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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Back in the fleece.....

Well, sort of by default, this week morphed into another scaled-back week in terms of fitness-related activity. But, in terms of fun? It was legit.

Monday began with a rise and shine (and remain vertical in the wind) run along the Tampa Bay shoreline on MacDill AFB. My legs were still feeling a little DOMS-like (as were the hubby's legs as well...that 10K Sombrero Beach Run in the Florida wind left both of us feeling exhausted), so we took it slow and easy. Never miss a Monday, even if it's just a (somewhat) slow and simple mile in a scenic location.

Look closely...that's some of the Tampa skyline in the background
Tuesday. The day started off just fine....Five 1-minute wall squats (#ouch) in front of the big mirror in our hotel room.

Don't you just love the stylish sleep clothes?
With a 3:15 flight out of Orlando (to head back to Iowa), we didn't have a lot of extra time to mess around. We dropped off the rental car, waited (for what seemed like forever) to get through airport security and arrived at our gate at 2:30 only to learn our flight had been moved back to 8:15 (due to some mechanical problems). The 8:15 departure then got bumped another hour...eventually scheduled to depart at 9:15 instead. Ugh.

What to do? They gave us meal vouchers, and we headed to the airport's USO lounge, an area for military (active, reserve, and retired) personnel.  Originally, we were due to land in Des Moines around 5:30 and be back home an hour later. I had grandiose plans of  doing a stair workout and blogging....Well, with that clearly not happening,  I set up camp on a computer and knocked out last Wednesday's blog post so it would be ready for publishing/linking on Wednesday morning. Problem solved.

Once we were all situated on the plane, we got word from the pilot that the plane needed more fuel...so it would be a little while before the plane would be cleared for take-off. Seriously??? I was so tired, I closed my eyes for a few minutes...and woke up shortly after we were in the sky. We arrived in Des Moines (safely) just before midnight. Spoiler Alert!! We then had to wait 90 minutes for our luggage because the airline personnel was short-handed. Our plane was continuing on the Denver (and all of those passengers had been waiting several hours for this jinxed airplane as well), and the crew had to load all of the Denver luggage before bringing our luggage into the baggage claim area. We arrived back home at 2:30 Wednesday morning and went promptly to bed.

Wednesday. Having been gone since the previous Thursday afternoon, I knew there would be plenty of work waiting for me at the office. I got to work just after 8:00 to find 164 unopened emails. No kidding! So, let's just say that Wednesday was a long day at the office and there was very little physical activity happening (nor any energy to do so).

Thursday was another long day at the office, but by the end of the day I could see a bright light at the end of the tunnel. Thankfully, I had met up with my friend, Barb, early that morning for our #5at5 and we hammered out five miles before the sunrise.

Yes, that would be nearly a 60-degree temperature drop from my Florida conditions
Friday was pretty low-key in terms of fitness (that seemed to be the pattern throughout the week), but the daily push-ups and planking continued. My #fashionFriday post (on my Instagram and on my Twitter pages) reflected our lapse back to sub-freezing temps and my knitting skills (that's one of the things I do when I'm not running or blogging....you didn't think I'd be cleaning, did you?).

Saturday, we headed to Des Moines for the Leprechaun Chase. The full recap is coming in a few days...but I'll give you this much: It was a shortened course (due to the lovely Iowa weather), but still a  fun time. Go green or go home LOL.
Pay no attention to the attention-starved hubby photo-bombing me
And, last of all, Sunday! Did you remember to set your clocks ahead?

The temps were even colder (hello....18-degrees!), but the wind wasn't the deal-breaker it usually is. I met up with Barb and we ran about 7.5 miles before she headed back home, and I continued on to finish 9 miles....all before church, with one less hour of sleep (thank you very much).

Yep! Back in the fleece ....
All in all, my mileage wasn't great (considering I'm easing back into marathon training mode. Given the craziness of my non-running obligations (playing catch-up at work) and situations (stranded for an extra seven hours at an airport), I guess I did alright. Total running mileage came in at 18 miles, and I also did my daily planking, push-ups, leg exercises (most days) and had some occasional wall squats added in just for kicks and giggles. You do what you gotta do, right?

Last week's blog posts:

Shall we tame the lion?

