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Saturday, November 25, 2017

My Heart is Full

Another week is in the wraps, and all I can say is, "My Heart is Full."

The Pennsylvania daughter arrived back in Iowa on Friday morning (11/17). The college son came home Saturday evening (11/18). The high school daughter was off from school after Tuesday (11/21). So, we had lots of family time and a full house (complete with an extra dog!).

I was able to keep active with my workouts as well as getting the house ready for our Thanksgiving dinner. Here's what went down:

I headed out for a quick 20-minute power walk, and was ever-so-eager to get back home, inside. Brrrr. However, good things come to those who wait. The temps were more than 20-degrees warmer by the time I finally headed out for my #nevermissaMonday run. I even wore shorts!  Those 2-miles felt great, and the slight breeze was actually more warm than cold. #win!
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I'm wearing shorts! In November!
I was contemplating a rest day (kind of in a state of flux due to Thanksgiving), when I received a text from Barb (Monday evening)...asking if I wanted to do a  #5at5 in the morning. It took me all of 5 seconds to respond back with a thumbs-up. I was leery, due to the predicted weather (plummeting temps and wicked wind), but the wee-early hours would be the "warmest" of the day (hold that thought). We'd just reached the halfway point of our 5-miles when we turned to head back west...into the crazy wind. Barb made the comment that it was good that we got out early, before the wind really picked up. Ha! And we didn't say much for the next half-mile until we could turn again (this time headed back north). Amazingly, I had the right idea with my layers...my face was the only thing cold on me. The temps did continue to drop (and the wind picked up) throughout the day. But we got it done!
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The wind is not my messy bun's friend....
Sort of a rest day, but only after doing a short series of arm work in the morning. It wasn't until I was headed to work that I realized I totally blanked on my early morning cardio! WHOOPS! Oh well, as I said in my Rufessions post, the sun still shown and the world did not stop. Onward!
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at least the strength work happened
Our 6th annual Turkey Trot was a huge success! This is a small, local event a friend and myself organize each year. We offer 1-mile, 2-mile, and 5K options, and encourage everyone to participate (runners, walkers, strollers, and leashed pets)...no registration fees (and no event shirts or awards), but most people bring food donations for our local food pantry. This year, we had upwards of 140 participants! Barb and I knocked out a couple pre-Trot miles, then gathered at the Trot site and ran the 5K. We were not only blessed with a huge turnout, but Momma N also gifted us with beautiful weather.
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2017 Turkey Trot, Grinnell IA
The Trot is an easy event to fit into our schedule, since I have most of the Thanksgiving food ready prior to Thursday anyways. The hubby gets up early, and gets the bird ready for the oven, and we do our "trotting" while the bird is roasting. All I have left to do is make the potatoes (and put them in the Crock Pot), set the table, and pop the remainder things into the other oven in the final hour before dinner. Easy peasy.

Momma N continued on with her weather confusion thing, and our afternoon temps (in Iowa) approached the high-60's (say WHAT???). After several hours of Black Friday shopping, I suited up in my Iowa Hawkeye attire (including shorts!) and headed out for an easy-paced 1-mile run. A bonus? My Hawkeyes were victorious against the Nebraska Cornhuskers.
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Running in shorts in November...take 2
Barb and I met up around 7:15 for a 6-mile run. The temps were chilly, in the low 30's (mid-20's with windchill), but we had a lot of beautiful sunshine! I could tell my body was tired from the previous day's shopping excursion, but oh well. Black Friday only happens once a year, right? After returning home, I refueled with leftover turkey and gravy (no judging).
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Running in one of my Black Friday bargains (the fleece jacket)
Not much to report other than Christmas decorating! I did head out for a short 1-mile run, and that's all she wrote. I realized that I have already reached that pinnacle in winter running when your body has acclimated to cold weather. I had a puffer vest and two light layers underneath and I felt overdressed after that short 1-mile outing. The sad thing? It's still November; technically winter doesn't officially begin for another four weeks. 
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, shoes, sky, tree, outdoor and nature
I believe I can fly
This was a busy week, considering we had a major holiday thrown into the mix. My mileage (Monday-Sunday) came in at 20 miles in the running shoes. There were some miscellaneous walking miles in there as well, but none of them were documented. An interesting piece of trivia...I was going through my 2017 yearly mileage, and I'm already well-past the 1,000 mile mark. Granted, some of those are walking miles from July, August, and (early) September when I was not allowed to run. My running miles (thus far) are around 870. I have ZERO grandiose hopes of running those extra 130 miles in December...I'm quite content with  how my year's mileage played out considering I had that "speed bump" thrown into my summer plans.

