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Sunday, October 8, 2017

Another Week...

Another week back, another week of transition. Only, this week also had some dark moments.

The Las Vegas tragedy was horrific. Plain and simple, horrific. I am not going to let it hold me back from doing my races (after all, these incidents can happen anywhere and at anytime). I am going to remember to be in a constant state of gratitude, though....we all have things that could be gone in a moments notice (like our family, friends, our health, or our ability to run). If we live in a state of constant fear and dread, we miss out on so much beauty and livelihood. I also think instead of focusing so much coverage on the animal that committed these acts, we need to be mourning those we lost, praying for the survivors, and praising all the helpers who stepped in and provided immediate assistance.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Anyways, here's what went down this past week:

Early morning walk with the hubby and dog. My body still felt a bit fatigued from the 5K on Saturday and Sunday's shakeout run. I did head out for a slow 1-mile #nevermissaMonday run in the early afternoon, and found myself deep in thought and prayer over the Las Vegas tragedy. Later, I walked a crazy, intense 4-miler with my friend, Barb, after work.
No, I don't understand all the stuff happening in our world...but I can run, and I can pray about it.
With plans of an afternoon run, I did a short 1.5 mile walk in the morning. Later, I was able to run two continuous miles run after work. The temps were hot & humid, but I was able to keep a steady pace and didn't need any walking breaks. I also did a major upper body (arm) workout in the evening.

I typically do not run every day (never have, probably never will), so when the alarm went off at 5:15, I rolled back over. Instantly, the hubby asked if I was headed out for a walk...and (before I could answer) proceeded to ask Max if he wanted to join "us." Well, alrighty then. Apparently my early morning walking has made an impression on both of my roommates. Alas, I threw back the covers, got dressed, and laced up. The three of us headed out into the cold & damp & windy early morning hours and conquered a 1.5-mile walk.

just get up, lace up, and head out...
I was on my own for Thursday, my plan was for a #5Kat5 but it ended up being closer to 5:10 before I left my front porch. I did stop, drop, and plank when I was finished, though...right there on the street curb. And, yes, that is a fleece headband (don't be jealous).

Doesn't everybody plank on the curb?
Nothing on my plan (running -wise) for Friday, but I decided to do some stair work upon waking up. I may have had my (furry) coach looking over my shoulder the entire time. I also worked on some breathing exercises (stay tuned...more on this to come!). 
We did 60 total flights of singles, doubles, and side-step cross-overs
Have you ever gotten back into bed after turning off your alarm...you know, for just a little while longer? You think, maybe an extra 30-minutes of relaxation will do you good...only you actually wake up almost four hours later? YIKES! I didn't realize my body was that tired, but I did feel pretty refreshed when I finally got up and officially started my day.

I knew I was going to do a somewhat long run on Sunday, so all I really "needed" to do was an easy walk and some stretching and foam rolling. It had been raining, but had stopped just before I headed out. The air was damp and windy, and I didn't know if I'd be able to make it back home before the next downpour happened. I did a quick 2-mile walk, and the sun poked through the clouds just before I made it back home. How's that for a nice little surprise from Momma N?
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, shoes and outdoor

Then, there was a lot of football on the roster. Our University of Iowa Hawks hosted the University of Illinois Illini. I wish I could brag about the healthy food I consumed...well, I'm sure all of that salsa was full of Vitamin C and antioxidants, but the chips? Not so much. The Hawks pulled off a victory, so that was great. Then, in the evening, we watched the Michigan/MSU game. We lived in the East Lansing area for seven years, so we had a bit of a green and white blood transfusion, and ever since have been loyal Spartans by default. The Spartans managed to pull off a victory as well (in torrential rain, none the less), so it was a grand day.
Victory for MSU
Oh my. I woke up feeling like a train wreck, and could barely crawl out of bed. My hamstrings were on fire and my back was super cranky. What the WHAT??? I  had only walked a couple miles on Saturday (and spent lots of time watching football), how could I be so sore and achy?   It wasn't until I'd been walking for a few minutes with Max that I remembered what I'd been doing Friday morning....the stair workout! And, apparently, it was time for the DOMS to pay me a visit.

