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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Runfessions...Can We Talk?

Don't you just love this time of the month?

A chance to bare your soles (see what I did there?) and chat about all things running (and otherwise) over coffee with friends. So what if we're not all seated together, around the same table in the same coffee bar, we still got each other's company. We all have our beverages of choice, and we all probably have plenty to say.

So, what's been on my mind mind recently? Glad you asked....

First of all, there's this thing with the weather. I realize I probably whine about Momma N relentlessly, but she is forever getting her seasons mixed up. I was quite content with most of her summer antics (because I LOVE all things summer), but she's really been a piece of work during this season we call "Autumn." September, at least in Iowa, was cooler than usual. Not autumn-like cool, but early winter-like cold. October was darn near frigid (umm...can you say snow?). We had maybe 10 pleasant days of true autumn-in-Iowa weather in the early part of November (and I gotta runfess that they were wonderful)...but now we're experiencing what feels like the dead of winter. Fortunately, we've had very little snow (and it all melted within a day), but the temps have pretty much been stuck in the low 30F's range and the wind has been brutal. Is it any wonder why I keep pining for my summer to return? Anyways, moving on...
Image may contain: 1 person
Yes, single digit feels-like temps
Let me just put this out there....I have been hanging with 'Milly almost every day this week. Remember her? She's my treadmill (and neither of us like the other). Also, remember what I just said about the weather? It's been so cold, that I have turned to 'Milly for my power walking endeavors (don't worry, all of my runs have still been happening outside). I gotta runfess, as much as I loathe running with 'Milly, I don't mind her company for fast-paced walking. One night, I set the incline on 3 and the speed on 4.7, and she nearly whooped my buttocks (literally).
walking with 'Milly
A recent revelation I had is that, most ironically, the cold weather doesn't feel quite so cold in the dark. On the mornings when I have been outside for my runs, I runfess the freezing cold temps have been pretty tolerable, even with the wind. Some of that is probably because I am actually running (as opposed to "just" walking). It's also early, and I'm just right out of bed LOL. I think another factor is that without any sunshine, I have ZERO expectations of warmth. Crazy, huh.
chillin' (but not too chilly) in the pre-dawn hours...
To streak or not to streak? That has been the question for me this week. I have done the Runner's World Winter Streak for the past five years (running at least one mile each day from Thanksgiving until New Year's Day). It's usually my last hurrah of the year because there's never much for races in my area this time of the season. That said, my heart has not been in it as much this year as in previous years. My body is still (a bit) in recovery mode from the marathon, so I have been keeping things low-key...which has made things a bit boring running-wise. Yadda Yadda Yadda. Wouldn't you know, Thursday morning I had the most amazing everything-feels-oh-so-good run! I gotta runfess, that run reinforced why I do this Streak each year. After three continuous days of easy-paced 1-milers, Thursday's 2-miler felt almost like an effortless tempo run. Of course, the temps were slightly warmer, and the wind was a no-show...but still.  That run actually felt quite fun...so I'm gonna continue my streaking for the time-being. Besides, I can stop at any time and the sun will still rise each day. Stay tuned.
Yes, I DO run for FUN (just not on the 'mill)!
Last of all, there's those November Goals that have kept me active. Although I have kept up with the goals on a daily basis, I have to runfess that I have modified them. Originally, I planned to do 50 daily push-ups, but this past week, I scaled that down to 30. I was hoping to do five total minutes of planking every day, but after the first 10 days or so, that reverted back to my regular 2:30 forearm plank most mornings. I have kept up with the leg lifts...100 each day (many days, 200). The stretching? Well, there has been stretching, but probably not as much as there should have been. But, I have continued dynamic stretching before each run, and I have added clam shells and bridge holds most evenings.

Whew, does that feel good! My sole(s) have been cleansed and I'm ready to move forward to December. Onward!

Your turn, anything on your mind that you'd like to share? Weather woes? Running outside or inside this time of year? Any fitness goals for the month that were met?

I'm linking up with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions 

Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday with Fairytales and Fitness link-up. 


  1. At this point I have given up trying to figure out what Momma N is going to throw at us next! I'm just grateful we hadn't had any real snow yet...but I know it's coming LOL! A good powerwalk with Milly sounds like a good choice on some of these frigid days. Good luck with your streaking!

    1. Good luck with your streaking, too! I know our snow will be arriving as well...although last year, we didn't have much snow at all in January. As cold as it was, a little bit of snow would have at least given us something to show for all of our suffering ;-)

  2. I'm giving Mother Nature a mulligan for November and holding out hope the rest of fall/winter will be mild.

    1. That's a great idea! The past couple of winters have been especially frigid and l.o.n.g.

  3. Not a fan of streaking. I really think rest days need to be just that, rest.

    1. I agree, which is precisely why I only do the streaking for a short period of time when I have nothing else going on.

  4. Oh the weather outside is frightful . . . seriously, November was just the pits. Quite frankly, all year long we just had mostly horrible weather. Not much we can do about that. I disagree about it being warmer when it's dark out . . . not that you'll usually find me out there when it is.