When in Florida...Sombrero Beach Run 10K

Current Fitness Trends that have me smiling

Have you ever had to compromise your workout schedule due to travel? Ever been stuck in an airport for an unusually long time? What are your temps doing?

As usual, I'm linking up with Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap

and Ilka and Angela for the Sunday Fitness & Food Linkup

Do yourself a favor and check out their awesome blogs, as well as all the linked blogs!


  1. know how you feel. I was in Florida last weekend and now it's near zero with snow in the forecast!

    I am ready for spring!!

    1. I think we have potential snow coming tonight.....I'm ready for spring (or, better yet, SUMMER).

  2. When we came back from California last year, our flight was cancelled because the "co-pilot's seat was broken". Seriously. Air travel is not fun.

    1. Thankfully, we had a direct flight with no connections to get messed up...but still. We were leaving Florida a few hours AFTER we should have already been back home.

  3. I am impressed with how much you fit in on such little time.

    So, I wasn't sure if you were talking about am or pm when you were talking about your flight but I m assuming you were at the airport t 2:30 am and got home after midnight. That is a horrible amount of time to stay at the airport. I bet you wish you were notified a bit earlier so you could stay at your lovely hotel or explore more!

    1. Sorry...I should have clarified that detail...We were there for a 3:15PM flight, got bumped back six hours (9:15PM), landed at midnight, and finally arrived in our driveway at 2:30AM YUCK!!

  4. Well, I started my long run with a feels like negative 7 or whatever this morning.

    That sounds like the flight from hell! I hate when that happens!

    1. I have been pretty luck with air travel, so this was a total tail-spin. Glad I don't do a lot airport hopping.

  5. I've had plenty of airport snafus. So frustrating when you're all ready to go. Sounds like we have the same weather. It was 15 for yesterday's run before adding in wind chill. Actually it didn't feel bad. But it warms up to about 30 and it's been sunny so there's that.

    1. I was completely comfortable this morning (two layers of fleece-lined tech shirts under my vest) and double tights.....that wind is such a game-changer LOL It was cold, but with a mild wind, it's totally bearable

  6. You had a great week especially considering everything that was going on! Delayed flights like that are the worst. Not sure what is going on with this weather but Im not liking the cold!

  7. I absolutely HATE flying. Just get me there. Put me near the front and I'm good, but waiting is so hard! You looked adorable at your race this weekend!

    1. Thanks!! The race was fun, despite the chill in the air

  8. Ugh so sorry to hear about your flight fiasco - that's no fun! Glad you arrived back home safely.

    I ran a 5k yesterday in a real feel of 8 degrees and that was not fun at all! Kudos to you for getting in a long run this weekend!

    1. I'm not sure what our real-feel temps were yesterday, but it definitely was sub-freezing.

  9. It sounds like you needed a vacation to get over your vacation. Airline travel is never easy any more, unfortunately. Can you believe I actually forgot about the time change? I'm glad I didn't have to be anywhere. I'm loving all those green colors your wore in the leprechaun chase. Thanks for linking, Kim!

    1. I set the kitchen clocks and bedroom clocks last night, and double-checked I had the correct "alarm time" set...but forgot to turn the alarm ON. DUH! Don't ask me how I did it, but I woke up about 10 minutes before the alarm would have gone off (had I actually turned it ON)...and that was with the time change. Can't make this stuff up LOL

  10. Not pushing too hard sounds smart, especially with the tough 10k and then that crazy flight!! Hope you're fully recovered from the lack of sleep this week!

    1. I think my sleep is rallying back LOL It's gonna be an early "lights-out" to help get back on track...

  11. That sounds awful all that waiting around for the plane! It is irritating when travel plans impede on running/and working out plans. and I hate daylight savings.. I want it light early in the morning!

    1. I don't mind the time change because I know the longer days are coming ;-) That first morning after the change, though, comes EARLY...

  12. Your post reminded me why I never fly in an airplane or travel very far! We are driving distance from the beach at least. I love all of your green but sad your race was cut short! Hope you have a great week!

  13. I'm exhausted after reading about what you had to go through to get home from Florida. I'm not sure I could have gotten to the office by 8 AM after getting to bed a 2:30... Good for you! Hopefully, you got to catch up on sleep a little this weekend!

    Have a great week!

  14. You've got mad knitting skills! I love your shawl(?) for Fashion Friday! Great job last week - despite the extra long hours at the airport. Nothing is worse that horrid delays on your way back home.

