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Thursday, March 29, 2018

What Shall I Runfess?

Well, it's that time of the month already....how did that happen so quickly?

You know what I'm talking about, right? It's time to come clean. Bare the sole(s), so to speak. it's time to Runfess all that went down in March so we can start April with a (somewhat) clean slate. Care to hear the latest?

Here's what I'm Runfessing for March:

Runfession #1 - I just took my first-ever guilt-free blogging sabbatical.
That's right. The hubby and I (and our youngest offspring) boarded a jet plane late Sunday afternoon and flew to a warmer climate. Granted, I did check in periodically with social media, and I read some blogs while I was gone. But I did ZERO linking (Monday-Thursday).


Did I mention it was Spring Break? This was a time for family. Our youngest will be graduating in two months ((gulp)). Being the youngest, she has always had to share her parents with the older brother and sister. This was a chance for her to be the "only child" on a vacation, and I'm thankful we were able to give that to her. For us, it was the first time we've taken a vacation with "only one" child in 20 years (and this didn't involve any diapers or strollers). Win-win!

This vacation was about family, and I didn't want the self-imposed pressure of blogging from my hotel room, nor did I really even have the time to do so. Blogging is a two-way street, after all....it wouldn't be fair to link any of my blog posts with others if I knew I would not be reading/replying in a timely manner. Guess what? A few days off didn't leave me feeling like an outcast from the blogosphere. My blog didn't dissolve and the sun continued to rise each morning.

Runfession #2 - Although rather ugly, Voldemort is not so bad.
Remember Voldemort? He's the unsightly reminder of last summer's running sabbatical. He is also my reality and will be with me for the rest of my life. I have to be cautious with deep knee bends, and kneeling on my right knee is out of the question, but he's really not so bad. I'm still able to walk, run, and climb stairs so life is pretty decent. His 9-month birthday was yesterday (March 29th). It's pretty amazing to think back on all that's happened ...just in the past six months he's been with me for (3)-5K's, (2)-5-milers, (2)-10K's, and (2) half marathons. There have not been any PR's happening, but we have had a few age group placings. Stay tuned!

Runfession #3 - This is the first time we went to Florida but didn't do anything "Disney."
Instead, we had a spa day, went to Cocoa Beach, did yoga, and actually worked out everyday. Yes, this easily was one of my more active vacations, but also one of the most relaxing as well.

Runfession #4 - Even though I'm a detail person, I still don't see everything.
Case in point, I was so excited to be in a warm climate that I headed out for an early morning run first thing on Monday morning. I ran a couple of miles along the cart path of the golf course right outside our hotel. It felt so good to be back in a tank top and shorts and to feel the humidity on my face! It wasn't until I returned and was chatting with the hubby and daughter on the tennis court that I noticed the sign....
"Please no: jogging, walking, biking, skating..." 
Fortunately, the sign said nothing about running (ha!). I did pass several course attendants while running, and all of them greeted me with smiles, though.

Runfession #5 - I had a recent porta-potty fail.
When I ran my half marathon two weeks ago, it was a bitterly cold and miserable day. It also was a dark day with a lot of cloud cover. I pulled over at the 6-mile mark for a quick potty break. I usually "hover" over the seat (instead of actually sitting on it...sorry if that's TMI). It wasn't until I was tugging my tights back into place over my frozen legs that I noticed the toilet lid was DOWN. What??? Who, in their right mind, takes the time to put the cover down (and why is there even a lid to begin with?). All I can say, in my defense, is that I was listening to music and it was very dark in there. But I did wipe the lid off and raise it back up before I left the premises.

So, there you go. I've runfessed a few things and now I can move on. 

How about you? What would you runfess? Ever taken a blogging sabbatical? Spring break plans? Ever broken the rules and accidentally run where you weren't supposed to?

I'm linking up with Marcia for the ever awesome monthly Runfessions. Please join us!

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0. 

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. I’m so happy that you had an awesome Spring break vacation! I took a week of from blogging last year and it was definitely much needed. It’s nice to recharge!

    I’ve had a similar porta potty fail and you’re so right, who puts the lid down?!