Early Sunday evening, I met up with my friend, Barb, and we knocked out five miles. The air still felt a bit like summer, but it was odd to start with daylight and end in the dark (it's usually the opposite for most of our runs). None the less, this was the longest non-stop run I have done since my recovery. The fact that it was in the company of DOMS made it that much more sweet.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, closeup
5 miles with Voldemort
Over all, I feel like my transition back to a running schedule has gone well. I'm running four days/week (if you count that #nevermissaMonday 1-miler). My Tuesday and Thursday runs are short (2-4 miles), and my "long" runs on the weekends are not too long yet (5-7 miles). My mileage for this past week is at 11...nothing grandiose, but that does includes a couple of lengthy walks, that stair workout, and a few strength-training sessions. I'm good with that.

In case you missed them, here's my posts from last week:
Can You Say EPIC?
Kickoff to Kinnick 5K Recap
Over Scheduled?

In other news:
My salsa garden overfloweth. I was a couple weeks late getting the plants in the ground (thankfully, I did have everything planted BEFORE the surgery #plottwist to my summer), so most of my tomatoes and peppers were late. Let's just say they are more than making up for lost time now. I have been making salsa, LOTS of salsa. And I will probably be making more salsa for the next couple weeks.
Salsa everywhere!
Did you catch my Instagram #FridayFashionFlair post? It was a cold and icky and damp day in Iowa...so I went casual. I needed that sweater coat to keep the chills away, but the plaid shirt gave me some brightness. Throwing on a pair of booties (with the cuffed skinny jeans) gave my outfit a little touch of "modern," at least. Also, didn't forget the jewelry or lipstick (I didn't wish to be mistaken for a limber jack). Play along! It's fun to see all my fitness-minded friends in non-fitness clothing...post a pic on Friday, use the hashtag #FridayFashionFlair, and tag me (@runningonthefly). Simple, right?

For October, I'm trying to focus on some basic daily maintenance.....mainly legs and core. What do you think? care to join me?

How was your week? Any goals for October? Any big races coming up? 

 I'm linking up with  Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap. This weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us!


  1. I hope your run today went well! Sometimes DOMs can be so sneaky. My hamstrings rarely get sore so I always know I got in a good workout when I feel them.

    1. The DOMS are SO sneaky! When I expect them, they're a no-show, but when I think I take things easy and have a nice & somewhat easy workout...BAM!

  2. Another solid week of workouts! Hopefully your run tonight goes well! That must have been quite the stair workout :)

    1. I thought I was being conservative with the stairs...not really "running" them and certainly was not over-doing it...but the dang DOMS humbled me (again).

  3. Wish I lived close enough to come share your salsa-it's my favorite the spicier the better. Great to see you back strong w your workouts. The going back to bed for 4 hours sounds amazing!

    1. I got up to link my blog post (for coffee LOL), and went to lie back down for a short while...and well, we know how that played out. Crazy!

  4. Sounds like a good week. I feel exactly the same way about Vegas. I want the races to happen so us runners can help the city.

  5. I never hit snooze on my phone for that same reason! The one time I was so tired that I never remember hitting my alarm off and overslept for my class I was suppose to teach! #fail.

    1. I seldom ever hit the snooze....usually once I'm up and moving I'm good for the next 18ish hours. I should have set another alarm, but I seriously didn't think I'd need to....#oops

  6. My sentiments exactly in regards to the Vegas shootings... no matter what, God is still in control!

    Great week Kim! You are recovering remarkably well! Those dang stair workouts will get you everytime! :)

    1. The stair workouts are fun, but they do have a way of keeping me humble ;-)

  7. Totally agree with you about Vegas. I totally understand if anyone would have apprehension about doing the RnR Las Vegas race, but it's never healthy to live in a state of fear.

    You had another great week of workouts - way to go!

    1. Thanks, Kim! I'm feeling (mostly) like my old self again ;-)

  8. My week was great. Had a fantastic 20Km run & PR. Otherwise, I was letting my lower body rest before the race, so did upper body 3 times + core. I have no travel for work at the moment so I am getting in a workout 5 or 6 days a week and making an effort to walk 10 000 steps a day. Which is actually quite difficult if you work in an office. Glad to see that your knee is not too problematic.

  9. So jealous of all that salsa - yum! You really must have needed more rest - glad you were able to get it.

    1. I think I'm OD'ing on salsa (and tomatoes in general) this month!

  10. Good news from the comeback trail! I just booked my Vegas flight last night. Got raked over the coals money-wise cuz I waited so long but I'll be there!

  11. Jealous that your husband WANTS to join you on dogwalks. I usually have to beg or command. And that's only on the weekend, because of course he can't walk when it's dark (insert sarcasm there).

    Sorry about that DOMs. I had a little bit of it from Watkins, but really nothing terrible.

