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Sunday, January 27, 2019

Take that, Winter!

Take that, Winter!

I may not be a fan of the sub-ZERO temps (and snow, ice and wind) you've been throwing my way, but I refuse to be all gloom and doom about it. After all, I believe if I can find humor and gratitude in my circumstances, there will always be something to make me smile.

Such was the case this week...

I never miss a Monday...even if I have to keep it inside. It had been a long time since I've had to do my ritual Monday run with Milly, but Momma N had other plans this week. Desperate times, right? Seriously, though, even I know when the great outdoors are a bit too extreme and I am grateful to have an indoor option available. A half mile power walk (warm-up), two miles of running and another half mile power walk (cool-down) netted me some major sweat equity. All was well.
Hello again, Milly...

Try-It Tuesday
The day started with 30 minutes on the elliptical. I did some experimenting with Ellie, and incorporated some 3-minute intervals of "back-pedaling" into the workout. There also may have been some burpees and planking before I headed off to work.

Double Workout Wednesday
We received a major snow dumping Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning. The morning began with a series of 20's...20 minutes on the elliptical, 20 push-ups, 20 flights of stairs and 20 burpees. That was followed by a good 35+ minutes of heavy-duty snow shoveling. What can I say? When the hubby is away, the shovel and I play. With all that cardio (and cold outdoor air), I didn't need any caffeine to wake up my body or mind.
workout #1 of the day...
Later, I shoveled while home for lunch, and (again) after work. We have a snow blower, but it's the hubby's toy (and I have no interest in learning how to work it). So, all told, I had over two hours of Chief Snow Removal Technician duties....lots of pushing, dragging, squatting, lifting, twisting and power (snow) thrusting & throwing. Jokingly, I deemed it my own version of a driveway crossfit workout. Suffice it to say my legs, core, arms and back all felt maxed out when I called it a day. You gotta laugh about these things, my friends, and maybe the sun will shine a bit brighter in your world. I know it works for me.
giving the snow the ol' heave-ho

Thursday's new #5at5
The weather still was not playing nice - frigidly cold temps and dangerously icy. So not worth it, especially in the dark, early morning hours...so I headed to the mudroom and beckoned Milly. Final score...Milly-1; Kim-5! That's right, you saw it here first...my first-ever #5at5 (five miles at 05:00) with Milly. Even I can't believe it happened. I've done a lot of 5-milers with Milly, but never at this early hour. Oddly, it actually felt a bit empowering.

Frigid Friday
You guessed it, another day inside. I did a quick 20 minutes on the elliptical and some stretching. And that's all she wrote.

More of the same on Saturday
Single digit temps (again!) and sub-ZERO windchill (again)! I had hoped to venture out for a 5K race, but it had been cancelled (due to the weather). So...oops, I did it again--> 5 miles with Milly (just like Thursday, only a few hours later), a pre-run manicure (just like last Saturday) and a post-run ViCtOrY selfie (outside, because I had been staring at the falling snow for for the entirety of my run with Milly and felt the need to "experience it" in the flesh). Granted, I had to make it a progressive run, and up the speed every 1/2 mile, but it got the job done. As much as I detest running on the treadmill, I am grateful to have it as an option. Besides, it's excellent #badazz mental training for me. And that brief moment outside felt kind of refreshing amidst all the sweat encompassing my body. Glass half full, indeed.

Stuck inside Sunday
The temps were still frigidly cold (-5F) and icy outside, so I stayed inside (again LOL). I'm glad I have options. As much as I'd rather be outside, even I have no business navigating the extreme cold or ice, which would be a face-plant just waiting to happen. Besides, my phone's battery lasts about 10 minutes when the temps are this crazy, so I wouldn't have that safety net if said face-plant actually would happen. Anyways, 30 minutes of intervals with Ellie suited me just fine before heading to church. Glass half full, again.

So, how's that for a polar-opposite week (quite literally) in terms of keeping things inside? I didn't get outside for any fitness, other than Wednesday's 2+ hours of snow removal. I did manage a pretty consistent week in terms of moving and grooving....12 miles for running (all of them with Milly), 1.5 miles walking (also with Milly) and 12-ish miles on the elliptical. There also were several push-ups, burpees, leg lifts and all kinds of planking. I'm good with that. Guess what? We have even colder temps headed our way this next week. Windchill is forecast to be 40F-50F BELOW ZERO, so I will most likely be inside (again). Maybe I'll write a new HIIT workout, just to shake things up a bit (and give my cabin fever something to look forward to). Stay tuned.

In case you missed them, here's the posts from the past week:
Hello Winter!
Switching Gears...Say Hello to Ellie
None the less, Let me Runfess

In other news:
Did you catch my Friday Fashion Flair post (on Insta)?  Since I sit at the reception desk at work (right alongside an outer wall, none the less), there's a constant draft every time the main door opens. Hence, I'm always cold. This week's featured fashion item was my hand-knitted wrist warmers. Not only is the red color bright and funky, but these babies keep my hands warm while allowing me to actually use my hands on the computer.