    1. Yes...and this potty lid was black, none the less, so it was impossible to see it in the darkness (with my sunglasses still on LOL). I'm just so thankful I didn't sit on it!

  2. It's definitely nice to take some time off from blogging once in awhile, especially while you are on vacation! I'm glad you had a good trip!

    1. Our trip was nice, but much too short. It was 40-degrees colder when we landed in Iowa last night ;-(

  3. Ha, at my race last weekend, the lid was down in the portapotty and I had the same thought--who puts the lid down in a porta potty? Fortunately, I didn't potty on the lid...

    1. Well, I failed to mention the potty lid was black and I think I still had on my sunglasses LOL (#excuses) I had a friend, though, one time who sat on the lid, but didn't realize it until she heard "water dripping." Why do they even have lids? Eeewwww!

  4. OMG! I just about spit out my coffee when I read that last runfession. That's HILARIOUS, girl. Who puts the lid down, though?!?!?!

    I'm so happy for you that you got a nice spring break in with your youngest. Sounds like it was just the thing you all needed! :)

    1. Our vacay was nice! It was nice to come back and see all the snow was gone ;-) You would have loved the heat, I know I sure did ;-)

  5. OMG on the porta-potty but I'm with you - who would want to touch the lid to put it down?! And then I have to touch it again. Ick.
    LOL on the sign. I agree that running wasn't covered.
    Glad you enjoyed your vacation. When I'm traveling I realize how much time blogging takes up because I usually do it while my husband is watching tv, which doesn't happen on vacation.

    1. Blogging is a time suck,but I love it. That said, it was nice to not have to be thinking about getting a post written and posted and worrying about not being able to get the other blogs read, etc.

  6. Oh my gosh! I have a similar story with your #5. I was at a Disney race and went into one and the same thing. It was dark and the seat was down. I didn't even think they had seats in them. Nice to hear I am not the only one.

    1. Seriously, why are there potty lids? And who takes the time to put it down? Eeeewwww, I don't want to touch anything in there LOL

  7. When we travel, I am up far earlier than my husband. So I either go for a run or I read blogs. :) I usually write any blogs I post before I even leave, though.

    I have not had a portapotty fail of that nature yet -- thank goodness, But I runfess that I have been known to sit down on the closed lid of our toilet, We keep it closed so the animals don't get at it, which is kind of a moot point now that we keep the bathroom door closed so that Gizmo doesn't lick up the bathtub. But who wants it spraying its contents while it's flushing? Thankfully I've always realized what I did -- even in the middle of the night.

    Voldemort will continue to fade, and I'm sure your range of motion will continue to improve, too. Although it already seems pretty darn good!

    1. I had thought or pre-writing a couple of blog posts, but I knew I'd not have much time to be reading/replying to other blogs...so I just opted to do nothing LOL

  8. Too funny about the portapotty! I still think Voldemort will fade a little more as time goes by. Makes you look tough like you have a history lol :) Enjoy the rest of your vacation!

  9. Lol about the toilet lid! I can’t imagine who would want to touch it let alone put it down. PS. I’m a hoverer too. ��

    1. Right, EEEWWWWW! I guess I have seen the lids before in porta pots, but have never actually touched one LOL

  10. It sounds like you had a wonderful vacation with your husband and daughter! I have definitely taken blogging sabbaticals and while I used to feel guilty about them, not anymore! I had to think when you mentioned Voldemort, I thought you maybe went to Universal Orlando, haha! It seems that you have healed wonderfully!

    1. Yes, I should have referenced my surgery better and shown a better pic of the scar. I would have LOVED to have seen the Harry Potter thing at Universal, but the hubby was not up for much walking (with his recent knee injury) and we all just wanted to relax and enjoy the weather.