    1. Well, **full disclosure** the hubby does not want to join me every day (some days he goes to spinning), but lately he's been getting his shoes on & going with me

  12. What a great week! And, furry coaches are the best :-D

  13. You are doing great with your return to running! Salsa and chips are so yummy, but we've also discovered homemade guacamole (made at your table) at our neighborhood Mexican restaurant. Oh my. That was our supper last night! Our football game was much more exciting that usual but thank goodness Bama won. Thanks for linking!

    1. The hubby makes homemade Guac....and even though I'm not an avocado gal, I do like his creation ;-)

  14. Great job getting back into the routine! I sometimes turn my alarm off and sleep in a lot too...yesterday I slept until 9am! It was glorious and much needed. That's why I ended up doing a run in the evening.

    1. I seldom ever sleep in, especially not until 9:00 (that was my wake-up time as well)....I think it totally threw my entire day off balance LOL

  15. What a great week staying active!! I must admit I am a little jealous of your fleece headband and long sleeves! It's still hot down here Kim! Waaaah! Oh and I love homemade salsa! Yum!!

    1. Well, it's not so cold in the daylight hours, but at 5:00, the temps are a bit nippy some days

  16. Your furry coach is so cute! I'm sure he's a task master :) Way to go with that long run on Sunday even with the DOMS.

    1. The DOMS were still there with me on the long run, but were much more manageable than they had been 13 hours prior ;-)

  17. I am in love with your furry coach!!! Looks like you had a great week and are really doing great with your running.

    1. The running is definitely coming back fairly easy. I'm still not running very fast, but I'm not even trying to at this point because my knee's range of motion is still not quite at 100%

  18. That homemade salsa looks glorious, I bet it's so fresh! Great job with the long run despite the soreness.

    1. The salsa did turnout pretty sweet (literally...because I add a bit of sugar to take some of the edge off the tomatoes)

  19. I think it's hilarious you felt so awful and couldn't figure out why!! And only because it's happened to me so many times! Glad you figured it out. :)

    1. Seriously! I was like, "What happened? Did I just run another (dumb) marathon?"

  20. I did so much praying this week (and will continue to!). My cousin, who's really my best friend, was there in the middle of it and she's on my mind every hour. But like you, I can't let it hold me back from living life and I can take the time to thank God that I'm healthy and I can run with Him at my side!

    1. That is so freaky about your cousin! Thank God, she was spared and protected!

  21. Glad your transition back to running is going so well!

  22. Looks like another great week for you! I expected DOMS after all the hiking we did, but the only thing that bothered me were my feet. Maybe because my knees were already squawking!

  23. Great week transitioning back into running! I'm planning on taking it easy this week, then jumping back on the marathon training bandwagon for the Houston marathon in January.

    1. I'm itching to get another marathon on the calendar (for 2018), but I really need to just take things easy for now. (we'll see how long I hold on to that theory)

  24. You're killing it! And that salsa looks amazing. Keep it up!

  25. That Saturday sleep-in was so strange...it's been a long time since I've slept that late!

  26. You're doing a great job in your return to running! That is some serious salsa - you'll have to share your gardening secrets. My tomatoes didn't cooperate this year.

  27. Snooze is so tricky! 5 minutes is never enough :)

    I love your October goals! I need to make core a bigger priority. Good job!

  28. Sounds like a great week! I had a race last weekend and no more til Thanksgiving day Turkey Trot 10K!

  29. You had a great week! Glad to see the running is going well, and 11 miles is great as you continue to build back up! Boo to DOMS though, lol! And my brother went to MSU so he was gloating all over Facebook after the game, haha!

    Bret has been making salsa with our tomatoes too. We have so much now it's hard to keep up, but it's so much tastier than the storebought stuff!

  30. What a great week! I hit snooze just this morning and slept an additional two hours!

  31. You have had a great transition back. Congrats for being patient and not overdoing.

    Yum on the salsa!!!

    See you in Vegas. I'll be arriving Fri am.

  32. I love that your husband made sure you didn't skip your walk. I love it when my husband walks Sallie with me after work, but it's often like pulling teeth. I've learn to not push. If he wants to join us, he will. :-) Great week! Hope that DOMS have chilled out by now. ;-)

  33. I'm so glad you are back into running successfully! I love all your Instagram photos, they always motivate me!!

  34. Omg that stair workout looks like a killer! No wonder your legs got DOMS afterwards... Congrats on pushing through the 5 miles regardless :)
