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Sunday, July 15, 2018

Sweat Equity:101

It's not the heat, it's the humidity.

Boy, oh boy, did we have our fair share of humidity this week in Iowa. We had pretty warm temps, too. Mind you, that is NOT a complaint. I love the heat (probably more than most people), but I spent the majority of the week "glowing" all over the place.

Here's a taste of what went down:

Never miss a Monday.
After a pretty pleasant weekend, the cooler temps were still there Monday morning. In an effort to "up my game" a bit, I opted for a 5K distance with pick-ups (about two city block's distance) before each mile mark. I also ran the route with what I'd call a modified tempo pace (faster than my usual run, but not a true tempo pace). And, I loved it! I think this Monday routine may be a keeper as I transition into marathon training in the next couple weeks.
and my little Max was waiting for me when I returned home
Tuesday Toughness
Although Tuesdays are typically a rest/recovery day (at least from running), I do stay pretty active. I headed out in the early hours for a 2-mile walk...
by the dawn's early light
...then, in the evening, I got busy with another "Kim-created" front porch HIIT workout. Dang. Maybe this is my new calling...I'm really liking the variety of cardio and strength-training all condensed into a relatively short, but intense, sweat session.

Here's what I came up with:
15 biceps curls/hammer curls (on second circuit)
15 push-ups
10 burpees
10 stair flights (inside the house)

15 triceps dips/extensions (on second circuit)
15 push-ups
10 burpees
10 stair flights (inside)

15 shoulder presses/upright rows (on second circuit)
15 push-ups
10 burpees
10 stair flights (inside)

I was hoping to do three complete circuits, but white-flagged it after the second one. It was really hot and I was feeling pretty worn out. Even the stair-running (inside my air-conditioned house) didn't offer much reprieve. All told, I finished with 90 push-ups, 60 burpees, 60 flights of stairs, and some good arm/shoulder work.  
this little HIIT endeavor really had the sweat flowing 
Wednesday's weekly #5at5
As usual, Barb and I met up for our weekly early morning 5-miler. Holy humidity, Batman! The temps felt moderately pleasant, but the humidity was off the charts (again). None the less, those early morning miles with my gal pal are one of the highlights of my week. 
not a bicep flex,  but a wringing-out of the saturated tank top
Thursday's thirst for speed
With another hot day in the forecast (triple-digit heat index), I elected to do my speedwork in the early hours. I live in a somewhat hilly neighborhood, so I am never without options when it comes to running on an incline. I did a 1/2-mile warm-up run to a nearby hill, and did a series of uphill sprints/downhill recovery runs for a total of  1.5 miles of hilly speedwork. Nothing grandiose, but enough to feel a good burn (and then some).
FYI...this pic does not do that hill justice. At all. Just saying.
Finally Friday
Ahhhh, finally a true day of rest. Well, my idea of rest still involves some walking (to the tune of 5 total miles for the day) as well as the daily planking and leg lifts. You know, that's my reality.
That sunrise...
A super sweaty Saturday
With my 15K on tap for the evening, I kept things pretty much on the down-low for the day. The hubby and I took Max for a 2-mile walk in the morning. Notice I didn't say "in the early morning?" For the first time in a long time, I slept in.  Granted, I still woke up around 4:30, but was able to fall back to sleep for a couple hours longer. Baby steps, right?
Isn't he the cutest little leader?
In the evening, I had the Midnight Madness 15K happening. This race had the potential for redemption all over it (SPOILER: it did not disappoint). Long story short, I finished the evening with a 5th place AG in the 5K, a 3rd place AG in the 10K, and a 2nd place AG for the combined 15K (merging the two finish times from the 5K & 10K). Stay tuned....there will be a recap coming with the nitty gritty details.
Redemption, anyone? And, no, there was ZERO rain happening in those hot temps (#weatherappFAIL).
Sunday's sweet solace
Having run almost 9.5 total miles in the (late) evening prior, I post-poned my usual recovery/shake-out run until later. Instead, the hubby and I took Max out for another 2-mile adventure and I spent some quality time with the foam roller.
doesn't everybody wear the previous evening's event shirt the next morning?
So, how did the mileage play out? Total miles running tallied at 19.5 (at time this goes to press, that is...there will hopefully be another 2-3 miles added if the recovery run happens later). Total walking miles kicked in at 20. Although I'm not daily documenting the planks, push-ups, and leg lifts, rest assured they are happening, too. Life is too short to sit (completely) idle, after all.

