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Thursday, January 3, 2019

January Coffee Chat

Happy New Year! Happy 2019!

There's plenty to chat about...shall we find a (virtual) table, and grab a (virtual) drink of choice?

First off, if we were chatting, I'd tell you about the run streak that carried me to a fun finish for 2018. This was my sixth year of doing a winter run streak, and this year it lasted 41 days ((I know, YIKES!)). I took things easy and kept most of the runs short, and finished the streak with 88 total miles (from Thanksgiving through New Years Day).
41 days of opting outside for my 6th winter run streak
I'd also share with you the irony that my new year began with the final run of that run streak. A group of locals (and myself) have been meeting up, on New Years Day, for the past few years to "run in the new year." Isn't that what runners do? We have a small lake that has a 1-mile trail around it, so we usually run three loops. The temps were cold this year, but we're Iowa tough...the few, the proud, the (not too) frozen. Besides, it was 20 degrees warmer this year than it was last year. We may have also celebrated with mimosas after the final mile.
And, my Iowa Hawkeyes were victorious in the Outback Bowl!
Next, I'd express my utter joy to be entering my REAL off-season. I consider the winter months (December-February) as my off-season, even though December has the daily running. Once January hits, though, the running gets scaled back even further and the strength-training and HIIT workouts re-enter the arena. The running will continue, but definitely not on a daily basis and (most definitely) not for very long distances. So far, I have already had two consecutive non-running days in 2019, and have ZERO guilt in not lacing up!
run, REST, repeat
If we were having coffee, I'd also chat about my January goals. I'm a big believer in monthly challenges because they're easy to commit to for the short term. For this month, in addition to my routine daily planking and leg lifts, I'm doing a few other daily exercises as well (as pictured below).
Anyone care to join me?
Another thing I'd share, if we were chatting over coffee, is my eagerness to try new (indoor) things. One of my sisters-in-law gave us her elliptical, and I have been experimenting on it. It didn't come with an owner's manual, so I'm pretty clueless on how all the settings work. Thus far, I'm not very impressed. I can feel a good cardio burn, no doubt, but I'm not convinced how accurate the "calories burned" or the "distance" readouts are. Stay tuned.....I'm hoping to learn to love it (or at least like it a little bit). It's definitely much quieter than 'Milly (and it probably needs a name!), and 20 minutes "elliptical-ing" go MUCH faster than "milling."
Suggestions for a name?
If we were gathered around a table, I'd also tell I'm sad to not be doing the Fight for Air Climb this year. I have done the Climb for the past five years, so it feels like I'm abandoning a long, lost friend. That said, it's not all bad, because I got in (via lottery) for the Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10-mile (Washington, DC), which is happening on the same day! Although I won't be climbing (officially) for the American Lung Association, I still will be utilizing the stairway for cardio and HIIT workouts. After all, stairs are like hills on steroids, so they provide a great supplement for running.
stepping UP!
Finally, I'd pass around a pic of my latest (non-running) guilty pleasure. In all honesty, I do not do a lot of online shopping, but these little babies popped up in an ad, and I was a total sucker. Aren't they cute?
Come to Momma.....
So, that's all for now. Just a few (or several) things I'd share if we all were enjoying a (virtual) coffee gathering. 

How about you? Anything you'd share, if you joined us? How was your New Year? Did you celebrate with a run? Any new goals or objectives for January, or for 2019? Recent spontaneous online purchase(s)?

Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday with Fairytales and Fitness link-up. 


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  1. I ran on New Year's Day - there was a parkrun at a park I've never visited before and I went with Claire, my off-road friend, her sister, and Mary Ellen from round the corner (she's from Chicago!). But I met up with my friend Joan, who I know via the fat-free rum cakes she makes, and two of her friends I didn't know who hadn't done parkrun before, and we run-walked round together and it was LOVELY! They were so chuffed to have done it, it was a real boost.

    Then I've been doing RED January but doing exercise every day, not running. So that run, on the 2nd I did 10 different dynamic and static stretches while getting up, yesterday I ran and coughed round the park, and today I've done the first of three batches of 20 situps, 20 squats, 20 heel drops. All good fun!

  2. I think CB is a great consolation prize. :)

    Usually my off season is also in winter, but every once in a while I tackle a winter race somewhere warm & boy do I look forward to that reward for all that cold training!

  3. Lately summer has been my off season for running with a focus on cycling and then winter has been an off season for cycling with more running. ;-) I definitely wouldn't trust miles or calorie data on an elliptical, but it can be a good low-impact cardio workout.

    1. I can see the cardio benefits to the elliptical, but I think it gives a big "false positive" on one's effort LOL

  4. Those booties are so cute!!!

    I did run on new year's day. It was spectacular! And then I broke my finger in the afternoon. Lol. I gotta say, that finger of mine is really putting a damper on my fitness life. So much for that CrossFit competition next month! Oh well, at least I can still run. :D

    1. Total bummer on that finger!!!!! I hope it wasn't on your dominant hand...

  5. I've only used the elliptical when injured and I haven't been impressed either. It feels easy. The fact that all the ellipticals are occupied at the gym while the treadmills are open confirms my suspicion. It's an "easier" workout, IMHO.

    1. IMHO, I concur. It feels really easy, but there is a substantial cardio/sweat thing going on...so it's doing something, right? I need to play around with the settings and see if there's a way to make it more of a challenge...still a #newbie

  6. What amazing running streak! Enjoy your off season

    1. The Streak is done, and I'm ready to enjoy some down time...for a short while LOL

  7. I vote to name the elliptical Ellie!

    Looks like you have a good plan going I to the winter months.

