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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Five Things to Runfess over Coffee

Can we talk?

It's been a crazy few weeks, with lots of "a-ha" moments to contemplate, epiphanies to share, and runfessions to come clean on. Shall we chat about this over a beverage (of your choice)?

First of all, ugh, my March goals were sort of a bust, but I'm thankful for how things played out. I didn't think I was being aggressive in attempting to do these exercises daily because I was doing a minimal number of reps. Low and behold, though, OUCH! Although I still have some tenderness in my hips, I am much wiser for the lesson learned ----> a little bit of strengthening goes a long ways, and it's okay to stop if it's not working for you. Moving on!

My March goals....sort of a bust
Second, I must admit that I was a tad bit sad when 'Milly passed out on me recently. Truth. Yes, it takes a great deal of humility to admit that to the world. Although her and I have a most tumultuous relationship, I do appreciate having her as a back-up option (some of the time).

'Milly's near death experience sort of freaked me out
Thirdly, I have been on vacation this week, and I'm not worried about what the limited running has done to my training. Why? Because it's early in my training cycle, for goodness' sake (and my almost 12 years of running have given me a solid base). This 26.2 training is not my first merry-go-round, and I'm not over confidant in my abilities. I simply know that a few less miles (than desired) in the early stages of training will have a very limited impact on the grand  scheme of things. After all, quality trumps quantity in my reality.
Post-run selfie while on vacay
Fourthly, Being a bit of a fashionista has its disadvantages. Although I totally subscribe to the notion of Fashion Before Function, it may have bit my buttocks (and hamstrings and already compromised hip flexors) on our tour (on foot) of Washington, DC this week. Not only did we end the day with 18,000+ total steps (via the hubby's Fitbit), we knocked out some stair-training on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and did a power hike on the (hilly) trail path at Arlington National Cemetary to make it to the Iwo Jima memorial before the gate closed.

Lots of walking...and climbing
Finally, The "running in D.C." opportunity didn't pan out, but I'm okay with that. Granted, I had secretly hoped to run among the cherry blossoms (and capture a few selfies with the monuments/statues/memorials in the background)....after all, how often do I ever get to America's Capitol? Realistically, though, it just was not meant to be...the logistics and practicality of it were not in my favor with our limited time there. Instead, we had a great day of seeing lots of sights, culminating with a crazy "climb" of the 91 steps of the escalator at the Metro hub at Wheaton. Although my hips and hammies were mucho angry (due to the day's activity in those sandals LOL), I just started climbing the escalator steps (standing idle is not my thing)....and my party (the hubby, youngest daughter, and her boyfriend) followed me.

This is the view from earlier in the day...going "down"
And a bonus? On Thursday, I did a short shakeout run (during our stay-over in Dayton, OH) while en route back to Iowa....adding another state to my roster of States I've run in my Destination Excursions.  

And I found a street named after our dog, Max !
So, there you have it! Ahhh, I'll sleep much better tonight getting all that out in the open.

Anything(s) you'd like to "runfess?" It's good for the sole (did you see what I did there?)

I'm linking up with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions 

and with Meranda and Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0.

and I'm having coffee with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date


  1. This is a great inspiring article.I am pretty much pleased with your good work.You put really very helpful information. Keep it up. Keep blogging. Looking to reading your next post.
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  2. It sounds like you were still really active even though you didnt run in DC! I was outside of DC for a couple of days this week, but instead of dong any exploring I just used the hotel gym. For a quick trip I didnt feel like packing stuff to run outside and then trying to figure out a safe route around the hotel.

    1. As much as I wanted to run in D.C, it would have involved s change of clothing (and shoes) to carry around all day .... next time ;-)

  3. Since I ran twice in NOLA before my race, I racked up several 20k+ steps days . . . before the race! I think even the day before the race was over 10k because I runfess I got a little lost finding the hotel they switched the packet pickup to (due to thunderstorms, no less).

    1. Ha ha.... getting lost is an easy way to get bonus steps

  4. You don't have to run to get a workout! DC in nice weather is made for walking, and at least you got to SEE the cherry blossoms. I don't even remember what the sun looks like...

  5. I feel you on that sandal thing...been there done that!

    1. Those sandals totally added a new level of badazz to my day!

  6. My usually trustworthy sandals totally betrayed me over the holidays when we were in Florida. Oh the pain!

    1. I drastically under estimated how much walking was on tap...

  7. You were still very active on vacation! I think it's hard to find time to run in DC because therre is SO much to see and do!

    1. DC is such an amazing city... we barely scratched the surface on "just" seeing the monuments & memorials

  8. Sorry you didn't get to run in DC but it sounds like you had a good day of exploring!

  9. That's exactly why I don't set goals. No pressure!! You are more active than anyone I know.

    1. Thanks! My low (running) mileage was s good fit with all the other stuff we did :-)

  10. It's good that you know a few less miles won't hurt you. I always find it hard to stick to a workout unless I'm on a solid training plan, so my March has been up and down. I haven't been getting in the workouts the way I wanted to. I'm ready to get back on the grind of my marathon training which starts the third week in April for me!

    1. Granted I am a bit more disciplines with an actual "plan" in front of me....nut I also recognize a plan is a "plan" and not an etched-in-stone guarantee. Flexibility is my cornerstone LOL

  11. Sounds like a fun week! Is 'Milly fixable, or is she totally kaput?

    DC is an amazing city. Come run MCM. ;)

    1. I'd LOVE to run MCM someday! And I definitely want to do the Cherry Blossom 10-miler as well. I think 'Milly is gonna make it LOL The hubby putzed around with a few buttons, and plugged/unplugged a few times and somehow she "came around" for him....stay tuned, this may be her last hurrah, though...

