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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Ready to RALLY

Shall we rally?

I mean, it's been almost four months since the surgery, and (already) it's been five weeks since I've been back in the running shoes. I've had two races that have gone pretty well considering there was not much (if any) training prior. Oh, and let's not forget there's a half marathon in the very near future (Rock'n'Roll Las Vegas, November 12th) that had been bought & paid for long before my summer ever began.

So, yes, I think it's time to rally and this past week went well in doing so. Here's the (fitness) highlights:

I was out the door in the early morning darkness for a 1.5-mile with Pat and Max (the hubby and our dog), and saved my #nevermissaMonday  for afternoon. Eager to do more than just the routine easy-paced 1-miler, I headed to the outdoor stairway nearby. It's an approximate 1.5-mile round trip from my driveway, and I decided to sandwich 20 sets of stairs in the middle of the run.
rallying on the stairs
Another cold morning (temps in the high-40's), but I did my 20 minutes of early morning cardio (via a power walk through the 'hood), saving (again) the run for later when the temps would be warmer.  It wasn't until late in the afternoon that I had my chance to go for my run. I decided to pay a visit to a popular 5K route.This route has a 1-mile stretch on a county road with a long hill, and I had not conquered said hill in a long time. I managed a decent pace, with my fastest split happening in the middle mile (into a headwind). As I have said many times, my pace perception is jacked...it felt like I was majorly struggling to stay vertical against the wind, and felt like I was dragging buttocks. It was a very pleasant surprise to see how fast I actually was moving (just under a 9-minute pace!) for that tough middle mile.
rallying on the hill...
After 10 cumulative miles over the weekend, and running both Monday and Tuesday, I was ready for a rest day. No running on the agenda, but I did a couple walks with the dog and a brief 10-minute upper body workout before bed.
rallying with the weights
Finally, after many months of recovery, it happened!  I met up with my friend, Barb, and we ran our first #5at5 since Grandma's Marathon! We've done many early morning 5:00 a.m. walks, and (recently) some shorter runs...but this was the first #5at5 with Voldemort (he's my suture scar) joining us. It also may have been my first-ever run in an over-sized safety vest.
rallying with 5 miles at 5:00 a.m.
Another rest day was on tap for Friday. Nothing crazy.....I did my early morning walk, and  captured a shot of my morning 2:30 forearm plank. Although I don't post a pic of every plank, I can assure you they are still happening everyday. One of my October goals is to have 150 cumulative planking minutes, and I'm on target for surpassing that.
rallying in the pink...
I have been gradually increasing my long-distance runs, and pretty much am only taking brief walk breaks as needed now. On Saturday, I met up with Barb, and we opted for the 6-mile out and back route on a trail. This route is on a bike trail and has two big hills (one is steep and the other is long...both are tough!). Adding in the bonus mile to our meet-up spot and the extra mile after we finished the trail, our total distance came in at 8 miles! My longest run since Voldemort and I started our rally back! This run was tough, from the start...we had a strong wind out of the south, so it was a cross wind that we never really got any relief from. My hamstrings were achy for most of the run, and we did take two short walk breaks near the top of each of the hills, but (amazingly) finished with an average pace of 10:31. I was not gunning for a fast pace, so this was a total surprise and another example of my pace feeling much slower than it actually was.
rallying in black and gold gear for the Iowa Hawks (but they lost to Northwestern)
Ugh. I could feel the beginnings of DOMS (arriving earlier than usual), an achy back from a bad night of sleep, and damp "rainy-ish" air from the overnight rainfall. I always do a short recovery run the day after a long-distance run, so I did an easy-paced 1-miler before church, and that was all she wrote (or ran). Believe it or not, I do return feeling better for having just run a short distance. Maybe it's more mental than physical, but these short recovery runs are a staple for me and I seldom ever feel like they're a waste of time.
rallying while recovering
So, that's the rally-back happenings from this past week. My mileage (Monday-Sunday) tallied at 18.5 running miles (plus another 5-7 walking miles here and there). There also were daily planks, and periodic squats, leg lifts, and ab work as well. All went well, and (so far) I'm feeling good with my return to running.

