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Sunday, May 20, 2018

Feels like Summer!

Summer, my dearest Summer, how I have missed thee.

Finally, I can honestly say, with ZERO reservation, that I love the weather as of late. Although the calendar still shows Spring, it's definitely looking (and feeling) like Summer in Iowa. We had a week of non-stop sunshine and summer-like temps, and I (for one) thoroughly enjoyed almost every moment of it.

Here's what all went down:

Fresh off of the Market to Market Relay, and a bit weary from Sunday's late afternoon 3-miler with my friend, Barb, I awoke feeling like I was still in a post-run coma. I wanted to get my #nevermissaMonday run done, though, so I laced up and ran an easy mile through the 'hood and called it good. Later in the afternoon, I finally got my second wind, and did a 2-mile power walk. All better.
Believe it or not, I crawled out of bed Tuesday morning feeling even more DOMS-laden. Seriously?? Tuesdays are usually all about active rest/recovery anyways, so I headed out and power walked a couple of miles. I also walked later in the afternoon with my sister, and did some arm/shoulder strength work in the evening.
just a walkin'
I was out the door before 05:00 a.m. to meet up with Barb for our weekly #5at5 run.  Other than the first 10-15 minutes, we pretty much had daylight for the entire run. Yippy! It seems like the days have suddenly gotten so much longer.
Jumping for early morning joy
I had every intention of rising, shining, and knocking out some hill repeats...but I just wasn't feeling it when the alarm clock rang. Instead, I went for a walk and scoped out a different hill to do my hill repeats on...
...and went back around lunch time and did them! The temps were warm (80F), but there was a pleasant breeze and the humidity was relatively low. I decided on doing 4 X 1/4-mile uphill sprints (with a 1/4-mile downhill recovery jog), which netted me two miles in distance. I ran about 1/2 mile to the hill for my warm-up (and walked it back home when I was finished). What I thought was crazy is that each hill sprint got progressively about 5-seconds faster and seemed easier (?). I think each recovery jog may have gotten a bit slower, though (LOL). And that 1/2-mile walk back home? Well, let's just say I was indeed "finished" after that last recovery jog.  But, boy-oh-boy, did it feel good to have conquered the hill (four times)!            

Trust me, the hill is much bigger than it appears
Another rest/recovery day for me, all I had on tap was some walking...early in the morning, and then later with the hubby. The warm air feels so good!
I just love catching the sunrise on my morning walks
I met up with Barb at 6:30, and we ran 10 (not-so-easy) miles. I love the 10-mile distance, but I think I take for granted that it is, indeed, 10 miles. I had a quick bowl of oatmeal, but nothing to drink, before I left the house. I did bring water and a gel (which I gulped down around the 5.5 mile mark). My weather app said 59F, but it felt much warmer (hence, the arm warmers were rolled down after the first mile). My piriformis was feeling tight (again), so that gave me a little discomfort as well. Overall, the run was alright, but the final three miles were tough...by then I was feeling tired, hot (yes, even the heat can get to me on occasion), and it was obvious that my form/gait was off. Also, my watch died on me just after the 6-mile mark....so the final mile or so (after Barb split off to head back to her house) was a bit of a gamble. None the less, everything felt fine after I finished (though the 45 minutes of garden squats were a bit iffy, later that evening LOL). Tough runs make us tougher, right?
That would be 10 (count 'em 10!) make-me-tougher miles
Remember that tough run on Saturday? And the garden squats that evening? Well, I awoke on Sunday morning feeling like a train wreck. Aches, pains, and stiffness EVERYWHERE. Not sure if I'd be doing my shakeout run (or just walking), I got dressed and headed out anyways. I walked for about a block, and decided to break into a slow run...and, much to my ecstatic surprise, everything felt great! Even the piriformis seemed to still be asleep. I only ran about 1.5 mile in distance, and I definitely ran it easy, but I returned back to the house feeling brand new. I'm a huge believer in shakeout runs, especially the day following a rather difficult or long run.
Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor and nature
sometimes you gotta stop and smell the lilacs
So, that's my week of "feels-like-summer" fitness. Total (running) mileage was around 20, but there were probably 10+/- additional miles walked as well. I am still consistently doing my May goals (extra planks, leg lifts, clam shells, ab/core work) most days, and throwing in an occasional set of burpees...you know, just for fun. Ever since the Drake Half Marathon/Grand Blue Mile extravaganza (a month ago), my right piriformis has felt a bit wonky. It's not painful, but just feels "off" and tight. I'm taking things easy with my mileage and being mindful to stretch things out before and after my workouts. Overall, it is feeling better, so that's a good thing. I'll be easing into marathon training in July, so I want to keep things relatively low-key for now.