  12. DC looks a bit like my city in the Spring with all the pink and white trees in bloom. Glad to see you enjoying that big Starbucks drink! Have a great week.

    1. Ha! The Starbucks drink was heavenly! DC is so beautiful, and I love all the monuments/memorials, etc.

  13. Sorry your March goals were a bust but glad you enjoyed your vacation! 12 years of running is impressive!! You have no need to worry about Grandmas. Down south we say "This ain't my first rodeo." Wink ��

    1. ha ha ha , we also say "This ain't my first rodeo" in Iowa,too....I just to prefer to be a non-conformist LOL

  14. Sounds like your DC trip was a good one. And, oh I have some BTDT with too much walking in cute sandals so I feel your pain!

    1. I have done a lot of walking in sandals, but this was like walking on steroids LOL The compromised hips and hammies definitely were not enjoying the day-long jaunt

  15. Wow! Sounds like you had a really fantastic trip!! D.C. Is definately on my bucket list for sure!

  16. Open toe shoes....I'm jealous! I can't wait to get out of my socks and boots soon!

    1. Well, we returned back to Iowa this (late) afternoon...and it's in the 30's for temps #brrrrrr

  17. Oh my, I make that same little "fashion over function" mistake all the time! It's a blessing and a curse, right?? :)

    1. ha ha...more of a blessing, I believe ;-) "Practical shoes" have no purpose in my closet or on my feet LOL

  18. Oh Kim my dogs would have been screaming at me if I'd done more than 18K steps in sandals!!!

    I also try to run wherever we go, it fun to add another destination to the list!

    how many weeks is your marathon training plan usually?

    1. My marathon plans really vary because I'm pretty much always in "half marathon ready" status. Roughly, if I add a mile to my long runs (starting with 14 miles), and have a scale-back week every 3-4 weeks, I can be ready within 12 weeks or so. If I have a misc. race (half marathon, for example) in there somewhere, I'll adjust the weekend mileage to accommodate that. None of my marathons (4 - 26.2's and 2 - ultras) have had identical plans LOL)

  19. I remember reading this yesterday but I don't see my comment oh well! Glad you had fun in DC let me know next time you are here would love to meet up. Some of those escalators are huge but no sweat for you and your stair climbing. Thanks for linking up for coffee

    1. There are so many fab DC-area gals I would love to meet!! This was a quick day trip (and contingent on weather, etc.), so I didn't think it would be feasible to try to arrange any meet-ups given the limited time I'd be there ;-( I hope I can have a rain-check?

  20. Kudos to you on all of that walking/star climbing/hill climbing in sandals. I hear you on the need for fashion over function. :)

    1. Yes, indeed...fashion over function LOL That's why you'll never see me in "running shoes" unless I'm actually running LOL

  21. No! You were in D.C. and I didn't know??? I guess that's what I get for taking an Instagram hiatus. PLEASE let me know next time. You know I'd love to take you on a running tour. Or anything else. Thanks for joining us for coffee!

    1. Actually, we were in southern Pennsylvania and did a quick day trip to DC...we had to help the daughter with some household stuff, and didn't know what kind of weather we'd have. Wednesday was the day with the optimum weather, so we made a command decision and went for it. I certainly plan to give you a heads-up next time (and hopefully will have enough time to actually make it work for a meet-up) ;-)

  22. Even the bestest of the best sandals will deceive you on walking days like that! Looked like a fun trip!

    1. Well, I do have more comfortable sandals, but I didn't have them along on this trip. I severely underestimated how much walking (and climbing, and hiking, etc.) we'd be doing LOL

  23. I would have wanted to run among the cherry blossoms too. Sorry you didn't get to, but who knew, Dayton? Way to get a backup!

    1. Yes, Dayton...not quite an exact replacement for DC, but it sufficed ;-)

  24. Haha! I'm a fashion over function person myself. My recent bout with Plantar Fasciitis has grounded me in terms of fun shoes, which has been tough to swallow (and a lot less fun getting ready for work in the morning) ;-)

    1. Oh gosh...I've done the PF dance, twice (once for each foot). I had to wear an ugly PF compression sleeve to work (UGH)...totally NOT my gig LOL

  25. You were still quite active, so that totally counts for a lot!
    Would love to get to DC someday to run a race, always looks so pretty. And, not to mention those Cherry Blossoms!

    1. The cherry blossoms were beautiful (as was the entire city).

  26. I was hoping to find a business reason to make it out to our DC office while the cherry trees were in blossom so I feel you! My husband and I are getting a treadmill when we move and I just told him we would have to think of a name for it. We have names for all of our vehicles as well as my bike so it seems only fitting. Thanks for the idea!

    1. ha ha ha! Yes, ever since I named the treadmill, I seem to have a lot more to say about "her." LOL

  27. Bummer you didn't get to run in DC, but 18,000 steps and those escalators are really all you need! Hope you had a blast.

    1. It was a blast in DC, even without the running shoes (and requisite gear).

  28. I want to run amongst the Cherry Blossoms someday. Sorry you couldn't run while you were visiting.

    1. Yes, it was a bummer, but only a tiny bummer. There was so much to see in just the short time we were there, there never was any down time.

  29. Such a great attitude, Kim! Sometimes, we can be too hard on ourselves when things (i.e. training) doesn't go to plan. It's important to shake it off and go with the flow.

    1. Exactly! Training is just that...training. It's not the real deal, so we ned to not be too OCD-ish about it.

  30. Ah yes, the Metro has some really steep steps that you could train on! The ones at Rosslyn are downright scary if you turn and look downward behind you! Next time you're in DC, let us know in advance if you have time for a run! Glad you had fun!
