am proceeding with the utmost caution:

In the afternoons...

On my lunch breaks...

In the early hours before work...

In the wind...

And, on Sunday, I had my first snow run of the season...

I came up with an easy workout plan to get through the remainder of 2016. After having spent the past three months training for the marathon, it's really strange to not have a "plan." So in addition to the running streak, I'm also doing a few more daily challenges as well as some weekly strength work and general "overall" fitness maintenance.

What else? 

Our temps plummeted late in the week, so my #Fridayfashion post was all about warmth and comfort.

I got most of the remaining decorations up and in place, all that I have left to finish are the tree ornaments. Honestly, you cannot tell from outside our house, so it's not really a crisis. 

Lastly, my sister's 15-year old dog's health has been failing in recent months. She called me late Saturday morning, asking if I could drive her and Sable to the vet. She had decided "it was time." My husband met us there a short while later. I have never experienced anything like that, but knew I needed to be there. It was so sad, yet beautiful at the same time. Family pets take up a huge piece of real estate in our hearts. I will never forget the image of my sister holding her baby for the last time. Ever.

SO talk to me...DO you decorate for the holidays? Are you doing the Runner's World Streak? Have you had snow yet?

As usual, I'm linking up with the wonderful Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap. I invite you to check out their blogs as well as all the other blogs linked there. 


  1. Keeping my fingers crossed that your hip issue gets better. You've been doing great with your streak.

    So sorry about your sister's dog - it's never easy to lose a family pet. I'm sure she appreciated that you were there for her.

    Your decorations look great! We started decorating this weekend too. Love this time of year!

    1. I love this time of year, too! As my kids have gotten older, though, they no longer care about all the halls being decked out in holiday decorations. I still like doing it, but it's usually just ME.

  2. I'm in awe of runners who do a run streak :) You are all amazing! Loving your Nutcracker collection!

    1. Thanks! The run streaks are fun, but I do not do them very often and I certainly don't do much more than the minimum 1-mile on most days. The risk of injury is just not worth it.

  3. I'm sorry to hear of your sisters dog. I decorate for the holidays. We just got our tree the other day. Haven't put any ornaments on it yet though. Halloween is my favorite holiday but I also love to decorate for Christmas. And Floridians don't have snow so I'm jealous of that beautiful snowfall in your pictures!

    1. Well...I like the snow on Christmas Day (or even a few days prior), but by New Years Day I'm done with it. Don't be too jealous LOL

  4. Over all fitness maintenance is the way to go for December! Have a great week

    1. I thought over all fitness maintenance was a great solution to my post-marathon situation. Just enough to keep active without over-doing it.

  5. Wow on the snow! I decorate, but not as much as you! Hugs to your sister. We just went through that with TL, and it wasn't easy but it was the right thing to do. I hope your hip recovers soon!

    1. The hip/groin is alright, just not 100% healed. I know it will not be an overnight thing. Running actually feels good on it, so I'm just taking things easy.

  6. Oh my goodness so sad for your sister. That has to be hard. I'm sure she was happy that you were that for her during that rough time.

    1. As much as I was dreading the whole experience with my sister and her dog, I knew it was not about me. We all took turns petting Sable and did our best to keep her comfortable. Such a surreal experience.

  7. No snow here in Nashville yet and no streak for me either. Good job for you for keeping it going through - you're definitely staying strong. I'm so sorry to hear about your sister's dog. That is one of the hardest things in the world, but also one of the kindest things we can do for our beloved pets who are suffering. Sending good thoughts her way and I know she was so glad to have you with her.

    1. Thank you, and I agree...it was a kind thing and compassionate gesture for my sister's dog. Gut-wrenching, but necessary.

  8. I always try to get all of my Christmas decorations up on Thanksgiving weekend and this year was a success! We've not had any snow, but we had sleet a few weeks ago and it's in the forecast again for tomorrow. I'm looking forward to our first snow, but will be fine if we don't get 30 inches all at once like we did in January.

    I've never done a running streak. Perhaps if they'd been popular in my younger days I would have, but these days I know it would be an invitation for injury...

    Hope you have a fantastic week!

    1. I usually try to get most of my decorations done Thanksgiving weekend,k too. This year with the marathon and the daughter (and her dog) home, I had other priorities...and limited "mobility" for a few of those days LOL

  9. I do basic decorating for the holidays. Christmas tree & nativity set. That's it. Some fun placemats maybe. Wow, snow already ? It turned cold here too but at least we have had sun. Sorry to read about the groin....

    1. I like your idea of basic decorating! The kids don't care about it (at least they don't act like they do), and it's mostly me who has to do it all...But I do think they'd miss it if I didn't do it (and I probably would too).