In case you missed them, here's the posts from last week:
Running Like CrAzY
Let's Huddle: Market to Market Relay 2018

In other news:
With the consistent summer-like temps, my flowers have all come to life. Every day, I seem to find a new flower in bloom, and more and more green leaves everywhere.

Did you catch my #FridayFashionFlair post (on Instagram--> @runningonthefly)? As much as I love the warm weather, I am in a constant struggle with dressing for it (on workdays) because it is so cold in my office. Thankfully, I have a colorful collection of cardigans to turn to for warmth. Do you ever have that problem?

Have I mentioned that our youngest is graduating...in a week! YIKES!!! Friday was her last day of school. I may have even gotten all teary-eyed. Darn kids, why do they have to grow up?
First day of Kindergarten and last day of high school
...and with said graduation, I have been mucho busy with the graduation party preparations.The blogging has been scaled back, the scrapbooks are getting caught up, the weeds are getting yanked from the garden plots. And, oodles of decorations have been acquired. Now if the hubby would just finish cleaning the garage....

So, that's the latest and greatest. How was your week? Summer temps? Rain? Sunshine? Ever have piriformis issues? Hill repeats...love or hate? Recovery runs...yes or no?

I'm linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap. This weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us!


  1. Another great week for you! Enjoy your sunshine.

    1. Oh, I am enjoying the sunshine, but feel a tad guilty since it's been so rainy everywhere else.

  2. Sounds like you had a great week!

    We've had both spring & summer (but mostly summer) lately. The humidity has been low, though, so it hasn't been too bad.

    I don't usually do recovery runs, but have occasionally. No fond of hill repeats but do them because I also tend to do a lot of hilly halfs.

    1. I'm trying to do speed work now and then, just to shake things up a bit. I get totally bored on a track (though I do have access to the college track near my house), but hill repeats work for me. I certainly have a great selection of hills to choose from!

  3. I'm all about the recovery runs! Especially if they feel like recovery. lol. Some of mine have felt like work lately. I think that's because I'm still adjusting to the humidity. Normally, I'm a warm weather girl but this is kicking my butt.

    And I ALWAYS had a cardigan in the office! In fact, I often left a sweater there for the days that the a/c was REALLY kicking and icicles were forming on my nose. haha

    Hill repeats - yep, I'll be doing those tomorrow. On the treadmill. UGH.

    Your flowers are so beautiful!!

    1. A friend, who is a much faster runner, once told me about the benefit of recovery runs. He said your body gets thrown into a state of shock, so to speak, by doing long runs (or tough runs/races), and even just doing an easy-paced 1-miler is better than doing nothing. I'm a believer ;-)

  4. Why do the hills never look as big in photos!? I am always sore 2 days after a race and more tired then as well. We had a week of torrential rain every single day until today!

    1. Right...why DO the hills always look so wimpy in photos? It's just not right LOL

  5. Glad you have been able to enjoy the summer-like temps! We had so much rain this week but it finally cleared up today. Great job with that hill workout and long run!

  6. Good week for you! Great job with those hill repeats and your 10 mile run. Sadly I know all too much about piriformis issues - glad yours is under control. Good luck with all of your graduation planning - time does go by way too fast!

    1. Time goes way too fast! Ever since our oldest hit middle school, we've been on fast-forward...now the third (and last) child is graduating. UGH.

  7. I have the same wardrobe struggle. Once summer arrives (still not here in Chicago) all the buildings max out their AC. Inside I'm freezing but outside I'm boiling.

    1. I love all my summer clothes, but it's tough enjoying them because it's so cold everywhere once they crank up the AC.

  8. Sounds like you had a busy week. I am always impressed wiht your activity.

    I need a Barb to run with. It's nice having company.

    Rain here...ugh! Need me some sun.

    1. Your rain looked miserable! Not sure how Iowa avoided the brunt of that...

  9. that hill looks tough! Great week of training for you, and glad your piriformis isn't bothering you anymore.

    Enjoy that awesome weather for me!

    1. Believe me, I enjoy almost every kind of weather after missing out on three months of it last year.

  10. I was finally able to make it out for a run today after it rained the past four days. Even though it was humid and still was sprinkling again half way though my run again it still felt great. I can't believe it is graduated time. I actually do not have any graduation parties to go to this year.

    1. You guys sure got dumped on this past week. Rain is such a buzz kill!

  11. It was gorgeous here when we left for La Crosse but barely 50 and looks like it had rained when we returned. WTH?? Have fun with the graduation festivities. I swear where does time go? I'm already thinking about May 24 2019 when Thing 1 graduates. It'll be here before I know it.

    1. Seriously, it seems like it was just last week when we were taking the first day of school pics for senior year....

  12. Great job on that 10 mile run. And, I'm glad you could enjoy your favorite weather this week! Our youngest graduates this week too. Thankfully, we're having dinner out. Although I will have house guests so there is some extra work involved I suppose. Enjoy your festivities! Thanks for linking.