In case you missed them, here's my posts from last week:
Going with the Flow
Mercy Live Up Loop Race Recap
Favorite Fall (running) Hacks

In other news:
Isn't it crazy how we think our hair is okay-looking....until we get it cut and see the finished look? UGH! What was I thinking? LOL It had only been nine weeks since my last hair appointment, but I definitely was due for some time "in the chair."
Before and after
Did you catch my #FridayFashionFlair post on Instagram?  I showcased a favorite color combo, kiwi and grey. I have a pretty casual office setting where I work, but that doesn't mean #sloppy is acceptable. I always try to dress up my outfit with funky & chunky jewelry and interesting shoes or booties (the sneakers stay home). Of course, the lipstick is essential! Please join  me...post a favorite outfit, use the hashtag #FridayFashionFlair and tag me (@Runningonthefly)!

Although we have been enjoying warmer-than-normal afternoon temps, it's been chilly in the early morning hours. I've had to grab my fleece jackets and headbands on those mornings when I haven't been running. Brrr! Have I ever mentioned how much I want my summer back?

So, that's a wrap! How was your week? Any big races coming up? Has your fall weather officially arrived, or is summer still lingering? Ever get a haircut that made you realize just how bad your hair looked before your hairdresser got to work on you?

I'm linking up with  Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap. This weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us! 


  1. Another great week for you! It's awesome that you have been able to get in some longer runs as well.
    Sorry that the DOMS appeared today - hopefully it leaves by tomorrow!!

    1. Yes, the DOMS showed up about 18 hours early LOL...but are feeling better already

  2. It looks like fall is going to finally hit us this week. I have mixed feelings--mostly because I know what's next!

    1. Exactly! It was in the 70's almost every afternoon last week...now we'll supposed to be in the high-40's by the weekend #yuck

  3. Great job this week! Its still been pretty warm here, although we've have a few cooler mornings.

    1. The mornings have been brisk...but I'm not eager for the afternoons to be cold, too

  4. It's not my hair, but after getting new shoes, it's amazing how I thought my previous pair was still feeling great. Then I try on the new shoes, and there's so much cushion. I couldn't believe I thought my previous pair still had enough cushion.

    1. I have noticed that with shoes, too. It's easy to get used to the cushioning gradually becoming ZERO...

  5. Great job and pace on your 8 miles! I have really slowed down since surgery. I made it 5 miles yesterday at 12:01 pace. I have a long road ahead literally! Fall weather is finally approaching the south! Woo hoo!

    1. My pace is rallying back as well, but I am not pushing it. My knee had little to no bending for several weeks following the surgery, and the skin is still a bit tender along the suture seam (which is 6-inches!). So, I have nothing to gain by overdoing it...just thankful to be back out on the road ;-)

  6. Great week! I love these 40 degree mornings in Minneapolis, but not excited about what's next..At this point, I'm still wearing shorts and compression socks, haven't transitioned to pants yet, but per the forecast, it might be happening soon...boo!

    1. I'm trying to stay in shorts as long as possible, but have worn the capri's a few times....ugh! So NOT ready for winter....

  7. Yay for the return of 5 at 5! You're doing such an amazing job with your return to running. I love coming here each week to see what you've been up to. Keep up the strong work!

  8. Another great week! So great to see your return to running is going so well!

    1. So far, so good ;-) I'm trying to be very careful to not overdo anything...

  9. You've had another great week! What's up with your love affair with the DOMS? LOL. I hope that improves for you soon. You know, I sported some black and gold arm warmers myself this week. I like them! Did you? Thanks for linking.

