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Monday, April 16, 2018

What I’m Gonna LOVE about Spring

There’s a lot to love about Spring. 

If memory serves me right, I think Spring comes right after Winter. In Iowa, though, we’re still waiting for Winter to come to an end.

What's so great about Spring? As a runner who runs outdoors almost exclusively, there are several things, actually....

One of the big things is not needing to wear a fleece headband (or warm hat) every time I lace up the running shoes. Granted, I have a good collection of colorful ones to choose from, but they do make my hairline sweaty. I don't always have time to wash my hair, and there's only so much magic dry shampoo can work, after all. It'll be nice to not have to deal with the messy post-run-headband hair on my busy mornings.

I can finally pack away the puffer vests. I have a nice collection of colorful vests, too. but I'm ready to put them in storage for awhile. They're functional, they're fashionable, and they've served  me well, but they've lost their appeal.

The increasing daylight makes for even more enjoyable early morning runs. I'm not afraid of running in the dark (in the morning or evening), but it's always a welcome sight to have more daylight. What's even better, is heading out in the pre-dawn dark and watching the sun slowly rise as I knock out some miles. Total tranquility.

As spring advances, and summer approaches, my training becomes more focused. Even though I have plenty of races on tap through the late winter/early spring, I don't usually have specific race day goals for them (due to the erratic weather conditions). Come spring, though, I usually try to train a little harder for some of my summer races.

I can rotate the shorts and tank tops back to the front and center in my closet. As much as I appreciate the change of seasons, it’s no secret I prefer the warmth over the cold. I’m eager to bare my arms & legs and feel the sunshine as I pound the pavement.

Finally, there are blooming flowers, budding trees, and birds chirping everywhere. Is there anything greater than watching the grass become greener each day? How about the scent of the lilacs? The constantly changing colors as all the dormant trees come back to life?
All of these were in bloom at this time last year
Anyways, those are are few things I’m looking forward to enjoying...when Spring finally moves back in and takes up residence in Iowa.

What do you love about Spring? Has it arrived in your area?

 **I'm  linking up with Marcia and Patty and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.  

**I'm also linking this with Debbie and Rachel and Lora for the Running Coaches' Corner.

***By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
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  1. I am definitely looking forward to all those things as well! I love running in shorts and tank tops which also means less laundry:)

  2. It really is all about the clothes, isn't it? I'm so over this weather.

    1. Yes, it's all about the clothes ;-) Fashion before function!

  3. Did you get the memo? No spring this year. We're heading straight to summer after this dang winter that won't quit.

    1. So, there was a memo, huh? Nope, I didn't get the memo, but now it totally makes sense ;-)

  4. Definitely no spring yet. They keep promising & not delivering.

    I love being able to run in just a skirt & tank top! The only way I can do it right now is on the treadmill. :(

    1. I have only been on the treadmill once (I think?), so that did give me a tank/shorts fix...but it's just not the same LOL

  5. Spring hasn't arrived here to stay either. I can't wait to stop wearing my headband. It is the middle of April and still chilly and windy. Definitely not spring like temps lately.

    1. I really want warm weather, even if that means summer-like temps. I'm so done with the cold.

  6. The increased daylight is definitely my favorite thing about Spring :)

  7. I can't wait for spring to arrive, but my fear is we will skip right over to summer and then it will be all over!

    1. I'm ready for summer. I'm so totally done with winter, I'll take any kind of warmer temps.

  8. The focused training is a good perk. I'm feeling the need of it after my race this weekend!

    1. Focused training is always a fun little change to my routine after several months of "just running" to maintain my base.

  9. I noticed this morning how nice it was that it was starting to get light as I wrapped up my run. It was 35° with a 30° windchill so I wore capris and a short sleeved shirt. I started with a thin jacket but shed it within ten minutes when I got too warm. I never shed my gloves or mittens, though!

    1. You really are a "warm" runner ;-) I still need long sleeves when the temps are in the 40-50's, usually with arm warmers underneath!

  10. I am so over winter, hopefully Michigan gets to enjoy spring weather soon!! It is awesome having light again in the mornings :)


    1. I can really notice the increasing light in the mornings...it looks so nice!

  11. You know we've had spring here for quite a while now. I'm really hoping you guys get some nice weather soon ...it's just been brutal for you all. Though we continue to have some cooler days every now and then, the rain is the only thing I'll complain about these days.

    1. Fingers crossed, it's supposed to (finally) warm up some after today (we're currently enjoying what I hope will be the last snow "hurrah" for awhile).

  12. The flowers are blooming and the greenery is here. The days are getting longer it's quite deceiving out there!

    1. Our grass is slowly turning green, but there are very few flowers (a handful of crocus here and there). UGH. I want some color!!

  13. I'm in the Midwest sooo nope! No spring here. I'm looking forward to walking out of the house and work without putting my huge sleeping bag of a coat and Boots on!

  14. I'm hopeful that spring will come soon as well, but it appears to have missed the memo. :[ I'm super looking forward to shorts/tank tops and more sunlight/daylight hours too!

    1. Tanks are my jam...and I really have missed wearing them (except for being on the treadmill...which does NOT count).

  15. Spring has definitely arrived and I’m loving it!! Hope it makes it your way soon!

    1. I think after today, we may finally have our spring, or at least the beginning of it....

  16. No spring yet for me and I am SO ready for it. I miss not having to wear 500 layers to go ut the door

    1. I hear ya! I love just getting dressed and leaving...without having to think about how many layers I may/may not need.

  17. It's been spring-like this week! It's been awesome. I hope you have some spring to enjoy soon!

  18. It's been so long since we've had anything but gloomy skies and cold air, I have NO IDEA what spring is like. I'll wait...

  19. Sometimes I feel like you probably think I'm bragging when I talk about my weather. I'm really not. We had an unusually warm winter and I really don't like that. After all, I do have to live through temps up to 120 over the next months. For the first time in years I don't think I wore tights one time all winter. Again, not bragging. I just hope that you will finally have nice weather (that actually stays around a while) soon!

  20. It snowed here again this morning, so I think it's safe to say spring is taking her sweet time getting here, lol. We did have a nice day last weekend though which worked out well because it was when we had a 5K. But I realllly am ready for consistent decent weather.

  21. Mother Nature really wouldn't let up this year, would she? I've been incredibly thankful for the couple of nice days that we've had here and there, but I really wish that it would stay consistently warm and sunny. Hopefully our winter punishment will be over sooner than later.