    1. I have a lot yet to do, but so much of it is stuff that can't be done until the last minute...Oh well, it's keeping me distracted from the fact that my baby is graduating LOL

  13. Oh I love summer! We are feeling t here too and it’s making me so happy. Summer is my favorite.

  14. Wow, sounds like a good week! We've been hit or miss with the weather lately. It seems like it only wants to be nice during the week. Oh well, hope you have a great week!

    1. Our weather took a bit of a nose dive yesterday and overnight...kind of rainy, chilly, and dreary. But, with the high temps, we do need some rain, so there's that.

  15. I agree, sometimes easy runs really help the soreness ease up. Glad that you felt better on Sunday after the run :) I don't mind speedwork but hate hill repeats!

    1. I swear, every time I leave the house feeling sore and cranky, I come back feeling "loosened up" and more functional. I'm a believer in recovery runs!

  16. Busy week! I have some glutes issues but when I roll my IT band it seems to relieve the pain.
    It's been super warm here, except yesterday during my half marathon when it rained!

    1. The rain is definitely a buzz kill for racing. I can tolerate a little sprinkle if it's really warm, but an all-out down pour? NOPE.

  17. Awesome week of workouts and I love the photos that you took of the flowers! We actually had the opposite weather here last week - it rained every single day, lol.

    1. We actually could use a little rain. We had some Monday morning, but that's about it....

  18. Another great week for you! Awesome job on your 10 miles even though it was tough. Congratulations to your daughter who is graduating! My oldest has 8th grade class night tonight. It’s very emotional for us and I know how fast the next 4 years will go by!

    1. Yes, those next four years will fly by. As chiche' as it sounds, it's so true.

  19. Its funny how those hills don't look so big in pictures. :-) I do like hills repeats though because I know they are making me stronger. Love your flowers! Sounds like Iowa is having better weather than us here in California. Lots of May gray.

    1. Ha! yes, those hills are much bigger than they appear in pics LOL

  20. What a busy week! I did my first recovery run today but I’m still learning what my recovery speed is! I tend to go to fast (for me)! Congrats on your daughter graduating - my son graduates next month - such a bittersweet time!

  21. Beautiful flowers! I love seeing gardens from all over the country - our flowers are so different!

    You are having some busy weeks over there. Congratulations to your daughter! Such a big milestone!

    I would love the low humidity. The last few mornings we've had have been so thick and heavy. It's so gross. But such is summer in the sunshine state.

    1. Well, we get plenty of humidity in Iowa, believe it or not. It's not fun, but it's summer ;-)

  22. I love these pics! It looks like the warm weather is really giving you life haha - that's how I feel every time spring rolls around.

    1. Oh gosh, I have been waiting for this weather for almost a year (since I was sidelined most of last summer)

  23. I love to hate hill repeats...or, maybe just hills. I'm not sure you call them "repeats" if the trail just keeps going up for as long as you care to follow.

    1. Hill repeats are tough, but I don't mind them because you can always see the end LOL

  24. We had nice weather yesterday ... not going to happen two days in a row yet. I highly recommend using a lacrosse ball to target your piriformis -- try it up against a wall and/or on the floor to see where you find the "spot" better.

    1. Thanks, I need to get a lacrosse ball...I usually use a tennis ball. Thankfully, this episode has been very mild in comparison to my past experiences...

  25. I hate when my watch dies during a run! I'm not loving this heat and humidity...down south it feels like summer is already here and last year I don't recall having this intense humidity until mid June.

    1. Our seasons have been all jacked up this year. Winter lasted forever, and Spring was maybe one week. Summer seems to have arrived early.

  26. Great job on getting all the runs in! Our weather is heating up herein Dallas, so I'm going to have to adjust my running and get some morning runs in!

    1. I love my morning runs! I don't mind getting out in the midday, either, but morning allows me to have the run done before my "real" day begins.

  27. last week was busy and amazing. super nice weather! I love it!! glad you are having great weather there too - it just makes a huge difference!

    so, to answer your questions: piriformis issues - no, not me, but the hubs has it bad and all the time. he constantly does a regular round of exercises and stretches each morning, before a run and before bed to keep problems at bay. Hill repeats - love to hate them, but so satisfying to get them done! Definitely YES on the recovery runs. Feel like all my runs are recovery runs sometimes!

    1. You know, the weather can make or break the week, right? Our weather last week was warm and perfect ;-)

  28. Sounds like a great week! Congrats to your daughter graduating! The weather's been great in OR.

  29. Yay for sunshine, warmth, flowers, great runs, and graduates! Hills are the worst - way to conquer that thing!
