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Friday, August 3, 2018

Up to Speed

Where the heck is summer going???

I'm really having a tough time believing we are in August....didn't we just celebrate the summer solstice, like last week?

Anyways, it was another action-packed week for me. Even with a couple "sleepy" days, I managed to stay ahead of the game with my fitness endeavors.

Let me catch you up to speed....

Never miss a Monday
I have been doing the #nevermissaMonday runs for a couple years, and this summer I started upping the distance. These Monday runs used to be simply 1-2 miles of easy-based, just-make-an-appearance-in-the-running-shoes-to-jump-start-the-week outings. Now? I've been doing 3-mile runs at a moderate tempo pace, with pick-ups in the final 100-200 yards of each mile. These are SO fun!!! I have been debating between increasing the distance as I build my marathon training vs. just keeping them at three miles (with the pick-ups). I'm also doing speed training (usually on Thursdays), so I don't know if I need two fast-paced runs each week. What would you do?
Monday's 3-miler had me leaping for joy
Tiresome Tuesday
As was typical, Tuesday had me craving some rest/recovery. I had done 12 miles on Saturday, a couple miles on Sunday, and the 3-miler on Monday, after all. It was time for some active rest and recovery. The hubby and I took Max for a walk in the early morning hours...and that's it. There was the final 5-minute plank (for July's 5-Minute Plank Challenge), a few leg lifts, some additional walking...and that's it. 

Wednesday's workout
What usually happens on Wednesdays? I rise and shine even earlier than normal, and meet my friend, Barb, for our our #5at5 (five miles at 05:00). Personally, I find it a total crock how we only have a couple months of long daylight hours. Already (a mere six weeks post-summer solstice), it's blatantly darker each week for these early morning runs.  So.Not.Fair. None the less, I still LOVE getting out there at the wee hours of the day....there's a certain satisfaction in knowing you have finished your workout while most of the world is still slumbering.
by the light of my Knuckle Lights
Thursday:Thirst for Speed
As I have said in recent posts, I'm not quite sure who I am anymore. I'm totally loving speedwork now. I think it's because I have found a way to do the speed training MY way, and not in such a regimented manner as most training plans show. This week, I headed over to a span of sidewalk, two city blocks in distance (approximately 1/5 of a mile in distance), on the college campus. It's a perfect setting because there are no street crossings and limited pedestrian traffic (especially at 5:45 a.m.). I simply "sprint" one length as fast as I can, then turn around and run back (at an easy recovery pace). Five sets of these sprint repeats nets me two total miles in distance (plus the 1/2 mile warm-up getting there and the 1/2 mile cool down returning back home). My splits were 1:24:43 / 1:25:10 / 1:22:70 / 1:21:83 / 1:22:77. All said, I had three cumulative miles done in less than 25 minutes and felt like a sweaty badazz diva when I finished.
A couple of negative splits? Yes, I'll take them ;-)
Front Porch Friday HIIT
I was a couple days late getting in my weekly HIIT workout, but here's what happened this week on my front porch:

Arms & Legs 20's-15's-10's
*biceps curls
*mountain climbers (each leg)
*triceps dips
*walking lunges (each leg)
*plank jacks
*hammer curls
*triceps extensions
*jump squats
***three sets of the circuit
***the first set had 20 reps for each move, the second set had 15 reps, and the third set had 10 reps
HIIT'ing on the front porch
Super Saturday
With a family reunion on the roster (with a 3-hour car ride to get there), my Saturday morning began with a 4:30 a.m. wake-up. Barb agreed to run with me, so her and I met at 5:15 and knocked out 10 miles. I could feel the beginning of some stiffness (no doubt DOMS'ing from the previous day's HIIT'ing), but it wasn't too bad. We had a beautiful sunrise and a slight breeze so the warm 70F temps didn't feel too heavy and the miles felt pretty effortless. And I was able to roll out my hammies and glutes in the back seat of my dad's car.
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling
miling and smiling!
The Sunday slow-down
When I crawled out of bed Sunday morning, the DOMS were definitely clear and present. My glutes were oh-so-angry! I suspected I'd have some residual aches and pains from all that leg work on the front porch, and I'm grateful it didn't appear until after my 10-mile run. I'm pretty sure Saturday's 7+ hours of car time didn't help with the situation.

