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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Runfessions, Anyone?

There's been a lot of interesting stuff happening.

And I have had a lot of interesting thoughts on the matter. It's a good thing it's that time of the month...you know, when we runners can bare it all among one another and breathe a huge sigh of relief.

Runfessions, anyone? I'll share a few of mine with you....

So much for my Off-Season!
Every year, I take a brief off-season, and it usually happens in the month of January. It's rather perfect timing, after all, because not only am I just coming off of the RW Running Streak, but the weather is less than desirable for logging lots of miles. Mind you...I still run, but I definitely run less. So that was all well and good. But, I gotta runfess that I was a bit more active than I had anticipated. We're talking strength-training and lots of stair-training as well (often times, all on the same day). And, let's not forget about that Buprees & Planks & Push-ups Challenge. Oops.
taking it to the stairs...again
I have surpassed my lifetime quota of burpees.
As mentioned, I have been doing the Burpees & Planks & Push-ups Challenge (courtesy of Rachel), so I have been doing a lot of burpees as a consequence. In fact, as of Thursday morning (January 24, 2018), I have done a total of 420 burpees (since January 4th)....that's crazy!  Prior to January 4th, I maybe had done a grand total of 20 burpees in my lifetime. I'm horribly clumsy and very uncoordinated, so burpees are even more awkward for me than the average unassuming person attempting to do them with finesse. The thing is....these burpees have not been as ugly as I'd imagined. I'll runfess this little tidbit to  you...although they still are not easy, they have gotten much easier. But don't think for a minute that I'll be doing them on a daily basis after this challenge ends. Nope. Not happening. Sorry, not sorry.
burpees on the front patio
What's up  with my ankle???
Nothing chronic, and certainly nothing debilitating, but something has been going on with my ankle for the past few months. There's a tiny spot just below the inside of my left ankle, about halfway between the bottom of the ankle bone and the top of the arch of my foot. I notice it intermittently when I'm walking or standing, and sometimes during the first 1/4 mile of a run. Although I have been enjoying pain-free running, I have to runfess this little twinge is rather annoying. As we all know, little twinges can sometimes lead to big annoyances, so I'm being careful...low mileage, PT exercises, and rest days in between the days I do run. But, UGH!
Doesn't the pink athletic tape look pretty, though?
Ah, the weather has me most optimistic! 
Though January is still a reality, and we do have February and March yet to get through, I'm feeling oh-so-excited for the warmer weather ahead. It seems like January is always the most dreadful of all winter months because the excitement of the holidays are gone and the temps are especially cold. Just surviving January is cause for celebration, and I'll runfess I do believe, with my whole running heart, that we've seen the worst of winter and it will be (almost) smooth sailing from her on out. I'm not gonna wager the house (or even my running shoes), but I do believe worst of winter is behind us. Onward!
The melting snow is a welcome sight
I'm so confused!
As much as I embrace the thaw, I runfess the warmer temps this time of year do throw me into a bit of a tail spin tizzy. Just like it takes a few runs in cold weather to get a good feel for layering, the warmer temps take a little acclimation as well. Even though I desperately want to run in capri's, because the mid-40's feel balmy and tropical, I have to remember that mid-40 temps are still relatively cold. Even if the temps feel warm one day, they may very well feel much colder the next day, especially if there's a good wind or a lack of sunshine. It's all rather confusing and quite the guessing game.
No puffer vest or gloves, but I still need a hat....
Alas, I am a runner, and what do runners do best? We persevere. We suck it up and just do it. We continue to run, regardless. And, most of us cherish every run...we embrace the great runs, and we learn from the bad ones. 

So, there you go. A few runfessions shared, and the weight of the world's been lifted from my shoulders (at least for another month). How are things in your world? Any runfessions you'd care to share?

I'm linking up with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions. 

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0. 

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
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  1. I definitely agree that the weather has me confused! I have no idea what to wear outside on days when its warmer. I really hope the worst of winter is behind us!

    1. The change in temps also sparks a bit of amnesia...like, when the 30's feel cold (and you've forgotten about all those sub-freezing runs a few weeks prior).

  2. I too am hoping that with the end of January, so goes the bitter cold. But I think last February was pretty cold...

    I have been getting that very same twinge in both my ankles. Just this week. I took my orthotics out of my shoes. We'll see if that helps.

    1. I'm sure February will indeed be cold...but somehow it never feels as cold as January (even if the temps read the same LOL).