 Finally, in light of all the icky weather as of late, this pic popped up on my Facebook timeline this week. Ironic? When I went through my extensive surgery recovery in 2017, a lot of things became crystal clear to me. My situation was not anything I could have ever imagined experiencing, yet there I was, side-lined from my favorite sport during my favorite season. I probably annoyed a lot of people with my glass-half-full perspective, especially during what could have been a very dark and depressing time. No, it was not a perfect summer for me, but it also could have been far worse. By focusing on the things I could do (lots and lots of walking to maintain my endurance), instead of throwing a lavish pity party (because I was not able to run), I came out ahead. In fact, I think my attitude and "big picture" perspective made me a better person, and my running came back stronger than it had been in recent years. So, even though our recent weather has been kind of evil, it too shall pass. And I will cherish the opportunity when I can get back outside safely. Just think...30F will feel like a major heat wave!

Anyways, enough about me!

Has winter been a bit of a nuisance in your area? Have you been able to get outside, or have you been hibernating inside, like me? Ever stepped outside, on a frigidly cold day, in shorts and a tank...just for kicks (or a selfie)?

 I'm linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly WrapThis weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us!

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  1. Wow! Between the crazy cold temps and snow, it's been quite a "Winter" week for you! I like that you were able to adjust accordingly and get in tons of great indoor workouts. I'm sure that Millie and Ellie appreciate all the love you have shown them this week too :)

    I hope you find a good home for the Pro Compression sleeves :)

    1. As much as I'd rather be outside, I'm making do. It's gonna feel like such a heat wave when the temps finally rise above freezing, I may be running in a tank and shorts outside!

  2. I have definitely never stepped outside for a frigid selfie. Oh no. I would immediately turn into a red-headed popsicle and all my digits would fall off as soon as I started to thaw. #raynaudsproblems But, totally #badazz on your part! *high five!*

    I am with you on the "glass half full" business. After my knee surgery in 2017 (twinsies!), I was the same. Crutches and no weight-bearing for 6 weeks and then, 6 more weeks with the brace and loads and loads of PT. It was all good though because I was putting in the work at PT, doing what I could when I could, laughing at all the nonsense and how difficult some things were, and knowing that I would be fine however everything healed. Pretty sure that's a big part of why my recovery went so well and I was able to do that 50k last year.

    1. I had forgotten about your knee surgery and recovery. Yes, it was a tough time for me (in that I couldn't run), but it really was a valuable learning experience. I do not take any run for granted...even the mucho sweaty ones on the treadmill (and there's been FOUR of them in the past nine days LOL). The outdoor selfie was such a spontaneous thing, I'm tempted to do it again just to spite Old Man Winter ;-)

  3. Glad you're finding enjoyment in our cold weather! I do have to call foul on you comparing shoveling to CrossFit. I don't think you've ever done CF and if you had, I don't think you'd make that comparison. Just call it a good workout and leave it at that!

    1. Well, as I stated above, I was joking in reference to my driveway-shoveling workout being "my own version" of CrossFit, and a bunch of us all got a good laugh over it. I was not trying to infer it was the real thing. This extreme winter weather is tough, a little bit of laughter makes it more bearable ;-)

  4. Congrats on the 5 on the treadmill! These temps aren't safe for running, no matter how well dressed...It's great that you have other options to keep up the fitness, way to go!

    1. Thanks! I know a 5-miler on the 'mill is not a big deal for some people, but it feels (almost) like a marathon to me LOL Ironically, these treadmill runs have gone far better than I anticipated (not that I'm hoping they continue indefinitely). It's gonna be great when this cold stuff moves out!

  5. I'm glad you had quality time with Milly and Ellie this week! I once ran on the TM every day at lunch and outside only on the weekends. It wasn't that bad. As I'm sure you can appreciate, I did what I had to at that time in my life (little kids) to get my runs in. My phone battery dies immediately in just 40 degrees. I think I need a new phone! Thanks for linking!

    1. I sure can appreciate your treadmill running! I wasn't a runner back in the days of little kids, so I would have been doing the same as you. Knock wood, these recent TM runs have not been that bad. I just wish the ice would magically disappear....

  6. I am really sorry you have had such nasty weather. Ours hasn't been fun, but at least I was able to get my long run in outside! Next weekend will be a challenge, also a polar vortex bearing down on us, but I'm hopeful I can still eek out that long run outside.

    Of course now we're heading into February, which is typically the worst month of the Winter! It just makes us tougher, right?

    1. Our winter has not been that bad until just this past week or so, and it's definitely making up for lost time. Oh well, it is January and I choose to live in Iowa LOL Winter was bound to show up eventually.

  7. I also would rather shovel than use the snow blower. It's just a big production. Wow it 's crazy crazy cold there!

    1. Someone once told me to NOT ask (or learn) to use the grill or lawnmower LOL I think the snow blower should also be added to that list ;-) I agree, it looks like a big production hauling it out of the garage. I'd rather do a little bit of sweating and physical labor and have something to show for it.

  8. It was so cold that I gave the treadmill a shot but it failed. Back outside for me.

    1. Ironically, the treadmill has not been too bad this winter.....hoping after this next week, I won't have to rely on it as much.

