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Sunday, October 1, 2017

Can You Say EPIC?

Maybe I should take 3-month sabbaticals more often...

(just kidding)

My return to running has really been MUCH smoother and easier than I would have imagined. Of course, it's only been a couple weeks, and I have not jacked up the mileage much. In fact, I'm  staying on the conservative side of that spectrum, and taking mini walk breaks as needed. But it still has felt like an epic adventure thus far....and this past week was no exception.

Monday was an epic day. Why? A couple years ago, I saw a thing about successful habits for running (or, at the very minimal, for fitness), and one such habit was to never miss a Monday. Since then, every Monday I do something to start not just my morning, but also my week. Most of these endeavors are done in the early morning, and most involve running. Well, that ritual continued over the past three months, but had to be walking-related rather than running. This past Monday, I officially returned to running for my #nevermissaMonday...and as a bonus, it was even with warm summer-like temps.

Tuesday was another epic day. The morning started with questionable weather, so the hubby and I did a quick walk with the dog and made it back home just in time for the heavens to open up and spill a bunch of rain on us. I had the afternoon free, so I laced up and headed out and ran an old familiar 5K route. I finished in 30:33, which was surprisingly fast considering I took 1-minute walking breaks just before each of the mile marks.

Wednesday was epic as well, but not in an especially grand way. I didn't have any running on the calendar, but I did want to get out for a couple of early morning walking miles. Ugh. I am SO not ready for fall because it means Old Man Winter is close behind. The mid-50's felt mild, but were cool enough to warrant grabbing a pair of gloves. If I would have been running, the gloves would have been a non-issue, but for walking? Yes, please!

Thursday's epic-ness? The hubby joined me for an early morning 3-mile run. We had that 5K coming up on Saturday, after all, and I don't think he's run any miles since Dam to Dam (early June). He left to take the dog out as I was grabbing the phone (for that post-run selfie), so he's MIA from the pic....but trust me, he was there for the three miles.

Friday was beautifully epic in that we (the hubby and Max and myself) headed out later than usual (almost 6:00), and caught some of the sunrise! It's been awhile since I've seen the sunrise while out in the early morning due to it coming later and later every day.

Saturday was dripping with all kinds of epic delights. It was the day of the Kickoff to Kinnick 5K, a race near the campus of my alma mater, the University of Iowa. After a forced 3-month sabbatical, this was my return-to-running race. The weather was perfect, I felt strong, and the race went well (I finished in 29:57, with two walk breaks mixed in). Stay tuned...the recap is coming!
My first race with Voldemort!
Sunday had another epic endeavor on tap...a 6-mile run. I met up with my friend, Barb, at 6:30 and we headed out in the cool & breezy (still dark) morning. I made it to almost four miles before I asked for a quick walk break. I think my body was sore (and a bit fatigued) from the previous day's 5K race, and I could tell my form was a bit off. I'm veering way on the side of caution, but I'm a paranoid recovering runner and do not want to risk over-doing it. Anyways, my 6-miles clocked in at 1:04, which includes the 2-minute (approx.) walking warm-up, the walk break right before the 4-mile mark, and a few minutes walking as I finished. It's hard to keep these "easy" runs at a slower pace because my body just wants to go. Thus far, six miles is the farthest run since Voldemort (my suture scar) entered my life.

So, all in all, this week was pretty well played. My running mileage (Monday-Sunday) is around 17 miles (I'm not keeping track of my walking mileage anymore unless it's a blatant "workout" or recovery kind of endeavor). I have a 5-mile race on the 14th (which I'm not the least bit worried about), and that R'n'R 13.1 in Vegas on November 12th (I'm not too worried about that either since I'm not planning to "race" that event...seriously, why would I want to?).

In case you missed them, here's my posts from last week:
On The Road Again
Did I Forget Something?
Runfessing: Was It Fate?

In other news:
Our three kiddos got to spend the weekend together! It's a bummer the hubby and I weren't with them, but this was a great sibling bonding gig. We flew the younger daughter and son out to Pennsylvania (where the older daughter lives), and they all went to the Kid Cudi concert in Philadelphia. 

My #FridayFashionFlair post (on Instagram) reflected my love of grey, bright accessories, cold shoulders, and all things comfy. Care to join me? Post an outfit, hashtag it (#FridayFashionFlair), and tag me (@runningonthefly). It's fun to see each other in "street clothes" once in awhile, right?
I love the little peek-a-boo detailing across the back
...and, remember that unfortunate fall I took two weeks ago? Well, the bruise is slowly fading....

Anyways, that's a wrap! How was your week? Any epic endeavors or adventures? Any races? How's your weather?

 I'm linking up with  Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap. This weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us!


  1. Wow you really are having an epic comeback! Great job and Im looking forward to the 5k recap!

    1. Thanks! It feels great to be back to "almost" normal ;-)

  2. This makes me so happy! I am so glad for you and I knew you would come back strong!

  3. Glad things are falling right back into place for you! It helps to stay active during recovery and of course, the body doesn't forget what to do.

  4. Oh my gosh that bruise! I hope that starts to fade quicker!
    Congrats on your epic week! I'm so happy for you. All of your hard work over the last 3 months has paid off. I just loved reading this. And it's super motivating to me.