In case you missed out, here's my posts from last week:
Embracing all that's Tough
Two Races in Four Days...Why Not?
Pay it Forward on the Race Course

In other news:

#FridayFashionFlair. Did you catch it? on Instagram? Despite the extreme heat of summer, I still have to dress "warm" at work. The air conditioning makes me feel like my desk is located in a walk-in freezer. My solution...Always bring a cardi! What do you think of the cobalt and chocolate color combo? You all probably know I'm a cheetah print fan, so any opportunity to play with the cheetah print is a win-win for me. As always, you're welcome to join me on Fridays...post a pic of a featured outfit (it doesn't have to be what you're actually wearing on that day). Be sure to grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and give me a tag(@Runningonthefly).

Last of all...do you believe in the power of pennies? I seem to find random pennies (or...maybe they're finding me?) when I'm out on a walk or a run. Sunday morning, was no exception.
see a penny, pick it up...
So, that's the latest and greatest. How are things for you? Warm weather? Humid weather? Sweaty weather? How are you coping? Any highlights from the past week?

I'm linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap. This weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us!


  1. Can't wait to read more about your midnight madness race. I have 2 night time races on my calendar for this fall that I'm looking forward to!

    1. I don't do nighttime races very often, but they are a fun change in routine.

  2. Oh, this midnight madness run sounds interesting! How did you fuel for it- i.e. how far before hand did you eat? That part would be tough for me! You had an awesome week with a great balance of running and strength!

    1. My fueling was off...I had some dinner a couple hours before the first start line,but then the hubby (who was just spectating) forgot to find me before the second start line and I didn't have time to search for him, so I ran the 10K with just an occasional drink of water along the course.

  3. Congrats on your midnight madness race. Glad to see that all your hard work is paying off.

    1. I'm just gonna keep riding this wave...hoping it's here to stay for awhile.

  4. It is definitely the humidity! congrats again on your race last night. Look forward to reading all about it. See you soon!

  5. Things seem to be clicking for you! That's got to feel so good! Congrats on those AG placements. I used to do a summer night 5k years ago, but our local races (morning or evening) have really dried up over the years especially during the summer. Thanks for linking!

    1. I like doing an evening race once in awhile, but there certainly aren't many to choose from...

  6. You've been on a roll with your races lately! I know this must feel like sweet redemption after everything you went through last year.

    1. It does feel like sweet redemption. I do believe in karma, and all of the "stuff" we endure is preparing us for some kind of reward...eventually.

  7. The heat and humidity are so bad here that I had to wash my clothes immediately when I got home today- I was worried that if I left them in the laundry room they'd fester and get gross smelling (more so than they already were). It's one of the hottest summers on record, at least for Floridians according to the weather channels.

    I really admire your dedication to getting up early every day. I usually find that after several early mornings in a row I really need a sleep in day. I'm trying to get into a routine of early mornings, but it doesn't always work.

    1. I think this has been one of our hottest summers, too. I know the weather people were saying (over a month ago) that we were about a month "ahead of schedule" regarding our heat.

  8. I love your porch workouts! I've had to bail on a few HIIT workouts in the past. Humidity is tough!

  9. Huge congrats on the race!! I've been letting my foam roller collect dust -- I had better rectify that ASAP! I did my own 5 at 5 with Scooby this week. I really only have time for 4 mi, but it was so nice. ;-)

    1. The foam rolling is such a tough habit to maintain...I'm no stranger to that!

  10. Congrats on your race! I love the idea of a late night race, especially in teh summer!

    1. The night races are fun...I just wish there were more of them in my area.

  11. I love your porch workout - how cool is that, running in to do your stairs. Not something many UK runners could do as we don't have porches typically but great fun to read about, and also inspiring to read about that kind of DIY thing as I prepare to get back into some strength and conditioning. Well done on those AG placings - excellent stuff!

