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Saturday, December 30, 2017

My #PlotTwist of a Year - 2017 in Review

It was the best of times, it was (almost) the worst of times.

Somehow, it flew by ever-so-quickly. 2017 is now in the rear view mirror, and it took me on an interesting voyage around the sun.

Care to hear what all went down?

There were a lot of races to be run, 18 in fact. Unlike recent years, I ran more 5K's than anything in 2017 (five!), and only four half marathons. There also were a couple 5-milers, three 10K's, as well as a 10-miler, a full marathon, a stair climb event, and a 76-mile team relay.
2017 race bibs
There was a lot of bling and swag to be brought home. A lot of my races had finisher medals, and event shirts. The 1/4 zip jackets continue to be a popular swag item, and I was happy to score a few of those.

2017 medals
There were some humbling events. My favorite race every year is Dam to Dam (Recap), and this year its course was rerouted due to construction, and the weather soared to record highs without much warning, making for a difficult race and my slowest D2D finish time ever. And, let's not forget Grandma's Marathon (Recap)... a festive event in a beautiful setting (and I got to run it with a fun running gal pal none the less), but also on an especially hot day (the temps climbed 20-degrees as we ran). Although I managed to squeak out a course PR, I still finished a good 30 minutes slower than I was hoping.

There was a huge setback. A bursitis flare that turned infectious had me (unexpectedly) on the operating table 12 days following Grandma's Marathon. That followed with a week-long hospital stay, several weeks of continuous IV at-home infusions, and a 6-inch suture scar that needed lots of TLC with minimal bending and movement. And, let's not forget the 3-month sabbatical from running to allow the suture to properly "seal and heal." Complete details are on my Road to Recovery page (HERE).
My 2017 summer reality
There was growth, discovery, and perseverance. As much as I love running, I realized (thankfully) that I was not codependent on it for my livelihood. Instead, I did a lot of strength-training and walking (LOTS of walking...like 289 miles of walking) during those hot summer months when everyone else was running, training, and racing.
Lots (and lots) of walking
There were several proud moments. I'll never forget crossing the finish line at the Kickoff to Kinnick 5K (Recapbecause it was my first race back after that forced 3-month sabbatical. A few weeks later, I earned a 3rd place AG finish, and received a personalized etched glass stein from the Mercy Live Up Loop 5-miler (Recap). And, in November, I ran the R'n'R Las Vegas Half Marathon (Recap), which brought tears to my eyes in realizing I had officially rallied back from my recovery.

Finally, the year ended with the annual Runner's World Winter Streak.This was my fifth year doing the Streak. Ironically, this Streak seemed to be the easiest one for me (in comparison to the previous four other winter streaks I have done), but it also was the longest with its 40-day commitment. My main goal was to do every (daily) run outside (Thanksgiving Day through New Year's Day), and (hopefully) pass the century mark with my streaking mileage. Momma N made a last ditch effort to derail my plans with the Artic blast she sent my way, but I was able to finish strong. Although I had to layer-up to endure the sub-ZERO "feels-like" temps in those final 10 days, I completed every run outside, and my streaking mileage tallied up at 105. Mission accomplished.
I beat Momma N at her own game, and finished the run streak outside
It was, indeed, a most unique year. My mileage totaled out at 1,030. Although that number is a bit skewed (to include the 3-month sabbatical of exclusive walking), it is a mileage PR none the less.

All things considered, I am grateful to be able to look back at 2017 with no regrets. There were some frustrating moments (and a couple of DNS's due to the untimely surgery/recovery), but those shadow in comparison to all the good times spent with family and friends. I also had a huge network of running and blogging friends who lifted me up and encouraged me as I rallied back. I was reminded (yet again) that being a runner is a privilege, and every run is a gift. There's no need for complaining when you're doing something you love.
Stronger, better, wiser
So, that's a wrap on 2017. Look out, 2018...I'm ready for some action!

How did your 2017 play out? Any big accomplishments? Setbacks? Significant memories?

***this is the second part of a 2-part series. The first part, My #PlotTwist of a Year - Races & Bling, is HERE .

I'm linking up with my gals, Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap. This weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us! 

**I'm also linking up with Marcia and Patty and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.


  1. You really had an amazing year! While those 3 months were rough, you really rallied and came back stronger than before. And it's pretty awesome to be able to say how much you walked during your down time. Cant wait to see what you accomplish in 2018!

    1. Thanks, Lisa!! The three months seemed to take forever, but it was good for my body. A lot of strange little "twinges" that had been lingering disappeared during that time, and have not returned ;-)

  2. Wow, 1030 miles and you didn't run for 3 months! That's amazing! It's like you didn't skip a beat.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Clarification.... those 1030 miles are cumulative (running miles plus all the crazy walking miles I did when I couldn't run). I chose to include them in the mileage count because that's all I could do for those three months and they were intense ;-) I've never had a 1000 year before, so I'll take it any way I can get it.

  3. I'm still in awe of your year! While you were definitely thrown a curveball, you pushed through and finished the year strong. You should be so proud of yourself!