    Our weather this week actually wasn't TOO bad, but I've still been walking on the treadmill some. Just to get in some more steps at the end of the day, cause I realized (and this will be a blog post!) that I've been kind of slacking there.

    1. Well, the weather doesn't necessarily "feel" warmer in the dark, but I am better at accepting what it is. In the bright sunshine, when the wind is brutal, I somehow expect it to feel "warmer" LOL

  5. I walked on my treadmill twice this week as well. It was so windy and cold out there. I am ok running in it and but walking not so great. I also got to catch up on some tv shows so it was a win. Thanks for joining for coffee

    1. I don't mind walking outside, but sometimes it feels good to get sweaty in my tank and shorts (instead of all the layers) ;-)

  6. Not sure if I will do the streak this year. Last year I did it but I wasn't flying and traveling all the time with a crazy schedule! I just ran on the treadmill this morning and didnt mind it. Better than freezing my butt off outside.

    1. ha ha...glad you like the treadmill. Myself? I think I'd rather freeze off the butt LOL

  7. Due to the wind it was sooooo cold this week. I ran outside because my headphones broke and I was waiting for new ones. I didn't want to lift or run at the gym without my podcasts. When I run on the road, I can blast the podcast from my phone. Luckily, my headphones came yesterday afternoon so I got to workout in the warm gym this morning!

  8. I've given up on predicting the weather. My poor cat is having hairballs because she's shedding like crazy. First it gets cold because we're heading into winter, and then we warm up again, only to have snow hit during the weekend again. Just pick a season!

    1. Right! I may have given the impression (in previous posts) that I hate autumn...and the truth is, I dislike autumn when it feels more like winter. We didn't have much of a spring (because winter just lasted forever), and we were jipped out of autumn as well because winter came way too early.

  9. Hey, there is only so much time in the day, right? You get a LOT of fitness stuff done in a day! I am tired just from reading about all of your planking, running, leg lifts, pushups....Whew!

    1. Well, thanks ;-) I had a lot of "daily" stuff this month because I scaled back my running quite a bit. Some of those things will continue (albeit not everyday, but frequently). December my focus will be on the streaking (if I decide to do it the entire month, that is). I got nothing else going on (race-wise) until late January/February.

  10. We're having 30 degree temperature swings every few days. It looks like I'll get another 60F bike ride in tomorrow, so I won't complain too much. Sometimes it can be a few degrees warmer before dawn --- maybe a meteorologist can tell us why!

    1. It's nor so much that it feels warmer before dawn, but I can just accept it for what it is (instead of hoping for warmth, like what the sun would provide if it was daylight). There are times when I head out on a bright, sunshiny day and am surprised it's not warmer LOL

  11. I have done the run streak before and enjoyed it, as it has kept me on track! So, kudos to you for doing it again this year!!!

    1. This is the only time of the year I do it...it's my end of the year hurrah ;-)

  12. Well I'm currently in San Antonio where it's about 45-50 degrees warmer than it is back home in CT so I'm definitely struggling lol.

    While I love the ideas of run streaks, my body doesn't love them at all :( I try to do more of an "active streak" where I make sure do some sort of activity every day.

    1. I only do these run streaks this time of year for the same reason. Most Decembers (and Januarys), there is nothing on the calendar to train for, so the run streak is something to finish out the year on a (usually) strong note. Staying active every day is great!

  13. I miss summer (or even just early fall)! I don't wanna go back to the cold, haha.

    I'm getting slightly better about workout consistency again, which was a goal of mine, so there's that!

    1. I totally have been missing summer! I can tolerate the cold, especially when we at least have some snow (you know, something to validate the cold temps LOL), but it's been sorta miserable thus far....

  14. The weather is gradually getting colder here but not nearly as severe as you've faced! Honestly I do wish I had a treadmill at home to get through those tough days.

    I wish I could Runstreak...maybe I'll be healthy enough when it comes around after Memorial Day!

  15. Have a local friend who is similarly conflicted about the Streak. He's taken to tagging it #StoopidStreak on Strava, which makes me laugh

  16. I rarely run much anymore after my much appreciated cartilage implant in my ankle, although I did manage a 5K around Pine Lake cold turkey last summer. About this weather, yes, I agree, enough said. For what it is worth, a few years ago I learned to just embrace it. Bundle up, get out and do something in it while it's around. Whether it's running, or skiing, or what have you, if you make an effort to make the most of it it really is less depressing, although I admit I need to refill my vitamin D bottle. Another tip I found that works for me on these grey days is those goofy yellow glasses the hunting guys wear. Try it, greens are brighter, colors more vivid. I actually notice that I feel a little more chipper when I have them on. Well, it's back to the treadmill of shop work for me today, after another cup of coffee laced with real butter and coconut oil (try that too, essential oils for brain health). Happy winter and go make the most of it!
