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Thursday, February 28, 2019

Let's March Onward!

All good things must come to an end.

Too bad that isn't the case for winter....in terms of it being good, that is. As far as it ending, though, I am over-the-moon ecstatic. With the record-breaking low temps, non-stop wind, and ever-present ice, I have been stuck inside far more than ever before.

But, alas, Spring isn't too far away. We made it through the winter solstice, the days are markedly longer (and brighter), and there's all sorts of great things on the horizon. Shall we gather and chat about it? You grab your coffee (or tea) of choice, and I'll grab mine.

Here's what I'd share, if we were having coffee.....

First of all, in less than three weeks, Spring will officially be here. Can I get an amen? This winter has been the coldest and the craziest one I can remember. It's always cold in Iowa during the winter season, but usually there are intermittent periods of slight warming...you know, temps at or above freezing. Not this year. If it hasn't been snowing, the wind has been blowing (often at the same time, though).
C'mon Spring, I'm ready for you
Second, I cannot express how great it will be to (finally) be able to get back outside for all (if not most) of my runs. Although Milly has served me well, often times I resent my runs with her. Truth be told, I have run on the treadmill more in 2019  than I have in the past 13 years. I'm thankful to have an indoor option for running, but it does not even come close to mimicking an outdoor run. My body (and mind) crave the variation of terrain, the change of scenery and the feel of fresh air on my skin.
I gotta get out of this place!
I'd also share that I'm excited for our Spring Break trip to Florida, exactly a month from now. We're headed to the Tampa area, and I have my eye on a few potential races happening while we're on Florida soil. It'll also be nice to go for walks without needing to bundle up in multiple layers. Florida is the sunshine state, and I plan to soak it in while there.
Spring Break last year.....
March is gonna kick start my spring racing schedule. After a rather dismal winter season (Jingle Bell Run 5K in early December than nothing until the FreezeFest 5K, Feb. 16th), it will be fun to see what these legs can do after all of the treadmill training they've endured. I have the Leprechaun Chase 10K (on the 9th in Des Moines), the Chocoholic Frolic 10K (on the 30th in Iowa City), the Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10-Mile (on April 7th in Washington DC), and the Drake Relays Road Races Half Marathon (on April 20th in Des Moines) as well as a return to the Grand Blue Mile (April 23, also in Des Moines). The Florida races I'm looking at are also 10K's...so with the possibility of three 10K races in March, I do hope to run each consecutive one faster than the previous ones.  We'll see how that strategy plays out.


And, finally, some exciting news on the blog front....I'm teaming up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner) to host the Weekly Run Down link-up. If you have a fitness-based blog, we'd love to have you join us! We'll open the link-up at 1:00 on Sundays, and it will remain open through Monday each week. Share your weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights or race recaps with us!

So, yeah, this summer-loving gal is ready to give Winter the boot (#badpun). A lot of  friends keep reminding me that in a few months we'll be complaining about the heat...well, not this gal.

Anyways, let's march onward and get this soon-to-be-spring party started! 

How do you feel about the new month? Anything exciting on your calendar? Spring training for summer races? Any Spring Break travels on the roster? 

Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday with Fairytales and Fitness link-up. 


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  1. Your Spring race calendar looks great - you've got some awesome races on there, especially the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler.

    Looking forward to joining the Weekly Run Down link up on Sunday. Thanks so much for taking over for the Weekly Wrap!

    1. Thanks, Kim ;-) I'm excited for Spring; winter has really done a number on my tolerance for all things cold.

  2. Well, spring is bringing good things your way

  3. You have a great spring lined up with so many races and travels. Spring will be here before you know it! Looking forward to our new linkup

  4. I am hoping that this month is better than last.

    So far weather-wise, it is NOT. Cold and snowy!

    I was looking forward to the nYC half on Mar 17 but now I wish I hadn't committed to it. I hate injuries!

    You have a great list of upcoming races. Good luck.

    1. Our weather is not looking very spring-like this weekend....

  5. You have so many great races coming up! I need to get some on my calendar! I need to get my butt in gear! I hope that spring decideds to make an appearance early in NH but not so sure that's too likely. It has just been so cold and snowy!

    1. Winter in Iowa has really been extreme this year. I'm glad I have some races to look forward to

  6. Wow! You have a lot on your spring schedule! Nice!!! My spring racing schedule looks a little meager right now. I was afraid to sign up for any races due to my injury, but I am well on the road to recovery, so I am stalking the race websites.

    Have fun on your trip to Tampa! Sounds exciting!