None the less, I got dressed and ready for my "day after" recovery run...only to have Momma N sneak in a surprise downpour just as I was about to leave the house. A split second decision morphed my recovery run into a power walk (with an umbrella!) and I postponed the run to later. No big deal. By postponing the run, the achy glute muscles would have a few extra hours to relax.
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, shoes and outdoor
...just "walking" in the rain, I'm "walking" in the rain...
Over all, it was a pretty solid week. My running mileage (Monday-Sunday) is currently at 21, but there will be another 2-3 recovery miles happening later (after this post goes live). My walking mileage tallied at 17 (and there will be a couple more miles added to that total as the day wears on as well). I'm more than satisfied with my HIIT and speedwork, and I look forward to finding even more creative ways to to stay consistent with them each week.

In case you missed them, here's my posts from last week:

In other news:
Did you catch my #FridayFashionFlair post on Instagram? This week, I featured a favorite bright royal blue top juxtaposed with a neutral patterned skirt (and the required sparkly sandals). Sure, I could have worn a white or brown top (to "match" the skirt)...but that's kind of expected, and I like the element of the unexpected. What would you do? Anyways, you're always welcome to join the party...post a pic of a featured outfit, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair), and drop me a tag (@runningonthefly).
Don't forget the lipstick!
So, that's another week all wrapped up! How was your week? Any fun training runs to brag about? Have you ever done HIIT workouts? How do you feel about speedwork? When is the last time you experience DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)?

I'm linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap. This weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us!

Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. You're always such a fashionable runner! I'm super jealous of your really fun arm sleeves - they are awesome!

    That's great that you are enjoying speedwork. Please send some of that mojo my way. These days I'm just happy to get through a run, especially the longer ones!

    1. What I have found with speedwork, at least for me, is I have to make it fun and different almost each time I do it. I am not a fan of regimented stuff, which is why I hate the treadmill, and running circles around a track is just not my gig (though I do track work once in a great while).

  2. Being in the car after a long run is so hard! I'm pretty sure thats why I was more sore this week than usual. Looks like you are doing really great with your training!

    1. Riding in a car (or even just sitting sedentary) is not ideal when those muscles need stretching and massaging. Maybe that's why I'm still feeling the DOMS almost three days later (?)

  3. I think long car rides might cause some DOMS by themselves! It's always nice to have someone else to drive after a run so you can try to work some of the soreness out.

    I love speedwork, but I've only done it on a track a few times. I usually program a
    workout into my Garmin and run it on the road instead.

    1. I am not a fan of track work (though I do see the value in it). I'd rather do like you mentioned.....speed drills on the road!

  4. I love your arm sleeves! I know I've said that before, but can't remember if it was these. I agree re: speed work, I made it mine and came to love it pre injury. Looking forward to incorporating it one day each week as I train for my longer fall races

    1. Thanks! I have a few different sets of arm sleeves, so you may have seen some different ones. I love them...it's like the benefit of a long-sleeved shirt without all the underarm bulk. (and they have that funky look LOL) ;-)

    2. Yes! I'm going to look into them for fall when the weather is in that weird in between place.
      And I agree with Lisa above re: car & DOMS. Last week I had a race after work and then got the bus to mom's. Super air conditioning felt good heat wise, but I wasn't that sore for anything other than my first Half. Crazy. Hope you're feeling better

  5. Another great week for you! Those sleeves are super fun. Um yeah, where has summer gone? Although summer heat is definitely still here.

    1. Our summer heat returned yesterday...along with the rain LOL

  6. Glad to hear that you've been reaping the benefits of speedwork! I was really stiff after my flight home. Heading to the yoga mat as we speak.

  7. I just cut off cheap knee socks to make my sleeves. Love them.

    I just may steal your speedwork idea (if it ever cools down).

    I know, I need to run before work not after. Looking at 92 degrees later. Ugh!

    1. I have a couple pairs of cheap knee socks I have done the same for...those are thicker, though, so I use them more in the late fall/winter when the air is distinctly coooler

  8. That's a really solid week! I love that you found your way to do speed work. So much of it is about tricky our minds and finding ways to make it fun!

    1. Totally agree! I have to have variety...I simply cannot do the same thing over and over or I get bored and lose interest.

  9. You had a great week! I love seeing what workouts you come up with, and the speedwork sounds great! Bret is looking to do more speedwork in the coming weeks and I've been trying to find some easy workouts he can sprinkle in his runs.

    I hope you enjoyed the family reunion!

    1. The family reunion was a lot of fun...this was on my dad's side of the family, we have these reunions every two years ;-)

  10. I think it's great that you are loving your speedwork. Seems to agree with you. have a fantastic week!

    1. I wish we lived closer...I'd get you doing some of these drills with me ;-) (and maybe I'd dust off my bike and go riding with you LOL)

  11. Good for you for having your consistent runs like the 5 at 5. I just cannot get up that early to run! LOL. Great week of workouts!