In case you missed them, here are my posts from this past week:
Let There Be Rest
So Incredibly Thankful

In other news:
Did you catch my #FridayFashionFlair post on Instagram? It was posted live while I was out and about on Black Friday. Most of you know I'm a sucker for comfy and funky scarves as well as puffer vests (FYI, they're not just for running). We only stopped at a couple different stores and a mall, but getting in and out of the car, then walking who knows how far across the parking lots can get a bit chilly. A puffer vest  gives you a layer of warmth without the bulk of a jacket, and the scarf jazzes up the look a notch. Of course, the distressed jeans, boots, and lipstick are staples as well (you probably already knew that, though). Anyways, please join me! Post a pic of a favorite outfit, use the hashtag #FridayFashionFlair, and tag me (@runningonthefly)...I love to see my fitness-minded friends in non-fitness clothing now and then.
live from Black Friday
Remember the Mercy Live Up Loop 5-mile race back in October (recap HERE)? Well, my age group award arrived in the mail this weekend. Wow! I was blown away at what it was...an etched glass stein (?) with my name on it (also my age LOL).
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Yes, I am streaking again. This is my fifth winter doing the Runner's World winter streak. Although I am not an advocate for run streaking, I do it periodically for short periods and am always glad when those periods end. Stay tuned...there's a post coming later this week with more details on why I would do something I'm usually an advocate against. The answers may surprise you.

And. lastly, we had a nice Thanksgiving week. The Pennsylvania daughter (and her dog, Lola) were here, as well as the college student son. The youngest daughter had a nasty tummy bug for a couple days, but rallied back. It's just nice to have everyone together, even with the inevitable sibling/family squabbles that pop up. Yes, my heart is full. 

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Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, dog and outdoor

So, that's another Wrap! How was your week? Any traveling for Thanksgiving? Any good food? Turkey trotting? Black Friday? 

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter

I'm linking up with my gals, Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap. This weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us! 


  1. It's so nice to have the whole family together! I'm not a Black Friday fan--I don't like to shop (Online is a different story). I had to work but it was just me, so even though I was busy, the office was quiet. I kind of like that!

    1. I don't mind the Black Friday thing, but I now wait until later Friday morning before heading out. By then, the crowds aren't as crazy, and there are still some good deals to be had. At least that's my story LOL

  2. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving with your family! I feel like its been colder than usual this early in the season, which is strange because it was warm for so long. At least we are pretty much adjusted to the cold at this point!

    1. yes, we kind of skipped right over fall into an early winter...

  3. I just love that you organize your own turkey trot. What a fabulous way to give back to your hometown. Yay for having all the kids home at the same time. It's really special when that happens.

    1. It IS so nice to have everyone home, even if for a short while.

  4. So glad that you were able to celebrate the holiday with your whole family - that's always the best!

    1. Thanksgiving was nice! It's great having all the kids under our roof.

  5. Aw, your family pics are great! We had NO family here, but it turned out for the best since Mom ended up staying in the hospital .... Love your mug. I've only won one AG award and it was a simple medal with no engraving. ;-)

    1. I have had a handful of AG awards, and they all have been the usual "impersonal" ones. This one was really impressive!

  6. I spent my whole break with my parents, and then on Thanksgiving we were with my uncle, aunt, and grandfather. After so many Thanksgivings away from family, in Texas, it was a great holiday.

    1. Extended family gatherings are great! I always look forward to Christmas for that very reason!

  7. I LOVE that you organize a food donation at your Thanksgiving run! I think I'll propose the idea to the group I ran with!

    1. The food donations have gotten bigger each year...not sure how many pounds collected this year yet, but we had over 100 pounds last year

  8. Spending Thanksgiving with the family is the best. That is a wonderful family photo too! I had three extra dogs at my house. Yes, it was a touch crazy. I do not Black Friday shop and had all intentions of shopping online this weekend but didn't do that either. Your pink fleece find is very cute. Thanks for linking!

    1. Ha! I cannot imagine three extra dogs! It was a little busy with just one extra here LOL

  9. Great family photos! It's hard to get them all in one place long enough once they get older. The weather in Hong Kong dipped down into the upper 50s and it was awesome!