    1. Oooooh, I like that! I was thinking of Cali (as in, eliptiCAL), but I like Ellie better ;-)

  8. Wow as I always say, you are active and always looking for new challenges.

    Not so for me. Just run and run more and then run longer LOL

    I do think about adding yoga, the gym, some planks....maybe in 2019, I will actually do some of these.

    1. Yes, you should shake things up a little! It would help work ALL of your muscles and give your main running muscles a little break.

  9. Nice job on your run streak! I am in a maintenance mode right now until I start training for CB in February

    1. WOOT! I'm pretty much in maintenance mode, as well #twinning

  10. Our running club runs trails on New Year's Day too. What a muddy mess! Loved it!!! My January is actually pretty busy - racing-wise, and I like that. I had my layoff in November/December. Lucky you - running the Cherry Blossom. It's a really fun race. Have you ever done it before?

    1. This will be my first-ever running experience in DC...I'm really excited!!!!!

  11. Cute shoes!
    I love your strength training workouts because I've committed to at least one day's focus on strength training a week because I know it will help with the hills which I struggle on more than when I did MIle High Run Club more regularly.
    Also a proponent of monthly challenges because they help me not worry about an off day.

    I did a New Years run as well, playing a game of let's move the long run.

    1. A great option for at-home workouts, as you've probably seen, is the stairway. Seriously, if you can master (or at least get comfortable with) the stairs, hills won't be as treacherous.

    2. I do 64 stairs/day, but usually carrying too much stuff to make them a workout. I need to find time to do them again when not commuting. It's amazing when I carry a 20-30 lb laundry bag up them and can't imagine living here when I was heavier. I do the ferry stairs when I can, and will try to do those more as long as they stay snow free

  12. Oh those shoes are super cute! I love booties! I have two pairs and want more but I can't bring myself to do it because I truly don't need anymore.

    1. I didn't have any booties in this grey color, so it didn't take me long to hit "process payment" LOL

  13. Such cute booties!

    I've tried using the elliptical off and on at the gym, but my knees don't like the motion. I'm better off on an Arc Trainer or bike.

    I'm already feeling FOMO ove Cherry Blossom!

    1. I can really see where the elliptical can mess up one's knees! My knees turn inward (slightly), and sometimes the forward/backward motion feels funky depending on how my feet are placed.

  14. Oh, I can't wait to hear all about Cherry Blossom! That one is so very much on my bucket list!

    Girl, it gets cold there!!!! We are expecting a cold front this weekend, but if it gets in the low 40s, that will be a surprise. You are awesome for being able to get out there!

    Super cute booties!

    1. I simply get outside because I cannot stand to be cooped inside LOL

  15. First off, congrats on your run streak! Super awesome accomplishment.
    Congrats on getting into the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler! That should be great. It's a race on my bucket list. I also got in a run on New Year's Day. It's been an annual tradition the last few years.

    1. Apparently, my log-in didn't go through. That was me!

    2. I love running on New Years Day! It just feels like a perfect start to the new year!

  16. Before I started running I actually had an elliptical at home! I loved it to be honest because I could use the settings to amp up the training if I wanted to. I also would listen to some high-energy music while on it. I kept it even after I moved in with Ron but it started to become more of a clothes rack than anything else... I think it's hard to get used to after knowing what exertion feels like on a good/hard run. As long as you feel like you are working out (and we can see the sweat in your selfie *wink* ) I think you are doing it right Ron has the same issue with spin class - he feels he has to push even harder than normal to feel like he's doing something ... then he gets leg cramps! So it's really about getting used to the new activity I think!

    I didn't run between New Year's Even (my last race) and yesterday's training! And I didn't feel guilty about it either, only a twinge here and there from all the miles people where already putting in since new year's day!

    I'm actually going to NOT do any online purchases for a few months - that's my intention anyway! I do love those booties though! I promised myself no new InknBurn or Procompression for at least 6 months and trying to keep the rest at bay until then as well.

    1. I agree...it feels like I'm not really working that hard on the elliptical, but there is plenty of sweat happening!

  17. Have you ever done the Cherry Blossom race before?! It's a total bucket list race for me and I definitely want to run it at some point. The pics always look amazing!

    No specific goals for 2019, but I did choose a word of the year again, and this year I went with intentional :)

  18. I feel like winter is a really, really great time to have an off-season, hehehe. I tend to try to do mostly indoor workouts around this time of year!

    Best of luck to you on your goals! I need to do more planking!!

    1. Yes, drop to the floor and assume the position! Planks are great! ;-)

  19. You always amaze me with your perseverance through the Iowa winter months...as well as your stair workouts! My husband likes the elliptical, but I am not a fan (though admittedly, I've never given it that much of a chance). I say you call her Ellie...Elle if you decide you like her!

    1. I think Ellie will stick for a name LOL I am gonna give her a few more chances; I know there are a lot of bells and whistles I have not mastered with her, and I need to download an owner's manual for some guidance

  20. Have you Googled in hopes of finding your elliptical's owner manual online? It's worth a try.

    Those boots are cute! I have some that are very similar and they go with so many things.

    1. No I have not googled for an owner's manual (yet), but I plan to. I know this is not a bad workout apparatus, I just need to have some time to figure it out LOL (though I still prefer running!)