  10. I'm so far behind on everything Christmas--I need to shop. My tree is up and that is it.

    Hugs to your sister!

    1. Thank you, Wendy. I'm behind on my shopping as well (and I don't really have that many people to buy for).

  11. Your commitment to your workouts always impresses me so much! So sorry for your sister's pooch. It is such a hard time for the family. I think it is really nice that you accompanied/supported her in this final act of love.

    1. I'm glad we could be there with her, too. It was a tough situation.

  12. Once again, I'm impressed with all of your "streaking" :) No snow, yes I love to decorate for Christmas and darn, I wish I had known about the RW streak...I could've managed 1 mile a day! :) So sorry about your Sisters beloved pet..glad you were there with her to offer support during such a sad time. Merry Christmas Kim!

    1. Hey, you can still do the Streak! SO what if you missed the first few days, just start now and go for it!

  13. snowy runs are my fav and way to go on the streaking its not easy!

    1. So far, the streaking has gone well with ZERO effort. I've done this routine before, though...it's the final week when it gets tough.

  14. Decorations are looking good! Tree is up and the temps were in the 80's today! Good luck with your streak! I am not a streaker! LOL! I love your December goals pic- very clever!

    1. Our temps were back up near the mid-40's this afternoon...so most of the snow is gone already.

  15. I'm so sorry about your sister's pup. I hope he's happy up in puppy heaven! I also love your Fashion Friday sweater - super cute!

    1. The sister's dog would have been 16 in March....certainly a very long life for a dog. ;-)

  16. We just got snow today! Very impressed with your run streak. I think I've managed to get in like a 2 week streak here or there but that's about it. hehe

    1. The streaks don't take a lot of time (especially if you're just doing the 1-mile minimum), but it is a commitment. Certainly not everyone's cup of tea LOL

  17. I don't miss snow, definitely jealous of your streak, I always get injured during streaks. Good luck on your December goals.

    1. I would probably get injured, too, if I didn't take it easy with my streaks.....I do them for the consistency, not so much for the "training."

  18. Get that injury looked after! After spending months not treating a hamstring injury I was off running for 9 months :( Take care of yourself.
    I'm not ready for Christmas at all but hoping to get out our decorations tonight!
    Losing a pet is horrible. We just lost our dog in June and I never knew you could feel that way about losing a pet.

    1. Losing a pet is tough. I was an emotional wreck when we were at the vet's...and it wasn't even my dog.

  19. Nice job with the streak! Thats annoying that your hip has still been bothering you. Are you planning to get it checked out? I am not looking forward to going back to the cold Maryland weather!

    1. I should clarify the "injury".....it feels more like a groin issue...like a pulled muscle or something. It is feeling better, but certainly not healed yet. I'm taking things easy for now....given the location, I don't really know what a doctor could do for it (?)

  20. I do better with a fitness plan as well! I've decided I'm going to try a runstreak in 2017. I need some consistency.

    1. Consistency is the main reason I do streaks....just something to keep me accountable in my off-season

  21. I'm amazed by all of you that seem to have enough time in the day, particularly daylight hours, to be able to participate in the run streak. I leave for work before sunrise, and then after running errands on my way home from work, its usually already dark again. :(

    1. The streak runs aren't too time-consuming, but do take some planning. ANd, most of my runs are for just a mile...10-ish minutes and I'm done.

  22. I am so jealous of you doing the run streak! I know there is no way I could participate right now but still I wish I could! I loved doing just one mile. I am already thinking I'll do it all summer again when I'm not racing!
    We all could not get over seeing your pictures of the snow!!!! I loved the hat you did too, your so talented!

    1. Well....ya'll need to venture my way and see this snow for yourself ;-)

  23. I need to channel your vibe and get my butt out to door for more runs!

  24. Lovely decorations! I love running in the snow - especially when the temps are +20F or higher :) We are in the middle of our first blizzard as I type this. Keep up your streakin'!

    1. Yikes! A blizzard????? We've only had the one snow fall so far....and most of the snow is already gone (but the cold temps are still here)

  25. Ooohhh...I really like that sweater! Yes, I go all out with the decorations. It's always a little sad to un-decorate the house in January. Everything looks so plain. I hope you hip pain will subside soon. I feel it when I flip over in the bed -- so aggravating! Good luck with your streak. Thanks for linking, Kim!

    1. The hip thing is feeling more like a groin thing now. I'm not worried about it, but am being cautious so I don't put any further strain on it.

  26. ACK! Are you seeing a doc about this injury?? Go to a chiro if you can!

    Your decorations look amazing... :)

    1. Not seeing a doctor yet. It's more concentrated in the groin area...like a pulled muscle. It's been feeling better this week (knock on wood). I'm not worried yet....