  9. That was a week of a lot of great indoor workouts! I am a big fan of my treadmill, so I don't mind not going outside one bit. I'd much rather do that than risk a fall!

    1. I'm not much of a treadmill gal, but I am NOT a fan of falling on the ice in crazy cold temps, either ;-) Thankfully, the 'mill hasn't been too ugly...yet...

  10. Whatever it takes! With windchills like that, what's the point? I love that you got creative in your indoor workouts and even felt empowered by your 5 @ 5 with millie! :)

    1. I felt really empowered by that 5@5 with Milly! I think it was a combination of the early hour, the major sweating that happened, and that I sustained an entire 5-mile excursion with her LOL I'm probably gonna have a repeat performance this week as well...

  11. If we had a snow blower, I would be all over it! I love garden tools (especially big noisy ones) and once asked for and got a John Deer lawn mower for Mother's Day! ;-) With that being said, I do like the workout shoveling snow gives me, so good for you for getting three workouts in one day!

    1. It had been a long time since I'd done that much shoveling all in one day. I really could appreciate the full-body workout it gave me.

  12. I could use some of those wrist warmers this coming week. I'm afraid I';ll be stuck on the treadmill most days too.

    1. My treadmill run count is now at FIVE continuous runs LOL With probably at least another one on tap for Wednesday or Thursday before we get our much-anticipated warm-up on Friday/Saturday.

  13. Our cold doesn't compare to yours, but it still was cold! I love compression socks but just don't need anymore right now!

    1. This recent cold spell is pretty extreme....hoping once it clears (in a few days), we don't get those extreme temps again!

  14. Winter really turned on us these past few weeks, didn't it? Way to keep moving and grooving. Foul weather just makes us more creative! Gosh doesn't even 20 degrees sound divine about now?

    1. Winter definitely did a rather wicked 180! Yes, I'm maxing out all of my creativity in regards to indoor fitness....but it's kind of a fun challenge ;-)

  15. I love your outdoor victory photo. It makes me smile. You definitely are making the best of a bad (cold) situation! Rock on!

    1. Thanks, Debbie! That outdoor pic was so spontaneous...but, as you know from the creative pics you post, those are usually the best ones because they're not staged (much).

  16. It sounds like a hard Winter week for you! That's great that you were able to take advantage of your indoor options and stay positive :)

    1. I'm thankful to have a few indoor options to keep me entertained ;-)

  17. I see you upped your BadAzz level even higher than last week!!! way to go!! I cannot imagine how cold it is there - I thought it was freezing HERE last week and didn't want to go anywhere!

    you're glass-half-full attitude inspires me. every time I get a little bit too down or negative I think about how you always make the best of a situation, no matter what and I turn it around.

    1. Thanks, Renee, that means a lot! I get annoyed with all the whining I see on social media....I realize it does allow one to release their frustrations, but it usually invites MORE whining from others and negativity. I believe there is something good that can be found in every "bad" situation, and it's so rewarding when we find it!

  18. I do so love your positive attitude! Great job logging all that time with Milly!

    1. ha ha, I'm sure Milly is ready to kick me to the curb with all the perspiration I've been sharing with her.

  19. We are speaking the same language when it comes to trying to stay positive through the harsh winter months!! I love that you call your treadmill "Milly!" and that you logged a lot of miles on the old girl this past week. I think the weather you had is coming to the east coast so I will be on my "Milly" mid-week :-)

    1. ha ha ha, I LOVE that you referred her to as "the old girl" LOL She is about 17 years old, and can be quite an uncooperative brat at times ;-) I thought your post echoed a lot of what mine said....we just have to enjoy winter for what it is and be willing to find indoor options if it's too extreme outside.

  20. I'm over winter! I love that you keep at it though. And every time you post about running stairs I think I should to and then I forget about that option.

    1. Even though I consider winter my off-season, I refuse to sit idle LOL I run less, but I try to find other things to keep me active, which enhances my running when I get back on a training plan.

  21. I love your pictures outside in the falling snow! That's magnificent! And you look so incredibly strong!

    I know I can't compare to your weather, but for us, it's been incredibly cold and hard for me to get outside. Ihaven't been feeling great since I got home, and the idea of having to be out in 35 degrees tomorrow morning fills me with dread. It is what it is, though.

    Love the fingerless gloves! I have a few of those to keep my hands warm in cold and air conditioning. Cute and functional!

    1. The pic in the snow was a fun, spontaneous act of rebellion LOL If I didn't do so many of my runs in the dark (even on Milly), I'd be tempted to take a pic outside after each one, just for fun. Well....hold that thought... ;-)

  22. We usually get a week or so of those -40 temps, but they haven't made it here this winter. Sorry you got them instead!

    As a fellow treadmill hater, I have to say 5 miles - twice - counts as quite the accomplishment! I think I made it to 4.5 once....

    1. I think I might have made it to 6, just once if at all, but I honestly cannot remember for sure LOL Five miles has been my max (thus far)....and it may happen again this week...

  23. That stretch from your Friday looks like one I should try. Love the pic of you in shorts shaking your fist at Old Jack Frost! :)
