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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

20 Days of Awesome

Can I get a Whoop Whoop?

Why? I just hit Day 20 of the 2017 Runner's World winter run streak. This year, the Streak has the subtitle of "40 Days of Awesome," and hitting the halfway mark is a major milestone.

How's it going for me? So far, so good. This is my fifth consecutive year of doing the winter run streak. Basically, I'm just running an easy-paced mile on my usual "non-running" days. No speed work and no major long runs. Easy peasy and very minimal commitment.

A bonus? I've been able to do every run outside.

If you've been watching the Iowa weather, you'd know it done got chilly the past 10 days or so. We had a sprinkling of cold days prior, but also a very pleasant span of unseasonably warm days in there as well.

What's been happening? Well, as of Day 20 (Tuesday, December 12th), my streaking mileage tallies at 52.

The majority of my runs have been in the wee dark hours.

I have run a few of these streak runs in shorts!

I have done some #5at5's.

I have done a few runs in the mornings after the sunrise.

On occasion, I have run in the afternoons.

And, I have even run in the obnoxious Santa leggings (tis the season, after all).

The Streak began on Thanksgiving Day and ends on New Years Day. I have not set any mileage goals for the duration of the Streak...but I'm on track to at least pass the century mark. We shall see. It's my off-season, after all, and I plan to honor that.

***On a side note, I want to share a great opportunity with you! Laura, of Mommy Run Fast , is offering a great online  nutrition class in January that is geared towards runners. Care to join me?  Follow this link ---> Runner's Fit and Fueled  for more information. AND, I even have a promo code for you --->"ONTHEFLY." The registration prices increase on Saturday, December 16th, so act quickly!

So, that's the low down on my Streak thus far. Anyone else streaking right now? Have you ever done a run streak before? How do you feel about running outside, even in the extreme cold? Care to join me for the Runner's Fit and Fueled Nutrition Course?

**I'm linking up with Marcia and Patty and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.

**I'm also linking this with Debbie and Rachel and Lora for the Running Coaches' Corner.


  1. Wow that streak is flying for me...even if I'm not doing it...haha! Tell me you still have no snow??? A couple more inches came down furiously fast yesterday evening. Just enough to make it festive.

    1. Still no snow on the ground. There have been some flurries in the air at times, but nothing has lasted. No complaints! ;-)

  2. You're doing great with your run streak! Very impressive that you have managed to get outside every day in that weather.

  3. LOL! I need to get myself a pair of those Santa leggings! :-) Well done lady. Not an easy challenge during winter but you are killing it!

  4. I will run outside in the cold if it's not super windy -- and sometimes I need sun to entice me too. It hasn't exactly been warm around here, but I did manage all my runs outside last week (this week is a different story). Although we seem to be plunging into a polar vortex already the next few days.

    I feel blessed to be able to run later in the day though -- when it's "warm".

    1. We've had some bitterly cold temps recently, too. Have I mentioned how much I want my summer back?

  5. What a great streak! Our weather has been all over the place too!

    1. The weather is supposed to be cold in Iowa, I get that. But, it just got so cold so fast!

  6. I'm glad you've been able to run outside for your streak so far. Pretty amazing if you think about it. I think I'd be indoors once it got below 40!

    1. Well, I cannot stand the 'mill...so I'm glad to head outside as long as there isn't any ice.

  7. Nice job on keeping up the streak so far. I don't mind the cold if it's not icy. Excited to be doing the fit and fueled group as well

    1. I agree...I can handle almost any kind of cold, but ice terrifies me, especially now with my recently healed knee.

  8. Great job with the streaking Kim! I curious about this fit and fueled course, I may have to check it out!

  9. Awesome work on that streak! I've never done one successfully... my body likes those cross training days, but I probably need to try again!
    So glad you can join us for the nutrition course! Thanks for sharing, too.

    1. Well, I do not do the streaks very often...but I'm taking things at a very moderate pace (no pun intended LOL) and not doing much strength-training at the moment.

  10. Awesome job on the streak. I never do well with streaks, my body cant run every day. I am envious of those that can!!!

    1. Well, I do not do streaks very often. I only do them in the winter, when I'm in my off-season and not really training for anything specific. And, I'm not running any of the runs fast.

  11. Woohoo! Great job, Kim! I wish I were streaking but this year it's not meant to be. Maybe in 2018! :)

    1. Maybe I'll join you in 2018 ;-) I like the challenge of doing them through the holiday season, but I'm always glad when they end.

  12. Great job on the run streak!!! I'm doing a walk/run streak this month, at least 1 mile walked or run per day. I'm loving it!

    1. That's just as good! Just being active everyday is a win, even if it's only for a short while ;-)

  13. I love that you are doing so great on your run streak. Way to go!

    I also really love that neon yellow vest! Too fun!

    I pretty much always run outside, regardless of temperature. It's just how it goes around here and I don't have access to a treadmill.

    1. Well, I do have access to a treadmill...and I still head outside. The 'mill is just not my gig.

  14. Great job on your streaking so far! You are very motivating!

    1. Thanks! It's been going better than expected, but I will be glad when it's over ;-)

  15. Way to go on the running streak! I hope you enjoy Laura's workshop/program. She is a great coach.

    1. I'm really looking forward to Laura's class! I know there's a lot of confusing "info" out there, I'll be glad to have her guidance.

  16. You're really racking up those miles with this streak. Keep up the great work!
