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Monday, March 18, 2019

A Few Basic Necessities

Let's hit the road!

Believe me, there's no place I'd rather be. After a rather extreme winter (well, at least the past two months), I'm glad to kiss Miss Milly good-bye and head back outside.

Anyways, do you have some favorite must-have's for running?

Here's a handful of mine....

The right shoes (duh!)
Obviously, we all need proper running shoes, but I also take it a step further (no pun intended) and use different shoes for different runs. I have my 'newer" shoes, which I usually reserve for the longer runs (5-6 miles or more). I have a few "older" pairs that are a bit past their prime, but are still in good condition. Those I wear for some of my shorter runs (anything less than 3 miles, when I know I won't be in motion for too long). I also sometimes wear those for speed work, since those runs don't usually involve a lot of distance.

Music? (Yes and no)
Truth be told, I'm getting so I don't take my Ipod with me for all of my runs anymore. If I'm doing a long run, solo, I'll bring it along. A lot of my long runs, though, are usually with a friend...and I'd much rather be chatting than losing myself in music. I do a lot of 2-4 mile runs, on my own, and for that short of distance, I honestly don't have a preference. It's kind of a nice change not being dependent on music every time I lace up my running shoes. I do appreciate having it for my treadmill runs, though (because those are so b.o.r.i.n.g.).

The Garmin...(not always)
I have never been much of an on-going stat gal. Just not my gig. I do appreciate having the Garmin with me, though, to monitor my distance if I'm on a new or unfamiliar route. Similar to the music, I often times leave the Garmin at home for my shorter runs, usually because I already know the distance. I'm usually not concerned with my pace unless I'm doing a specific speed drill (or am racing).

Sunglasses (almost always)
I have sensitive eyes, and the outdoor brightness almost always makes me squint. I also have extremely dry skin, so I'm prone to wrinkles...in other words, I see no reason to expedite the aging process by unnecessarily squinting more than I need to. I sometimes wear my sunglasses on cloudy and/or rainy days because they can act like windshield.

Lipstick (a basic necessity!)
Along with my dry skin, there's my dry lips. Yes, I know there's lip balm available, but if I'm gonna smear something on my lips to keep them moist anyways, why not add a bit of color and/or shimmer? That's my theory and I'm sticking with it.

Jewelry (why not?)
I'm a sentimental gal. I have several necklaces that were either given to me from special friends or my hubby. I almost always have at least one adorning my neck, especially on race day, but usually for just routine living. I seldom ever leave the house without earrings either. And, it's a given my wedding ring will always be with me.

Now, I did leave a few obvious things out, like clothing (preferably moisture-wicking) and water/fuel. I usually have my phone with me as well. Believe me, these are necessary must-haves, but I didn't think they really needed any special mention for this particular post.

How about YOU? Do you have any special running must-haves? Are any of them on  my list?
I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

**I'm also linking this with Debbie and Rachel and Marc and Lora for the Running Coaches' Corner
Running Coaches Corner Logo
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  1. I never wear jewelry on the run. The momentum wraps are the closest I get.

    My lips don’t generally get dry, but I use lipstick with SPF in it.

    No music. Gave it up like 4 years ago. Maybe I should go back to it for the ends of races where I run out of steam, but nah, just one more thing to juggle/charge.

    1. Well, my music is via my little Shuffle, so it just clips on my waist or shirt hem. For me, it's an easy fix and not the least bit cumbersome (unlike a phone in an arm band would be). Running the Chicago RnR 13.1 without music proved (to me) I can do it without if need be.

  2. We use a lot of the same items (surprise, surprise lol). I don't wear any jewelry on the run, except for sometimes I will wear a momentum jewelry wrap.

    1. ...and I don't have any Momentum wraps (I'm late to the party on that).

  3. I always wear jewelry cuz I always wear jewelry. I wear lipstick with SPF because I feel naked without it.

    Otherwise, it's a HAT (never a headband, compression calf sleeves and I always carry my phone, wear my apple watch and Garmin for racxes.

    For races, I do wear my belt because I attach my bib to it.

    I wear a skirt or capris/tights with pockets which allows me to carry my car key, gels, tissues, etc.

