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Thursday, December 7, 2017

'tis the Season for Inspiration

'tis the season, right?

Actually, it's the Advent season....those 24 days leading up to Christmas Day. Whether you celebrate the Christmas holiday or not, there's plenty of good cheer and well wishes among many this time of year. It's also a time to think back on the year, reflect on things to be thankful for, and also prepare for the upcoming New Year.

A new thing I'm doing this year is taking part in a daily word challenge on Instagram. A big thanks to my sweet blogger friend, Coco, for inspiring me to play along with the #AdventWord 2017 challenge.

Here's the first five words and what they mean to me:

Ah, how does this word NOT inspire anyone? This word was the perfect inspiration for me on my streak run last Sunday. The sunshine was intense! The air was crisp. It was a perfect day to be a runner, and it was an ideal day to be outside.
Awakened by the sunshine
Wow. I have been on quite a journey this year. We all know what happened to me just as summer (my favorite season!) was beginning. And, I have written numerous posts about recovering from that unexpected surgery, the 3-month running sabbatical, and my journey back to running in recent months. I had five races to welcome me back this fall...and each one was significant in terms of distance and progressive pacing.
This medal represents an epic journey back to running and racing
Did you know I'm an art geek? I'm also quite nostalgic, so when things break down or (in the case of our ficus tree) die, I'm pretty skilled at finding a new purpose for them. Instead of throwing out the ficus tree, I gave it a coat of black paint and turned it into a shabby-chic piece of art for our sun room. Every Christmas, I gather a different set of ornaments to decorate it for the holiday season.
A new combination of gathered ornaments for 2017
Running is not complicated. It's a sport that brings joy to so many people. Whether we run fast or slow, inside or outside, short courses or long distances...it cleanses our soles and brings us peace. This quote by John "The Penguin" Bingham says it all. Doesn't it simplify this thing we call Running?
Running, simplified.
Boy, do I know a thing or two about healing. That scar on my knee is not very pretty to look at, but it represents a huge victory for me. Allowing it to heal properly enabled me to have a pretty epic return to running. Being sidelined from what we love only magnifies our respect and appreciation for it that much more.
the power of healing is phenomenal
Those are just the first five days of inspiration. Stay tuned....there's 20 more days to come.

Where do you find inspiration? Do you have to look for it, or do key words/prompts do the trick? Do you do anything special for Advent?

***By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter

I'm linking this with Meranda and Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0. 


  1. What a cool challenge! Wish I would have got in on this from the beginning!
    I love seeing how artistic you are! Would still love to see the rocks you painted this summer!

    1. Oh those rocks...I need to reignite that fire. There are so many cute options for holiday-themed rocks.....

  2. This is a great way to reflect and plan for the year ahead! Love that quote about running- it really does help to simplify it!

    1. Running really is simple...why do so many of us try to complicate it?

  3. I considered this challenge--what a nice way to bring meaning to the season!

    1. The Advent Word challenge came along at a perfect time for me ;-) The season is so much more than just endless buying and splurging ;-)

  4. I love your take on the advent words! Super creative with the ficus tree-I am not creative like that at all. How fun!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks! It's fun decorating it for the seasons, especially Christmas

  6. That tree reminds me of the Charlie Brown tree, with your red ornaments. That's always a must when I'm watching my favorite Christmas movies.

    1. We actually have joked that it is our Charlie Brown tree LOL

  7. I think this challenge is a great idea! You're right, running is not complicated, but it can helps us work through complicated things.

    1. I thought the quote was a perfect quote to think about ;-)

  8. I find inspiration anywhere and anywhere, especially when I'm out on runs :)

  9. I'm just having trouble staying up with social media these days! Well, of course, you actually have to look at it.

    It's been a hectic month (for me, anyway, I'm sure for most people this would just be their normal). And #theparentstrugglecontinestobereal.

    But I'll say you sure do know how to heal!

    1. Well, the healing thing was a no-brainer for me. I knew I had to do it right or I'd be in for a long list of future problems

  10. Your ficus tree looks fantastic! How festive!

    1. The ficus tree is fun...though the hubby thought I was crazy when he came home one day and saw me spray painting it in the back yard LOL

  11. I love the idea of a daily word challenge for Advent! I agree with your meme- running really heals my soul when it is hurting.

  12. This sounds like a great challenge! I wish I would have started it!!

  13. I love this and especially the ficus tree! :) You have been on quite a journey and what an inspiration to all of us!

  14. The end of the year is a great month for reflection and finding sources of inspiration to help jump start the new year. I can't wait to see your other responses to the Advent Challenge.

  15. I love the idea of a word challenge on instagram. YOur pictures depict those words perfectly, cant wait to see the reset of them!