  15. Love you green outfit! Yikes on getting home so late. Flight delays have a way of getting longer like that, but at least you did get home. 164 emails? That's why I check them even when I'm on vacation. I just couldn't deal!

  16. Ugh, airline delays! So frustrating, but everyone is in the same boat so no point is getting crazy. Great way to fill the time waiting.

    The weather everywhere had been up and down this winter, but yours seems especially dramatic. Sixties one day than back into the teens the next!

  17. Ugh that delay sounds horrendous! I'd be complaining to the airlines...they should have been more organized than that. I already hate delays when they are scheduled, much less behind schedule. It's good that you still managed to get in a solid week of workouts despite the crazy travel schedule! Glad you had fun in Florida!!

  18. Traveling is not as easy as it used to be! I love that you made your own sweater.I literally cannot make anything. I have no artistic ability or patience. Have a fantastic birthday!!

  19. Flying is sucking the fun out of travel! Your adventure sounds like my last flight! UGG. Looks like you had nice weather in Florida so I hoped you sucked up that sunshine- dang Iowa got cold in a hurry! Love the poncho! When are you going to start taking orders?

  20. You got to run in 2 very different climates this week Kimberly - first Florida, then back in the snow in Iowa :)
    Traveling - I almost had the same story a few days ago with our flight back from Frankfurt, the lost luggage was the grand finale after a 12 hour trip!!
    Good job on that beautiful poncho. Ever since my second pregnancy I never really had the time to knit - I really miss it though. I love your #5at5 running meet-up! I had a running friend in New York many years ago and we always met at 6am for 6 miles along the East River. Had I known this, I would have called it #6at6 :)
    Have a great (Running) week Kimberly!!

  21. I think you had a really solid week considering all of the travel! It's crazy to go from such extreme temperatures, I am struggling to get used to cold running weather after being spoiled for so long! Congrats on your race, green is definitely your color! :)

  22. So sorry to hear about your airline fiasco! That's definitely frustrating. I had that happened to me when traveling with a 1yr old but was grateful to have the USO as a place to stay while we waited for several hours for our flight to leave.
    It's summer here in San Diego - in the highs 70s, low 80s but supposed to cool off again in the following week.

  23. Well at least you had an awesome time on vaca, right? I'm so over flying, to be honest. I had a heck of a time getting back from Austin over the summer. Made me beat my head against the wall. Almost literally...

  24. Oh the joys of travel!! Looks like a great time and fun run!!

  25. Ugh. Flight delays stink! I've been stuck on some major delays before, and I hated every second of it (mostly because I'm an anxious flyer). However, I do love travel, so it all works out.

    Love that cozy poncho. This week, it will definitely be cold enough for something like that.

    Great job with all your racing! A little break always does the body good.

  26. I had to laugh at that meme :)
    Flight delays are the worst! I got stuck after my marathon and hated hated it since everyone else got rerouted

  27. Sounds like you made the best out of what you were given this week all while looking too cute! And I HATE being stranded at the airport I have way too many of those stories! Hoping you get more miles in next week!

  28. good grief, the travel situation... I think I would have lost it a bit.

    you still seem to have accomplished a lot last week! #5at5???? 9 miles with daylight savings all before church! woman of steel, you are!

    we don't have daylight savings yet. I think we might switch not this weekend but next. I may actually want to check that before it actually happens, hahahaha!

  29. Wow! You sure packed a lot into your week!! Springing ahead was rough for me this year, but I am enjoying that it is getting dark later. Thanks so much for linking up :-)

  30. Considering everything you had going on you really accomplished a lot in a week, you are truly a rockstar.

  31. You were so active last week! Travel nightmares like what you went through usually throw me completely off for several days.

  32. My goodness lady, you make my busy weekends sound very mild! I have only flown once and I can say if this happened to me on my next flight, I'm afraid I don't really know how I'd handle it and it may not be so well. Not that I could do anything about it but I'd be very nervous!
    Even with all your activity in FL in the warm temps and back in Iowa with the cold you really had a great week. I'm thinking your like me and afraid if you stop there is no telling what will happen so we just keep going!

  33. Its ben so long. Love catching up on everyone's posts ! Sorry about the travel snafus.... I still don't understand in this day & age why traveling is not smoother......