    1. I love the early morning runs because I really LOVE having the entire rest of the day to do whatever I want ;-)

  12. I've noticed that the sun is rising later. I think I have more time before my alarm, and I'm oh so wrong. I've definitely been groggy the past week as I try to adjust to this.

  13. I can't believe how quickly summer is flying by. Maybe it's my age, but it seems time is going by faster than ever!

    1. It seems to always fly by once we get past the 4th of July...our oldest daughter's birthday is July 5th, then the son's is the 16th...then it's like a bionic fast-forward to August.

  14. I'm weird, I love dark early morning runs, especially when I can see a beautiful sunrise right at the end! Speed work seems to be going well for you! I need to see pictures of foam rolling in the back seat. You have serious skills to pull that off! LOL. Thanks for linking.

    1. I don't mind some of the dark in my early morning runs, but the runs are getting darker and darker ;-( The sunrise, though, is an awesome reward when it's all done ;-)

  15. You are just crushing your workouts! The summer is slipping by way too fast - and while I'm not a fan of the humidity that seems to be ever present I'm not ready for summer to end.

  16. Loving your mix of workouts and the great names you come up with for them ;) Maybe it's because I'm not running anymore, but easy Monday miles sound like a good idea to me.

    1. I love my easy Monday miles...but it is fun to add a little spice to them ;-)

  17. Nice job with the cross training! I haven't figured out what triggers my DOMS. And I get annoyed by the shrinking days, too. Have a great week!

    1. My DOMS are very sporadic LOL Sometimes, they seem to come from nowhere. Other times, I have that feeling when I'm squatting especially low or vigorously...yep, that's gonna leave a mark... ;-)

  18. I'm definitely noticing how much darker it is when I take Scooby out. I need to get out my headlamp again .... Great week for you as usual!

    1. I'm gonna have to dig out my blinking arm bands and flashing belt....

  19. You always look so cute! Love that pop of blue with the neutral! And your running outfits are always so bright and cheerful.

    Great job out there this week. Speed is going by the wayside because it's so hot, but we will get back to it again.

  20. I do think about how you get so much accomplished while most of us (including me) are still in bed. I wish i could be more like you!

    We need to get more people on board with your #FridayFashionFlair!

    1. I just love my early mornings ;-) It's nice getting the workout (or run) done before my day actually begins ;-)

  21. Great work and it's kind of reassuring that you still get DOMS from those porch workouts and are not some kind of machine.

    I would leave in one speedwork session and keep Monday gentle. Maybe use it for some conscious relaxation / being in the moment time. I think that might be nice for you, some pickups if you want, but mainly a stretch out and relaxation time.

  22. I wasnt ready for August either but here we are that arm workout looks killer meaning Im itching to try lol Lools like you had a great week!

  23. I actually enjoy spadework, too! There's something totally satisfying about crushing a tough workout like that!

    I seriously cannot believe it's practically the middle of August. When exactly did that happen? How did we get to this point so quickly?!

  24. Im with you, I cannot believe that it’s already August. I’m trying to squeeze in as much time outside and as many workouts as I can before it’s time to head back to school. Is it just me or did this summer fly by way faster than it has for the past several years?

  25. you had a great week, always rolling with it and making ish happen!! I wish I had someone to run with - I would totally do a 5 at 5 if I had a running partner! Ron would never do that haha! (ok he did in the beginning, but that was for support. I don't really "need" support now)

    I'm glad you are liking speedwork. It's really really good for us runners. Plus your HIIT training is definitely going to help you kick some butt later ;)

    1. I"d run with you at 5:00...if you lived a tad nit closer ;-)

  26. I like your “never miss a Monday”! I don’t like missing Monday’s either; something about seeing a number instead of 0.

    1. I think it's been a couple years I've been doing the Monday thing...no regrets!

  27. Summer is going SO fast! I love all your Monday workout pics and also the front porch HIIT workout! That looks intense! I will have to try it, but in my garage or back porch!
    Great job on keeping up with the speedwork!

    1. The HIIT workouts are relatively new to me...they've been fun!

  28. I wish summer would keep going, I don't mind the heat :) Way better than winter running, seriously. I mean, I learned that the hard way, ha!

    Awesome week for you and love the arm sleeves! I'm surprised you need them though! You must run "cold" :)

    1. I hate seeing summer end ;-( The air is cool at 5:00...at least it feels cool to me. The sleeves are a better ((perfect)) option than wearing a long-sleeved top...I hate the underarm bulk LOL