  11. So glad you enjoyed your vacation getaway! I probably wouldn't have noticed that sign either...whoops!

    1. The sign was not in a very obvious spot...and it was hard to read!

  12. I didn't even know portapottys had lids?! Haha. So glad you had a good vacation

    1. Yes, some porta-pots have lids...just beware on a cloudy day, and remove your sunglasses before entering LOL

  13. Omg your port o john story!!! So when port o john's are grossed and trashed, we need to remember it could be just from someone hovering and not checking the seat! :)

    I have disconnected from blogging on vacations but I had pre written/pre scheduled posts that would go live so I wouldn't mess up more 4+ year blogging streak!

    1. I considered pre-writing a Wednesday post, but in all fairness I knew I would not have time to "properly" read/respond to others if I linked it, so I just took a pass. Zero guilt LOL

  14. Ah seriously Kim, that’s great that you guys had that family time together! I can’t always blog, I just don’t have the time and I don’t make any money from my blog so if a break is needed it’s needed! I’m so glad you got to spend time with your youngest! And yay, your blog is STILL HERE! Woot! We don't really have spring break here but I remember occasionally going somewhere for spring break when I was still at home (a longgggg time ago)

    You will definitely have to have cake for Voldemort when he turns 1! Haha! These are the battle scars that color our lives, right!

    How awesome that you had an active yet relaxing holiday! Those are the best if you ask me!

    Haha I actually thought that before you said it “the sign says no jogging so no problem, she was running” Glad you didn’t get in trouble! Sometimes rules are meant to be broken - I try to follow the rules but I'm not perfect, that's for sure.

    Ugh on the porta potty fail. Yeah. Who does that? UGH!!!

    1. Yes, Voldemort will be deserving of a proper celebration when the time comes ;-)

  15. I too didn't blog during our spring break and just spent it being busy with my family.
    I "hover" too in Porta potties and that's only if I absolutely HAVE to use one.

    1. I'm not afraid of porta-pots, but I try to not touch anything inside LOL

  16. OK that last runfession was priceless! I can't believe anyone would bother to put the seat down!
    So glad you were able to get away for a bit!

    1. Our little vacation was nice, but too short LOL It was nice feeling the warm weather on my face and leaving the puffer vest back in Iowa.

  17. Aw I'm glad you got to have some one-on-one time with your youngest and that you took some well deserved time off.

  18. Bahahaha I'm giggling at your porta potty mishap. ;) I could see that happening though esp in the cold/dark. It looks like you had a lovely trip to FL too! I'm hoping to take a trip at the end of April somewhere a bit warmer for a little weekend getaway.

    1. Seriously...the seat cover was black! It was impossible to see (especially with my sunglasses still covering my eyes LOL)

  19. OMG that is so funny about the porta potty lid! Of course I would hate to touch it to lift it back up!

    1. Well, I touched it with a thick wad of toilet paper LOL

  20. Oh, gosh! That sign is illegible!

    You guys were so close! I hope you had an amazing time!

    Our Spring Break was a little different than planned. Little man really struggled with his allergies, and so we ended up canceling some plans and staying home a lot more than planned. We ddi end up getting some work done on his new bedroom (that's his birthday gift), so it wasn't a complete loss.

    It's ok to take a break from time to time, especially when it's for family.

    1. The sign is totally illegible...which is why I totally missed it as I ran right by it. #oops

  21. Good for you for taking a blogging break! We all need them sometimes!

    My daughter's spring break is next week and I'm going to celebrate by having twins! haha.

  22. Aaaah I have fond memories of Coco Beach! Glad you enjoyed. Cannot believe how quickly the end of the school year is coming. That last runfession? BTDT. Mine was at the Chi Marathon. I swear I was the first person to the race area that morning and the facility was "fresh" with top closed. Ugh.

  23. That's great that you took a break from blogging! I have been feeling very burned out with mine lately and plan on taking a break when we head out on vacation in April! I'm glad you enjoyed your family time!!

  24. Glad to see you had a nice vacation with your youngest!
    I have not been to Coco beach since I was in college! But it was fun with my softball team!
    Glad to hear that Voldemort is not keeping you from running and enjoying life!
    Oh the port-a-potty story! That is funny! I have never seen one with a lid down before! I have done the same thing on a normal toilet before in the middle of the night! Not a fun to realize and actually have to wake up and clean the mess!
