About Me

Monday, February 27, 2017

Kim be nimble, Kim be quick...

Kim be nimble, Kim be quick...
Remember that nursery rhyme about a little guy named jack? Well, I don't have any lighted candles to clear, but plenty of "fires" to tackle this spring.....

First off, let's talk about February.

If I were to assign grades to my various February goals:
Daily Cardio -A
Daily Push-ups (25) -A
Legs 2X/week -C+
Abs 3X/week -B

Over all, I'm okay with everything. I didn't do the legs/abs exercises as much as I should have, but I certainly did more than usual. I know, I know.... if we make the commitment to doing something, we'll find a way to get it done, Right? Well, not always. Even doing the legs/abs stuff roughly every-other day, there were still some days when I totally forgot to do them...so I had to get out of bed and hit the floor for a few minutes before "lights-out." (of course, there were several days when I didn't remember until the NEXT day....) #whoops

Moving on...

What's on tap for March? Well, I have a marathon to train for (Grandma's Marathon, June 17th), and March will be the grand "official" kick-off of said training. I have a couple of 10K's and a 10-mile race to usher in the beginning of double digit (weekend) runs. I'm still fine-tuning the weekly mileage goals and workouts, but I have most of the long runs figured out and committed to paper.

A big part of marathon training is the mileage, but an even bigger component (in my opinion) is the non-running activity...namely physical therapy and cross-training.  I plan to spend March focusing on daily "conditioning" to get these habits established.

This list of goals isn't inclusive...I'll still be doing my daily planking, push-ups, and plan to add wall squats as well. The daily goals (above) are meant to strengthen my known "weak" areas (the glutes and hips) as well as give my legs a bit of strength work. These exercises are not only great "maintenance" moves, but they also can be used for warm-up and cool-down.

Last of all, shall we talk about my racing schedule? There are several events on my calendar already, and a few will be added as the registrations become available. There may even be a few random 5K's thrown in for good measure. Here's what's happening so far...

March 4....an unknown 10K (the hubby is taking me on a trip to an unknown destination). Stay tuned.
March 11...Leprechaun Chase 10K Des Moines, IA
March 18...Wintrust Lakefront 10-miler (also a 5K) Chicago, IL
April 9...Fight for Air Climb Des Moines, IA
May 7...Des Moines Women's Half Marathon (also a 5K) Des Moines, IA
May 14...Market to Market Relay (central Iowa)
June 3...Dam to Dam Half Marathon (also a 5K) Des Moines, IA (registration opens March 15)
June 17 Grandma's Marathon Duluth, MN

As you can tell, I have a lot happening in the next few months. It will be a juggling act maneuvering all of the necessary training into a workable format to accommodate all of these events. But you know what?  That's what makes it fun! As I have mentioned in previous posts, my main focus for 2017 is to have fun (and stay injury-free). None of these events are being run for PR's, nor will I be training for PR's either. Often times, the PR's happen all on their own...you know, when the moons, stars and planets align (and you're blessed with perfect race day conditions).

So, talk to me.....How did February play out for you?  Have you set any goals for March? Do you have a lot of races already on your spring/summer/fall calendar?

I'm linking up with a few awesome gals with this post. I invite you to stop by each of their blogs (and link-ups) and enjoy some great reading!

***Marcia and Patty and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run

*** Deb for the Wednesday Word (the word is nimble) and also for the Race Link-Up.

*** Susie and Rachel and Debbie and Lora for the Running Coaches' Corner


  1. Here I thought I was your only date this spring... :P You've got a lot going on!!!

    1. Dear Wendy, you're gonna be my bullet that catapults me into 26.2 training mode ;-) You should feel most honored!

  2. Wow you have a busy Spring schedule but I love it!

    1. Thanks! Not sure what's gonna happen after June (but there's a few favorites bound to happen LOL)

  3. I am exhausted just reading about all your activity. Wow!!!

  4. I don't have many races on my schedule, other than my halfs. I don't race a whole lot, and right now it's kind of hard going back & forth to my parents on the weekends so much (and no, I can't really race down there, I'm there for a purpose).

    1. I didn't realize I had so much on my roster...seriously, registering for stuff here & there really adds up when you see all of them in one spot

  5. Dang girl, somebody's got a full race schedule already! You're going to do all that leg work every day?? Not sure how my legs would feel about that. You can be my guinea pig!

    1. "All that leg work" won't be that bad (I say that the day before it actually starts LOL) I might have to tweak my plan if it gets to be too much, but that's an easy fix ;-)

  6. Yay for a busy race schedule. So far I only have three for the year for sure, and a couple more possibles that I haven't committed to but am interested in, just waiting to see what the kid schedules are.

    1. There are several July events that I didn't even write down (yet)...they're in the back of my mind, though

  7. It can be tough to keep up with all the other stuff but you are off to a great start! Hopefully by establishing those habits now you will be good to go for training.

  8. There's a Market to Market relay in Nebraska from Omaha to Lincoln that I want to do one year. So many fun races out there!

    1. The Market to Market in Omaha is from the same company that does the Iowa venue. They also do Leprechaun Chase (In Iowa and Omaha). They're busy people!!

  9. How exciting you are going to a race that is a surprise. Hopefully it is somewhere warm!

  10. I can't wait to read about your surprise race! Did your hubby tell you to bring shorts, capris, or long running pants? Have fun!

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. The hubby is working his way into the dog house because we leave tomorrow and he is not giving me any info regarding what to pack.....

  11. Girl sometimes you just gotta run it out! And a surprise race? DANGEROUS :D

    1. The surprise race was kind of an after thought (I think) after I asked about it LOL

  12. Wow you have a packed race schedule! With all those stairs you run I would give you a higher grade for leg work and your legs look nice :)

    1. Thanks ;-) I was grading my legs on the basis of the leg exercises I'd planned on doing (I guess the stair work is so routine, I don't think of it as anything extra LOL)

  13. You're doing so many fun races! Today I signed up for a half marathon I'm running in 3 days! Talk about last minute!

    1. Oooooh, that sounds like fun! I've done last-minute 5K's and 10K's, but never 13.1's ;-) Good luck!!

  14. I got a few plans up my sleeves. I've just got to get my body back on board the racing train. You've definitely got a fun spring planned!

    1. I'm crossing my fingers that all goes well for you as you rally back!

  15. Wow, you have a lot of races coming up! Are you going to try and race all of them, or treat them exclusively as training runs?

    1. I'm not planning to race any of them...but if the pace feels good and the race day conditions are favorable... well, then it's anyone's game ;-)

  16. How strange, I know I commented yesterday but now I don't see it! Anyways, I said your race schedule is pretty hefty! But looks like you'll have a great season!

    1. I thought I saw your comment (via email notification, I think)...unless I'm confusing that with the Instagram comments? Or my Monday post (?)

  17. You have got it going on!!! That Grandma's marathon will be a great time I am sure! That is a lot of leg work too! I like that scientific training plan you have going on :) sweet :)

  18. You have so much going on!!! Looks like a great February overall though. My February consisted of a nasty running injury that is just getting better now.

  19. Busy busy busy! I love it!

    I am so excited for your surprise trip! You are going to have so much fun!

  20. I'd say you did pretty well on your monthly goals! I can't wait to get back to working out and lifting!