  3. Yesterday I went for a run outside, and I didn't think it was that cold because the sun was shining, but it was still only in the low 30s. Today the temps says it'll be 12 degrees warmer than yesterday, so I hope to get outside again, it'll feel like a big warm up. This weather has been unpredictable in Januar here, one day it'll snow, the next it'll be in the 50s.

    1. Iowa's weather constantly keeps us guessing. Especially when it's damp...brrrrr....

  4. Supposedly we're headed back to the deep freeze after this weekend but I heard it here first...the worst is over! Yes! At least we're gaining daylight like nobody's business! Glad you're keeping an eye on that foot.

    1. I totally forgot to mention the increased daylight! That makes the cold temps totally more bearable.

  5. As one who has had her share of ankle problem, mention of your issue breaks me out into a cold sweat. I often wear a pull on ankle brace for extra support. Our winter weather is hot and cold...literally. Hopefully, you've seen the worst of your winter.

    1. This ankle thing has me perplexed....it almost feels like a sprain (?), but I have not done anything (that I can recall) to have caused it.

  6. Totally understand what you mean about an annoying little injury. I have been having issues with my left foot which my ART doctor think is stemming from my ankle so I'm going to continue to foam roll and see what happens.

    Congrats on rocking Rachel's challenge! I cant imagine doing that many burpees!

    1. Rachel's challenge has been tough! I can't believe I've been able to stick it out, but my entire body is tired. The last week has been intense.

  7. While I don't love burpees, I do them, but I didn't join in the challenge. I do them when whatever strength training program/dvd I'm following calls for them. So I've done way more than 20 in my life, but who's counting?

    Gotta disagree with you on January. My birthday is in February. February tends to be the worst month of the winter. My husband used to have an annual conference on the west coast that I didn't go with him to, and we routinely got dumped on while he was gone.

    Everyone keeps saying winter is almost over. Nope, I'm pretty sure it's just getting started. Everyone also keeps saying that it's been brutal. It hasn't been easy, but we've also had far worse winters (so far, we'll see what the next couple of months bring). Winter is just getting started! But the longer days do absolutely make me happy. :)

    40 in winter isn't the same as 40 in fall isn't the same as 40 in spring. For many reasons. And 40 in winter, if the snow hasn't melted yet, can feel darn cold cause snow acts like a refrigerator pumping out snow. Luckily most of our snow has melted. Some snow showers forecast in the coming week . . .

    1. Well, my birthday is in March, and I have had a few blizzards while eating birthday cake LOL I know we'll still have some snow and cold temps, but I think the bulk of the frigid stuff is done. That's my story and I'm sticking to it LOL

  8. Ugh burpees. That is all. :-)

    The weather has been so crazy this year! Well, not here where it floats in the mid-70s, with lows usually between 40-50. Not bragging, I'd actually like at least a little bit of winter. Not your kind though!

    1. I agree, the weather has been crazy everywhere this year. I can't believe how cold it got down in Florida! I'm eager for summer!

  9. Oh my, I've battled some form of ankle injury for years. There's always a twinge somewhere in my feet. Hope it goes away and doesn't become too bothersome.

    Heck, even with our mostly mild winter ...our recent freeze has got me all confused on what to wear for 50 degree temps on race day. How can one forget how to dress for a run so quickly?

    I agree with you on the burpees ...while they are still difficult, they are not nearly as intimidating as they were in the beginning. Once I get going, I kinda find a 'burpee groove' and can knock them out fairly quickly. I hate that I'm going to have so much to catch up on, but knew this week's push ups and burpees would make my body too tired for a marathon!!

    1. Isn't it crazy how much easier the burpees became? I did the "burpee groove" too LOL

  10. Did you say 420 burpees?? As in 4-2-0 burpees?? Wow!! That is amazing. I runfess that I have NO finesse whatsoever when doing any exercise related activity, be it running or strength exercises! Keep an eye on that ankle - its probably nothing but just to be safe. Enjoy your week!

    1. ha ha, yes, 4-2-0 burpees. I still cannot believe it myself.

  11. I hope you are right in that we have seen the worst of winter already!

  12. I don't do burpees, on principle. If I'm doing a workout at home that calls for them, I skip them. Nope, nope, nope.

    1. I used to skip the burpees because I just couldn't get my feet to jump backwards in sync. I'm still not very graceful, but I can at least do them somewhat true to form LOL

  13. Good grief that's a lot of burpees! That number is precisely the reason I passed on this challenge LOL!

    We had a couple of warm days here that had me hopeful, but the deep freeze is returning this weekend. I'm hoping February will be kinder to us.