    1. I wish we were still entertaining upper 50's in Iowa! It' gotten in that vicinity on a few of the afternoons...but only for a few hours. I think we might have a few days with highs in the 50's on tap for this week, though.

  10. Great family pics!! I love that you guys have a free turkey trot with food donations. That is a great idea and a great way to get everyone involved. They always do a donation drive at packet pick up for the Pgh turkey trot too!

  11. Sounds like a great Thanksgiving and WOW what great weather the Midwest was treated with this weekend...if only it would stick around a bit longer :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. I would totally LOVE this kind of weather all winter long (well...except for Christmas week) ;-)

  12. I’m not a run streaker but I think having one over the holidays is a great way to keep people from sinking into that year end stressed out, too busy to exercise slump. Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving. It’s cool that you put on your own Turkey Trot!

    1. Thanks, Debbie! That's exactly why I do a winter streak...not because I think daily running is good for me, but because it gives me a short-term challenge during a crazy time of year that does not require much of a commitment ;-) .....and a valid excuse to get outside in less-than-desirable weather LOL

  13. It's the best when the whole family is able to gather! Not easy when they grow up. That is one very nice award! I love it when races are creative like that.

    1. It is weird watching the kids grow up and (slowly) morph into their own (independent) beings. I do LOVE having everyone together, in the same house ;-)

  14. Sounds like you had a great week! It's so nice to get the whole family together, isn't it?

  15. Fun to have your family gather for a few days. Glad you had such a fun and busy week.

    1. The daughter flew back to PA today...hard to believe how fast those 10 days went with her here...

  16. There's no judging on Thanksgiving weekend! You eat all of the turkey and gravy you want ;-) Glad you had a great week/weekend. I love this time of year!

    1. ha ha ha....well, there may also have been some pumpkin pie ;-)

  17. You're impressive Kim! Work, organizing a public event on Thanksgiving, preparing for returning family, and staying in shape– and somehow your food was mostly done already on Thanksgiving morning. How do you do it!?!

    1. ha! I have hosted Thanksgiving forever...at least the past 20 years or so. Honestly, the trick is doing the food a little at a time and having most of it done the day prior. The fitness thing...well, that just happens because it's a priority LOL

  18. Sounds like you've had some crazy weather over there, girl! I was in the land of 80s and it was amazing. I came back to mid 40s and tomorrow will be close to 60 so I'm not complaining. As long as the sun shines I'm a happy camper!

    Congrats on an amazing Turkey Trot yet again!!!

    1. I agree...the sunshine makes all the difference! We're getting afternoon temps in the 50's most this week...Momma N is really confused LOL

  19. Sounds like a great week! I did a turkey trot, hosted thanksgiving and did a little (mostly online) shopping this weekend. Got it lots of family time!

    1. Family time is the best! Sounds like we did a lot of the same stuff ;-)

  20. What a nice family photo! Sounds like you still were able to managed to get all your workouts in even with family visiting.

    1. Well, the workouts were rather easy because the "family visiting" involved two older kids who slept in much later than I did LOL

  21. It's so nice to have all the kids at home, isn't it? I'm never happier.

  22. Love seeing all the family together! So glad you had that time over this holiday!

    I also love that scarf. I need a puffer vest in my life. Little man has one, but I never quite got one for myself. We just don't really need them that much around here, so it was never on my list.

    I can't believe how cold is is already by you! Is it going to be a hard winter, are they saying?

    1. Honestly, I have no idea what kind of winter we have in store for us. Last year, we had very little snow, but the temps were SOOOOO cold and windy. If it's gonna be that cold and miserable, we might as well have some snow to show for it...right? ;-)

  23. I'm streaking now, too! I love RW Run Streaks, because there is an end. I don't think I could go more than streaking between a couple holidays, but these are manageable and fun.

    1. I forgot to comment on your AG award! How thoughtful of them to include your age on it. LOL

    2. I agree with the streaking thing. This is my fifth straight doing the winter streak....and I predict I will be very happy come New Years Day when it concludes. I like that it has a definite beginning AND end.

  24. Oh wow the wee hours were the warmest on Tuesday! Wind is no joke though! Great job on the timing of that one! Your turkey trot looks much dryer than ours. I'm glad I did it even if it was all in the rain. It kind of makes you feel extra badass ya know!

    1. Yes...the rain definitely UPS the badass criteria (and snow? even more so...just saying) ;-)

  25. Loving see all of the turkey trotting that happened last week. We just did some easy running at home. Happy to see that you are back to some good running!