    1. Well, the DOMS and I go way back....kind of a love/hate relationship

  10. Way to go with your 5at5! And I love the vest. ;) Safety first!

    1. ha! The vest is kind of dorky (and not the least bit fashionable), but it did serve a purpose ;-)

  11. It's really incredible that you are already back to 8 miles you rock girl!

    1. Well, those 8 miles were not a piece of cake LOL, but they went alright ;-)

  12. I am so impressed that you have come back so quickly to running and that you've even race already too!

  13. High five for your return to FiveatFive! That must feel awesome - besides the DOMS ;)

    1. Yes, the #5at5 was pretty nice...almost felt like we'd never taken a break from it

  14. Great rallying week! Your recovery is going so well!!

  15. I'm so happy that you're coming back strong. Not that I ever had any doubt!

    1. Thanks ;-) At times, it seems like it's been forever since I've been "really" running, I"m glad the rally back is going so smooth

  16. What a brilliant week of training! Love how much you mix it up between strength training and running. We are in the middle of a heat wave so this summer is going to be brutal - we can already feel it!

    1. I'll gladly trade your summer for the impending winter that's headed my way LOL

  17. Great work building up the mileage! And I am always in awe of your planking abilities.

    1. Thanks! I just hope I'm hot building up the mileage too fast...

  18. Yay for 5at5! I always have a tough time judging my pace. It seems like it is finally fall here ... and for that I'm thrilled :-) I'm sure summer will make a return soon.

    1. It feels like "late fall" this week after having "late summer" temps last week...

  19. Ha! Yes to the haircut! Although I lost several inches, my hair seems so much thicker after a cut

  20. Oh, I totally knew how bad my hair looked. I had such a great hair week after Wineglass,though (because I didn't run!).

    Great week, Kim! I love it when we find some speed when we weren't looking to. And I'm sure it's great to be back with Barb for your 5at5.

  21. Love the cooler weather this time of year. Love the different fashion looks also :)

    1. Unfortunately, our "cooler" weather is gonna get cold this week... ;-0

  22. It's so amazing how you have been able to get back into running after what you went through this summer. I can't wait to read about RnR Las Vegas!

  23. So glad things are on the up and up!

  24. Your rally is amazing! You are doing so well!

    I think this week, it's supposed to get cooler. Like high 60s, although they are saying that one morning will drop to the high 40s. I guess we will see.

    Lots of big races coming up, and I am getting excited for them!

    1. It feels good to be "almost" back at it completely... I'm excited for the 13.1 in Vegas

  25. Yeah for your running 5at5 again! I'd love to hear how you are going to plank for that amount of time. How much each day are to needing to do or are you just going with the flow?

    1. I'm averaging 5-minutes of planking each day, which will have me at 155 if I keep it up ;-)

  26. Our fall weather is definitely here to stay...you can tell by the constant crazy changes. High of 70! High of 40! Rain! Snow! Super windy! 50 and calm and sunny! Yep, we had all of that last week.

  27. You are rallying for sure! You will be so ready for Vegas!

    1. I hope so! That will definitely be the longest distance post-surgery!

  28. I cannot imagine how wonderful it felt to complete your first #5at5 since your surgery. Yay for taking another small step to getting back into your normal routine.

  29. You are doing great Kim I'll say your back! Great to see the 5@5 this week too! I've got to get back into the #fridayfashion posts! Thankfully my office is pretty casual too! I like that I can wear a dress if I choose too then the next day, dressed up jeans n jewelry.

    1. Thanks, Tricia! You should do a virtual #5at5 with me sometime (?)

  30. You have been such an inspiration over the past few months after you have been so good about a careful recovery! However, you did not slack and just kept on keeping' on..Kudos to you!!!

    1. Thanks, Angela! It certainly has been an interesting journey.

  31. You are doing so awesome. Definitely jealous of the RNR Vegas, I was hoping to do it this year, but alas it is not in the cards, maybe in the future!

    1. I'm hoping all goes well in Vegas. It's gonna be a big emotional event on so many levels.
