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Thursday, August 30, 2018


It's that time of the month again....

Time for a cleansing coffee chat with friends, and sharing a few runfessions for good measure (and peace of mind). You probably know the routine...grab a cup of  your favorite warm (or cold) beverage, and spill it (not literally LOL).

Here's what I'd share over coffee...

Let me start by saying, where has the summer gone??? Seriously, I've looked all around and it seems to have vacated the premises. Not only have the early morning temps shifted to the cool side, but my weekly #5at5 outings (five miles at 5:00 in the morning) are almost in complete darkness now. Let me runfess...I am NOT alright with that. I  love summer, and I especially love not only the heat, but also the extended daylight. It's a total buzzkill heading out for a run and returning home before the sunrise.
Yep...temps in the mid-50's and almost total darkness...
Long hair is sort of a mess just waiting to happen. Don't get me wrong, I love my long hair (even on the humid days when it seems three inches longer and is practically glued to my head). I'll runfess this, though...it majorly drives me nutzo while out on a run. I've gotten so I cannot stand to feel a pony tail bouncing and  smearing across my (sweaty) back...and my hair is barely a few inches below my shoulders. How do you gals with longer hair do it? I usually have it in braids (if there's even the slightest chance of rain and I'm donning a hat) or it's twisted into my classic messy bun. Recently, though, I tried wearing it in a simple high pony tail and it was a knotted, sweaty mess when I finished. 
What is up with all the morning rain as of late? Granted, the rain is needed and (fortunately) there has been no danger of flooding, at least in my area.  But Momma N has really been a bit cruel in making a lot of it happen during my prime running time. I must runfess it does throw a bit of a wrench into my plans when I have to get to work by 8:00 and there's rain coming down at 6:00. Even though I can usually grab an umbrella and power walk (and post pone the run until after work), I don't like tempting Fate like that.
Making do....
Not sure what's going on, but I like it. August has been an especially hot and humid month. Frequently, when I run long, I'm a gritty and salty mess when I finish. Recently, though I have noticed I seem to be sweating more and am not noticing as much salty residue, nor do I need as frequent potty stops as "normal." Could my body (finally, after 13 years) have figured out a more efficient way of utilizing my hydrating/fueling? I have heard of people sweating so much that they never need to make potty stops (while running long or distance racing). Let me runfess, if this is what's going on, it's a nice change (don't worry, I know I am not any more dehydrated than before...no strange muscle cramps or funky-colored urine).
glistening and glowing all over the place
High mileage for the win! I am closing out August with 106 miles of running, and ((knock wood)) I'm feeling great. Now, let me clarify that I did not set out to spank 100 miles for August.  I am training for an October marathon, so this kind of just happened as I gradually increased my long runs each weekend. I finished July with 98 miles, so I did come close last month, but these 106 miles are the most I have run in a month since May of 2017. Although I do not pride myself on being a high-mileage runner, I gotta runfess this is the first time I have ever done so without bringing a whole new set of injuries along with it.
feeling good, feeling fine
So, there's a few runfessions for me. Ahhh, now I can coast into September. Onward!

Your turn...What would you runfess if we were chatting over coffee? Are you happy or sad to see summer coming to an end? How do you feel about high mileage...or do you consider 100 monthly miles no big whoop? How do you wear your hair when you're running?

I'm linking up with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions 

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0. 

And, since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm also linking with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.
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  1. I also love summer running but this is always a tough time of year when it gets really dark and is just super humid every day. I guess in a way its good because I start to feel like I'm ready for fall after so many humid runs. I need to use coconut oil in my hair these days or I can't get the knots out after a run!

  2. Congrats on a 100+mile month. Sadly, I think those days are behind me. I've quietly dropped to 3 runs per week, subbing in that bootcamp for a run. My knees just can't take very much any more.

    1. It's nice to have 100+ miles, but it's never been a do-or-die endeavor for me. My body seems to function fine (in terms of racing and endurance) with less miles...so I have a hard time pushing the miles just for bragging rights LOL

  3. Let's not even talk about how long its been since I had a haircut. I like to think the horsetail keeps the bugs off my back.

    1. ha ha ha...well, then your long hair is serving a valuable purpose ;-)

  4. Nice mileage for August! I am in the process of growing my hair out. Last year, I got it cut short because I wanted to stop coloring it (I used to be a blonde). I hated short hair! It is so hard to take care of. With long hair, you can put it up in a pony tail or bun, and you're good to go, but with short hair, it sticks up all over the place when you get out of bed. Ugh.

    1. I agree....the long hair certainly gives me lots of options (especially on those days when I don't have the time or desire to wash it LOL).

  5. Even though I barely have any hair anymore, I still wear a headband to help keep my headphones in place!

  6. were has the summer gone! I am so sad. Trying to be positive about fall but....I love summer.

    1. yes, I LOVE summer. I like fall, but I definitely LOVE summer.

  7. Okay, the one thing I will miss about summer is the long days. Definitely not the heat.

    I get annoyed with my ponytail too. Sometimes I'll just wrap it up in a bun and that helps. I do like how it looks when it's flying in my running selfies though. :-)

    1. oh yes...the flying ponytail does add a lot of drama to running pictures!