    1. That bruise is slowly fading LOL It's weird how it's fading from the inside-out...

  5. Glad you had a great week! It always feels great to get back to running after a long hiatus. Hopefully Voldemort won't give you any more problems and you can continue to move forward with your running. I love that you named your scar Voldemort. And I'll seriously take some of your weather in the fifties! Pack that crap up and send it over my way!!

    1. Ha ha...I'm considering giving Voldemort a nickname...Voldy?

  6. Definitely seems like an epic return to running! Congrats on ending the week with a strong race!

  7. I love that you are back to running finally!! Can't wait to start watching you rack up all those miles again ;)

    1. Well, those miles are gonna be "racked up" slowly and very gradually LOL

  8. Congrats on your first race after taking a few months off. I bet you were so happy to be running on Mondays again now!

    1. Gosh, the Monday thing is SO great to be back to "normal"

  9. I'm glad you're having such an epic return to running! Wow, 6 miles already! That seems fast.

    1. It doesn't feel like I'm going any faster than normal, but it is hard to pull back...

  10. Happy to hear you're getting back to it successfully! It sounds like you're not rushing into it either and listening to your body, which is awesome :) Great week!

    1. Thanks!! After 3 months "off" from running, a little longer "easing" back is not a big deal.;-)

  11. Great job this week! I suppose I shouldn't say the CO Rockies are getting snow tonight? Even I'm not ready for that.

  12. Wow, you are back with a vengeance! I'm sure all your waking kept you in shape.

  13. So so good to see you making such an epic comeback! Holy crow now that's a bruise! How fun for the kids to get together for some quality time!

    1. YOU should have seen the bruise a week ago...it was a very beautiful shade of deep purple (and bigger!)

  14. Super exciting that you were able to run 6 miles this weekend, and complete a 5K!!

    1. It's crazy! The six miles were feeling a bit tough around mile 5 LOL, but not enough to make me stop

  15. I love when comebacks are epic! I hope mine will be just as epic. And I hope it's SOON!

    1. This comeback has been three months in the works...hoping it continues ;-)

  16. You did have an epic week followed by an epic 5k! Congratulations on your successful return to running and racing! :)

    1. Well, I don't feel like I'm completely "back" just yet...but I'm on my way ;-)

  17. What a great (epic!) week you've had! Congrats on getting back into running. Beautiful kids! I'm never happier than when all 3 of mine are together.

    1. Agreed...having all the kids together is nice (even if the hubby & I couldn't be with them)

  18. Epic indeed, it's great that you're back out there running and getting back to where you were pre-injury. Well done! And that bruise OMG - I must have missed your post about that. Hope you feel better!

    1. ha! Checkout my weekly wrap post from last weekend...the bruise was even bigger and MORE purple LOL

  19. That's great that the return to running is going so smoothly! Wow, it's crazy that the bruise is still so big after two weeks.

    1. That bruise has taken on a life of its own...it's slowly shrinking and fading...slowly...

  20. That's a pretty epic 5k time!!!! Way to go! Happy to hear you are back to running :)

  21. That is a nasty looking bruise! I'm glad the fall was nothing more serious. You are the definition of EPIC. Great job in your official return to racing, lady!!!

    1. Thanks, Holly ;-) It's nice to be doing more than just walking LOL

  22. Definitely epic! It really is so great to hear that your return to running is going so well :)

  23. Yay for getting back to running! Epic for sure!

  24. That bruise is epic, girl. Yowza!

    Glad you had such an awesome week!!!

    1. hey...I don't do things "half-buttocks-ed" ;-) If I'm going down on concrete, I'm gonna make it worthwhile

  25. wait. gloves? I am jealous. Still in the 90s here! I am patiently waiting for autumn to arrive in Texas -- but I'm like you, I want fall, not winter yet!

    1. Ugh, our Iowa winters are miserable....it would be nice if we had one month of winter instead of five LOL

  26. Wow! What a jam-packed week. Glad that bruise is finally clearing up. Keep up the hard work!

    1. Ha! I've had the bruise for over two weeks...I'm contemplating giving it a name

  27. Thanks, Karen ;-) I feel good about the 5K. I know I can run a 5K faster, but this still felt pretty fantastic ;-)

  28. I'm so glad to hear that the transition back is going well, and that you had a great 5k. Here's to the comeback continuing to go well!

  29. Epic week Kimberly! (Ouch that contusion looks painful!!) I have three kids too but they are younger and I can't even fathom sending my two younger ones to hang with my older one when she's out of the house. I know the day will come though.

    1. It really is interesting watching the sibling dynamics evolve...there was a time when there were constant squabbles, but now, all are pretty close to each other.

  30. Sounds like an amazing week. It is so nice that you are running again and that it is going so well. That bruise is awful.

  31. Sounds like a great week! I'm glad the return to running is going so well :)

  32. I LOVE your arm warmers in your third picture. I've never tried arm warmers because I'm not sure what I'd do with them once I warmed up. I guess I could tie them around my SPIbelt. What do you do?

    I am missing a race tomorrow, the Army Ten-Miler and I'm so bummed because I've never run it even though it's a huge race in our area.

    Yay for your comeback race at your alma mater!

    1. Most times, the arm warmers are there (with a tank) when a long-sleeved shirt would be too much, so I seldom ever need to shed them. But, if I do need to lose them, I tie them around my belt. The sleeves in the third pic are actually knee-high socks that I cut off... I meant to toss them (two years ago) at a 13.1, but I just loved the color/pattern too much LOL
