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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Chatting Over Coffee....

Shall we chat?

What's the latest and greatest in your little corner of the universe? If we were chatting over coffee, what would you tell me? Let me share a few tidbits from my recent endeavors, and then I'll gladly listen to yours. Fair enough?

First off, holy hot pants, Batman! The weather pendulum has swung to the side of extreme heat. I love the heat as much as the next runner (actually, I probably love it more than most LOL), but even I have had a few "I'm melting" moments as of late.
check out the sweat mark on the headband
Next...how is it that I'm kind of liking speedwork recently? I'm not sure when this transformation took place, but the last few weeks have had me doing some fun stuff (in a rather fast-for-me fashion). I'm a creative gal. I seldom (if ever) color inside the lines. I don't like regimented order or procedure. But let me have some creative license with speed drills, and I'm all over it. I've been fartleking, downhill sprinting, and exploring various mixed-distance intervals. I doubt I'll be setting any Olympic records at upcoming races, but I'm finally having fun "mixing-it-up" with my training.
trying new things...
Can you say DOMS? Oh my glutes, Tuesday's early morning HIIT session left my buttocks hurting like never before. I did two circuits of various squats, lunges, push-ups, and some burpees. It only took me about 25 minutes; I didn't think it was a big deal. Then later that evening, I could feel some aches and stiffness. Wednesday morning almost had me screaming. Thankfully, I was able to run my 5K race without incident, but trying to sit down (or stand up) was pure torture. The DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) hung with me all day Thursday as well, and were finally showing signs of dissipating by Thursday evening.
Here's a snippet of the workout that left my glutes hurting
The sweet taste of redemption couldn't have happened at a more perfect time. As most know, I spent a week hospitalized a year ago at this time, recovering from emergency surgery (as a result of an undiagnosed staph infection). One of the races I had to DNS (Did Not Start) was the Sully Freedom Fun Run 5K. I had run this race in 2014, 2015, and 2016....all three times finishing in 2nd place in my age group. Nothing wrong with a 2nd AG win, but it was starting to get old. After missing last year, I returned to this race on July 4th, and finally snagged a first place finish!
A first place AG finish, that was a long time coming!
And, lastly, where did all of these races come from? Somehow, a couple more races landed on my July calendar. One race is happening this coming weekend, and it's a race I had never heard of until seeing a flyer for it at my 4th of July race. How's that for a spontaneous registration? The other race is a 15K. Actually, it's a 5K immediately followed by a 10K...in the evening on Saturday, July 14th. I'm also doing the Rock'n'Roll Remix in Chicago on the July 21-22. I am not planning on "racing" any of these with a do-or-die strategy, but I am looking forward the challenge of three continuous weekends of fun. Besides, the 15K will be a perfect distance one week prior to my half marathon in Chicago, right?
just a couple more races...
Anyways, that's what I'd tell you about over coffee. 

How about you? Ever have the DOMS totally take you by surprise, and linger for longer than usual? Have you ever spontaneously registered for a race that was happening three days later?

Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date. What would you share, if we were having coffee and chatting about life?

I'm also inking this with Meranda and Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0. 


  1. your speedwork paid off in your recent race! so I'd say that's a thing that should keep in your routine!

    When I did bodypump several weeks ago I went WAY too hard and I had DOMS for like 4 days!!! I had other training commitments though so i just had to keep going. it was HARD!

    I do spontaneous races quite often actually haha! usually just a small local thing that I heard about from someone randomly and then thought "hey, i could do that!". I often try to find a race that would fit close to the distance I need to do for the long run, if the long run is more than 9 miles... (and I registered for last Sunday's two races on the Friday evening, right before registration closed!).

    1. These DOMS were so evil! I've never had to entertain those brats for three entire days before LOL

  2. I probably love the heat more than most too, but I think its getting to be a bit much at this point. It was terrible here on Wednesday even really early. I think Im ready for the extreme heat wave to be over! Congrats on your AG win!

    1. Our heat finally broke Thursday evening...but it's due to return this week ;-)

  3. That speedwork is paying off! I don't think I've ever registered for a race quite that spontaneously.

    Yes, our heat wave is finally set to break today. -- just in time for my 12 mile run tomorrow. Thank you, weather Gods!

    1. The heat has been pretty extreme this summer, with very little repeieve

  4. Congrats always receiving first place in the race! I did a core workout this week and my abs were still sore two days later.

