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Thursday, March 29, 2018

What Shall I Runfess?

Well, it's that time of the month already....how did that happen so quickly?

You know what I'm talking about, right? It's time to come clean. Bare the sole(s), so to speak. it's time to Runfess all that went down in March so we can start April with a (somewhat) clean slate. Care to hear the latest?

Friday, March 23, 2018

Here's to Warmer Days Ahead

It was hard to come up with a theme from this past week.

After all, we should be celebrating the start of spring...except the temps are not indicative of that. I should be basking in the glow from the previous weekend's half marathon (recap HERE), but that race was kind of buzz kill. And, I should be excited about our family's trip to Florida instead of anticipating the roller coaster of events awaiting our return.

The glass is half full, though, and I'm grateful to have things such as these to experience. Life would be boring if we had optimal weather everyday, nonstop fulfilling races to run, and a lack of family adventures. So, onward!

Running in the Dark

How do you feel about being out and about in the early morning (or late night) hours? 

It's no secret that I do a lot of my running in the dark, often times before the sunrise. I'm not exactly certain when this routine began, but it has morphed into a pretty satisfying way of life.

I live in a somewhat small Iowa town (population is just over 10,000). Although I'm comfortable running in the dark, there are numerous things I do to ensure I'm safe. I respect that everyone has their own level of comfort when it comes to personal safety, and not everyone lives in an area as conducive to being outside in the dark as I do. 

Monday, March 19, 2018

St. Paddy's Half Marathon

Have you ever done back-to-back St. Patrick's Day-themed races?

Fresh off of the Leprechaun Chase (RECAP) from a week ago, I dressed in green and ran another race this past weekend.

This was my first time running the St. Paddy's Half Marathon. Not only would it be the longest distance I've run since the R'n'R Las Vegas (November 13th), it would also be the earliest I have ever done a race of this distance in the spring.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Still Running Against the Wind

The wind is a ferocious beast, and one that refuses to play nicely.

Granted, the calendar is still showing winter (for a few more days), but we have had a sprinkling of spring-like weather. This is Iowa, and it is March, though. The weather is usually a crap shoot and whatever shows on the calendar is no guarantee of what Momma N will hand you on any given day.

None the less, she persisted (myself, not necessarily Momma N). Here's what went down this past week...

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Walking in the Wee Hours

Shall we walk? 

I have recently taken to walking in the wee hours again. Even though I’m not nursing a recovering suture seam (ugh, remember last summer?), I’m utilizing walking and all its benefits... simply for my own well being.

How seriously do you take the act of walking? Have you ever gotten in the routine of starting the day (often before the sun rises) in your walking shoes? Read on...I'll share a few reasons why walking in the wee hours has numerous benefits....

Monday, March 12, 2018

Leprechaun Chase - 2018 Recap

Not only was I chased by a herd of lads, but I was also passed by an entire lot.

Did you get all of that? It happened on Saturday, March 10th, at the sixth annual Leprechaun Chase 10K (Des Moines, IA).

This is such a fun event, with a most unique format. The lasses (all the girls) get a 5:30 head start, and the lads (all the guys) then follow suit. Almost everyone is dressed in green and most are on a quest for their fastest 10K finish possible. Whoever crosses the finish line first secures not only bragging rights for winning, but they also secure a free green beer for their entire entourage (fellow lads or lasses). The lads were leading, 3-2 (from the previous five years), prior to the start of the 2018 Chase.

Here's the low down on what happened this year:

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Almost Blown Away

It's been windy in Iowa.

Actually, it's been windy everywhere recently. It just feels especially windy in my little corner of the universe. Our temps have been doing the "flirting with spring/reuniting with winter" thing all week. As much as I love the impending warmer season on tap, I get frustrated in figuring out how to dress for the daily roller coaster flux in temps.

Alas, it keeps my (running) life interesting.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Victory - Take 2

How would you define Victory?

I have been running (consistently) for almost 13 years. I have never broken the tape at a finish line (and the odds are ever-in-my-favor that I never will). But I have had some substantial victories.

Monday, March 5, 2018

My Journey with Milly

The treadmill.

Oh, I have plenty to say about this mentally (and physically) challenging piece of equioment.

Some runners love it. Many detest it. A handful are neutral and simply put up with it due to extreme circumstances.

Myself? I'm not a fan, by any means. I'm very thankful to have one in my house, but her and I do not always get along cordially. By the way...did you know my treadmill has a name, Milly?

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Spring is coming...I think

Spring is coming...I think.

The calendar shows March and the days are getting longer. We're due to set our clocks ahead this next weekend. And, in Iowa, we have (almost) nonstop wind from November until June...but even that is starting to feel more balmy than bone-chilling.

A huge bonus, with the impending spring season, is being able to be outside for pretty much every run without the worry of ice or snow. And I was ever-so-happy that was my reality this past week. Here's what all went down...

Thursday, March 1, 2018

When your cup runneth over

You know, sometimes my proverbial cup feels ever so full.

Has that ever happened to you? When you just have a lot of warm and fuzzy feel-good things happening? What's more, do you take notice and pause to cherish them for a few moments?

Although February wasn't exactly the most pleasant month (ugh, the weather!), it did kind of wind down in a nice manner. I'm grateful for every good thing that happened, and I'm especially thankful that I was able to recognize them as they occurred. Here's five recent feel-good things that have made me smile....