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Friday, July 7, 2017

Find a Way, Make it Happen

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Find a way, Make it happen. How's that for a new mantra?

July is gonna be a tough month this year. Ironically, we're already a week into it...so it should go rather quickly, no?

Each month, I come up with a short set of monthly goals. My June goals tanked on the 13th of the month (BTW, isn't the number 13 supposed to be lucky?). That was the day I first started seeking treatment for that pesky knee bursitis. Truthfully, I thought all would be well and life would go on as planned. However, I had been advised to go easy on my knee for a couple days (avoid any extra bending if possible), so I halted my June goal (which involved some yoga poses that required bent knees to pull off the pose). Well, we all know how the month of June played out...and how it ended.

So, onward! Since I spent the first week of July camping in a hospital room (and a very nice hospital room at that), I didn't have a chance to really put a set of goals in place for the remainder of the month. Here's what I have come up with to get me through (what I believe will be) the most challenging weeks of my summer:

1 - Daily leg lifts
These I can do lying down or standing. I'm thinking sets of 20-25 in various directions (upwards, sideways, reverse, etc.)
2 - Daily push-ups
I will be doing most of these on the stairway, so I'm not totally on my toes and parallel to the ground (which will ease some of the intensity). Obviously, knee push-ups are out of the question. Maybe 50 each day?
3 - Daily planking
I'm gonna attempt 5 total planking minutes each day...probably not all at once, but in 2:30-minute increments.
4 - Arm work M/W/F
Easy peasy. Bicep curls, upward rows, hammers, flies, etc. A couple sets of 20 reps. 
5 - Back/Shoulder T/TH
Shoulder presses and Supermans.
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Keep in mind, I have to play it safe, especially this next week. I still have stitches holding my suture wound intact and I'm not allowed to get any perspiration any where near them (the risk of infection is too great). I'm also supposed to avoid bending the bum knee any more than absolutely necessary to minimize any stress on the healing wound. That means if I want to do any walking, I will probably have to keep it inside, where I have AC at my disposal, to keep the sweating at a minimum. Ugh. I had not planned on spending any time with 'Milly this summer, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I'll have to get back to you on that one...

Have you set any goals for July?

 I'm linking this with Meranda and Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0

And also with Nicole for the Fit & Fashionable Friday link-up


  1. You really are not making any excuses! I know you will be smart, but do be careful. Even moves you don't think will tax your injury may put pressure on it or engage muscles that have more important things to do right now (healing). :-)

    1. We'll see how these exercise moves work. I'm certainly willing to modify as needed. My main focus is recovery ;-)

  2. I'm so proud of how positive you're staying throughout this whole thing. Way to not let anything get you down! xoxo

    1. Ha! Talk to me after this first week back home goes LOL It was kind of nice hibernating in the confines of medical professionals ;-)

  3. You're amazing. I don't do that much exercise and I am not injured! LOL

    1. This is just a "plan"...there's no guarantee I'll be able to stick with it as written. I do plan to modify it as needed

  4. I love how you've been able to adapt so seamlessly and still commit to your workouts! I look forward to seeing how you do as you recover!

    1. Thanks, Janelle! This is an entire new arena for me...

  5. no goals, just regular stuff. I'm training for RnR Dublin and following a program and that takes up enough of my time. i am giving myself a break from doing too much!

    your goals are great! maybe you'll even come out stronger on the other side!!!

    1. I'm hoping to build some strength. Since I won't be running for awhile, this will be a great opportunity to shift my focus a bit...

  6. You are totally awesome! Has anyone told you that lately? I love the goals that you have set for July and especially love your can-do attitude.

    1. Thanks, Kim ;-) Stay tuned...this is gonna be am interesting summer ;-)

  7. Good for you for still setting goals. Yes, please be safe about it.

    1. No doubt, I will be safe with this. I have my eye on the big prize of running as soon as possible, and that won't happen if my knee (and surrounding skin) isn't thoroughly healed. ;-)

  8. This sounds like a great plan for July! It makes sense to look for ways to keep active but not exacerbate the knee.

    1. It really is tough to find exercise moves that don't work the knee (and don't involve a bike or a pool).

  9. Remember, your body also needs energy for healing. No shame it taking it easy for a bit.

    This month I'm working on my cadence. Mostly my walking cadence!

    1. I will be mindful of what my body is feeling. Taking out the running gives me a lot of "free" time to try some different things.

  10. I'm amazed that you are at I'll able to do these activities! Good for you! I've set a few July goals, one o them is to run more before work...maybe 5k at 5am :)

    1. Woot!!! You can run those 5K's at 5:00, easy peasy ;-)

  11. That's a great suggestion! Thanks, Karen ;-)

  12. I like it! Non weight bearing and it keeps you moving which will keep you motivated and sane! :) You've got this girl!!

  13. Sounds like a good plan! Just be willing to back off if needed. After what your body has just been through you probably need a bit of a break!

    1. Oh, believe me...I am proceeding with the utmost caution. ;-)

  14. Take it easy, lady. Don't rush it. Better to take time off now than be forced to for longer later.

  15. Girl, I can't even believe how your June ended. What an unpleasant and unwelcome surprise.

    I love that you're working around your injury and keeping up with your fitness. Where there's a will, there's a way. Keep on getting it done!

  16. Your amazing attitude is what is going to get you to heal faster. I love your outlook and your spirit. Plus you have all of us as your cheerleaders!

    1. Thanks, Deborah ;-) My cheerleaders have been AMAZING ;-)

  17. Focus on the recovery! I am spending you speedy healing wishes and hugs!

    1. Thanks! I'll take any and all speedy healing wishes and hugs!

  18. I love your attitude! Take as much time as needed and take care of that knee.

    1. I'm hoping by taking things easy, the healing time will work its magic faster ;-)

  19. Kudos to you for wanting to keep moving forward even while you're sidelined. So many people who use this as an excuse to just stop exercising altogether, but you're doing the absolute opposite. Keep up the great work and the positive attitude, and I'm sure the time will fly by!

  20. Wishing you the best. My arms are tired just thinking about the pushups