    1. Well, this was my first 1st place LOL...I'd always gotten 2nd place before ;-)

  5. Yay congrats again on your AG group win! The heat definitely agrees with you!!! See you tomorrow for coffee

  6. Congrats on first in your AG! Last minute races are the way to go. :)

    1. I don't do a lot of last-minute races, but they are always fun!

  7. Way to keep on running in this awful heat we've been having and congratulations on your race!!! That speed work will for sure improve your runs and it looks like a great HIIT workout you did. My DOMS from heavy leg day on Saturdays last until about Wednesday, just when leg day comes back around again :)

    1. ha ha! This is the first time (that I can remember anyways) where the DOMS hung around so long...UGH!

  8. When I started strength training again, I did some dead lifts and some Pure Barre, and my hamstrings wore sore for 3 days. I was foam rolling, stretching, and taking hot baths, but nothing worked except time.

    1. Fortunately, I did a lot of stretching and foam rolling, or I bet the DOMS would have lasted a week

  9. You had me dying with the DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) because I had flashbacks of my first Crossfit class. It was nothing but various forms of squats. Let's just say you have not known agony until you have to lower yourself into the toilet the day after doing that many exercises. lol. It was brutal.

    And congrats on the 1st place! Get it!

    1. The DOMS are no joke when they hit you in the tush LOL

  10. Congrats on your 1st place AG award at your 4th of July race!

    Oh man, that DOMS can be brutal and it always seems to be worse afterm those "not so bad" workouts

    1. Right? These totally took me by surprise...not that I had them, but because they lasted so long!

  11. Congrats on your AG win! I'm sure that felt great. Clearly, your hard work is paying off!

    You know I love me some speedwork but this summer is all about survival for me, it seems. I'm hoping to still run the half at RnR, but we'll see how I'm holding up.

    1. Ironically, the speedwork has been tolerable for me...maybe it's the extreme heat? LOL

  12. Yes, the heat has been insane in NH too which has made running interesting for sure! Love that you have a booked race calendar. I need to get more on mine! Nice work on the age group win!

    1. I usually don't mind the heat, but I do appreciate a little break from it now and then

  13. Our heat wave is finally over.

    Congrats on your age group award.

    My speed work tends to be races.

    I have probably registered at the last minute. Lol.

    FOMO on rnr Chicago. Someday.

    1. I have done a few last-minute races, but it's been awhile...

  14. Definitely sounds like that speedwork is working for you! Congrats again on your AG!

    1. Thanks, Michelle! This AG win definitely felt good after having to miss out on the race last year

  15. Nothing like a redemption race. Congratulations. What difference a year can make

  16. Congrats on your first place finish!! That's so exciting! That HIIT workout sounds like a good one, too! :)

    1. The HIIT didn't seem that ominous...until the next morning ;-)

  17. Great job on your speed work! It is obv paying off! Congrats on your first place AG! I bet that feels SO much better than hanging out in the hospital! I am glad you are racing this year and not in the hospital!
    Sounds like you have a good plan in place for the Chicago half!
    Try and stay cool!!

    1. Thankfully, our heat wave broke over the weekend...but i think it's gonna return this week

  18. I do enjoy speed work - I find it more fun than hill intervals. I rarely do last-minute races but it sounds like you have added some fun ones! Good luck today!
    Thanks for joining in for coffee.

    1. I don't do a lot of last-minute races, but they are always a fun adventure

  19. haha, I definitely love warm weather more than cold, but I've also had a couple "I'm melting" moments too! Great job on your 5K! Congrats on your first place finish! :]

    DOMS definitely likes to hang around for me if I haven't lifted in a while--it's good motivation for me to keep a consistent workout schedule! :P

    1. These DOMS really had me stumped...I"ve certainly had DOMS before, but they've never lasted this long and been so intense LOL

  20. Yea on the win in your AG! 2nd is so awesome, but I hear you, on how you just wanted the win- so fun and redemption feels so good! I can't even, with the weather- but I won't talk any more about it as it's driving me crazy! Good luck in your full running schedule- I am jealous as ever!

    1. The first place win felt good, considering all the second place ones I'd had...and all the rallying back I had to do this past year, especially

  21. Congrats on the age group win! All that creative speedwork fun is paying off :)

    1. Thanks! I have to get creative with speedwork, or I am pretty likely gonna skip it LOL

  22. Congrats on that age group win! I had a bad case of DOMS the other week, not sure what happened...