    Wishing you a happy and healthy 2018!!

    1. Thanks, Kim ;-) Yes, that curve ball certainly was a game-changer...I'm thankful I was able to rally back, thanks for all of your support ;-)

  4. WOW! 289 miles of walking?!? You definitely turned that down time into something positive! Cheers to many more miles of running and walking in 2018!

    1. The walking took on a life of its own LOL There's no way I would have logged that many running miles in that time frame.

  5. You really powered through your "set-back" from here it seems like it barely slowed you down. Hopefully 2018 will have mostly positive plot twists.

  6. You had an amazing year... and you really took your "curveball" in stride. I knew you'd surpass 100 on this streak... glad to see that final #. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks ;-) When the weather took that major turn for the cold, I started to have a few doubts as to whether I'd be able to finish the 100 outside...thankfully, my stubborn runner-mentality pushed me through it LOL

  7. Congratulations on your running streak and for surpassing 100 miles! You certainly had a challenging summer but did not let it get you down. From an injury/sidelined perspective, I hope you have the most boring 2018! LOL. Happy New Year and thanks for linking!

  8. Girl you had a fabulous year despite your 'setback'! Nothing can stop you now ...2018 is all yours! Hope it's the best ever!

    1. Thank you, Teresa ;-) The setback was not fun, but it did teach me to persevere through anythng

  9. Congratulations on a great year. Your road to recovery was so inspiring - I'm so glad that you're back it and have rallied back! Here's to an even greater 2018!

  10. Despite the surgery, it was a good year. That's a lot of bling and race bibs.

    1. I didn't realize I'd have that many race bibs/medals after missing out on 3 months of active running/racing. Crazy!

  11. Great job getting so many races down in 2017! That is a super impressive amount of mileage! o_o 1/4 zip jackets would definitely be welcomed swag! <3 I hope you have a wonderful and completely injury-free 2018! <3

    1. Thanks, Farrah ;-) I'm all for injury-free endeavors ;-)

  12. I see good things to come for you in 2018 and congrats on your mileage. What do you do with all your swag?

    1. All the medals are hanging on a display rack near our "family calendar," so I see them often ;-) Every finish line is a victory, and every medal tells a story.

  13. You really turned your year around and ended on such a high note!Here's to an injury free and happy 2018

    1. Thanks, Deborah ;-) I"m certainly hoping for a less "eventful" year in 2018

  14. Aside from your running sabbatical, you actually had a great year! And your positivity throughout it all was truly inspiring.

    But I wish you a much less interesting 2018. :)

    1. Agreed, Judy ;-) I'd love a less interesting year as well ;-)

  15. Even with a little set back in the year, you still had an amazing year with some great races!

    1. Thanks! Every race had something to learn form it...especially the ones after my recovery ;-)

  16. What an amazing year! I hadn't read the backstory yet on your injury, how terrible. I'm so glad you're on the other side of that now! 2018 will be awesome :)

    1. Ironically, it wasn't really even an injury...just an out-of-the-blue bursitis attack that went haywire (and undiagnosed by a local doc). Crazy!

  17. You have indeed had a crazy and momentous year! I've loved following your journey, and I can't wait to see what 2018 has in store for you!

  18. I have Tubthumpin stuck in my head now :) I love your positivity and determination through your surgery recovery. I hope that 2018 is much better to you!

  19. Congrats to a great year! And here's to another great one.

  20. The biggest challenge with this streak was the cold weather #yikes

  21. This is a great recap of your year! You have been a HUGE inspiration to me via your Instagram posts...look forward to following you in 2018!!

    1. Thanks!! My story is so hard to believe...I certainly would not believe all that happened was possible if I had not experienced it first hand.

  22. Dispite a major set back you had some great running moments! Very inspiring!

  23. I feel like I've been buckled in just following your year! You've made an amazing rallyback and it was fun to be there in Vegas to witness it IRL. I think 2018 is going to be amazing for you!

    1. Thank you, Marcia! I'm so glad you were a part of that "victory lap" in Vegas ;-)

  24. I was super impressed with the way you handled your recovery over the summer from your knee! Great job this year...I hope 2018 is even better! :)

  25. Wow, what a year! It's so awesome to see that even though you were sidelined for the summer, you finished the year strong. I bet you'll just keep getting better and you'll kick butt in 2018!

  26. Given your mid-year setback, you had an absolutely incredible 2017. I cannot wait to see what you're able to accomplish this year! Got get 'em!

    1. I'm ready for some adventure, but nothing too unexpected...

  27. What a wild year for you! Even with injury, you still had a great year. Cheers to 2018!

  28. OH I love your recap. You have had an incredible year!!!!! <3

  29. Way to rally back! Here's to an awesome 2018.

  30. What an amazing year, despite that 3-month setback! I enjoyed following along and look forward to see what 2018 brings your way.

  31. You accomplished an amazing amount this year! Great job on the finishing the streak - I did as well, but almost all my miles were indoor.
