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Friday, June 30, 2017

Runfessions with a side of Lemonade

Shall we chat about life, fate, and the simple act of being blindsided?

Hold on tight, because I have a few things to runfess on the matter. You can have your coffee (or beverage of choice), but I'm going with lemonade (more on that later).

Here's what's been happening:

--1--My recovery from the marathon has been so out of the ordinary for me, but I have been taking things in stride.  Well, not literally...there has not been much action in running shoes outside of my house in the past two weeks. I have kind of missed the early morning miles, but (surprisingly) I have not been feeling all gloom and doom over it. That's life.

--2--This wonky knee bursitis totally caught me off guard, and it's been rather annoying to deal with. Pain here, swelling there. Stiffness. The great unknown as to where it came from, and how long it would take to go away. But, it has been manageable (sort of). That's also life (with a touch of blindsided-ness).
--3--I must runfess that I really don't have much on my racing calendar that has been bought and paid for...but there a lot of "unpaid possibilities." Believe me, that's rare for me. I usually have several races (late summer and fall) waiting for me. That was pure fate right there.

--4--Being diagnosed with a suspected infection was a major blindsided situation.A simple follow-up appointment for the bursitis revealed that it wasn't just bursitis wreaking havoc on me or my summer plans. Couple that with the fact that I needed immediate antibiotics (via IV) and surgery THAT day...and it felt like my universe did a 180 on me.

--5--Having the surgeon tell me that if I had waited much longer, the red/purple skin on the affected knee may have been damaged beyond repair...like needing a skin graft. YIKES He then informed me that he doesn't want me doing any running for two months (YIKES again). Initially, I was shocked and disappointed with the prognosis, but considering I could have lost the entire knee (and possibly never toed another start line)...well, let's just say that I got off pretty lucky. Yes, that was a MAJOR blindsided punch in the gut.

That's the latest and (not so) greatest in my universe. Don't be jealous. I've been gifted with a bunch lemons as of late, and my #glasshalffull attitude is getting over-worked.

Do you have any runfessions to share? If we were having coffee, would you really be drinking coffee? If not, what would be your beverage of choice?

I'm linking up with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions

And, since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm also linking with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date


  1. Wait what??? You just had surgery cus of an infection in your knee? I knew of the bursitis but am assuming this is the first time you mentioned the surgery or did I miss something?
    I guess you can handle 2 months without running considering what the alternative could be.
    I am so sorry you are going through this. Did the Dr say what the infection was from?

    1. I had some brief stuff on Instagram. This all unfolded around noon yesterday (Thursday), so it's very NEW news....and I'm still in a crazy state of shock. Still no specific answers....

  2. Wow, that is crazy and awful but Im so glad they caught it when they did! 2 months doesn't sound so bad compared with never running again, right? Good luck with the recovery! So sorry that you have to go through this.

    1. Yes, my current reality kind of sucks....but I'll find a way to persevere...

  3. Oh wow, so sorry again Kim. Of course it's way better than the alternative but it still sucks big time!

    My bet is people are getting these infections at the drs. My dad had a staph infection on his hands & chest -- it took them a long time to figure out what it was but thankfully he just needed antibiotics. He'd been on a heart monitor.

    I'm so glad you got to run grandma's & am sending you healing vibes!

    1. Fortunately I won't be missing too many "paid for" events...but the routine maintenance running is gonna be a major shift for me

  4. That is so scary! I am so glad that you caught it before any more damage was done. I love your positive attitude and yep no running for 2 months sucks but hey you will miss all the brutal heat and be back for fall running. Hang in there friend!

    1. This is freaky scary! I'm still in a cloud of shock & disbelief....

  5. Sending you so many hugs! I am so sorry that this is happening to you but I am so impressed by your positive attitude and taking everything in stride.

    1. Thanks, Kim! My positive attitude will really be tested this summer LOL

  6. Yikes, that's awful! Glad you caught it in time to prevent major damage and fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.

    1. Thanks! It could be so much worse, so I'm gonna focus on the positive of this

  7. I'm so glad the doc caught it and did the necessary surgery when he did. I know it's going to suck not running (been there too many times) but you can handle. You're a tough, strong, determined lady. Hugs.

    1. Thanks, Holly! I know I'll get through it, just not looking forward to all the FOMO...

  8. I am so glad you got in there when you did! GEEZ! You cut it kind of close! Follow the doctor's order and enjoy a little downtime! HUGS! :-)

  9. I love your positive attitude and I'm continuing to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    1. Thanks Deb....let's hope the positive attitude maintains...

  10. I'm just so sorry this happened to you. This armchair quarterback wishes she had pushed a little harder. Hugs.

    1. You were my chief cheerleader...and I sincerely was lead to believe things were just "slow to heal" (via my local doc). Your "intervention" got me to take action

  11. I'm also a glass half full girl, but I can see that this would be a major challenge to finding the upside of (<--really bad sentence for a grammar geek, but you know what I mean). I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this, but I'm also glad that they found the infection when they did.

    1. Ha! The grammar thing totally made me cry from laughing. Thanks ;-)

  12. Glad you caught before something worse happened. You'll be back out there before you know. Don't rush and make it worse. It's hot and humid anyway. Best time to be on a running break.

    1. This was so totally not on my radar....but it is what it is

  13. I'm so sorry this happened to you! Glad you caught it in time and I hope you have a full recovery and heal quickly.

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping for it to go quickly and smoothly ;-)

  14. Oh my gosh! That is really being blindsided. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!

  15. Oh, wow! This stinks, but glad you caught it in time. Two months will fly by! And you'll be back running on the fly before you know it. :-)

  16. I'm so glad that your knee bursitis and infection wasn't any worse - you enjoy that lemonade of yours and have a speedy recovery!

  17. Bursitis can be a beast! I have it in my Achilles tendon and when it was diagnosed (during my AT thru hike) I was told it would always be underlying and could flare up at any time. I totally understand your frustration with it! It's hard for us as runners to know that overuse injuries keep us from the sport we love, but definitely give yourself this two months to heal. I'm so sorry to hear about your infection and hope you heal up quickly!

    1. Yes, this is frustrating, but I'm gonna take this time to work on strength-training (within reason) and come up with an easy base-building plan to get me back on track when the "sabbatical" ends ;-)