  8. I wear my pony tail super high because I also do no like to feel it on my back. It's still a sweaty mess some days. You really crushed it with the running mileage this month. Super impressive! Thanks for linking up for coffee

    1. When I do wear a ponytail, I usually have to do the high pony, too. UGH, I cannot stand to feel it on my slimy back LOL

  9. Congrats on your 100 mile month. My mileage has been slacking. I rarely even get to 80 these days but am feeling good.

    I have tried to get out and run at 5-5:30 but gee it's too dark. So I go back to bed. That is the only good thing about the time change in Oct.

    1. I usually am around 75-80 miles each month, but with the longer runs for 26.2 training, the miles add up faster. I never keep a on-going total, so I'm always pleasantly surprised when/if it gets to the 90's.

  10. I know it's tough to wake up when it's dark out. I think I have more time before my alarm, and then it's 5 to 10 minutes until I have to get up. It is pretty seeing the sunrise as I'm driving in.

    1. I don't have issues with getting up in the dark, but it is a bummer when it's still dark when I return home ;-(

  11. I typically wear my hair in a high ponytail, a braid, or a bun. I go for the bun on especially hot & humid days. Mine never gets terribly snarled, though.

    And God knows I sweat plenty. And plenty of salt. And I pretty much never make a pitstop (except that one race).

    1. It's only in recent years that I have noticed all the salty residue...but in recent weeks, I'm just a wet mess with not much salt...unless I"m so sweaty that the salt is not as obvious.

  12. The weather here this month as been very humid and rainy, but we're getting a little break this weekend.

    Awesome job on your high mileage this month!!

    1. It's been cool here in the early mornings, but UGH. I am not ready for summer to end....

  13. I LOVE summer, but this is probably the first summer that I can honestly say "Okay, it's time to go back to school" and I'm okay with that. I think I need to get back into a routine.

    I usually wear my hair in a twist and then clip it to my head!

    I hope your good fortune of staying uninjured carries you into the fall. That is fabulous that you got in over 100 miles this month.

    1. I have a lot of layers, so my hair looks weird in a pony tail. At least if I have it in a messy bun, it looks intentional LOL

  14. The long hair in this summer's humidity has been trying for sure. If it weren't for the messy bun I probably would have chopped mine by now!

    While I am loving that fall is on its way (still pushing mid-90s here!), I do miss the early sunrises.

    Great job on your monthly mileage!

    1. I know...the sunrises are so beautiful! It wasn't that long ago, I had only a few minutes of fading darkness, and a sunrise to enjoy on my 5:00 runs....now the sky is just starting to lighten up in the final mile.

  15. Nice mileage, lady! That's awesome.

    When it's super humid, my hair goes up in a bun. It's a mess anyway, though.

    1. You do have a lot of curls ;-) My hair just gets straighter when the humidity rises.

  16. That's awesome that you were able to go up by about 10% without incurring injuries. I just hacked off my hair. Could not deal with the breakage and knots any longer.

    1. It's been a long time since I've had "short" hair, and even then it was more of an angled cut that was short in the back but long in the front.

  17. I love the runfessions monthly thing- so fun to read! I am amazed and envious at your running 106 miles this month! It was so dang HOT besides, so good for you!! I have shorter hair btw- I can't even grow it long if I wanted to, it just won't grow but I HATE sticky neck and hair, so braids for the win for sure if I had a long ponytail to do it!

  18. I've got no advice for long hair .... I always thought not having to pee was a sign that you haven't had enough to drink? I haven't ever had to stop during a run/race, but do need the post-coffee pre-race potty stop.

  19. I am sad to see summer go, but I am looking forward to less brutal heat. When I had long hair I really liked wearing it in 2 braids, it didnt seem to tangle up as bad as it did when I would put it in a ponytail.

  20. Great job on the mileage for the month! I need to track my mileage and see where I am at. I used to do it, but in the past few years just focus on my training plan day by day.

  21. I can not STAND to have my hair down for any kind of workout! Once in a while I will do twin braids, but 99% of the time it is messy bun and done!
    Congrats on your mileage! And even better with no injuries!
    I am ready for some cooler and mostly less humid days! Not sure when that will happen here in Houston! Haha

  22. Congrats on the 100+ month! I was really hoping to get there this month but it wasn't in the cards! I don't know how anyone runs with long hair! But that's coming from someone whose hair is shorter than some mens! ;o) But really, I keep it short because I don't like when hair touches the back of my neck so I can't imagine how it feels when you run!

  23. Awesome! I completed over 90 miles this month, which was not the plan, but I'll take it.

    I don't mind my ponytail bouncing, but I do mind how tangled and knotted my hair is after I get back from a run. It takes me forever to get it combed out in the shower. Boo.

    In Florida, we don't usually get too much morning rain - traditionally it rains in the afternoon. When it does break the trend, it definitely throws me into a bit of a tizzy.

  24. I can't believe summer is almost over already--I feel like it barely happened! (Probably because every time I wasn't working, the weather would be terrible so I didn't get to do much of anything in terms of outdoor explorations. :[ )

    I'm also definitely with you on long hair being a struggle when it's super hot and humid! Great job on getting >100 miles in last month!

  25. I love long hair too but totally agree. I've taken to wearing mine in a braid to prevent the tangles.

  26. I used to wear my long hair in two braids and run my buff under them, the only way to deal with. But my bob gets in SUCH a mess when I'm running, ergh!