    1. I totally feel naked and not myself if I don't have lipstick. I don't go all bright and obnoxious with color on my lips, but just a little "something" serves me well ;-)

  4. I know a lot of runners run with sunglasses. I don't. But maybe I should? I just don't like anything "on" my face when I run. LOL

    1. The sunglasses don't bother me, but I know they do a lot of other people.

  5. Interesting about the jewelry! I've worn momentum wraps and shoe charms but no other jewelry when I run, even my wedding ring. My hands swell sometimes on the run so the ring gets uncomfortable :(

    1. I don't wear a ton of jewelry when I run (or workout), but just a few pieces. For me, it just feels like the norm.

  6. For sure my watch and music. There was a time in which I would always run with music and then stopped because I was a pacer for a local running group and couldn't wear headphones. I got used to it. Now I run by my house and "need" to listen to music.

    Definitely the shoes too! :-)

    1. It took me a long time to shake the music addiction. I think I started going without it when I was recovering from my surgery and couldn't run. I walked everyday, though, and just kept the music at home and realized it was nice to have the sounds of nature to listen to (of course, this was in the early morning hours, when there were birds galore LOL).

  7. Always have along my phone in case of emergency and definitely for the selfies :) I pretty much have my run crew along too 99% of the time

    1. Oh yes, I didn't even think to mention the selfies....those are necessary! ;-)

  8. I am with you on the sunglasses. As I get older my eyes are sensitive too. Hubby and I went for a run earlier this week and I forgot my sunglasses. Ugh! I felt like I was squinting the whole time.

    1. I cannot stand squinting! It really hurts my eyes and gives me a headache because I feel so blinded...

  9. I haven't historically run with music but I have been toying around with the idea as I think it will help improve my speed. I've also been listening to podcasts on my treadmill run, so I might give that a wing outdoors as well. I always have my phone, and when running solo I carry a kubaton and loud whistle.

    1. I have (almost) always run with music, inside and outside. I had always thought I needed it, but I'm kind of glad to discover I can get along without it if need be.

  10. Always glamorous! Bra, running glasses (with reactolite lenses), garmin, fuel. No jewellery apart from my wedding ring and, if I'm doing something challenging, a wristband from the 401 Marathons project. Liz Dexter

    1. You have a lot of good (necessary) items on your list ;-)

  11. I've always love that you run in lipstick. I actually don't even wear it when I'm not running! I usually listen to a book when I run, but not when I'm running with friends (duh!). I do bring my headphones when I run with my hubby though, since he has a tendancy to run ahead of me!

    1. Well, I wear lipstick all the time, so why not wear it for running? ;-) My lips are horribly dry, so they need some moisture anyways.

  12. I always run with my garmin! Gotta know the time and distance! I often run with my phone too.

    1. I am usually more concerned with my distance (as opposed to time), but I do appreciate the info to reference after a run.

  13. sunglasses YES, also very sensitive eyes. watch, for sure but don't always look at it. On important races maybe a momentum wrap and I used to wear a necklace that said "my race, my pace" until the chain broke. Music - not really. I find I just don't really need it anymore. Sometimes I have it available for a marathon at the end when I may need it to get through the last hour. definitely my phone. and if it's chilly out I'll have a buff around my neck and possibly gloves.

    1. I think sunglasses are so important! Our eyes need that protection ;-)

  14. Yes with the lipstick! I usually wear lipstick all day so I end up running with it too. I really like it. I've also taken to wearing my Qalo silicon ring too!

    1. ha! Great to have another lipstick warrior to (virtually) fist bump ;-)

  15. I definitely prefer running with music although trying not to get too dependant on it as I'm finding more events are banning headphones.

  16. I typically have chapstick and kleenex, and always carry my cell phone. The other thing I use is a sun visor...rain or shine, as it keeps the sweat out of my eyes!!

    1. I love a visor for the same reason...keeping the stuff out of my eyes is crucial

  17. Ah, this is a good post. I should do one of these in the near future! I'm a big sunglasses wearer too :)

    1. Sunglasses are such an easy accessory, and so practical.

  18. I have not been a consistent runner in a while, but I do have a few things with me for walks and other workouts!
    My phone for music (especially if I am teaching), my apple watch to control my music while teaching, supportive shoes, comfy clothes and sunglasses if I am outside!

  19. I am not at all a girly girl, but mom got me an "enjoy the journey" mantra band bangle and I haven't taken it off since. To its detriment, unfortunately, as some of the letters are fading
    Chapstick and sunscreen are my essentials, luckily I acquired a pair of transition lenses in my recent glasses and godsend in one less thingt o Cari