    1. Thanks! The front porch workouts are a new thing I've been experimenting with...I gotta keep mixing things up LOL

  12. The humidity is rough! It's crazy when its 100% humidity and the air just feels so thick. Looks like a great week of workouts for you!

  13. You are hitting your stride so nicely these days! Bodes very well for marathon training. Yes this summer will definitely go on the books as a hottie.

  14. What a great week of running! Congrats on doing so great on your race too!

  15. 15K is such a great distance and how fun to run it in the evening. There is just something magical about running in the evening!

    1. I have not done much evening running in a long time...I'd forgotten how nice it is!

  16. I love that your race is set up so you can do both the 5k and 10k (and that they combine the results)! That’s harder to find these day, but I love the challenge. My PR in both distances came when I ran them back to back. A long time ago, obviously. You had a great training week in spite of the humidity.

    1. I'd be really curious what my finish times would be under better circumstances (slightly cooler temps)

  17. I really enjoyed not having to get up early when I did Vegas last year. It was strange since I needed to figure out how best to approach a night race. I was up early, but I stayed in bed for a while before heading out to get breakfast.

    1. My fueling/food was way off for Vegas...and I was very dehydrated.

  18. What a gorgeous sunrise! And love your #5at5 headband.
    Congrats on the age group win. I want to do a midnight race one day. Was going to do the New Years Eve one this past year, but it was 5 degrees and I noped right out of that one. Maybe next time

  19. "Glowing" is a nice way to put it :) Congrats on that age group finish!

    1. ha ha...well, I was glowing all over the place last week. ;-)

  20. We don't normally have humidity in Utah, it's usually really dry. But for the last 2 weeks we have had humidity. And while it's probably not a lot of it, 40% seems like a lot here haha. I've been sweating way more than normal.

    1. It gets pretty humid in Iowa, but it's been more humid this year than usual

  21. Your HIIT workouts look amazing! Congrats on all of your AG awards!

    1. Stay tuned...I'm working on another HIIT for tonight (Tuesday)

  22. I'm with you, I really don't mind the heat, its the humidity that really bothers me. I'd much rather be hot than cold any day, including while running.

    1. agreed...I'll take the stifling heat over the freezing cold, no argument

  23. I get tired just reading your post. You are soooo active.

    Congrats on your racing accomplishments. Evening races are tough too.

    1. This particular evening race is a great challenge due to the time of year (heat of summer) and the repeated loops of the course

  24. Congrats on the race placings! Is the "midnight part figurative, or no? I don't know that I could handle a race at literal midnight!

    1. Yes, midnight is figurative...the 5K started at 7:30 and the 10K started at 8:30...so most runners were finished well before 10:00. But the after-party went until midnight ;-)

  25. Humid, hot and sweaty over here. I've reach a point where even the skin under my eyes is sweating! What is up with that???

    Great workouts for you! Congratulations on a strong 15K!

    1. I know it was hot at my race when my eyes were burning from all the sweat on my face

  26. Oh my gosh Kim you have been running so strong! Can't wait to hear more about the Midnight Madness run! I think night runs are especially challenging cause I can never figure out the timing of my fueling.

    1. the food/fueling is really tough for the evening runs/races....could be a total game-changer if you're not careful LOL

  27. Too funny wringing your shirt out and 60 flights of stairs makes me feel really out of shape. Congratulations on your Midnight race you did that thing Chica!! Safe to say you had a pretty awesome week. Eager to hear the deets on your race

    1. I had to wring out my clothes after Saturday night's race, too....YUCK

  28. Well done on that strong race and placements! Can't wait to read the race recap! This time last year my husband was in Iowa and he spoke a lot about the humidity. In Botswana, we get very high temps in summer, but it's extremely dry and I think that makes it a bit easier!

    1. It's pretty humid here in the summer, for sure. Thankfully, we do have some pleasant days so the humidity is not a "constant."

  29. Great job on getting those workouts in! I got sidelined with 3 horrible infections over the weekend and am finally mostly feeling like myself again so I hope to get back into it soon! I like that HIIT workout you created--such a great way to get a quick-but-intense workout in!

    1. I'm having fun with the HIIT's...I like mixing things up and doing non-traditional workouts

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