    1. When I saw the chart for how many burpees would be happening, I though,"Say WHAT???" But, it has been alright. I'm glad we're almost done, though!

  14. Wow! That is a ton of burpees--I am beyond impressed!

    I also love the title--so punny :)

  15. This is your off season??

    You are more active than I am ever when I am training.

    I hope our coldest weather is behind us and those longer days are coming...

    1. Well, I try to stay active, but January got a little out of control LOL At least I kept my running at the minimum

  16. That's an impressive number of burpees!!!! We've had a very odd winter with massive cold temps then 1 day with summer like weather, it was actually hot with snow on the ground! However, we are back to COLD!

    1. This winter has been crazy...extremely cold, minimal snow, and a few oddball warm days sprinkled in...

  17. Amazing amount of burpees!! way to crush it!

    For me the hardest month to get through is February, it feels like there is always a snow storm lurking around Feb and still a long time of cold!

    1. February is a little testy, too, but never seems to be as awful as January. At least, it's not quite as cold and the days are longer ;-)

  18. I runfess that I've been so out of training mode for running that I'm not really looking forward to starting again next week. Never mind, we runners persevere :) I'll be doing it anyway and hopefully that love will come back!

  19. I runfess that I was sick and couldn't run for 5 days. I am amazed that that short of a break made my next run so much better, stronger. I think I should take breaks like that more often !

    1. I know! Some people are so afraid of taking rest days, but when you're already in shape, you're not gonna lose much (if any) fitness in resting that body. I love that concept!

  20. Know what's funny about this? You're gonna be doing burpees... :) Just like I'm going to continue doing planks. Because it's good for us!!!

    Hope that ankle thing isn't anything... keep an eye on it...

    1. I will continue doing the planks forever and ever...the burpees? I will do them now and then, but certainly not to this degree LOL

  21. lol. The is no "off season". I call it transition season.!

    1. Yes, I guess this was more of a transition season LOL I did keep my running mileage at the minimum, so there's that ;-)

  22. Love your runfessions. I runfess that I think you are working just as hard (or harder) in your "off season!" And also, your stairs are going to have a rut down the middle by the time the weather warms up consistently for you to get outside. LOL! Keep it up!

    1. Well, I try to stay active year-round, even if I'm scaling back on the running. January got a little out of control, though...

  23. You definitely have been active during this off season! I hope your little ankle twinge is nothing. It's good you're not ignoring it.

    1. I'm glad I've found ways to stay active INSIDE, because this January has been dreadful

  24. It's supposed to be 60 here tomorrow - I'll take that kind of confusion out for a bike ride. :-) I try to do planks and push-ups pretty regularly, but Rachel lost me with the burpees. :-)

  25. That's a lot of burpees! Great work!

    1. It may have been too many burpees...but that's the magic of a monthly challenge-->it ends when the new month begins ;-)

  26. I had to read again the number of burpees you've done. Wow!! That is awesome. I also agree with you on the weather. Absolutely crazy.

  27. Oof, I was feeling a similar ankle twinge on and off before my mysterious foot/ankle injury. Maybe not even related, since it was on the other side of the ankle...but yeah, avoid the crutches!

    1. This feels almost like a sprain (?), it's just something I've never experienced before. Thankfully, it's intermittent, and not on-going.

  28. Ugh. I hate burpees. I really do. I'm glad they are getting easier for you, but I totally get the idea of not wanting to continue when your challenge is over.

    The temperatures have been all over the place here, too. I'm really struggling with dressing properly and being comfortable on our runs, but it's been quite guessing game.

    1. Well, our temps plummeted back to January-like, so now I'm back guessing at what to do with the layers (again). It never ends. And the burpees...I'll continue doing them (maybe sets of 30 once a week or so), but certainly not in the large numbers like this challenge called for.

  29. I have had random foot pains and sometimes I think they are the most annoying to me because I am not much of an expert on foot injuries/anatomy. Luckily I have a hot podiatrist. Sorry, I always have to mention that he is hot! It is super awkward because I have UGLY RUNNER feet.

  30. I'm sorry to hear about the ankle pain. Its always frustrating you have unexplained pain. Hopefully it goes away sooner than later.

    1. The ankle thing is odd....it's been kind of one & off for a few months, but nothing debilitating. Just enough to remind me it's there...

  31. Dang... those are a ton of burpees! Hope that ankle mends soon!

  32. Great job with the burpee challenge!! That is something to be proud of!
    Hope your ankle is feeling 100% normal soon!
    Bring on the warmer weather please!