    1. We're excited to get out of Iowa...even if we have to wait another month to do so.

  7. Whee! As I just said to Deborah I'm so glad you two are picking up the weekly wrap. I'm going to blame you if we get a late March winter - last year we had a snow day on the first day of spring or perhaps the day before. Bananas
    Not needing to layer to get out the door was the best thing about my Florida trips even though the first two were unseasonably cool. Winter is so hard to get out the door even in terms of time, not lack of motivation

    1. I love Florida, but it's tricky this time of year. Hopefully by the time we get there, the temps will be optimal ;-)

  8. Your spring schedule is busy but fun. I am with you on the I need OUTSIDE running, STAT. Let's hope you can bring some of that nice Tampa weather to the Midwest :)

    1. I swear...winter has not softened me, I have simply been forced to stay inside this year. And I'm needing to be outside....pronto!!

  9. Your spring schedule has inspired me look up some local events get get some races booked in!

  10. Your spring schedule has inspired me to look up some local events and get some races booked in!

    1. I love having some races on my schedule...especially this time of year.

  11. A spring break trip to Florida sounds perfect right about now! You have a lot of great races coming up. Can't wait for CUCB!!!!! I'm so glad you and Deborah picked up a weekly link up. Thanks for stepping in!

  12. so excited about your spring race schedule!!! FINALLY time to get out there and RACE! and yay for the upcoming vacation! definitely will be fun to hear if you end up doing a race while you are there. and SO HAPPY you and Deborah are doing a new wrap up thread! I think many of us are so glad that we can continue with a new name and new hosts (though we loved the old ones :) )

    as you know I am having surgery in just 24 days so... 3 races starting this Sunday for me and prepping mentally and physically for recovery time coming up. With a bit of luck and good preparation, I'll be able to run/walk the 5K at Liverpool. Of course NOT doing anything I'm not cleared to do so we'll just have to see.

    1. Good luck with your upcoming races, and all that preparation for the surgery. Although my surgery was so urgent, in retrospect I'm glad for that because I didn't have any time to worry or think about it. Fingers crossed all goes well for you <3

  13. Hahaha -- when you said all good things must come to an end I about spit out my water! Because winter is super... ugh... I'm just OVER it...

    1. Yeah, I'm SOOO over winter, too. I can usually handle winter...snow and ice and wind, but this year it's been way too extreme. It needs to be ushered to the door!

  14. I am so ready for spring to get here. I feel like my runs have been on the back burner because it's so darn cold out. I am thankful when I have overnights down south I can catch up on my runs.

    1. I have never had to run on the treadmill as much as I have done this winter. UGH. I think I ran on the 'mill maybe four times all winter last year, and I'm already at 15 (just since January 19th...not sure why I keep remembering that date or why I am keeping count LOL)

  15. You've got a busy spring planned - looks like fun! I don't have anything on the calendar until the very end of April.

    So happy that you and Deborah are picking up the Weekly Wrap link-up!

    1. I didn't realize just how much I had on the calendar until I started listing everything by date....#oops ;-)

  16. Alas, my trip to Savannah was not filled with sunshine, but it was filled with fun. And the sun tends to come out on very cold days here!

    I actually do not have a single race on my calendar. I'm sure I'll do some local races, and I hope that I can get in one more half this year -- but for now, it's time for other things.

    1. I do believe fun trumps sun...though sun is definitely a bonus ;-)

  17. I'm heading to Florida in 10 days and I cannot wait. Still on the fence about a race, tho...

    1. My trip is actually in three weeks....guess I'm so done with the cold weather I can't even think straight on the time frame. Hoping the Florida weather serves us well!!

  18. I love your Spring race schedule, it sounds like some fun events are planned! I am so ready to be running outside again...winter has really been hard this year in Maine!!

  19. I live in Tampa so I especially hope you have an amazing time here!!

  20. A new link-up, brilliant. I've just got to work out what time that is here, and I've rushed off to find confessions of a mother runner who I don't seem to follow. Great photos as ever and fingers crossed for more outdoor time!

    1. Yes, if you want to cross your fingers, too, I'd appreciate that! I'm ready for some outdoor time ;-)

  21. I think too many of us have had to spend more time than we'd like indoors this winter. Here, it hasn't been too cold to run at 5 AM, but too cold for me to walk or bike outside, and since I couldn't run... You've been a beast this winter with your workouts!

    I'm so happy you and Deborah are continuing with the Sunday linkup!

    1. Yes, it's much colder walking than it is running! When I was recovering from my surgery and couldn't run, I'd mention dressing warm for the cooler morning temps (in early fall) and so many people were "those are perfect temps for running" LOL

  22. You have really been getting the worst of winter! I can't wait for it be over for all of our sake!

    You've got lots of exciting races coming up, can't wait to hear how they go! And I hope you have a great time in Florida...I'm definitely jealous!

    So glad you ladies are linking up, I'm looking forward to participating!
